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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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First time jotting down my thoughts as I watch the episode.  A very intense episode that kept me on the edge of my seat. My heart goes out to So alone in this episode. It is indeed lonely being a top dog.

Poor So. Being bombarded left and right about marriage to YH. Everybody conspired to make him marry YH. Gah!! But I'm glad that HS was understanding and gave him the green light to marry. I couldn’t smile at all when they were enjoying themselves at the lantern festival. Then I cried rivers when they had their conversation by the praying stones.

But So is really something. My heart breaks for him. How could he still be craving for the love of his evil mother so much??

For me, CR’s punishment is as cruel as the c-version, but somehow I felt more deserving, because she did cause the death of Mu, whereas in the c-version, nobody died because of the spying, right? (sorry I haven’t watched) Then that stupid letter from CR. She has no regrets? I’m boiling mad. And it has to be written in blood? Sorry, no brownie points for her at all. I do love how So disclosed everything to her.

So entering his chamber drunk had me really worried when we know who was sitting on his bed. He was smart n alert enough though. Except we won't know until next week how that scene actually ended. Knowing YH, she'll take the deal that So offered. In this aspect, I really hope the writer followed history. No kid until 6 years later please. Wait, I mean no consummation until 6 years later please.  Arrrgh!! At this point, I can only scream to HS "Yeah, go ahead. Get out of there. Get your ticket and get out of there"

We’re indeed entering the darker phase of the drama. I have to say that this is a fully packed intense episode. Yes, we’re so lacking in the lovey-dovey department, but that is not unexpected, is it? I did guess in a post much earlier that the lantern festival would be the last sweet moment of SoSoo... I really don’t mind to be proven wrong on this.

I have to admit that I can’t wait for this drama to end. Mostly to get my sanity and my life back…

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10 minutes ago, Para12012 said:

I don't think righteous is the correct word chingu. We cant forget that HS fell in love with Wook while he was married to someone she thought of as a sister. If she held her 21st century values so high this might not have happen. Not just the fact that he was he sister's husband, but the fact that he already had a wife. Of course it wasn't until the death of her sister that they actually started dating but her values are really debatable. 

In C-Version, RX hated the fact that 4th spent time with his wives, even the empress who was a sweetheart. She had requested that he make her Empress and not see them. 

Ahhhh another thing that they didn't show in this version, would have love to see HS being jealous.  I would have wanted HS to show a lot more affection to our GJ , Is it just me but I feel that GJ loves HS more than she loves him.

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The last week of waiting start now !!!!!!!! Fighting people it will be hard but is hard all the time it will be sad but is sad after episode 5 all the time it will broke our heart but they broke my like million of times already ... but for sure we all want one think happy end so let's pray for this 

Omo i want so much this drama to end because is so hard to watch but i will miss this drama and this eclipce :) let's the our last suffer week and long waiting begin and thank you all to be here all the time and make it easy to take all the pain .. all love hate crazyness and other felling that we share :)

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33 minutes ago, Para12012 said:

Another reason I'm even more disappointed in HS is that even after knowing she killed CP, WS was going to send her away and not kill her in that manner. But she chose to cling to HS and made her seem like a spy. He had no choice but to kill her, in life her loyalty only belong to Won, the man she loved and the person that saved her. 

You are so right , but HS is being righteous here being a 21st century woman she just can't accept that.

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Some of you are saying that HaeSoo is not loyal enough to WangSo and that she does not love him enough.I think that she is loyal to him and still loves him.But you guys...there is a limit to how much pain one can endure.Pain of seeing loved ones die or tortured.Pain of being betrayed by the ones you love.I think HaeSoo understands WangSo.She even said "where will the lies end?" when she read ChaeRyung's letter.But can you erase the pain of seeing someone you consider so close to you being beaten to death?I doubt you can.Especially when it's not only ChaeRyung's death that she feels the burden of.I'm sure she felt that she could have stopped all the other deaths if she had been more careful.So it is not that HaeSoo is disloyal or does not love WangSo.She wants an escape from all the pain.She doesn't want to suffocate anymore.And since WangSo won't let her go no matter what,she has to look for other sources for help-in this case is Jung and perhaps even Wook.

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I should put the blame on King Teajo. It happened because of polygamy. King Teajo married so many women and delivered "tons "of princes and princesses. Once he died, his sons started to revolt gaining the throne. He never thought what will happened to his sons after he died. Poor princes and princesses. 



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12 minutes ago, cojulie said:

yh to ws: u told me to focus on being queen, so stick to your deal.

you need an heir.

ws: if i tell you to betray wook and your family will u do it? if you swear allegiance to me. then our son will become crown prince. you will become my empress and then empress dowager....



I can not believe in that. So sad :bawling:

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11 minutes ago, junejungki said:

I normally watch the repeat episode the next day and weekend in OneTVASia. But for the last week episode, I couldnt bring myself to rewatch episode 16. Sames goes to Episode 17 and 18. Too much for my heart and mental state to handle. I just wait until next week.

Same here. Usually after finished watching an episode I will rewatch again. Especially replaying the sweet parts between So and Soo. But, since episode 16 I don't dare to even hit the button play! My heart just feel stuffed! Ugh!

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10 minutes ago, cojulie said:

Thank you to all the recappers!  I got into work later than usual and couldn't stream it til the final minutes and without sound (couldn't find my headphones).  Looks like a sad ending is in store for Goryeo couple.  BLAH.  I should have stopped watching once I found out how the Chinese one ended but I COULDN'T!  Darn you LJG for being so captivating in your role as WS. 

Anyone else get disgusted when WS says "OUR son".  Gross.  Just stop.  Can't you have someone else impregnate her like in Frozen Flower?!

Another thing I'm curious about - aren't there implications of trying to make Wook into a traitor?  Wouldn't that also strip away the alliance with the Hwangbo clan since their entire family would be labeled as traitors (like Eun)?  That would make his marriage to YH pointless wouldn't it?  Maybe I'm thinking too much into it.

DUDE FOR REAL.  How can she have so much empathy?  Didn't she consider Wang Mu her big brother too?  If my sister basically murdered another person I held dear all because of some stupid one-sided childhood crush where she was obvioulsy being used and basically FRAMED me for it (remember Yo/Won used it against her/WS that they would reveal she killed the king).  Nope - we ain't friends.  Karma is B and you can get what you give.  BYE!  Sorry HS but I don't agree with her here - CR got what she deserved although WS could have talked to her about it first instead of her having to find out the way she did.  I'll just give him the benefit of the doubt since he's busy being KING and all and fending off a bunch of snakes.

Preview:  WS now you're the one being stupid - get over it.  She doesn't love Wook anymore.  If you angry bang YH because of it, I'm going to be less inclined to want a happy ending in the present tense for you guys!

I don't really like Jung but I guess he's what HS needs.  Someone who is constant and consistent and doesn't want the throne.  He's always been (inconveniently) there for her but isn't really pushy in his affection for her - he offered her an out but it's not like he's going around badmouthing WS to get her to marry him... he's just waiting for her to decide on her own so I GUESSSSSSSS I can't really hate the guy.

I feel like my life has been shortened by this drama.... LJG owes everyone hugs at the mini fan meeting.




So basically, She fall in love with Won and he ask her to kill his own brother. The only think that come to her mind is "My first love asks me to kill his brother. Okay, I will do it because I love him."

That is psychopath


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Wang So lost his mind :tears: His anger make him forget all his promise to Hae Soo. I will really hate Wang So because of his stupid mind, he will give his virginity to lady snake. All his sacrifice to Hae Soo will be nothing, he will regret for his lifetime to let Hae Soo leave the palace, this heartbroken!! I think the leaked picture when Hae Soo cry, maybe the time when she leave the palace.

Even the ending will be happy in future, but this episode and next episode so torturing us..it's because how Wang Soo change his feeling and angry to Hae Soo. It's not about he change became cruel and kill people he hate it. It's not fair for Hae Soo :tears: Why Wang So didn't find YH crime, i hate it...I want he kill that sly woman YH not having sex with her!! my blood is boiling if this happen.. I need BTS cure very sooon!!

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yh to ws: u told me to focus on being queen, so stick to your deal.

you need an heir.

ws: if i tell you to betray wook and your family will u do it? if you swear allegiance to me. then our son will become crown prince. you will become my empress and then empress dowager....


Can someone please tell YH, that your heir with WS couldn't live long....because of closets marriage, your bloodline only up to your grandsons.:angry:

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53 minutes ago, Para12012 said:

HS is the one who first decided to leave WS. And when was HS beaten for WS? It's not about having two wives it's about only loving one woman and then learning that she had made a promise to marry someone else. She has been everything to him but he may feel like he was the "next best thing."

HS didn't leave Wook because she fell out of love with him. Even in the moment after she found out he wanted to kill WS she asked him to leave with her. The only reason she gave up on him was because he decided to go for the throne instead. In addition, HS kept her relationship with Wook a secret. 

HS hasn't shown WS how much she loves him to date except escaping the palace to meet him. He drank poison for her, fought for her when she was supposed to be hanged and ended up killing his brother because she did not trust him, yet his feelings remained unchanged. Also, as we can see, WS would have never married YH without HS permission, even if it meant his death. And how could she not understand him wanting to be the only person beside his mother for once. Despite what she did to him, he loved her and desired her acknowledgement. 

Granted I always had a problem with this plot. Even in the C-Version. 

@Para12012 love your post!! 

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King Taejo get enough love and attention from his parents, lover, wives, children & friends. He had no bad incident or trauma happen to him. His 2 trust friend always advice him. That why he can think right.

All his children always felt threaten ,scared and brainwashed by their mother to take their chance to rule the country and become the strong clan. Wang Moo always have to be alert of his surrounding. Wang Soo been hurt and lost his mother love after the scar incident. 

Like Wook said before they become selfish as to survive.

Hope to watch the modern scene soon.

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20 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

Can I just have a montage to King Taejo who ruled Goryeo for so many years but did not get loony right away.

He's alone, but still he didnt' end up like what his sons did. 

There must be some secrets that maybe Taejo never passed down to his sons... Like some manual of the Ways of the King or something. It's amazing considering how he was a founding king of a new nation, things must be more chaotic back then. There must be a lot more issues to stabilize, and with the way he has to endure all his wives fighting/backstabbing behind him.. but still manage to keep their various clans in check.. while maintaining his sanity.. It's no easy feat.

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Aigoo, I should have just stuck with re-watching my Pyeha's cutie butt clip instead of going for ep 18.

The actings are all good and our So is so awesome as usual but the pace is just too rushed. Squeezing all into one episode and leaving no room for viewers to go deeper into the emotions that each scene would have warrant. It's akin to taking a roller-coaster ride.  By the time, you decide to give in to your emotions and scream at the TOP of your lungs and take in the thrill, you find that you've reached your station. Whoever decides on 20 episodes is simply too ambitious and ought to join CR in that sushi mat. 

Surprisingly, my pitchfork wasn't going for loser Wook or CR or YH or Won. It was gunning for .......

:angry: Soo ya, why are you doing it again and again and again? Breaking promises thrice isn't cool at all. You promised So that you will never break the trust and turn your back on him but you did when you misunderstood those visions and he forgave you. Then you promised not to lie but you did when you hid Eun and he forgave you again! Now you promised never to leave him and will always be by his side but you are asking Jung to take you away? Not only that, you gave away your beloved's gift of love to another man? 

Seriously, didn't BA explain clearly to you that So's reason for killing CR was because he wanted to protect you from being used by CR again. The fact that you were almost accused of poisoning Wu if not for the crazy Yo who wasn't keen in taking your life? You could have become another Oh Sanggong. BA also told you that So initially didn't intend to kill CR but to release her from the palace as he's aware that she was someone dear to you and hurting her would hurt you. However, CR used you again to plead with So to let her stay so that she could continue as a spy. The public beating is to serve as a warning to the rest to NOT use you. It was his way of protecting you. Not that he's killing CR for "fun" but to "survive" - your survival. You nincompoop! Even after realising how much CR has lied to you, you still decide on leaving So. Seriously?!  At the rate that you're going, I'll probably beat you to your clenching-of-heart disease. 

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