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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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16 hours ago, briseis said:

I think the SoSoo love story has been the kind of slow-burn romance, particularly on HS's side, and that she DOES love So and the reason why it’s been taking her such a long time to realize it and admit it to herself is because SHE NEVER FELT SOMETHING LIKE THIS, NEVER WAS LOVED BY A MAN LIKE SO WHO WOULD LOVE HER SO UNCONDITIONALLY, FIERCELY AND COMPLETELY. 


It's no wonder if you look back at her past romantic experience - her ex-boyfriend was a jerk with attitude to love and relationship that is so typical of modern times (everything is temporary, nothing lasts, no loyalty, no faithfulness, leaving people once you meet someone new, younger, prettier,...) and Wook's love has had always limits and conditions. She is unfamiliar with such powerful, all-consuming love and she is afraid to succumb to these emotions - IN A WAY, HS ALWAYS PROTECTED HERSELF BECAUSE SHE NEVER GAVE HER HEART COMPLETELY TO THESE MEN, BUT IF SHE WERE TO START A RELATIONSHIP WITH WANG SO SHE KNOWS THERE WOULD BE NO PLACE TO HIDE, NO PLACE FOR PRETENSES AND LIES - AND THAT SHE WOULD GIVE HERSELF TO HIM COMPLETELY - HEART, BODY AND SOUL - JUST LIKE HE GAVE HIMSELF TO HER.


Actually, I've always expected for their romantic relationship to become mutual/official and start in episode 14 BECAUSE THAT'S HOW MOST 20-EPISODE DRAMA WORK - just look at the likes of Secret Garden or Healer.


@briseis Well said chingu on Hae Soo's feelings. She has never experienced this kind of love before and has no idea how to deal with it either. I agree Hae So has been very carefull with her heart. She was most afraid for her heart when she chose WW. I believe she chose him because he could not really break her completely. When she said ( I am summarizing what she said) He could never hurt me, he will never change but in trutj she only knows the gentleman not the man with hopes and dreams. If only she had met that man, she would not have continued with her attachment to this man. Love Love your post... looking forward to your other post chingu.

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for me this is the love story destine to be a tragic one no matter what....



on one side we have HS who her mind is not the same with that era mind.. no matter how she changed to be a lady in Goryeo her mind will still be in our era.. she still justifying what WS will do to protect her... from the moment Lady Hae die she already dying inside bit by bit.. she will put herself to blame on everything that WS will done cause because of her he will be KG.. yes she love WS but she did't blindly love him.. what Lady Oh said will be her life... she will walk on thin ice every single day in palace cannot trust anyone and her life will be miserable even if the king himself love her.. that's why loving WS will be hard and harder...

on the other side we have WS who believe that the throne is the only way to protect HS.. WS will be so focus on the throne that little he know that HS will be his collateral damage in every single thing that he do.. what WS want is just to protect his girl and give everything to her but the power and love cannot be in the same side.. a love story with a king always don't end with an happy ending because above all a king will have to protect their throne and likely will hurting people they love. WS love will never change but he will be hurting so much seeing a girl that he love end up hating him as a king... 


they are bound to love each other,protect each other but in the same time hurting and hating each other... 

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@Esther Silva yeah...I saw it in earlier posts from this morning but that person is not sure whether it is from MLSHR or not but also mentioned that both KHN characters in his other sagueks (Emperor or Lust and other one) do not resemble this look.

40 minutes ago, outofspace said:

It makes me happy that there's a pic of Woohee with Soo, because it'll really help the flow of the drama for all of the characters to involved with each other already. Plus, Soo could use a new female friend. ^^; I also want the Baek Ah-Woohee romance to develop nicely, so I'm glad that it looks like Woohee will finally be getting fully integrated into everything. I don't want any more scenes of them just being randomly seen in this or that place. OTL

@dustdevil I'm liking your predictions! Thank you for your hard work. I'm pretty much in agreement with a lot of the things you've said. :D


Yes, definitely,...it is good to have female characters bond instead of stabbing each other in the back or demeaning each other's with words and orders/ punishments :D Sorry to disappoint you regards to Baek Ah-Woohee romance though. If they follow the course of novel and Cv 


They are doomed for life and not destined to be together!!! Firstly, being descendant of former rival kingdoms, second WH being a gasaeng, and third she attempted to assinate the king (though we need to see this week whether she wounded him or not). Neither his maternal family or court will agree to their union even if WM or WS wanted to help them. Even if they want to be together, they cannot be officially married and she cannot have any status. She could only be a slave maid.

At least, hopefully there will be no heart-breaking scenes of 13th losing his mind and losing his health after indulging himself in alcohol to suppress his longings for her. Yuan Hong's portal of 13th predicament regards to how to relate, communicate and express his fatherly affections towards his and Lu Wu's daughter since she reminded him of her mother and their abruptly ended  relationship, was very overwhelming. The interesting thing is that 13th in Goreyo really liked to travel and his wife's name was not recorded in history though he had a daughter. Either she died early or she was not legally mentioned since in 'Iron Empress drama', when his future half-niece (youngest daughter of 8th) asked him whether his wife complained about his long travels, he just mentioned he did not need to worry about her permission. He and the niece had an affair when her husband (the son of WS and YH) died and her brother (the son of WW) became king and had a son. Her brother King did not approve of their affair and she tried to hide from him. While in hiding, she died after giving birth. 


Edited by kyar7jizhenll
Words misused
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While international popularity of a show is certainly nice, it doesn't have much impact on the producers of the show. Domestic ratings are directly tied with the money they can make at the moment because it affects the price of the advertisement slots, but international viewers don't affect them since they have already sold the rights to the various countries at a fixed price. Of course, I don't know any details about how things really work in the industry, but Kdramas are different from on-going variety shows like Running Man where the international fandom can contribute to their revenue in different ways. It's all about the money.

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2 hours ago, Umi_ni_Sora said:

On top of that, she is gorgeous. I gotta say, she's one BAMF, even though she's evil. I do look forward to her scenes with Joon Ki - their acting on point and conversations so tense. Can't wait until So trashes her and her precious Yo. 

Speaking of which, folks. Where do you all watch the live stream? Can someone PM me? What time can we watch it? I'm sorry, I am new here and just trying to catch up the group. Thanks in advance!

I agree, I like her when I first saw her playing the evil queen in "The Concubine". I'm surprised to find her here playing the same evil queen role in this drama. I love her evil acting and she's a beautiful actress for her age.

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@LyraYoo @chelseab I sooo soo loveeee your posts...please keep doing that..

@freckledbelle is right...we need more of those to make us loosen down a bit...it's okay to watch this heavy drama..and I don't mind with the beautiful analysis'..but once in a while we need something to make us smile :D...Come on guys...we don't need to be serious all the way, right? a little humor won't kill you..........;)

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1 hour ago, Akiddo said:

Yeorobun...Monday is finally here! I will be away on a business trip from tomorrow - but will be lurking whenever possible! :D

One possible reason for Hae Soo's reappearance in the palace (i.e. battle scene). - My guess is that Taejo summoned for her. In the BBJX C-version - at the tail end of Kangxi's reign, the emperor's appetite dwindled and he craved for Ruoxi's snacks. Ruoxi was then summoned back from the laundry department to the palace to serve until he passed on. Similar for Hae Soo - she was Lady Oh's right hand woman. In ep 10, Lady Oh gave specific instructions on what the King's likes and dislikes, ailments etc - there must be a reason for those instructions. In his final days, Taejo probably wishes to have someone closed to Lady Oh by his side to comfort his dying soul (deserving or not - that's another essay). 

And how did Hae Soo ended up as a Sanggung during CP's reign? It could be Taejo's instructions as well. 1. She is well trained by Lady Oh and is loyal to CP. Even during her worst moments, she did not betray CP's trust. 2. To make her "unmarriageable" - a court lady belongs to the King and cannot be married or released without the King's permission. Hands off princes!! 3. To thank Soo for her service in his final days - a token of his love for Lady Oh. 

Do I make any sense? 

And on the love story of Soo and So - there must be a scene in ep 13 or 14 to push Soo to face her feelings squarely in the face. That has to do with him being hurt or at the brink of death. Recently, LJG posted a photo of him lying down - possibly injured - with IU in the background right? There has to be a "bridging" scene somewhere down the line to turn her into So's person. 

Let's see how the story move this week. The wait will be over in less than 12 hours. Roll call soon!! :) 


Your idea for HS's reappearance in the palace makes perfect sense. I remember the scene a few episodes back (sorry can't remember exact episode number) Concubine Oh was making tea for the king and she was teaching HS about the king's tastes. I thought the initial purpose of this scene was to show Concubine Oh's concern for HS as later on in the scene she warned her about the 4th prince but I guess I was wrong. Wow this drama continues to amaze me in so many ways! Good on you for picking that up :)

I don't like the idea of Hae Soo being a Sanggung but HS can't just be WS's lover in the plot (well she can in my dreams). I'm pretty sure CP feels very guilty for what happened to her so I'm sure he wants to make up for everything that went wrong yet keep her close to him since she is of great use. In one way I think it's quite selfish of him to bring her back into the palace - the place that's filled with nothing but bad memories for her - so that she can help him with his illness. In my opinion even promoting her from a laundry lady to Sanggung isn't enough to make up for that but maybe it was back then. 

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sorry guys, slightly out of topic here.

i decided to check out "time between wolf and dog" out of curiosity. i'm not a fan of thriller/spy flicks so i never watched it. but i thought i'd catch up on one of lee joon gi's earlier works while waiting for monday to arrive :P

guess who i found!

Screen_Shot_2016_10_02_at_11_34_02_PM.pnimg host

it's empress hwangbo! (wook's mother) http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Jung_Kyung_Soon

this is also the series where lee joon gi acted opposite nam sang mi (female lead in joseon gunman).

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29 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

While international popularity of a show is certainly nice, it doesn't have much impact on the producers of the show. Domestic ratings are directly tied with the money they can make at the moment because it affects the price of the advertisement slots, but international viewers don't affect them since they have already sold the rights to the various countries at a fixed price. Of course, I don't know any details about how things really work in the industry, but Kdramas are different from on-going variety shows like Running Man where the international fandom can contribute to their revenue in different ways. It's all about the money.

I think that even if Moon Lovers receives low ratings in Korea, it's so popular abroad that SBS will still make a lot of money through selling broadcasting rights. It still gains more than losses. It aired simultaneously in so many countries and Thailand will be airing it soon after Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, and others.

17 minutes ago, gihwayujo said:

sorry guys, slightly out of topic here.

i decided to check out "time between wolf and dog" out of curiosity. i'm not a fan of thriller/spy flicks so i never watched it. but i thought i'd catch up on one of lee joon gi's earlier works while waiting for monday to arrive :P

guess who i found!

img host

it's empress hwangbo! (wook's mother) http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Jung_Kyung_Soon

this is also the series where lee joon gi acted opposite nam sang mi (female lead in joseon gunman).

I know. Queen Hwangbo was Wang So's boss in Time Between Dog and Wolf. King Taejo was Wang So's enemy in Two Weeks and Wang Wook was a mentally disabled person (cameo role) in Two Weeks, also. What a small world!

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2 days away and 40+ pages to backread...haha!

On 9/30/2016 at 8:13 PM, hikari2016 said:

This is so true. Even without the knowledge of chinese version I am already feeling anxious about the ending, but now knowing how chinese version ended doubled the fear. I always have to remind myself that it is not the ending is important but rather the journey, because focusing too much on the ending makes me unable to enjoy the flow. It is no easy feat, because in real life I am such person! 

As someone that often read the last page of the book before I continue reading the whole book, knowing the ending makes me enjoy reading more. This is called as spoiler paradox, in which spoiler makes the story better. So watching and following this drama in which I highly anticipated, engaged and obsessed every week, it makes me restless. Maybe I should have wait this drama to ends before I started watching, but too late to regret.

I love the angst, one that makes you feel like your heart is being shredded into pieces, and I know this drama will deliver this. But at the same time, I am scared, because we are only halfway the journey and yet I am already feeling exhausted, emotionally. Talking about being engrossed too much with the drama. What will happen if this drama goes to c-version route? I've been rooting for my beloved characters to have a happy ending (which I know is unlikely, but still....)

Sorry...Ended up writing an essay. In the end, what I wanted to say, you're not alone:tears:

@hikari2016 Hey, hahahahaha,...I always like spoiler as well, most of my frenz tend to say, DUN GIVE ME SPOILER else I will kill u, for my case, I welcome spoiler with both hands and legs, it keep me wanting to watch the drama or read the novel more! I am in between regretting I watch it too early, cause I practically a scarlet heart ryeo trash now, and not watch it live, cause I will be missing out all the fun of discussing the drama here...so ya, haha, ur essay rather voice out how I feel now..I cried extremely hard while watching the ending of BBJX, even till now, I still cried as well, yet..wanting to see the ending of scarlet heart ryeo badly...I told myself to enjoy the journey and the story unfold as well...so..should be glad that, I watching it live...LOL, contradicting me 

On 9/30/2016 at 8:24 PM, mabelialong said:

there's another chinese drama like scarlet heart version, not as good as scarlet heart and the prince 8 was the hero. but i like the ending... the hero was beam to the future and meet the heroin. the second season of that drama is not about them but they show a little bit how the hero was little bit unable to adapt with modern world( but still together with the heroin

i wish the ending was like that...happy ending

Hey @mabelialong, can I know which drama u mention, if it is off topic, would u mind PM me, thanks (:

Edit: @ruizaio please count me in for D-Cut as well..the 2 version really driving me crazy...for a good drama like this, its totally worth to get D-Cut...*save saving money for that...*

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I mastered the art to get WS as your answer :P

MY first attempt was 14th prince, jung - honest attempt

2nd - was tryign to get WS got 3rd 

3rd- got WS :D:D

And you won't believe it was essentially 2 answers that were different from what i tried for 14th :P - One being what you do in morning, and other your non fav drama trope..


My guess is the drama trope holds the key :D:D:D .. i was choosing amnesia till now.. but then changed it to the very obvious..


ROFL..if that defines WS.. i can't stop laughing

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2 hours ago, taeksun said:

@ddeokbokkii I was just thinking about the Emperor's edict before. Considering how condensed Moon Lovers is and the fact that the Emperor is unlikely to live for much longer, the ways I think it could go down:

Spoilers for BBJX and potentially Moon Lovers

  Reveal hidden contents

Whilst it's possible for the Emperor to leave behind a similar edict, I don't think we have the time or the situation for it. It has not been shown that 14th is a favourite of the Emperor nor has Jung has the chance to shine in battle, or even shown to be in love with Haesoo. I don't doubt he loves her, but for now it's still more as a dongsaeng than as a man. The Emperor might do it almost out of annoyance if 4th and/or 8th keep pushing to marry her, and he wants to put a stop to the infighting. Another option is perhaps for the Crown Prince to make the edict when he becomes Emperor, or even Yo just to spite his brother, but it's shaky reasoning. 

Likely So won't honor the edict anyway, but I'm thinking maybe we don't even need one in this version.  

It's debatable how much So knows about the romance between Soo and Wook, because on one hand, they were super unsubtle, but his comment about Baek-ah could suggest he is not aware. For someone who feels with such intensity and whose love is all-consuming, it may be possible that the fact she was so in love with Wook enough to warn him against So - which likely triggers the battle between them/the conspiracy that harms Baek-ah - could be enough to push So to the edge. And if Haesoo lets him believe she never truly loved him, or that she still loves Wook, or that Jung's feelings for her is reciprocated, it might be enough to push him over. It might not even be marriage, but perhaps he'll consent to her leaving the palace in his hurt and anger?



After reading your spoilers, I had a huge thought: "What if....


The Emperor issues an edict for So to marry YH, since she was his favorite daughter. Kinda like what the Emperor did for the 14th prince in BBJX. But then he dies before it comes to fruition. Therefore, So doesn't marry her until his hand is forced by Emperor Yo (or someone else: could Wook become Emperor before So?)...this may give more explanation to why he marries such a sly fox in the first place...if they do marry at all. 

Just my random thoughts..."


Btw, hello to all! Hope you don't mind me joining for a bit. I've been a silent lerker since ep 2, but my disquieting thoughts needed an outlet this evening. Thanks! Love everyone's recaps, thoughts, analysis, pics, gifs, and mvs. You're all amazing. Thanks in advance for live recap!! 

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the name is palace 1 (2011) or jade palace

this drama is more to light funny drama . the heroin is yang mi and the hero is feng shao feng


they met again when she beam to the future as well and wake up in the future and the hero was beam to the future.too .the last ending scene.here the hero is 8th prince




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