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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Greetings all from a Chickpea with a heavy heart...  Here's the problem with the end of Ep. 14... JiMong!!!!!  He should have left Moo in the bath and let So cut down Yo and that other weasle brother then we wouldn't have this RIDICULOUS ending.  If I read the subtitles on the preview correctly, HS becomes the REASON So kills all his brothers... he is Yo's "wolf"...  RIDICULOUS.  I guess So will also end up marrying YH to "save" her because Yo dictates it.  This makes no sense.  If JiMong didn't step in, So would have cut down Yo and the Weasle (sounds like a Goryeo K-pop band) and HS would have been safe.  Moo was gone and nothing would bring him back.  So, my crystal ball says Weasle was slipping mercury into those bath-bags that CR was then floating in the King's bath.  Ergo, CR will die when this comes to light.  So will play the role of Yo's "canine" slaughtering anyone he's told to until the end of Ep. 15 when HS's life will be endangered anyway and he will have to do the necessary and take out Yo.  Why do Eun and Wife have to die... my guess is because it happens in history but also because she is the General's daughter and the General led the rebellion against Yo.  Its called payback.  This sets up for the drama to kind-of follow the history, I guess, and why when So eventually becomes King, there is so much blood-letting among the etended families.  

It drives me nuts when this happens in dramas.  Its like the writers are on a roll, then they need a transition and they come up with something that fits the story like a square peg in  a round hole but it gets them where they want to be.  Does anyone in his or her right mind think that in the middle of a fight, when a traitor thought dead would reappear, with the dead King in plain sight, that a Counselor would call a halt to the fighting to grieve over a dead regent and throw the battle to the bad guys... In what universe does this make sense....  I think we're seeing writer fatigue.  At this rate I'm thinking HS is just going to disappear from Goryeo and those SO/HS shippers are never going to see the ending they hope for.  Ah, well, who was it who said romance is only romance as long as there are forces keeping the couple apart...


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As far as I would like to have happy ending for So & Soo.. as far as I believe I need to prepare my heart for the worst sad ending on the final episode... :bawling:

I really love our every our OTP scenes in eps 14... No words can describe how WS loves HS and HS finally accepts WS love.

But i'm still hoping if HS and WS can not be together in Goryeo era at least they can be together in the present day (HS as Go Hajin and WS as a good man in GHJ's present life)..

please..please..please... :confounded:

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Spoiler for Episode 15

[선공개] 왕소에게 “황위를 노리는 10황자를 잡아오라”고 협박하는 왕요


Scene between Yo, evil Queen and So, I think he is threatening So to do something, maybe to kill Eun and wifey using Jimon and Haesoo, this damn YO! KILL HIM!!!


wah...the above translation making me wanna curse and swear at Yo!! give me the knife!! SERIOUSLY!!!

those who cant watch the above link can watch here as well

credit to @cuteLJG


I dont wish to jinx it, but I really hope that hug in the preview is not the only scene we had between our OTP...:cry:


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44 minutes ago, wordsmyth0253 said:

 Oh! I like that much better! (well, not So getting hurt, that makes my heart hurt, but the idea that there's more to come. :)

Also, this may sound a bit mean, but I want Su to feel genuine fear for So (for him, not of him - been there, done that, *sigh*) She's acting like he's impervious to harm because history says he still has a whole bunch of important things to accomplish...but just because history says he won't die any day soon doesn't mean he can't get hurt. ㅠㅠ (#걱정주소 ㅋㅋㅋ) But seriously, I want her to genuinely worry for him and be able to clearly delineate between the historical figure she read about in school more than a thousand years after he lived and the man she's spent the last four years beside and come to love. Yes, they're one and the same, but the reality of a person is so much more than the account left in a (revised) thousand-year-old history. It's not enough to know he was called the 'bloody monarch' or that he did a whole bunch of important stuff. It's all in the 'why' and, as we've seen, so far the 'why' all revolves around her.

Despite the fact that So claimed to both YW and his mother that he would take the throne, I don't for a second think he believed it. He was just saying it in challenge/to be contrary, or to point out how ridiculous the idea was that something like a throne could actually win someone's heart. He doesn't want power for power's sake, and based on various conversations he's had with his father and Ji Mong (and others), I don't think he's ever considered becoming emperor as an actual possibility for him. His conversation with Ji Mong in this last episode just wrung my heart because of how trapped he feels and how resigned he is to his 'fate' of always being bound like a dog to others' whims.

Anyway, I anticipate him feeling a lot more trapped with Yo on the throne and Su's life on the line and I'm terrified of how far he'll be forced to go to protect the one person he's convinced he can't live without - and what will be left of him when the dust settles. For all the rumors about him and his 'scary' reputation (and yes, we saw with the monks that it's at least partly deserved), and as much as he lashed out in the beginning (rather like a kicked animal) So has shown himself to have a gentle heart, and not only towards Su, which I think is hugely important - the fact that he first rose to her defense (the whipping, her marriage) on a purely human level, and that injustice genuinely bothers him (Baek Ah, his niece, the man who lost his arm, etc.). It's not that he's violent and Su's love somehow redeems him; it's that he's actually terribly kind (#말랑카우) and decent and the world he lives in is going to force him to be cruel in order to survive it. Thinking he had killed Yo was hard enough on him, and Yo had been the aggressor...not to mention he would have been put to death for treason regardless, in the end..But if those b******* really do manage to make him hunt down Eun, I feel like it's going to be a tipping point. I just hope that when everything goes to hell Su is able to see the person and not the 'figure'...and be there to help him pick up the pieces. (Please, Su! Please! FIGHT for him!)

On that note, I think I'm ready to see 'Ruthless Su'. She finally found her spine!...to stand up to...So..? Okay, so I actually think being able to go toe-to-toe like that with someone she loves is a huge step forward for Su on a personal level and proof that she's secure in his love for her...but I still really wish she had found the guts to stand up to...just about anyone else. I want to see her employ that steel-spine in his defense. We've had Naive Su, and Zombie Su, and now even Elegant-but-Repressed Su, and we're finally starting to see the reemergence of Happy Su...but if we can't have her I'm waaay past ready for Badass Su. Yup. Badass Su all the way,


I'm right there with you. I'm so ready for badass Su. We've been seeing her character transform from a caterpiller to a beautiful butterfly. I just want her to become a badass butterfly who can flap her wings and cause a goddamn hurricane. She's going to need to be strong to stand by So because s''t is about to go down.

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14 minutes ago, 29bellevie said:

Hey everyone! Just watched ep 14 and like everyone else, I thoroughly enjoyed the So-Soo scenes. I had to rewatch the scene of the being honest with each other, what a deep and sweet relationship they're developing!!

Can anyone answer the question of why the little prince (can't remember his number...) and his wife Seon Deok must be killed in order to make the rebellion successful? (or did I misunderstand something??)

I was asking the same question until I remember in the episode when the princes found out about HS being married off to an old man (whom at that time they didn't know was the King), Eun did say that he would request his grandfather's help to save HS so it probably means his grandfather must be quite powerful to be able to have a say in that matter. Plus, Eun's wife is the daughter of General Park who undeniably has proved great loyalty to the late Kings. My guess is that Wook may warn Yo about Eun's family's influence and suggest him to annihilate the whole clan in order to protect and strengthen his position as a King. However, I really hope that this time the preview is misleading us again and that we won't have to witness the cute, innocent couple getting killed, at least not by WS himself :bawling:

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@ruizaio May I have your take on WS in E14?

After all I'd seen of him up to this point, I trusted that anything & everything Wang So (the fictional character) does in this drama--incl. his upcoming marriage with Yeonhwa--will be for Hae Soo. That's what you said/believed, too, right? Yet in E14, WS decides to abandon his promises to HS, decides even to stop courting her (the boat scene). He's giving up on her! And I just don't get it.

Before, WS firmly said that the crown is meaningless to him without HS. Yet now he's sacrificing her--not even out of ambition for the throne, but out of loyalty to the King. Shouldn't his first loyalty be for HS? She's supposedly the most important person in his life, bar none. As late as during the stargazing date in E14, he's still basically admitting that he couldn't live without her. So yeah... I utterly did not expect his about-face later in E14. I don't think it bodes well for the future.

Why do you think E14 was written like that? I mean, I see how it might be one more stepping stone in WS's king-making process, but doesn't it contradict his character as previously established? We know that his entire emotional world (and his sanity, pretty much) depends on HS. It just makes no sense for him to willingly abandon her like that.

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3 hours ago, cmluv said:

@solelylurkingi suggest you watch sbs version too, i felt the same way after watched from s one tv. but it's give me different perspective after watching sbs version


My mind is already done like 2 weeks ago but the eps where Madam Oh died pull me back in. Last night eps is just the closer. I don't even care about Wook anymore and that saying something if you know me haha.. I just wait for KHN next project.

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2 hours ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

Sighs...apparently and unfortunately not.I wish I can reach into the TV and Shake him by Shoulders while yelling 'It's Wook!Wook!!!':P And why wont HaeSoo just tell him so that he stops guessing and wont misunderstand?

I wanna to shake HS instead WS. Why doesn't she just tell her? WS will definitely get mad because of this lie.

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12 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

That "don't lie to each other and say to me "I don't want to tell you" instead of lying" was also a scene of BBJX right? I remember it vaguely.

But at the end, we knew what happen… I think we will have the same thing. :confused: 


yes that scene also in BBJX but its when 4th tell RX he want the throne and RX make him promise not to lie and tell her the truth...

i think the problem will arise when WS as a king kept thing as a secret and not telling HS cause he know HS well enough that she will not accepted what he done... their promise is slowly being broken and the trust also will be broken...

i think all the little thing point out in the same direction with novel.. they will take the same route that is the heartbreaking separation between WS and HS because that is the core and essence of this story....

i just hope the real ending after Goryeo era that will be satisfying... 


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19 minutes ago, Adnana said:

@ruizaio May I have your take on WS in E14?

After all I'd seen of him up to this point, I trusted that anything & everything Wang So (the fictional character) does in this drama--incl. his upcoming marriage with Yeonhwa--will be for Hae Soo. That's what you said/believed, too, right? Yet in E14, WS decides to abandon his promises to HS, decides even to stop courting her (the boat scene). He's giving up on her! And I just don't get it.

Before, WS firmly said that the crown is meaningless to him without HS. Yet now he's sacrificing her--not even out of ambition for the throne, but out of loyalty to the King. Shouldn't his first loyalty be for HS? She's supposedly the most important person in his life, bar none. As late as during the stargazing date in E14, he's still basically admitting that he couldn't live without her. So yeah... I utterly did not expect his about-face later in E14. I don't think it bodes well for the future.

Why do you think E14 was written like that? I mean, I see how it might be one more stepping stone in WS's king-making process, but doesn't it contradict his character as previously established? We know that his entire emotional world (and his sanity, pretty much) depends on HS. It just makes no sense for him to willingly abandon her like that.



Because the princess reminds him too much of himself. He wants to save the princess from being a hostage and he knows Soo hate a man with a few wives so he knows by marrying the princess, he deems himself not valid of Soo anymore. So he decided to just let go and don't give her any promises because giving promises and then break it is worse than anything.

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3 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

@riuenu I dont want to jinx it either, but I guess thats what will happen tonight. :(

@penelop3 let's brace our heart...if they give us more then the hug..it will be good :bawling: 

*note to self: lower my expectation between OTP tonight, anything more will definitely be bonus...*chanting chanting*

and after today..another one week of waiting!!! and is that damn baseball match still ongoing next Monday??

Tho I really hope they give us BTS for yesterday kiss :wub:, and beautiful PD note as well:wub:

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