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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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@ruizaio thank you very much for the song..I know I was wrong..hehe... and thank you @miyukiakira1988 to point on him..love this song...when it'd release?

@qwenli thanx for showing the interests of Singaporeans to the drama. I lived in Batam..we're so close..maybe when there'll be fans meeting of SHR in Singapore you'd let me know? *puppy eyes* 

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8 minutes ago, magdale said:

I don't understand why people in DB are overreacting about the kiss. Wang So doesn't know of Hae Soo's feelings toward Wang Wook so he is clinging to her as the only real and tangible thing he has had in his life. This kiss is the desperate act of a man who sees that the only person who was not afraid and didn't see him as a monster, rejects him and even is asking him to leave. I'm not trying to justify what he did, in fact I don't like forced kisses on dramas, even I've mentioned that I found the one from "Secret" pretty disturbing, but criticize others who have explained their point of view of what they see is behind the kiss, I find it absurd.

Maybe it would have been good that this scene had remained the same in both versions, at least the international shows that perhaps Wang So, when he sees the tear rolling on her face might feel remorse, but if not so somehow the character will adapting to what he feels for her. Remember that unlike his brothers, Wang So has grown in more hostile world in which he had to kill to survive, so he just acting pressured by the circumstances.



@magdale I know, right? In C-BBJX when the 4th prince forced a kiss on Ruoxi (he got a cut lip for his efforts), I couldn't understand why he was doing that - he was supposed to be teaching her horse riding, and I felt that there was no warm feeling at all between them to get to that point... Here, the writer has built the friendship up and you can see how desperate Wang So is to have somebody be on his side for once in his life - Of course a woman who's nice to him for the first time, he'll make a romantic attachment with her and from the next preview, he'll tell her that he's pretty much happy to just be her friend if she doesn't return his interest that way...

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19 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

My dear chingu, I loved reading your comment and I have the impression that you misunderstood something from my last comment. When I mentioned that Su has realised that Wang So was dangerous, I never meant that he was worse than the others. From my point of view, she has always heard him threatening to kill her but she felt that he never meant it.  For her, she thought, Wang So must have been in a similar situation than Wang Wook. However, it was different because of the number of people he killed. Wang Wook only had to kill one, while Wang So had to murder 20 or even more people.

I also think that she is in love with him (but unaware), yet she has not realised that Yo and Wang Wook are also dangerous too. She is still unaware of the mentality of her environment. That's why I meant, through her visions, she had just got another perception of Wang So's personality. Wang So can be ruthless, when he needs to be... and she has not perceived that he will have to do it as king. The bottom of the line is Wang So is dangerous, but he is no different from his brothers. Yo has no remorse to poison his own brother Mu (episode 1) or to kill the assassins he had used in the episode 2. But the visions she had had another purpose in my opinion: see Wang So for whom he really is and she will come to accept him, just like she will realise that her cocoon she has been living in is an illusion. The visions are actually waking her up, as if what she had been living was more a dream than reality. By the way, your comments are more worth than 2 cents!;)

@Lady_Lara Thanks for the kind words.:wub: I really enjoy reading that my analysis are appreciated. Moreover, by doing this I would like to underline the real value of this drama. In my opinion, it is so well written that you can analyse it, just like a work from Shakespeare.

Since the evolution of the relationship between Wang So and Hae Soo is so subtile and is getting deeper and deeper without much dramatic, I have the impression, people might not understand why Hae Soo could change her feelings. Hae Soo's feelings for Wang So become more and more visible so that Wang Wook noticed it. From my point of view, she had never really deep feelings for Wang Wook, she was acting like a schoolgirl who enjoys being courted by such a nice and well-mannered man. Telling was that she never told Wang Wook, she loved him, when he confessed. She only hugged him. Finally, I would like to add that I am suspecting Hae Soo decided to accept Wang Wook's love because he was nice and gentle so that she thought, she would be safe. I came to think that Hae Soo has always preferred nice guys just like her ex-boyfriend or her friend because she thought, she wouldn't be hurt... but the opposite happened. So she is always avoiding pain and hurt by playing safe. With Wang So, it is not really possible.

Now I would like to add another example for the really good work of the director who paid attention to a lot of details. At the beginning of the episode 5, we see Wang So lying in JM's home so that he can enjoy watching the sky and the stars.  We see him smiling, because he remembers Hae Soo's reaction, when she watched the sky. So he keeps thinking about her. HE is looking at the moon and like I had mentioned it before, the moon symbolises Hae Soo. Observe that he is only seeing the half of the moon.  Furthermore, the moon is not in the center of the camera. All this implies the density and influence Hae Soo has in Wang So's life. She has entered his life, replaced his mother but he is not loving her yet. I guess, he sees her as a friend. Then in the episode 8, he is looking at the sky again, but this time, he is unhappy. He has just realised that Hae Soo doesn't feel the same way like he does (he has finally realised that he loves her), he is also worrying that she might pity him. Finally, he had just told her that he would like to never see her again. Yet he is still looking at the moon reinforcing the idea that he can't forget her despite his pain. But the real big clue is the moon again: Observe the difference. This time, this is full moon and there is no cloud and it is in the center of the zoom. This single picture illustrates all this what I had mentioned above: he has realised his love for her. In fact, this picture reveals the importance of Hae Soo in Wang So's life. She is in the center of his life, she is his guide and friend, even if he said that he didn't want to see her again. He simply can't forget her and he knows it. Yet he is upset because he thinks, it is only one-sided love.

That's why I like Moon Lovers so much... there is so much to notice and interpretate.

Feed back are welcome!!

@jerboa83 The comment with the myth of Goreyo is on the frontpage! I also added two MV there.

@iloveknovela @junee22 @littleloony @evie7 @Yongzura





I freakkkingggg love your deep analysis. I never thought that kind of metaphor in this drama. For me, I watch him looking at the moon must be connected to HS, but big significant is how the moon represents his feeling towards HS, I never realized it.  Officially following you. woot woot~

Please do more analysis! :wub:

Btw, off this quote. I read a lot of people said YW going to marry WS. I think she is going to marry WY instead. :phew:

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On 22.9.2016 at 1:01 PM, bebebisous33 said:

I would like to comment about Hae Soo and Wang So's relationship. Striking was that Hae Soo started getting close to him, despite his bad reputation, his scar, his mask and his violent and rude behaviour.


While people avoided him like pest and never dared to look into his eyes, Hae Soo did the exact opposite. In the episode 1, Hae Soo looked at him and she was like paralysed. She had already caught his eyes therefore he decided to rescue her, when she was about to fall. She was falling because someone had pushed her while the man was running away from Wang So. She on the other hand was just standing there.

Then when he was covered in blood and screaming, destroying these stone piles, she could have run away, like others would have done or like his mother ordered him to leave her alone because he was stinking. Nonetheless Hae Soo ran to him and stopped. She did the opposite of Queen Yoo. First, she even asked if he was injured, while Yoo had told him that she would never ask for this. As conclusion, while Wang Soo looked like an animal, had his face covered with his mask and people avoided him, Hae Soo consoled him, gave him advices, kept him company aso. She saw the good person behind the mask and his "rude" behaviour.


Then in the episode 9, his mask is gone, his scar is gone... people starts being enthousiastic and welcoming him. He is treated like a normal person, not like someone who should be avoided and bring bad luck. He is even welcome by his father, his mother invites him over for dinner (with other intentions). He is now good-looking and his reputation has changed. He brought rain so that people consider it as a sign from the gods. He is treated differently now. But now, we witness a reversal of situation. While people have come to accept him due to his appearances and behaviour, Hae Soo is now doing the opposite again. She is afraid of him. She is now seeing the bad person in him.

Striking is that Hae Soo has not changed. I know, some people said that she had changed and were disappointed. Yet, I don't think, there is some inconstency here. Hae Soo is acting like before. She keeps seeing things beyond the appearances everytime. While people attach too much importance to the exterior, especially in Wang So's case, she sees the personality. In my opinion, she sees the real him now, the one who not only threatens to kill people but who does it without feeling remorse. Sure, he is not the king who ruled with a fist of iron yet, however he did kill all these men at the temple without feeling guilty. He did it for his mother... yet this showed how determined he can be and he has no problem to decide who lives or not. Hae Soo knows nothing about the killing of so many people... she only knows that he killed to survive. Yet she was wrong here. He killed because he wanted to be loved and recognised by his mother. He never did it in self-defense. The bottom of the line is that Hae Soo is finally able to see the real Wang So: the ruthless man he is. Sure, she had experienced his violence, but she recognised at some point, he would only threaten her so that she came to think, he only threatens people but he never does it. 

All this explains why Wang So would be so hurt by her words, as she was the one who told him that he was a good person, although he would threaten to kill people all the time. Now, from my point of view, she has finally discerned the real personality of Wang So:

- the one who wants to be loved, the one who is kind, generous and warm-hearted

- the one who can kill without remorse, can be really violent

So far, noone except Hae Soo has ever understood Wang So's true character. They called him an animal because of his appareance and his rude behaviour, without knowing how really dangerous he can be. 

@40somethingahjumma @Yongzura @valsava @littleloony @junee22 @evie7

yes, and in next episode, hae soo will realise that in order to live, people are forced to kill (in preview hae soo said, this is that kind of place, where people chasing others tail) so, maybe she will start to understand wang so 

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1 hour ago, cmoirae2 said:

understood chingu but i can't tell whether it's good or bad editing (too technical for me) but i must say i like what i see ... aesthetically, MLSHR looks good ... cinematography, set design, costumes, music is okay too ... blocking with picturesque backdrop (using nature and beautiful landscape) to complement actors is another plus ... and we should also give credit to the high quality film they used ... i am enjoying crisp and vivid colors as i watch the drama ... and absolutely having a bunch of good looking actors gives us much eye candy ... 

If you (and anyone else) want to learn a bit about editing, this is a perfect video to watch. It's quite simple with lots of examples. ^_^


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29 minutes ago, qwenli said:

@violet90 understand what you mean by SLS but for the 1st 9 EPs, WS is really the second lead in the love Dept :D

---You know am happy that IU has a bf so there won't be shipping wars here. 

But it's still incredible despite that the feelings I got between her n ljg is of mutual respect and being very comfortable with each other:wub:

 You told it and felt it right ? I found WS is a second lead from episode 4-9. I didnt watch episode 1-3 thou but i think your post already explained whole things :D 

shall we open the leash so he could be the first lead in episode 10-20. 11 episodes left and this couple hasnt showed any hint yet :( 

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4 minutes ago, fuyukoneko said:

Does anyone know at what point WS stopped referring to HS as a child?


i think the first time he call her HS is when they talk in the rain after the ritual.. that's the first time i hear WS call HS out loud..

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Seriously I lost sleep over this .. to address or not to address .. Should I just avoid this thread and miss all those in depth analysis? … or once and for all speak up my mind share my feeling and get it over with and let see how ‘they’ gonna feel about this ..

I decided the analysis in this thread is too good to be missed, I want to be here and share my tots but at the same time I hate to see what’s been going on in this thread. I can do selective reading but I am only humannnnnnnnnn (singing to Christina perri) .. I can only take so much .. cause I am only human

So here goes ..


Korean Taste (by the way this not out of topic – it is about SHR .. and it’s rating)

Soompi is here because of the so call “Korean Taste”, it’s has been here since 1998 (?) and I am a frequent visitor of soompi since 2003. Why am I still here? Why are you still here discussing? Is it not because of our love for Kdrama? … Isn’t Kdrama is base on “Korean Taste”? Is it not ‘Korean Taste’ that we are watching for the past decade? Aren’t there time when our taste is in sync with K viewer?

So are we going to look down on them and generalize all Kdrama viewer taste when they don’t like (SHR) what we like? Are we going to continue whine about their taste? Don’t you know by saying “I don’t understand Korean Taste” you are actually putting down them and those that have similar taste with them?

Do you know by saying “I don’t understand Korean Taste”, you are arrogantly implying your taste is much better than them? Anyone that like something which you don’t think much you label them as “Don’t have taste”? Is this what soompi made off? Don’t you feel thankful that because of “Korean Taste” we have other than our local drama to enjoy (I bet some don’t even watch their local drama).

This thread is visited by a lot of soompiers and among them there are people like me that like both drama (may not be equally) and try so much to be objective. I am here because I believe soompiers are classier .. matured and adult. I guess I am wrong.

Why is there constant need to compare the rating? The constant need to prove A is better than B or B is better than A? – We can’t do anything about it .. it’s no one fault (don’t refer to a few nasty comment on netizenbuzz or naver – it does not represent total korea community, unfair to judge the people by some bad apple)


Let see what happen, why SHR having lesser rating.

Fact 1 – MDBC aired earlier than SHR, gained 8% rating, Doctors was still trending – close to 20%, Monster – 10%

Fact 2 – 2nd week SHR started around 7-8?  MDBC rating jump to 16, Monster remain with 10%… it SHR premiered with 3 episodes.

My Theory – Kviewer fall in love with MDBC because it was aired first and ‘unfortunately’ it is awesome. They love the chemistry etc etc – I’m sure no one here care how good MDBC is). When doctors finished airing – there are about 20% people ‘don’t know’ what to watch. Monster already half way, almost ending – no one would want to start something that is almost complete and they know about monster already – MDBC was new and some people went to work/school spread the “eh last nite I watch etc etc -  start saying how good it is – did you watch?..So some of doctors audience watch the re-run .. they like it .. SHR still not in the picture. 2nd week – Guess what would they watch first? – Of course the ‘new drama’ that already caught people interest and people already watch it on re-run/youtube whatever you name it.  Bangg .. they watch the fresh 3 and 4th episode on tv .. irrevocably fall in love PBG/KYJ (there’s no turning back) .. MDBC rating doubled with half of doctors’s fans tune in favor of MDBC and the other went to SHR (7-8%) …

The different between international and K viewer – BBJX is a well establish drama – BBJX has it own follower, people are crazy of BBJX back then .. it may not be popular among Kdrama lover but it was popular in china and chinese speaking community. Lee Junki is a well known name internationally compare to PBG.. of course he would have more follower compare to PBG and people anxiously wait for him and what more it’s BBJX ..  KHN is also well known internationally and his acting chop has been proven. Unlike PBG and the rest of MDBC cast (except for KYJ) no one know about them in term of acting skill … and there’s not many eye candy in MDBC ..

And that tragic plot of BBJX .. is enticing ..

Lets not compare .. lets not whine about rating .. lets respect each other … what do we get really? At least SHR is already ‘safe’ .. it’s a pre-produced drama – it already had it follower thanks to BBJX .. though it did not get enough rating in Korea .. it is much love internationally .. lets not put down other drama (unconsciously or not) and lets not ridicule each other taste ..

Our ‘Skill’ of evaluating a drama is the same – stop thinking I am selective in watching Kdrama – so I know better what is good .. why others don’t find as good as me ..


Good day to you ..


@Lady_Lara @sharreb @churasan @selenette  - thank you for having the same though (on my previous post)

@qwenli - In case you read the comment in the spoiler .. I respect your passion for SHR - seeing you constantly backing it up .. keep it up ..

and the rest of the ppl that like SHR - hope I will still be welcome here .. despite the drama I prefer more .. I hope you guys listen to the song I attached 


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12 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:

Annyeong yeorobun!  Good news to share with all of you! We might be trailing in SK, but we're killing it elsewhere!




where i can see this ?

i can only see in wikipedia,

anyone knows what kind of ratings they use in wikipedia ?

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@Evelyn C @violet90 Indeed is so and it must be seen in that perspective, of a broken and lonely man who for the first time has falls in love and has no control of himself. Is not the same face a group of people who want to kill you with swords, that receive the harsh words of the person you love most, because let's face it Wang So is hopelessly in love with Hae Soo and would do anything to have her. 

About Hae Soo I think she feels something very strong for him, just look at the makeup scene which so far is the most sensual of the drama. From the moment she removes the mask, touches the scar, and when he tells that he's not going to let her go and approached as if about to kiss her, is very intimate and romantic. If indeed her feelings for Wang Wook were deep, she would have reacted just with surprise, but she grabs her arm and touches the bracelet, as if was afraid for those feelings that he provoked to her.

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