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5 minutes ago, phikyl said:

@Alice Wonderland 

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I've seen some people [not necessarily just on Soompi but on other forums too] saying that MY just steamrolls over the patients and accidentally makes their problems better but I think that's totally wrong.


I think MY can sense what they need better than they can. She's dealt with her own problems for so long that it's almost second nature for her to be able to deduce what's an issue in someone else's life. Now, she's definitely more abrasive in her dealings with it but it works in her favor because the patients have come to expect that in your face truth from her. 


It's like what the doctor said during his secret meeting with the guy in the linen closet; only someone who has experienced pain can truly see it in others. AND the patients are more willing to open up to/around her because she's not technically a doctor. Even someone who claims to be totally open with their doctor is probably still hiding something that they will feel shame or whatever for putting it out in the open. 


I really want to know why the head nurse is so quick to jump on the bandwagon for getting rid of MY. She barely knows MY and I know she's friends with JR but that's some really bad bias going on right there. Just because issues are arising because MY has been there doesn't mean she's the cause of it. By that logic, GT could be the cause of it too because he started there around the same time MY came! But of course they're all just pointing fingers at the "weird" one and blaming her. 



love this phikylll:heart: 



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