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Guest ororomunroe

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Those who are really interested in knowing why & how involved was YJ in YG staling incident, you guys can read the summary of the chapter 73 (season 3) here. If you want to "look" at the raw chapter, go here and click on overtooning bookmark (see oddquare website) the chapter will appear.

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1 hour ago, solelylurking said:

I'm sorry but I have a favor to ask. Can somebody tell me the songs which Inho played in the piano when he was with Seol in the ending of ep 8. My classic knowledge is limited. The songs are beautiful and SKJ played them very well. 

Thank you in advance.


Someone mentioned it was, Satie's Je te veux. Hope it helps

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so finally watched episode 8 last night and PHEW! So many crazy people around! Geez

MS is honestly trying to fill the void in her by copying HS and hell, trying to even become her. That is definitely not normal. Wouldn't that be having some kind of psychological disorder? The whole not having your own identity so trying to steal someone elses'. lol. Well, even if it's not a disorder, it sounds like it should be one. In simple terms, she needs help! But, not as much help as YG needs! Geez, that boy needs a straight up psychiatrist to figure out what's wrong in his head. He has such an obsessive personality. Though, I absolutely loved his showdown with YJ. LOL. He was like "are you scared? you are scared, right?" and YJ was all calm, giving absolutely no reaction. lmao. 

Coming onto YJ, I am a bit conflicted, but definitely not that disappointed. Not even that surprised tbh. That passivity was exactly as I would have predicted for pre-relationship YJ to have. and let me clear one thing, He definitely did not tell YG to "stalk" HS. that is all in YG's head. He is pretty delusional. And nor could he have predicted that YG would take it in his head to stalk HS. And at that time, he did not like HS, so it was predictable that he didn't care what Inha was doing with his phone. Though, it was passivity, but it wasn't active malice on his part. so, I think this is something him and seol are just gonna have to figure out on their own.

+ (based on the preview) Plus point for him for saying yes when seol asked him if he sent those texts. Though technically most of them were by Inha. but, I guess in this case him letting inha sent those texts is pretty much him being sort of part of it, even though it wasn't him who directly sent it. In seol's eyes, he would be at fault. Though, he still could have mentioned inha, but (based on the preview), it seems he doesn't mention her? (correct me if I'm wrong those of you have that read the webtoon). so, props to him for owning up to his mistake!!!!

Another thing I really liked was the drunk scene. It offers a good insight into jung's psyche. The fact that people always take advantage of him and the only thing he can do is smile and go along (though, that's why his smile is fake most of the times. lol). I actually felt bad for him at that point. And actually proud that he hasn't let that turn him into a poor rich guy sort of victim where people keep mooching off of him and him basically living a miserable existence because of that. I like that he wields power and control over his life. He has a great survival instinct. and after seeing this scene, I can clearly see how him and seol are so similar in some instances. Btw, that kiss was great, but I'm gonna need some more participation from seol next time. lol

And that Parent meeting! LOL. Jung all polite and being a goody and goody. LOL. That kiss again! CUTE!

Other than that, INHO and HIS LOVE AFFAIR WITH THE PIANO! Damn, Finally! Finally, the boy asked himself "what have I been doing with my life?" Thank you show, THANK YOU! for showing a introspective second lead whose whole character arc doesn't revolve around his love for the female lead. And at this point, I'm so glad seol doesn't listen to Jung about being friends with inho. They have such great friendship! I would love to keep seeing it grow more and more and eventually turn into a Jung+seol+inho thing, lol (Please drama gods! Make it happen!) I loved their piano scene, they have such easy chemistry! Cute! and besides that, Jung seems awfully concerned about inho's piano passion, he asked seol if inho was going to see the professor? Proof that Jung doesn't hate inho as much as claims and still cares about him to an extent. Can't wait for the richard simmons storm to go on next week.

@miles99  Hey, chingu. I responded to you earlier and you were right. I didn't see the episode 8, so I assumed they showed nothing about the texts this week. Just wanted to clear that up! :)

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I know this is weird, But I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE how seol looks at Jung here. It's that slightly vulnerable look/something I can't really point out look. but, it's so clear that she really likes Jung by watching this scene. UGH. Kim go eun is slaying left and right in this show! Totally girl crushing on her. <3



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2 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

btw, do u mean selena gomez? that is internet hoax!

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe they were referring to Selena Quintanilla-Pérez who was a Tejano singer in the 80's and early 90's. The relationship between Selena and her murderer was very similar to HS and MS in CITT. Well, similar to how many people here see their "friendship" playing out. 

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Ha ha ha, I had thought of Selena right away when somebody mentioned fans... She was the president of Selena's fan club. Unhealthy relationship but there was a financial problem there too as she had stole a lot of money from the people of the fan club and Selena had found out.

For me, what understandable, are the feelings that start the whole issues. How MS could be insecure and would look up to someone not especially pretty but who manages to survive and starts rying to learn from, YG because Seol expressed interest in him and a certain dose of understanding when the others avoided him. The problem is definitely the degree to which those feelings are pushed and pursued. It does become obsession, unhealthy, and dangerous.

The thing with the webtoon is that feelings tend to be expressed in bigger degrees. Even with Seol and Jung. It's just that for MS and YG, their behaviors are potentially dangerous.

Jung also?... I cannot see him directly harming others (though the way he took care of that perv might suggest otherwise) but others can definitely be harmed indirectly.

As for the title, I had always thought that Jung was the cheese and Sul the mouse but as I kept reading and watching the drama, I wasn't so sure anymore... I do like the fact that Jung is the cheese because he traps people into acting a certain way, of having a specific reaction as mentioned in the link @coffeeboy shared. Can't Sul be the trap?... Or Sul the cheese and Jung the trap?


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Guest 999hearts
1 hour ago, coffeeboy said:

Those who are really interested in knowing why & how involved was YJ in YG staling incident, you guys can read the summary of the chapter 73 (season 3) here. If you want to "look" at the raw chapter, go here and click on overtooning bookmark (see oddquare website) the chapter will appear.

WHOA Thanks a lot for letting us know what really happened! :o

For those who love spoilers, I recommend this chapter. The dialogues are beautifully crafted and I can't wait for them to be shown in the drama. I'm taking a break from the webtoon cos sometimes it can be too draggy but this chapter is so worth the read!

EDIT: @coffeeboy do you know which chapter tells MS' downfall?

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I think IH and YJ are both fair game since the webtoon isn't over. It's a great storyline so I hope people watch it for that instead of focusing on which couple to ship :) YJ has a lot to work on if he wants to be with HS. He needs to let her in and not do things behind her back. IH also needs to express his feelings more as well or at least let her know what is going on so she doesn't worry.


i also recalled in previous chapters that HS finds IH attractive. This was mentioned on two occasion at least but so far the drama hasn't mentioned it. I did like that the writer is giving both Jung and IH a fair chance however, I think the drama will go with Jung. 

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Annyeong. The OST and BGM links are found in the CITT FAQ doc (refer to the gallery post). Thanks to all who contributed. We've got playlist links there but no download links due to copyrights issue. I'll add individual YT and English translation links much later.

I started sorting the BGM per episode/scene but I belatedly realized it's unnecessary and too tedious. (But who knows when my brain tells me to continue it otherwise despite me still being in the dungeon). So go ahead and check the links for the songs featured in the drama. 

To those curious as to why Seol's hair is orange, 


Soonkki said it's a manhwa/manga thing. You know, when characters sport random hair colors for no particular reason. *ahemm, Kuroko no Basuke* It's her natural hair color. Joon's the same. 



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16 hours ago, ricenamja said:


MOD EDIT: Do not quote pictures.

Ouch! Ouch! She’s been “waiting” so long and nervously for her first kiss and… She gets a kiss from a drunken boyfriend? Not nice, Jung, not nice! Clearly not enjoyable, not desired or truly felt for her. I hope they compensate this later.

(and sorry, ricenamja, for reblogging your post to use the gifs)

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Please do not quote images as it adds to the loading bandwidth of every page causing delay in loading and more data usage.

@mensi i am surprised u didnt like the kIss.the thing is Seol didnt push him away. If u watch it again, she seems to be lapping it all up.:)

My mind went wild abit about how the kiss was continued because seol went home dazed and inho detected alot of alcohol smell on her when jung was the one who did most of the drinking:P

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4 hours ago, carolinedl said:

Ha ha ha, I had thought of Selena right away when somebody mentioned fans... She was the president of Selena's fan club. Unhealthy relationship but there was a financial problem there too as she had stole a lot of money from the people of the fan club and Selena had found out.

For me, what understandable, are the feelings that start the whole issues. How MS could be insecure and would look up to someone not especially pretty but who manages to survive and starts rying to learn from, YG because Seol expressed interest in him and a certain dose of understanding when the others avoided him. The problem is definitely the degree to which those feelings are pushed and pursued. It does become obsession, unhealthy, and dangerous.

The thing with the webtoon is that feelings tend to be expressed in bigger degrees. Even with Seol and Jung. It's just that for MS and YG, their behaviors are potentially dangerous.

Jung also?... I cannot see him directly harming others (though the way he took care of that perv might suggest otherwise) but others can definitely be harmed indirectly.

As for the title, I had always thought that Jung was the cheese and Sul the mouse but as I kept reading and watching the drama, I wasn't so sure anymore... I do like the fact that Jung is the cheese because he traps people into acting a certain way, of having a specific reaction as mentioned in the link @coffeeboy shared. Can't Sul be the trap?... Or Sul the cheese and Jung the trap?



Or Seol is the cheese, for she's inducing all the chain reactions we happen to see in them.

@qwenli thanks, queenly, for editing my post. It's my lack of skills combined with using a tablet that makes my commenting so crappy, lol!

as for the kiss, I hope the show can improve their kissing (and couple) experience later. As much as it's closer to reality, it differs from the usual "life changing first kiss never to be forgotten". She's actually feeling something: is not her the vulnerable, it's him. He's asking if she's honest and really likes him, telling her about his insecurities in the past related to his relationships with others. It's like he's opening to her.

But come on! He's so drunk he can't even walk! Not a romantic situation, isn't it? His mouth stinks... Even after a while others can smell it, haahahaa

Sorry (but not sorry) LOL

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@enigmatic_zephy your culture is not the same with Korean's.. and YES coffee is important there and important all over the world and for the hard working people, caffeine is one of our source of power.

Yes in Seoul there are coffee shops every 100 meters even So Ji Sub owns some.. BTW noodle is less expensive than meat dish but it's still delicious, nutricious and filling.. even rich people loves noodle.. and of course original ahjumma made noodles are better than the ones in the mall aka mass production. I eat in ahjumma places everyday in Seoul..



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3 hours ago, colormejoyous said:

I know this is weird, But I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE how seol looks at Jung here. It's that slightly vulnerable look/something I can't really point out look. but, it's so clear that she really likes Jung by watching this scene. UGH. Kim go eun is slaying left and right in this show! Totally girl crushing on her. <3


I just love how KGE acted in this kiss scene. She's supposed to be an inexperienced girl and this is her first kiss. I've re-watched this kiss scene too many times that I noticed at first she was surprised and didn't give much response to the kiss, but later we can see that they're more synced into the kiss. I just love this girl acting, and PHJ, well well his jawline's movement while kissing her is so damn hot, yum yum^^

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Poor Jung, always upstaged by Inho..

I like how human he (Jung) seems now as ep go on, thanks mostly to Seol of course. Frankly Inho & Jung are quite similar. It's just that Inho wears his heart on his sleeve. Ugh with this many maniacal characters in one drama, suddenly Jung doesn't seem so scary in comparison LoL! Poor Seol having not 1 but 2 sasaeng fans - girl should start her own fan club:P I know they say Imitation is the Best Form of Flattery, but what Minsoo is doin' is flat out insane:crazy: what's worse is..she doesn't think what she's doin' is wrong:blink:

I like the budding friendship between Seol-Inho. However I still am very much #TeamJung Inho needs someone like Seol to give him the push he needs; he's very stubborn and much too proud, so Seol's empathetic nature is a good foil in contrast to his character. 

For me the meaning of Cheese In The Trap is Seol (Mouse) gets lured by Jung (Cheese) and gets caught in his trap;) 

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