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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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[momentary break]

Oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ especially to Lee Joon Gi and Kang Ha Neul asfjskadfjkfdsl I can't wait for this episode T_T

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9 minutes ago, smitten1710 said:


I just found the link above it says :

Though Wang So offers marriage to Hae Soo, the lady seems to be still in love with Wang Wook, as reported by itechpost. This instance appears to be something that fans might be alarmed over in the love story of Hae Soo and Wang So. But the good news is that fans must not be worried as in Korean history, Hae Soo still becomes Wang So's queen, and she is the only mother to his children.

whaaat?? and here I've been reading about how history recorded that Yeon Hwa became his queen, they had more than one children etc etc.

Can someone please explain? 

I'm so lost from what I just read. Just like you I read that Yeon Hwa was the Queen and the mother of their children. I think that article got it wrong. IF they somehow change it and make HS the one, GREAT. But from what I have read, YEON HWA was the one.

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19 minutes ago, whyo said:


I hate both :( hahaha....


Just in case you have an interest to read another our fellow eclipses about this scene, you can read all of them in the first page of this thread by tag "Episode 11 Insights" that already summed by mod @bebebisous33 :wub: Because I know this thread pace is jjang \^0^/  

Here it is 


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Last night episode KILLED it!!!! I can barely breathe!!!!! -  @zi4r

Home Truths  | Our caped crusader to the rescue |  We keep giving Wook an out, saying 'but his family' when they are in no danger at present.  -  @MadraRua

the execution of the epic rain scene was done nicely in this Korean adaptation - @wackeemarie

its TongHua most epic and heartbreaking romance of all.. - @violet90

Before we talk about the three VVIP, i want to talk about Madam Oh first - @solelylurking

Wang So proving time and again that he is THE ONE - @feignedreality

The Wolf Prince became a Raven Prince - protecting her under his Wings.. - @Mau_Cherry

When haesoo finally realize that wangso will always be there with her no matter what - @MAROSA_JIN

she is hurt not just because of what the action symbolises, but also his betrayal.  - @frostfire

This scene is so memorable and symbolizes so many things.  - @rumasa79

I gotta say the cinematography this episode was ON POINT - @faeriealice

You walked away and left me & my heart in the rain.. - @USAFarmgirl

In front of each other HS and So always play strong - @Yippeuni

Videos - Heart wrenching scenes! - @MoOnLoVeRz

We finally witnessed TENDERNESS from Wang So, the wolf - @sharreb

And Lady Oh... Tribute to you... Amazing person.  - @edensor

LOVE a man that LOVES you more than you love him he will die for you if he has to. - @Kelly86

How much pain can a broken heart and broken body hold? - @mitheone

it was also a masterpiece in political machinations and delicious evil - @theonlyone88

Episode 11 was spot on. - @Nymeria289

major milestone in plot development. - @qwenli

I have to applaud the writer for this episode, - @privio

Even so, his face full of pain and his mouth full of blood, haunted me for hours. - @Diana Blanche






Yeah :D ... I think I will start to hate him too (let see ep 12) ..

I read some of the posting .. that the reason I feel bad for Wook .. :D

Anyway .. it just how I look at his situation .. wahahhaha .. I have a son and I always afraid my son will choose his GF (one day) over me .. wakakakka .. so I can say with Wook case it's more on personal feeling, the insecurities I have been feeling ... which of course way out of topic ..

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11 minutes ago, moonlover399993 said:

That hypocrite! I can't believe him, blaming Wang So, WANG SO, when HE is the one who is making cowardly stepskill-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif.

First of all, he makes empty promises to Soo regarding getting her out of the palace, marrying her, and buying her countless soaps, etc... EMPTY PROMISES. He finds out the TRUTH that his sister is involved and does NOTHING for Soo. I get family comes first, BUT if it wasn't for Wang So, she could've died by that noose. No matter if that royal degree came along, if Wang So didn't fight those soldiers and halted the hanging, she would have died. WHERE THE HECK WAS WW?? Nowhere. 

Second, he saw what she went through. He SAW her kneeling for what 2 days at the most, goes up to her and makes his presences know to her, but at the last second TURNS HIS BACK TO HER. Like a COWARD! I'm sorry to any WW-HS shippers, but what kind of man does that to his lover. get-out-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif

I love how Lady Oh and now WS tell him straight to his face what kind of man he is. Straight up, no sugar coating it because he is a prince. yesss-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gifI hope Baek A does it as well and other people too. I wouldn't mind getting in line. I have so much to say, that this post won't cover all. 

I really HOPE HS pulls herself together and stands up to herself. This isn't the 21st century anymore, she's got to open her eyes to everything, see everyone's moves. And I wouldn't blame her honestly, if she yells at everyone to leave her alone. Losing two mother figures, both to illness (her cousin was ill, and Lady Oh had stomach cancer) I would too stay away from anyone that might cause me trouble, since all men are princes and everyone is jealous and envy of her. 

I wanted to rant my anger out on WW, instead wrote a long post, haha. Can't wait to watch the whole episode then. 



:grin: To make your blood boil like that, you have to give it to Kang Ha Neul for making everyone disappointed in Wang Wook. lol

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Whuattt? Wook blaming So for HS's suffering makes me MAD as hell.

For once, I did not condemn Wook's reason to turn his back on Soo before, although I find his action unacceptable. But boy he's an a*shole for throwing it all to So after everything he did for her. What a jerkface.

6 more hours!


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17 minutes ago, smitten1710 said:


I just found the link above it says :

Though Wang So offers marriage to Hae Soo, the lady seems to be still in love with Wang Wook, as reported by itechpost. This instance appears to be something that fans might be alarmed over in the love story of Hae Soo and Wang So. But the good news is that fans must not be worried as in Korean history, Hae Soo still becomes Wang So's queen, and she is the only mother to his children.

whaaat?? and here I've been reading about how history recorded that Yeon Hwa became his queen, they had more than one children etc etc.

Can someone please explain? 


I know. Even in history, his only wife - Queen Daemok - came from the Hwangbo clan. Yeon Hwa comes from Hwangbo clan not Hae Soo. If Hae Soo becomes Queen Daemok instead, that's a big twist. :o

P.S. I apologize if I double posted :(.

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Just now, Hanazumi said:


:grin: To make your blood boil like that, you have to give it to Kang Ha Neul for making everyone disappointed in Wang Wook. lol

I applaud actors and actresses when they make me hate their villain characters. That shows that they can portray and do their job. I have nothing against Kang Ha Neul, lol. His doing fantastic job of making me hate his character now. At first I liked him-good looking, likable, kind, sweet, etc. NOW, boy how do I hate his guts, lol. I feel like his competing for number one on the hate list with WS mother, then comes Yeon Hwa, then Yoo (from what I can see, the order might differ for someone else) xD.

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1 hour ago, AuroraSky said:

Plus the Korean domestic market is such a *small* market.  I would think in the "show me the money" scheme of things, how a production performs in the  broader international market would matter more in terms of overall profitability.


shown in korea, tv gets income direct from commercials. money in the pocket.

but tapping the international fans is totally different. before all of these simultaneous broadcast, meaning other countries can also get the same income from commercials when they broadcast it. most international fans (i say more than 90%) watch it in illegal streaming sites or download it. success it maybe internationally but previous shows hardly bring any income to tv stations outside SK.

SK the country get a boost in tourism sure, but not original broadcaster. as many fans already watch it online or pirated dvd (except for japan), to purchase the rights to air it in other countries just not worth the money sometimes. to attract purchase then the right to air would be lowered.

simultaneous broadcast fixed that problem.fans get to watch it the same time, no need to watch it in illegal streaming sites. but it only works with full pre-production drama, to allow time for other countries to subbed it properly and work out the copy rights issue of OST.SK as we know only recently moving towards the full prepoduction dramas. many still believe live shooting where they get to changed the dramas based on viewer reactions to boost ratings. i myself never liked it. live shooting ruined so many drama endings and scheduled wise, actors and crew have to endure crazy shootings time to make deadline.


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for the picture of the song ioi sang, is that like a marriage ceremony or something? shes wearing red...

also the picture for the song punch sang, how does she shift away from being a court lady? 

love this drama but honestly so confused LOL


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1 hour ago, wordsmyth0253 said:

Pre-release Clip! http://program.sbs.co.kr/builder/endPage.do?pgm_id=22000009610&pgm_mnu_id=44104&pgm_build_id=17623&contNo=22000199448



WS: Su-ya. Let's...marry.

HS: Pardon?

WS: If we marry, you can leave this gyo-bang (place for imperial performers where she's now employed as a musuri) and leave the palace. [Let's] do that. 

HS: I can't do that. 

WS: (returning hairpin to her) Let's go together. You're my person, aren't you?

HS: No. I can't marry you [in order] to leave the palace. (turns and sees WW and runs off)

WS: Su-ya!

WW: A prince and a musuri marry..? Don't (use/persuade?) Su under such (false pretenses?)

WS: If I say marriage, it's a marriage.

WW: That child becoming unhappy/unfortunate...is all because of you. Getting caught up in the fight between Empress Yoo and you, she unfairly fell to this place (referring to her drop in rank). You were the start. And even so/that being the case, now you're proposing marriage? I can't forgive you.

WS: You're one to talk (I can't forgive you). I gave you everything you needed to reveal (prove) HS's innocence, but in the end you weren't able to do it, were you? Your incompetence makes my blood boil. 

WW: You!!!!


I don't qoute the whole post and only qoute the specific words because it's better to just qoute the point that you will answer or discuss. Besides it takes A LOT of space and thus makes reading diffucult BUT your post deserves it! Thank you. XX


WS have all the right to get mad at WW. WW chose his family over HS. WS chose to save HS, went to the extent of drinking a poisoned tea. That's the difference between them. It says A LOT already. I hope HS will realise how much WS value her. Well, it's a drama so how and when if it will happen will depend on the writer. I can only hope that the gods i mean writer will allow them to have a happy ending if not in that life at least in the present time. :)

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@Bambiina Hi!!glad you decided to join with us again :)

I can understand your POV dear..I myself, am a mother..so I really can understand how it feels if your children chose someone they love above you as their parents..for me they'll need to prove that their love is great enough to handle all the obstacles ahead of them..but..this is if it happens in modern times..in Goryeo..nope..as a mother I'd be afraid to see what could happen to my children if they foolishly chose their love. They'd be dead!!!!!our child and the lover..the family..all are dead! Well,that's from the son's mother POV.

From the girl (in this case HS) mother POV? I could also relate with many of our friends maternal instincts to protect HS from Wook. "How dare he left her..always talk about empty promises" If he really love her he should protect her,sacrifice,etc.

We all see it from different perspectives..but for me..I'll try to see that from both perspectives..so I could see the whole story with objectiveness. I don't hate WW..I don't hate HS (though I rolled my eyes because of her stupidity..seriously this girl)..and I couldn't even hate WY..well,maybe I hate Queen Yoo and Yeon Hwa though..haha.

6 more hours chingu!!!!

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Just asking if anyone knows the S One Tv can do repeat telecast for tonight's episode?

Celebrating my husband's birthday tonight! 

Doubt I can make it back in time to watch live and have to wait till tmr for subs. But I can't wait!  :tears::tears::tears:

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43 minutes ago, violet90 said:

what WS ask to HS is not marriage proposal of love... he offer an escape route.....

the only way for her to get out from slavery is to marrying someone important or by king order or death... WS level of prince make it possible to take away HS from there and to be honest WS can't bear to leave HS in that place.. its what he offering not because of love or anything and HS with her mind cannot just accept it because she want to run away from palace... its not fair for both of them because she don't love WS yet or she does't realize it... so it make sense why she rejected...

also did't anyone notice HS still limping?? i mean its been a while since WS gone and her feet still can't function properly.. or the the torture left a permanently thing on her leg???

lastly BRAVO to WS because he slammed into WW face what he can't do to protect HS and defend her... WW really need a big slap on his face about that..... 


Partly agree with @violet90, yes he offers an escape route but since he loves her so much, he feels responsible for her. Like he said, you're my person. When WS loves someone, he truly committed to that person - unlike a certain someone *evil eyes

I think HS is at her lowest level. She has been beaten again and again, so she feels she doesnt deserve such offer. She feels she has caused so much grieve (please forget me, it's all my fault) that she thinks what's happening to her now is what she deserved. I really hope WS will not be too offended by her rejection, instead understand her pov and try to 'cure' HS. 

She's limping! I notice that too. Hopefully it's not permanent. I read somewhere in the C version, Rouxi never truly regains her health. Hopefully it's not the case here. 

WW is sooo delusional and thinks that he's blameless. He should look at himself properly and be so ashamed at himself. 

But my fear, this episode is going to break my heart. The last 9 episodes will feel like riding roller coaster, the high excitement and the impending doom all mix together. Sigh 

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4 minutes ago, onemella said:

Just asking if anyone knows the S One Tv can do repeat telecast for tonight's episode?

Celebrating my husband's birthday tonight! 

Doubt I can make it back in time to watch live and have to wait till tmr for subs. But I can't wait!  :tears::tears::tears:

U can check the schedule, there should be repeats. If u have the recorder, u can record it too :)

Or u can back read this thread becos there will be live recaps .

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1 minute ago, qwenli said:

U can check the schedule, there should be repeats. If u have the recorder, u can record it too :)

Or u can back read this thread becos there will be live recaps .


Yea, i know you always do live recaps!

Hehe, but not sure if my heart can take it to read it but not see it. :sweatingbullets::blink:

Thank you! 

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