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@TRaNz it’s the same here! They go up by $1 every year it seems and it really does turn me off. I mean part of the draw of going to food festivals is that you get good food for cheap. It adds up pretty quickly too! $3 here, $3 over there and before you know it you’ve spent close to $100 on street food!

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@mouse007 yeah, especially with the fusion style foods, like its entree size and all, maybe 2 or 3 in a serving. But when you hit the bracket above $16 , gotta choose carefully as some items down here in Aust at the festivals hit up to $26....or have no self control and just throw that money at them pointing at multiple items on the menu with a grin.....**am guilty of this**

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28 minutes ago, angelangie said:


@triplem ah....kk....i knew the tide will turn when u guys showing me the funny clips of the emperor start having this tingling sensation for Sunny :x

was actually shocked... this was basically me reading the posts...



... I can understand shipping a second lead in a romance drama... but this is revenge drama and the fella is the villain. evil villain. villain! do people not watch revenge/detective dramas to know what a villain is? :huh::huh::huh:..

... it was okay that folks are finding him charming but then, it felt like a shipping war was potentially simmering which just shocked me..... but yea, at least for now, it is okay...


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Is it not common for people to fall for the bad guys?!?! LOL. I mean there must be something in him for so many people to like him despite the fact that he is a murderer? Although I could never understand why anyone would ever fall for some other guy when Choi Jin Hyuk Oppa is the male lead. LOLOL. But yeah people like different things, it's just a drama, no harm in liking a villain character as long as they don't bash the nice characters and the posters who like the nice characters. 



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