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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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Ep 17 Songs:

One Guitar One Coin -- Lee JaeSeong >> Song When DS Realized Her Foot Injury


Because I Love You -- Yoo Jae Ha (RIP)  >> Song While TK Carries DS (Also Song In Ep 4 While DS JH DR SW Preparing For Tutoring Session)


Sally The Witch (OP in Korean Version) >> Anime And Song That Jinjoo Watched & Danced


Swallowtail Butterfly (Live) -- Kim HeungGook  >> What TK's Dad Watched On TV


A Star Goes Down (Falling Star) --Yeohaeng Sketch(es)  [ Travel Sketch(es) ] >> Song While JH-JB Having A Conversation While Watching The Stars


Love Story Of A Girl -- Min HaeGyeong(HaeKyung) >> Song While JH Looks At TK On Rooftop


Dream(s) / In Dream -- Jo(Cho) DeokBae >> Song While TK Kisses DS


Graduation -- JeonRamHwi (Exhibition) >> Song While 5 Friends Meet Together Outside Their Homes


Neoanthropinae (New Generation)'s Love -- 015B >>  Song On Tape That NE Played (Popular Song in Reply 1994)





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On 1/8/2016 at 10:48 AM, NRGchick said:

I am more inclined to think that it was a dream. I will find it difficult to believe that DS who has a really open face will behave so nonchalantly when asked about the night before.

If the kiss really happened, DS will have more reaction than the one she had.

Again, we do not know WHO she really likes. We see both JH and Taek's feelings but DS? I felt that she was more worried about her lack of ambition or career choices than worry over the guys.



I don't know who she really like either [though my heart is on Taekie.]

But my opinion is [and I know that others have a lot of reason to think differently.] is that DS has always been more aware of Taekie than she is of JH.

During her attempts to get JH to admit he "likes me and wants date me" period, it felt to me as if she were trying to do age appropriate things because that was the development stage she was at and that what she felt she should be doing. Additionally desire to connect to JH in a different way than she was connected to the other boys was triggered by her friends.

With Taek DS has always had a special bond/awareness.

At first it was as a somewhat inept charming human being who needed her care.

DS's trip as his caretaker to China showed her another side of him.  It introduced her to Taek in Taek's world where he is just short of being a king. She knew this, but experiencing the phenonmenon is different from reading it in the newspaper.

After China DS still had the image of someone personally inept while being a professional titan. Even with her attempts at igniting JH's interests she stilled served as Taek's dragon protector. And I'm sure Taek's father is aware of Taek's interests because when he wants Taek to take better care of himself and has failed, he defaults to asking DS's help. He never asks any of the boys. Also although both Taek and his father comes off as non-verbal it is clear that he has an astute understanding of Taek's behavior. As he says when Taek likes someone, he plays at being needy. So even though the entire squad works at keeping Taek dressed and alive, Taek's neediness default is to DS.

When Taek ran with DS in a princess hold, and it was important it be a princess hold and not a piggyback since DR piggybacked her, Taek awareness shifted to seeing DS as a man.  That awareness disturbed her sleep.  In some ways Taek carrying DS reverses (yet echoes) the interaction in childhood where DS carried Taek on her back when his arm was broken. Now DS foot is broken and Taek carries her but they are adults on the verge of being sexual so the dynamics is different. It would be interesting to learn that it was from that moment when DS carried the injured Taek that she became special to Taek. 

I think it is interesting that we SEE

-when JH awakening of DS as a romantic partner came online

-when DS awakening of Taek as a romantic partner came online.  It is my belief that DS was always in a relationship with Taek, but is was so long standing and normative she did not recognize it for what it was. They have a physical ease and comfort that comes with being in a long term relationship. So far, even as she becomes fully aware of Taek as a man we do not see her dithering. She continues to treat him as she always has, she waits for him, she looks in him the eye and she looks out for his welfare. 

I think we didn't see DS awakening to JH as a romantic partner because that was an awareness of the brain, where Taek is an awakening of the soul.

I think we didn't see Taek's awakening to DS because it was probably there from the moment they were introduced and he didn't know any different. Plus Taek seems to be heterosexual and DS is the only girl he seems to know in person. Fangirls don't count. lol

About the kiss.

Dream: I think the space that was left on the floor above Taek's head was too small for another human being to fit into naturally --so dream.

Real: Taek confusion suggests it was real.  I doubt it is the first time he has dreamt of DS so the fact that he couldn't tell if it were a dream or real suggest it felt different from an ordinary dream. I think the reason why Taek is confused about the nature of the kiss is because he was dog-tired and he took sleeping pill on top of that.

I think DS was able to pass it off because well there is less pretense between Taek and her, so it is easier to lie with a straight face. [I know it makes no sense, but it does make sense, i'm just expressing it badly. please forgive my use of English.  It is the only language I speak and I still manage to mangle the ideas I'm trying to express. haha] I wouldn't be surprised to find out in a later flashback that they talked and he did a Taek version of confessing and retracting because of JH.

I think the "pilot and flight attendant" match is a red herring.

So I write this to say JH is the husband, because . . . --I am always wrong about k-drama. haha


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3 minutes ago, hushhh said:


I don't know who she really like either [though my heart is on Taekie.]

But my opinion is [and I know that others have a lot of reason to think differently.] is that DS has always been more aware of Taekie than she is of JH.

During her attempts to get JH to admit he "likes me and wants date me" period, it felt to me as if she were trying to do age appropriate things because that was the development stage she was at and that what she felt she should be doing. Additionally desire to connect to JH in a different way than she was connected to the other boys was triggered by her friends.

With Taek DS has always had a special bond/awareness.

At first it was as a somewhat inept charming human being who needed her care.

DS's trip as his caretaker to China showed her another side of him.  It introduced her to Taek in Taek's world where he is just short of being a king. She knew this, but experiencing the phenonmenon is different from reading it in the newspaper.

After China DS still had the image of someone personally inept while being a professional titan. Even with her attempts at igniting JH's interests she stilled served as Taek's dragon protector. And I'm sure Taek's father is aware of Taek's interests because when he wants Taek to take better care of himself and has failed, he defaults to asking DS's help. He never asks any of the boys. Also although both Taek and his father comes off as non-verbal it is clear that he has an astute understanding of Taek's behavior. As he says when Taek likes someone, he plays at being needy. So even though the entire squad works at keeping Taek dressed and alive, Taek's neediness default is to DS.

When Taek ran with DS in a princess hold, and it was important it be a princess hold and not a piggyback since DR piggybacked her, DS awareness shifted to seeing DS as a man.  That awarness disturbed her sleep.  In some ways Taek carrying DS reverses (yet echoes) the interaction in childhood where DS carried Taek on her back when his arm was broken. Now DS foot is broken and Taek carries her but they are adults on the verge of being sexual so the dynamics is different. It would be interesting to learn that it was from that moment when DS carried the injured Taek richard simmons she became special to Taek. 

I think it is interesting that we SEE

-when JH awakening of DS as a romantic partner came online

-when DS awakening of Taek as a romantic partner came online.  It is my belief that DS was always in a relationship with Taek, but is was so long standing and normative she did not recognize it for what it was. They have a physical ease and comfort that comes with being in a long term relationship. So far, even as she becomes fully aware of Taek as a man we do not see her dithering. She continues to treat him as she always has, she waits for him, she looks in him the eye and she looks out for his welfare. 

I think we didn't see DS awakening to JH as a romantic partner because that was an awareness of the brain, where Taek is an awakening of the soul.

I think we didn't see Taek's awakening to DS because it was probably there from the moment they were introduced and he didn't know any different. Plus Taek seems to be heterosexual and DS is the only girl he seems to know in person. Fangirls don't count. lol

About the kiss.

Dream: I think the space that was left on the floor above Taek's head was too small for another human being to fit into naturally --so dream.

Real: Taek confusion suggests it was real.  I doubt it is the first time he has dreamt of DS so the fact that he couldn't tell if it were a dream or real suggest it felt different from an ordinary dream. I think the reason why Taek is confused about the nature of the kiss is because he was dog-tired and he took sleeping pill on top of that.

I think DS was able to pass it off because well there is less pretense between Taek and her, so it is easier to lie with a straight face. [I know it makes no sense, but it does make sense, i'm just expressing it badly. please forgive my use of English.  It is the only language I speak and I still manage to mangle the ideas I'm trying to express. haha] I wouldn't be surprised to find out in a later flashback that they talked and he did a Taek version of confessing and retracting because of JH.

I think the "pilot and flight attendant" match is a red herring.

So I write this to say JH is the husband, because . . . --I am always wrong about k-drama.


haha u have to follow through with ur opinion to the very bitter end :_( lol I know what u mean, just the possibility of TK being the one made me sound like a crazy person to my sister when I talk to her about it. My heart says TK but my mind says JH . I have to remember that this is a kdrama and the end game tends to be characters like JH I would hate to say one thing and then be wrong in the end sigh... want all the episodes to be out right now ! lol

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Oh I want to add a big kuddos to PBG today!

I loved that kiss scene. The way his eyes changed when he decided to kiss her... sweet, surprised eyes then dark and sensual in a split second! The look he gave her before kissing her, and even as a JH/DS shipper, I had butterflies in my stomach!!

Edit: I found those eyes!




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4 minutes ago, JCgirl 001 said:

haha u have to follow through with ur opinion to the very bitter end :_( lol I know what u mean, just the possibility of TK being the one made me sound like a crazy person to my sister when I talk to her about it. My heart says TK but my mind says JH . I have to remember that this is a kdrama and the end game tends to be characters like JH I would hate to say one thing and then be wrong in the end sigh... want all the episodes to be out right now ! lol


I feel the same...  My heart says TK but my mind is literally screaming that it JH! T_T


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Part 3:

DS can't sleep that night and decides to write in her diary about how she's the only one without a dream.

The next day she delivers some food her mom made to BR's dorm and cries when she sees the tiiiny room with just books and ramyun. She asks her why she's living there and if she has no money for real food but BR says that it's just that she has no time. They hug and DS cries her heart out.ㅠㅠ

JB writes more letters to MK asking how she is and how he's waiting for news of her. HE looks sader each day he gives the letters to DS to deliver. One day DS gives him an answer from MK saying that it's her wish that he would forget her. With the letter is the card he gave her before. He cries and DS narrates that MK went to the US before he could answer and that MK doesn't even contact DS and JAH now. (JB sent her 35 letters before she replied) JB packs his things to study in a temple for the exam.

DS studies and studies and is happy when she gets a nosebleed for the first time (for studying so hard). The timeskips happen

One day when the first snow comes, SW's mom and TK's dad eat dinner in his room. He tells her that since it's cold.... should they live together? SW's mom doesn't know what to say buy secretly smiles.

TK plays and plays baduk and wins veeery often~ like the champion he is.

In TK's room the gang (without TK) talk about how their college entrance exams where. DS and DR sigh and JH and SW were good as always.

JH packs his things for the air force. SW gets a scholarship and gets to be a doctor.

JH's parents celebrate that JB finally got into law school!!!

DS and DR go to noryangji college.

DS's family watches the singing contest that airs at the end of the years and each year, DS's dad is the only one who guesses the winner wrong lol

1994: JJ rips out TK's dad's grey hair for money lol seems like they live together now :) JJ calls TK's dad „dad“

JB still lives at home, now has glasses and a computer.

DS's mom cries at the thought of her kids getting married and DS's dad assures her that he will dance in joy if DS gets married. DS's mom tells him that she'll look if he's crying then or not.

The gang comes to Ssangmundong for TK's birthday party. Everybody seems well off except DR lol

TK goes home for the party with his own car :D His teacher says he's not good at driving tho haha


I don't get why JH is driving such an old car in the preview but ...I hope at least he confesses.... I don't know how DS'll react but... the preview made me think of YJ and SW from 1997 so I think they'll get together :)

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13 minutes ago, JCgirl 001 said:

haha u have to follow through with ur opinion to the very bitter end :_( lol I know what u mean, just the possibility of TK being the one made me sound like a crazy person to my sister when I talk to her about it. My heart says TK but my mind says JH . I have to remember that this is a kdrama and the end game tends to be characters like JH I would hate to say one thing and then be wrong in the end sigh... want all the episodes to be out right now ! lol


Both my heart and mind say Taek, but I have no idea what the writer's heart and mind are doing.

I will say even a great writer can get it wrong sometimes.  J.K. Rowling admitted that pairing Herimone with Ron was a head over heart choice and it was the wrong one.

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1 hour ago, woss said:
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There is the rumor that RJY was filming a kiss scene with HR in Gimpo airport. I was thinking that this rumor might be true as DS becomes a stewardess :blink:

I'm just stating my opinion.. Haha and I'm team JH -DS. 

The rumour Was debunked few pages back. Unless there's another.

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3 minutes ago, hushhh said:


Both my heart and mind say Taek, but I have no idea what the writer's heart and mind are doing.

I will say even a great writer can get it wrong sometimes.  J.K. Rowling admitted that pairing Herimone with Ron was a head over heart choice and it was the wrong one.

Yeah read that somewhere too. so true.... That totally happens sometimes. I remember that there was kdrama years back where the main leads had absolutely no chemistry so the writer made the female end up with the second lead based on the chemistry and popularity among the public.... argh lol I wish that I could get into her head and understand the writers way of thinking.

 honestly I think TK character is very unique and it would be really amazing if a guy like him got the girl in the end. The heart wants what the heart wants.

JH is like other leads in kdramas, charming in that he act brash but has a warm side to him and its just seems like a very kdrama way of thinking to have a character like his win the girl if u know what I mean?

I do love them both but I have a weakness for the underdog and wish both get a good ending in the end.

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Guest juniorette

I think the kiss was real, but maybe didn't happen exactly as was shown.

DS chose to lie imo (bc she is still sorting her feelings ? Bc she feels inadequate  in front of Taek ? Bc she is selfless and doesn't want to upset the friendship ?)

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Park Bogum is doing a lot better for this drama. He was compared to Seo Kang Joon and Yoo Seungho from 1993 line in some articles that I saw yesterday. He was even compared to Nam Joo Hyuk for Cheese in The Trap because of the Taek-ish. I bet the reporter might have nothing to do. I dont know how to react but netizen really surprised by his kiss scene.

Here me to the rescue!


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4 minutes ago, JCgirl 001 said:

Yeah read that somewhere too. so true.... That totally happens sometimes. I remember that there was kdrama years back where the main leads had absolutely no chemistry so the writer made the female end up with the second lead based on the chemistry and popularity among the public.... argh lol I wish that I could get into her head and understand the writers way of thinking.

 honestly I think TK character is very unique and it would be really amazing if a guy like him got the girl in the end. The heart wants what the heart wants.

JH is like other leads in kdramas, charming in that he act brash but has a warm side to him and its just seems like a very kdrama way of thinking to have a character like his win the girl if u know what I mean?

I do love them both but I have a weakness for the underdog and wish both get a good ending in the end.


I was certain you meant Taek as the underdog,  but then I was less certain. I suppose in someways Taek is/was the underdog.

The thing is, TEAK is a Titan in his chosen profession. He's the best in his league.

The social oddness that made in an underdog as a youth, had been adjusted in way that just makes him an interesting person. He's also matured as a person.

I still think he might be an oddball, but he is less of an underdog.

He is kind, considerate, rich, sexy, and sexy, and i don't know, sexy.  My idea of a winning oddball. lol!

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Guest juniorette

Also : I think we're getting trolled like we were with R94. Until the penultimate episode, Chilbongie was winning the race.

This episode was in favor of Taek, either we get an alternance : 1 for Taek, 1 for JH, until the end, or we get a last 2 episodes catch-up by JH. The past 7 episodes were in favor of Taek, and I would bet on him if JH had not been shown preference during the first half of the drama. Why highlight him that much and then let him brood for 10 episodes ?

Anyway, I would be happy with either of them, I love this show too much !

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1 minute ago, hushhh said:


I was certain you meant Taek as the underdog,  but then I was less certain. I suppose in someways Taek is/was the underdog.

The thing is, TEAK is a Titan in his chosen profession. He's the best in his league.

The social oddness that made in an underdog as a youth, had been adjusted in way that just makes him an interesting person. He's also matured as a person.

I still think he might be an oddball, but he is less of an underdog.

He is kind, considerate, rich, sexy, and sexy, and i don't know, sexy.  My idea of a winning oddball. lol!


;) yep. my heart is set. But my sister knocks me down a few pegs cause she doesn't think its realistic for kdramas? so then my minds like I may be wrong? So then I learnt to like the JH too. Im just cursing along trying to enjoy the ride as best as I can in the end haha

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1 hour ago, woss said:

There is the rumor that RJY was filming a kiss scene with HR in Gimpo airport. I was thinking that this rumor might be true as DS becomes a stewardess :blink:


we wouldn't be surprised. we'd be more surprised if they don't get a kiss scene ^_^

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Watching the RAW...yeah!!!

Somehow I understand the Song sisters interaction with papa Song. I somehow like Bora, unable to express or openly talk to my father compare to my older sister with our father. My father will be so excited whenever my sis comeback home. Oookk.. Continue watching. Nite everybody (more like morning now)

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19 minutes ago, juniorette said:

I think the kiss was real, but maybe didn't happen exactly as was shown.

DS chose to lie imo (bc she is still sorting her feelings ? Bc she feels inadequate  in front of Taek ? Bc she is selfless and doesn't want to upset the friendship ?)

It might have also to do with the delusion that TK thought her a pushover..=/.

8 minutes ago, juniorette said:

Also : I think we're getting trolled like we were with R94. Until the penultimate episode, Chilbongie was winning the race.

Honestly I watched the series from the start and long time after the debate occurred,but to me it looked like na jung-trash had something special,from the get go..=/.Also,this series is totally different right? I can't form any parallel this time..

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Hey hey~ After re-watching some scene of today's episode I noticed that:


The dolls appeared again!! The red doll and the purple doll are apart and the yellow doll and the green doll are both on the back of the TV (the green one is looking at the yellow one). The blue doll and the light purple (?) doll are both on the front of the TV. What do you think would that mean?

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On 12/25/2015 at 0:18 AM, AppleP said:

Life is irony.

so what is irony? if irony is the opposite of what would be expected then :

- Taek is not going to confess

- SW and BR would probably break up


in a long run, if life is irony, DS will become a very successful woman compare to her smart sister. 

idk, i'm just guessing. any thoughts?


i was just guessing back then for "Life is Irony" Part 1 and 2.

and it came true... :sweatingbullets:

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