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What did Jung's father say to  him in the elevator? He didn't look comfortable at all...

It looks hard to date someone so tall. I don't think KGE was lying about the neck pain cause in the at hug scene she has to stretch her neck a lot LOL. The height different is cute because sometimes she fits into him so well and at the same time, poor neck LOL.

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13 minutes ago, miss-guided said:

 You know this relationship is a big deal for Jung because for such a control freak, he lets go of all his inhibitions and just basically goes all out with his emotions when it comes to Seol.  I must say, he's such an affectionate boyfriend.  I LIKE IT. MORE PLEASE!


it's like he longs for affection and loving touch.  i bet he has had very little of it, whether romantic or platonic (parental).  so sad.

reminds me of jung-hoo in Healer who always had to be touching young-shin because he had never loved or been properly loved before.

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1 hour ago, madlena said:

This has easily become my all time favorite kdrama!! Plus the OTP is my n1 on the otp list as well!!

So agree with you! But for myself I have noticed the director too.

1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

The incident with In Ho's hand: I am pretty sure, YJ isn't the bad guy In Ho described him to be! 

I'm not so sure. Because story can be the same as with YG. When YJ is like he not done nothing wrong, but did not think about the consequences. 

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In today's episode:


Did you notice how In Ha spoiled In Ho's piano notes as soon as she saw it.. she still holds grudges..

Quite possile in Ho really hurt her back then and she doesn't want him to be happy either ever.. wrt to piano..


who knows, if In Ha used that other guy ( spoiler) to get IH's hand fractured

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36 minutes ago, rhaps said:
43 minutes ago, chrianna said:

add to the other OST songs, "cheese in the trap" by twenty.  playing when YJ bandages HS's arm after the homeless guy attack.  swooning . . . 


Thanks for the suggestion, that's a nice song

But I think I'm gonna play Go in a loop again for at least 5-10 times :D *I'm crazy about that song*

Yah, I've already got the other songs from the soundtrack on a different playlist.  I just love these particular songs the most, hence the short and continuous loop.  :D

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4 minutes ago, plappi said:

So agree with you! But for myself I have noticed the director too.

I'm not so sure. Because story can be the same as with YG. When YJ is like he not done nothing wrong, but did not think about the consequences. 

But to me, In Ho never questioned himself and only blamed YJ for it. First, the father is implying that he believes In Ho's words when he said that In Ho suffered because of them!! So YJ = black /guilty and In Ho = white/ innocent! I won't say, YJ is entirely innocent.

Yet In Ho blames YJ because he saw YJ appearing, while he was getting beaten! That's what we saw from the flashbacks!! 

Even in YG's case, there isn't just one culprit: YJ, YG, In Ha and even HS all of them did something wrong!

- HS never told anyone about it. Based on the webtoon, Eun Taek discovered it by random and helped her by beating YG!   

- HS gave some comfort to someone who was harassing women and she knew about it! She felt pity for him, although this man hadn't deserved it! She approached him  because she agreed to YG's words about YJ being fake and being bad! That's how she saw YJ and judged him!

- YG: the main culprit because he is so delusional!

- In Ha used the cellphone and enjoyed that game! She didn't think about the consequences. she wanted just to have fun and please YJ so that he would look at her again!

When In Ho told Seol about his hand, he definitely said that YJ did it!! So in Seol's mind, she imagines YJ taking the bat and beating In Ho's hand! Look at her reaction, when she hears about YJ hurting the hand of the pervert... she imagines YJ doing the same thing to In Ho! But YJ wasn't the one who was beating In Ho! We saw that!

To conclude, in my opinion, no character is perfect in this drama. Seol has her flaws too, but it will be easily overlooked and forgiven! Since YJ was presented as so dark in the first episode, many judge him too harshly. But the way the first episode was filmed, I had the impression, it was filmed from Seol's point of view! 

Even when YJ gave the bill to JW, he never meant JW to act like that. He only gave JW a chance to stop the harass. He knew that JW had no leverage against SC, but with the bill, he could have used it differently! His method has its origin from his high school time. Today, we saw that YJ had really been a pushover! So he appeared totally defensless like JW, but I guess, he learnt to defend himself from harm by threatening people with their wrongdoings! And I am okay with that! IT's better than use violence! 


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I got back from work and backtracked 10+ pages of HILARITY (I legit lol'd at y'all's comments concerning the preview) AND HUGS AND KISSES AND AWESOMENESS OHMYGAWSH! CITT I LOVE THEE! you're driving me crazyyy


Just go on without me, guys. I don't think I can handle so much near-perfectedness from a show. See I'm making up words now. *sigh*

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So I've been following different forums for years, like a silent creepy stalker kind of like YG but less lethal. But today I decided to put my two cents in.....here goes nothing :sweatingbullets:

The whole issue about inho and his hand am I completely off if I think that the injury involves his sister but jung is taking the blame for it. In previews flashbacks we see the dark, manipulative and conniving side to inha and even now in the present she is no angel...she will say and do anything to get what she wants. We see the clear resentment she has with her brother having a talent and her not having any. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe at one point she mentions and I'm paraphrasing here that that her sneaky manipulative ways are her only talent. I honestly believe that inha is a mentally unstable person because of what happened to her in her childhood and both her brother and jung know it and therefore seem to walk on egg shells around her. I would love to see more of her background story and find out what made her become this way. To find out what made her this way and why does she feel the need to manipulate and command her brother, what does she hold over him? Is there something he feels guilty about and therefore let's her manipulate him ? And why does she feel the need to continue using her card over her brother. Was she involved in her brothers injury directly or indirectly? Did her resentment for her own lack of talent and her brothers natural talent bring out a darker side to her and made her commit an atrocious act towards her own blood? I believe that she did something unforgivable to her sibling and jung was a witness to it and maybe because he knew how much it would hurt inho if he found out his sister hurt him, jung took the blame and the years of hate, just to not break off the love inho has for his sister and separate him from his only remaining family.

Well that was long :cold_sweat: sorry about that but this is my theory on the whole inho hand injury I could be wrong but we know from this drama that many if not all characters have a dark side and inevitably have very human flaws, whether it's greed, hate, envy or pride etc. They have all done something wrong to another person, some acts are smaller than other but they are all bad acts. 

So I don't want to put all blame on jung for that injury because this drama has shown us that when we look at things from one perspective we don't necessary get the full complete answer. 


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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

@lclarakl What do you mean by getting rejected? When he is hugging her or he is about to kiss her? I mean, she is in his bed... if she was still so mad, she wouldn't have gone into his bed!

About YJ: I don't see him as bad at all. Yes, he did mistakes, but he is just a human being. Yes, he is partially to blame for Seol getting a stalker. Yet he is so different from all the other characters in this drama. He never blamed someone else for his mistakes! He recognises his mistakes/wrongdoings and apologises genuinely. All of the others had the same behaviour: blaming someone else, making someone else looking bad or even denying their wrongdoings!

- Assistent Heo made YJ bad. He had been blackmailed. But he never mentioned that he stole YJ's card, was careless in his job (therefore Seol's report got stolen).

- Yoo Jong getting drunk all the time, while not working so that Heo had to steal money in order to support them.

- SC blaming Seol many times (report, the bad grad and her attitude, the fact he was excluded from her group presentation), 

- NJY who had the impudence to describe Seol so badly, when she told Yoo Jung about the incident with the drunk man. She came to YJ saying that Seol was quarelling with the homeless and due to her behaviour, the man might harm her; NJY saying that Seol had asked YJ to write her report therefore she stole the report

- YG saying that he had been following Seol because YJ told him so. The stalking was YJ's mistake

- the rapist saying that YJ wasn't a nice guy after all because he ruined his plan! His good reputation wasn't deserved at all. He doesn't see that he is actually raping a girl at all

- The incident with In Ho's hand: I am pretty sure, YJ isn't the bad guy In Ho described him to be! 


   Chingu @bebebisous33,  I agree with your statement.   YJ isn't your typical type a guy. He has wealth, parents and very smart but he has no true friends by his side. I think YJ need to befriend HS's friend because they too will be loyal to him. HS has great friends and they are very trustworthy ( BORA AND EUN-TAEK). YJ is a sweet guy but can't trust anyone but HS. Chingu's he is so Lonely, Lonely and he wants to be loved.  Your right all these people do blame other people for their bad deeds and they don't feel bad at all for hurting or using people for their own benefits. YJ isn't evil and I don't think he was behing IH's hand either. They should all look to IN Ha. 

In Ha saw that In Ho is playing the piano again, she decides to poor the ramen on In Ho's book. That i call is childish but In Ho hurt his sister by always telling her her drawing sucks. He was never kind or tried to help her choose another dream so she can be happy. smh smh 

I wish to know more about YJ's parents and see how he grew up.  WHen Yoo Jung  came home after his internship and he remembered what HS said. He turned the light on and off and he looked so sad.... I am crying right now, that was the saddest scene ever. He had no one to talk to or confide in because he hasn't bonded with anyone before. I think YJ did care for the Baek's but he wasn't really close with them. 


I would love to say, I love all my chingu's post and each POV makes so much sense that i am always thinking and lol at each of your post.  Thank you everyone..... :heart::heart:   LOVE THIS DRAMA.

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I'm going to go out on a limb and say something which I've more or less suspected... that Jung is essentially not a bad kid. (Yeah, I can call him a kid. ;) ) And I don't see him having any kind of mental condition.

He's been pushed around and walked over by people for so long that he pushed back and the manipulation behind the scenes is how he chose to do it... which all things considered is the lesser of many evils. Like what @bebebisous33 said, it's better than violence. This is why he keeps thinking and saying that he and Seol are alike. Because in this respect they are kindred spirits (to use an Anne Shirleyism). They allow people to use them because sometimes it's easier... and because well, it makes them more likable too. Two kids who desperately wanted to be loved and affirmed seemed to have found their way to each other. 

That elevator scene was pretty telling in how it demonstrated the uneasy dynamic between father and son. I don't know what transpired between them but it's clear that while the father seems like a warm-hearted man, his son doesn't have that free and easy dynamic with his father. Therein lies... most probably... a multitude of issues. Sadly, that hits very close to home for me.

Despite the angst, the episode confirmed to me more than any other that Jung and Seol are the end game. I have never dared to even think of them as the OTP before but now that the truth is coming to light, I have much reason to hope.

I see from the preview that Seol has taken to physical confrontation. LOL. I have to chuckle at the irony of that. This was the same girl who was shaking like a leaf when she heard her boyfriend beating up the pervert. Dark Seol... yeah, bring it on! It's about time I say!

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waaah, i just checked the calendar and for the last two episodes (and because of the LNY CITT blackout next week) i'll be in China.  how will i watch CITT in China?  can i even read the recaps here while in China?  hubby is forbidding the laptop.  can only bring the ipad.  this is gonna hurt, people.

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3 minutes ago, chrianna said:

waaah, i just checked the calendar and for the last two episodes (and because of the LNY CITT blackout next week) i'll be in China.  how will i watch CITT in China?  can i even read the recaps here while in China?  hubby is forbidding the laptop.  can only bring the ipad.  this is gonna hurt, people.

If you have good internet access where you are, you can do all of the above on your iPad. I watch stuff via the iPad all the time.

There's a Soompi app that you can download from the app store. There's a Viki app as well. Or you can find stuff via Safari. It's not impossible dear. Just let me know when the time comes.

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On 2/1/2016 at 10:32 PM, rhaps said:

Agree with this, but I just have a different example. Regarding Seol, I understand if she took pity of YG, because I'm someone who is easily pity someone too. She thought that YG became weird because he didn't know how to approach people and became so lonely. Her mistake was because she misjudged him, coz YG was really crazy and delusional, so she had to take the consequences.

And I agree that it was wrong that she put the blame on YJ alone, because she was the one who started being nice to YG. Even if YJ did say himself that HS really liked her and everything, how could YG just believe everything he said ?? Were YJ and HS even that close, so that YJ could know how she exactly felt ? No, they weren't. And everyone knew that. If YG was sane, then he would've long know that YJ was just playing a prank and Seol does not have any feelings toward him at all. It was YG alone who was delusional and using 'YJ's advices' as an excuse to stalk her. And HS should be smart enough to understand this. But, because she already has some prejudice against YJ, then she put all the blame on him. I don't think it's fair for Jung.

Eventhough I like HS, but in this case, I can't say that she is the right one. Jung was wrong too, but I think that he was just playing a prank. A bad prank, that is.

*back to work .. 

I agree with your comment! Nevertheless, I believe, there was more than just pity! She was definitely blinded by her judgement about YJ. Look at her facial expression when YG is badmouthing YJ. She thinks, YG is right. So to me, when she saw that people were avoiding YG, she felt that she should give him some comfort, since she thought like him!

Besides she had seen how YG behaved in front of everyone (arrogance, his huge ego!!) and was even brutal with Bora who had said, she didn't want to go with him! HS intervened and helped her friend from being dragged away! However HS was definitely so prejudiced about YJ. Yes, YJ wasn't that nice to her, but so far in the drama, we only saw him giving her the cold treatement! He only said once "You should have been more careful!". But that was it! So he never planed any scheme to harm her. Yes, she caught his smirke in the episode 1, but she wasn't upset about NJY getting wet. She didn't condemn him for that. She condemn him for not showing his true colours. SC accusing Seol for the report is not YJ's idea! In the episode 3, she mentioned that YJ had started acting again like in the past year implying that how she was treated (cold shoulder!)! But she was ignoring and avoiding him as well.

Each episode begins with a picture that represents YJ-Seol's relationship! And the picture from the first episode is YJ looking at Seol and she is unaware of that, while she is walking! Although this scene happens in the episode 3, I suspect that YJ has always been watching Seol from afar, well aware that she disliked him which bothered him so much!! He was bothered because he hadn't realised that he was all along attracted to her! He told her, he disliked her first, but I am quite sure, he misinterpreted his feelings. He was upset that she would look down on him! We could say, he was behaving childish all the time. But on the other hand, since he didn't have a real childhood (carefree aso), I won't blame him for that. Moreover, he is now paying for his "bad" behaviour! She is unsure to trust him! 


I am also glad that I am not the only one seeing Yoo Jung as normal!! Thanks @40somethingahjumma and @UnniSarah for the compliments and support! 

By the way, it is pretty clear that YJ-Seol are endgame... or the other solution is Seol ends up alone! There is no room for In Ho as partner! My best proofs are the cartoon pictures from each episode... All of them (except one from the episode 4) are about YJ-Seol's relationship like I mentioned above. They will just add three as examples



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4 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

If you have good internet access where you are, you can do all of the above on your iPad. I watch stuff via the iPad all the time.

There's a Soompi app that you can download from the app store. There's a Viki app as well. Or you can find stuff via Safari. It's not impossible dear. Just let me know when the time comes.

psst, i'm a 40somethingahjumma as well . . . we'll be staying in typical foreigner hotels so i'm crossing fingers that i'll be able to watch the eps in the hotel.  i'll download the soompi app before i go.  i wish viki would stream CITT.  dramafever probably won't work from there.  even if it just get to read the recaps to figure out what happened and then enjoy watching those episodes when i get hope--i'll be a happy ahjumma.

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@bebebisous33:) hi!!! Always love your insights!

I've been thinking in your theorie about the lamp (lights on/off) in the street of Seol's previous house when happened the date proposal and the watch scene, and it's a great theorie! Somehow, I feel that the YJ's scene when he arrives home is connected in the same way but this time, the lights are off in the end, like their relationship...

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Seo Kang Joon Talks About His “Cheese in the Trap” Character in Nylon Pictorial


Seo Kang Joon Talks About His “Cheese in the Trap” Character in Nylon Pictorial


On January 28, actor Seo Kang Joon revealed a pictorial he posed in for the fashion magazine Nylon.


seo kang joon1

In the pictorial, Seo Kang Joon is seen dressed in a see-through knit top showing his body line. He exudes sexy, masculine style. In another photo, he looks easy going in white T-shirt and jeans as though he’s spending a lazy afternoon. His gaze looking into the camera accentuates dreamlike stare Seo Kang Joon is known for.


seo kang joon2

During the interview which took place during the photo shoot, Seo Kang Joon spoke about his character Baek In Ho in the drama “Cheese in the Trap.” He commented, “I feel affinity for the character because he’s authentic when it comes to personal relationships. I like the character because he longs for another person in the drama. I’ve portrayed characters who’s in love with someone else before. The character makes me want to take good care of him.”

When he was asked what his goal is for the new year, he responded, “I’m 24 this year. Through my acting and my work, I want to provide more assurance. Whether in my acting or personal relationships, I hope to be someone who is centered and unshaken.”


seo kang joon3

A crew member at the photo shoot commented, “Seo Kang Joon is an actor who knows how to express his own charm in various ways. We were able to take away a variety of looks and feels through this photo shoot. He has hidden charms as an actor he still has yet to express. We look forward to his future work with eager expectation.”

More of Seo Kang Joon’s pictorial and detailed interview can be seen in the February issue of Nylon magazine.


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