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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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@Adora Dark If you don't mind, I hope you can answer questions from this newbie fan...


1) Why didn't JH attend JK's concert - is it because she was shooting her movie?  I felt that if they were a couple, she would be there no matter what, and being with other RM members would be the perfect 'cover'.  But then I also know that movie/TV shoots are gruelling and sometimes very far, so I didn't include this in my red flag list, although it makes me wonder.


2) Who is Tiny Oppa to JK?  It seems he's very important to JK, and seeing him very close to JH makes me smile. 



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@carambsk Welcome! I'm glad you took the time to read up on spartace, and I think we all start off with doubts. I certainly leaned towards believing that they weren't dating when I first started posting here. For me, having a chance to discuss it with other shippers helped me figure things out. So know that we're always here to talk things over with!


Sometimes it's important not to over analyze a single moment. It's very easy to take a snapshot picture or a short interaction between two people and come up with all sorts of explanations. We have to remember that they're on a show where they have characters to follow and we only see a fraction of footage from a day of shooting. Just because we want to see KJK and SJH acting besotted with each other all the time, the truth is couples (especially long-lasting couples) aren't going to be constantly gazing at each other and standing next to each other. When you add up all of spartace's suspicious moments (the interactions when they don't think the cameras are focused on them, things other RM members have said, scenes of them looking at each other), I believe it outweighs the few times where the short clips we see make it appear that they're not together. 


And of course we must remember that if they are dating, they want to keep it secret but also leave open the possibility that they could get married. One thing many spartace fans have pointed out is that if spartace was really concerned about fans linking them together, their agencies could just release official statements (especially when that article with the marriage rumor came out - which was such a bs article lol). Official statements have more validity to them than a comment on a TV show, as the company's reputation is on the line if the statement turns out to be untrue. However, KJK and SJH have released no such statement. Of course, they have said "We're family/friends" before, but that's a fairly standard k-celeb response when they're dating someone, get caught, but don't want to admit it. KJK has said that he will insist that he is single even if he's dating until he's ready to get married. And it's worked for him. There's a reason KJK hasn't had a single public girlfriend in all his celebrity career. The man knows how to date in secret. Which is why it's not all that shocking that we have moments that cause us doubt. 


And I second what @Adora Dark said. Just to add, SJH almost exclusively teases KJK in love lines, while she never teased LKS, KG, or any of the other members nearly as much. She does tease them from time to time, but she goes out of her way to tease KJK, and she's done so since the very early days. I don't know about y'all, but when I'm seeing a guy, I tease him about other women, saying things like "Ohh so that's your type". It's fun, and a teasing/light expression of jealousy. I think it's a pretty normal thing (at least for me?), and add that to KJK's on screen persona as @Adora Dark said, I think SJH's teasing of KJK with other women on the show makes sense.  

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Also, what do y'all think of this?


Here is a really rough translation of what happened that I found on IG wht some additions of mine:


SJH's poem wishes that KJK "...would meet the women who makes him warm in winter and give birth of muscular babies looks like him". Then YJS and JSJ "tease her that she would have written in the end: that is actually me that stays besides you" Then HH stands and shouts with YSC and JSM "Read the last part!". (KJK joins in them chanting this part, it looks like). So SJH says it "jokingly while covering her mouth with her hand"  Then "when KJK part came, he said before standing: yeah I should get married"

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11 hours ago, carambsk said:

In any case, long story short, this couple drives me nuts!  :p

First, welcome to the forum, glad to read your opinions regarding our SA. Well, it's true, this couple is driving us nuts, lol. :D I remembered someone had ever said, being SA shipper is like riding a roller coaster. It has so many ups and downs. However, I enjoyed the process, though. After all these years, we can still witness their sweet and unnecessary skinship, right? What not to love about seeing them together? Apart from their fictitious characters on RM, I believe their true characters and situations that they are dealing were more complicated, so perhaps that was the reason why they aren't disclosed their relationship status up until now (being together with each other or not).


For once or twice, I've tried to deny it myself, like saying, ah... SA are just close like a sibling for each other, RM is a big family, everybody are close as a siblings, etc, etc. However, this sibling thing just really doesn't suit these two, at least for me. Yes, we had so many evidence already. And I agree that seeing their intimate moments when they're not in the highlight was really special. The fact that what we see on screen was only a small portion of their interactions, yet we still could see their secretive moments so much all these times, only means a thing for me. They're interacted way more than that in reality!


10 hours ago, linzer03 said:

Sometimes it's important not to over analyze a single moment. It's very easy to take a snapshot picture or a short interaction between two people and come up with all sorts of explanations.  

Yes, I couldn't agree more. I may sound like an antis for saying this, but sometimes that overly "slow-mo" version of their flash eye contact isn't my cup of tea. But, maybe it's just me, lol. However, I can't deny that by slow-mo the moment can give us clearer vision too.


10 hours ago, linzer03 said:

Also, what do y'all think of this?

Well, I'm waiting for the subs eagerly for this one, so we could get the idea of what she wrote for JK. Not that it would give us so much hint because it was made for the purpose of the show, but... I think she wrote it kinda sweetly (based on the BGM they used). And, hence, she mentioned winter? Yes, it might be coincidental (once again), but our SA always on the center of attention during winter.


Beside this moment, after watching it raw, my favorite moment is when JK caught JH in the middle of chaos and said to her to be careful. He might be helping other teams to accomplish their mission at that time, but his sheepish smile when realizing he caught JH said it all for me. :wub:


8 hours ago, jusnita said:

I think they dated before. But broke up now. That's poem seem Goodbye poem for him. That's why our spartace's President Haha's face looked sad, so did Kwang Soo.

Well, I've respected your views here, but I think, I'd better to watch the engsub version first to give a comment about this. :)


On 10/5/2019 at 8:03 AM, Xonos said:

And last year, on SBS couple award, KJK and HJY wins the award, so I also wondering, whether this year couple award will SBS put KJK and SJH as well...?

Lastly, I wanted to give my opinion regarding this matter. Yep, it's interesting that you mentioned about it. Umm, I'm not sure about this, though. The show clearly had no single leading loveline at the moment. IMO, they tried to form several loveline since earlier this year (JK-JH, JK-JSM, YSC-JSM, even JSJ-JSM), but I believe SA (being together or not) were not in the hunt for that award though. So, let's see what the production team would bring in the upcoming episodes. ;)

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this is a poem composed by JH for JK.


I don't know if this translation is the same as the poem.


autumn is known for its good weather
the sky high, and the man of autumn, "Kim Jong Kook"
is raising his standards, and his muscles are getting fatter
he just needs to meet the one who will warm his cold winter
and starts a new life while fluttering the wedding veil.
when the autumn come back again
i wish that you would spend the rest of your life...
in warmth with a muscular child that resembles you

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after I watched RM ep 471, I will share a little of my opinion and here I don't hate anyone. ^^


in the poem written by JH for JK, I'm glad JK listened to what JH wrote for him, but when YJS said (the last line was JH), JK and JH's response seemed to be embarrassed (you can see the sweet smiles of both JK and JH) and JK and JH did not say they were family.


for the game I do not know what is thought by the PD, where JSM is hiding for too long, even though what I know is that the RM for hiding should not be too long, even though the game for me is less attractive, but what makes me interesting is when JK holds JH's hand very long without resistance.


in my opinion JK and JH don't think too much about winning or losing, I see JK and JH are happy, even though they lost to the JSM team.


I hope JK and JH will be happy ending... ^^


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7 hours ago, carambsk said:

@Adora Dark If you don't mind, I hope you can answer questions from this newbie fan...


1) Why didn't JH attend JK's concert - is it because she was shooting her movie?  I felt that if they were a couple, she would be there no matter what, and being with other RM members would be the perfect 'cover'.  But then I also know that movie/TV shoots are gruelling and sometimes very far, so I didn't include this in my red flag list, although it makes me wonder.


2) Who is Tiny Oppa to JK?  It seems he's very important to JK, and seeing him very close to JH makes me smile. 



I'm not less of a newbie than you are, I only started watching RM this past April. :lol: I just have consumed a lot of content in a short time lol

2) James “Tiny” Kim is an old friend of KJK who lives in Koreatown, LA. They certainly are very close, as they both keep visiting each other in LA and Korea respectively. Just like you mention, Tiny seems to single out SJH whenever he is at the set of RM, he consistently takes photos with her, always having something nice or funny to share about his "sister", something that he doesn't do with the rest members as frequently. Also, I find it slightly suspicious how KJK is rarely pictured in said photos. Ask yourself, if you have been introduced to a nice person through your best friend, and you all have ended up sharing an amicable relationship with absolutely nothing hidden, wouldn't you take photos with both of them considering you visit their common workplace fairly often? Certainly not every single time you do, but at least sometimes ? With the exception of some earlier pictures, the only relatively recent photo that Tiny uploaded featuring both SJH & KJK was the one taken last December in the snowy scenery, at a time the shift towards the Spartace love line had already been decided - so, in the weeks/months to come, they would always have that as a justification. Moreover, the fact that Tiny's closeness to SJH has remained unchanged through the years reinforces the idea that, if Spartace once were lovers, they haven't broken up and still are.

1) Firstly, let me say I had wondered this myself. Now, I am not really an avid fan of SJH (perhaps other people are more familiar with her projects and scheduled appearances) but indeed KJK's much anticipated solo concerts collided with the period she was intensively shooting "Daughter". I remember members here mentioning that she looked tired in some episodes. Since you specifically mention the concert YJS, LKS and JSM also attended, people often overlook that everything was taking place within the boundaries of a TV show, My Ugly Duckling. I am not implying that his colleagues wouldn't honour him otherwise, but there's a big difference between concerts where guests are only captured on fancams (i.e. SJH's attending previous KJK-related events) and concerts where a full TV crew is present, dressing rooms are loaded with cameras and the final result is both scripted and edited. Working in a TV channel comes with responsibilities that transcend the needs of one show, it's a common practice for celebrities to support shows of the same network, they can be contractually obliged or, generally speaking, do it for additional cash/as a favour. Again, I'm not doubting YJS/LKS/JSM's camaraderie with KJK, but their presence in a MUD's episode was also part of business, no matter if other shippers are daydreaming. As for SJH, she has been to Turbo's concert in the past, as well as the opening of KJK & HH's restaurant, without a TV show recording her every move. If she is indeed in a relationship with KJK, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't attend all of his concerts even when her working schedule isn't an obstacle. They are not in the beginning of their romantic liaison anymore. There's also the possibility they wanted to keep it low and avoid further rumours for a while, as that concert took place right when the heavy teasing of the love line came to an abrupt pause. But, most importantly, I think if she is indeed his lover, she will just stay backstage/pick him up after along with his entourage, and thus they'll never admit publically she was present in more concerts than we actually know.



7 hours ago, linzer03 said:

Just to add, SJH almost exclusively teases KJK in love lines, while she never teased LKS, KG, or any of the other members nearly as much. She does tease them from time to time, but she goes out of her way to tease KJK, and she's done so since the very early days. I don't know about y'all, but when I'm seeing a guy, I tease him about other women, saying things like "Ohh so that's your type". It's fun, and a teasing/light expression of jealousy. I think it's a pretty normal thing (at least for me?), and add that to KJK's on screen persona as @Adora Dark said, I think SJH's teasing of KJK with other women on the show makes sense.  

Honestly, I am the same. And I see this from older, settled-down couples too, they will both positively comment on a third person's physical traits, often in taunting mood towards each other. SJH teasing KJK about other women doesn't automatically exclude her as a bride candidate, if anything it enhances her place considering how involved she was every time she said or did something. Now, taking into account that playing along with a love line is what they are supposed to do for the needs of the show, we shouldn't expect anything less from SJH. We're actually lucky that RM has been going on for 9 years, with each episode being the product of long-lasting shooting, hence occasionally fleeting moments of Spartace unwillingness and jealousy during love lines have slipped the editors' group.

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Hello guys! I hope you are all fine. :) I finished watching the latest episode of RM and the thing that struck me the most was the opening part about making poem. What I can say is "SPARTACE is driving me crazy!" Being with spartace is like DANCING bare feet in the middle of the road, when the tarmac is too HOT but I'm having too much fun to care!


The poem written by SJH eonnie, hmmmm. Kinda suspicious though. But KJK...KJK oppa just stays quiet in the corner and gulps down his water. No denial or whatsoever. Aigooo. Really driving me crazy... Yoo Jae Suk teasing them is like "hmmmm... I think there is a chance..."


Anyway, can't wait for the the upcoming RM episode. :)  Cheers! ;) 


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just wanna add to what @Adora Dark have said about JH attending JK concert. 

first of all, just because noone saw her in many of kjk's concert, doesn't mean she didn't attend it. maybe she's in the backstage, avoiding unnecessary publicity.

second, her schedule is really tight. i think she really wanted to go to kjk concerts to support him, but her schedule prevent her. the one moment she does that, kjk look very worried, kinda apologetic because it took around 2 hours for her go to to the venue.

i think kjk would rather to see her rest at home, taking care of her health. beside, support could come in many ways, right ?

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15 hours ago, linzer03 said:


Sometimes it's important not to over analyze a single moment. It's very easy to take a snapshot picture or a short interaction between two people and come up with all sorts of explanations. We have to remember that they're on a show where they have characters to follow and we only see a fraction of footage from a day of shooting. Just because we want to see KJK and SJH acting besotted with each other all the time, the truth is couples (especially long-lasting couples) aren't going to be constantly gazing at each other and standing next to each other. When you add up all of spartace's suspicious moments (the interactions when they don't think the cameras are focused on them, things other RM members have said, scenes of them looking at each other), I believe it outweighs the few times where the short clips we see make it appear that they're not together. 



I absolutely agree. 

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Re: the poem from JH...


( - )

How scripted is RM?  To what level is it scripted?  Would they tell JH "Hey make a poem about JK where you mention marriage and babies" OR just "Hey, sit to his left so you can make a poem about him".  If it's the former, then everything is understandable I guess.  Everything, including the teasing, could have been just part of a script.  If it's the latter, she could have just played along with the loveline by writing something cute and funny about him, it didn't have to be marriage.  So JH choosing the topic could be interpreted as a heartfelt message for someone she deeply cares about.


( + ) 

JK looked really uncomfortable and flustered and shy, just drinking water, seemingly not knowing how to react.  JH looked really shy especially after JS made the first comment.  The way she 'denied' it was different. The comment of SJ was so awkward.  The teasing could have been organic.  The way they came up with "That's me", seemingly didn't look like it was part of a script.


It really could go either way, but I choose to go with the ( + ) although I can't totally ignore the ( - ).

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Would like to get your opinions on this. 


IF they are indeed together now, if they have been together for several years already...


1) Why do you think they haven't admitted it yet?  They're getting old, it has been several years, so why?  If it's for the show, how important is the show versus their personal lives?  If it's for the show, how long will they keep it up?  


2) What will happen to them when they finally admit it to the public?  Will the public be able to forgive them for the lies and denials, especially with JK being on a show like MUD?


Again, this is assuming that they are indeed together, and that they've been together for several years already.  And I understand that all replies to these questions are just speculations and guesses.

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11 hours ago, Adora Dark said:

1) Firstly, let me say I had wondered this myself. Now, I am not really an avid fan of SJH (perhaps other people are more familiar with her projects and scheduled appearances) but indeed KJK's much anticipated solo concerts collided with the period she was intensively shooting "Daughter". I remember members here mentioning that she looked tired in some episodes. Since you specifically mention the concert YJS, LKS and JSM also attended, people often overlook that everything was taking place within the boundaries of a TV show, My Ugly Duckling. I am not implying that his colleagues wouldn't honour him otherwise, but there's a big difference between concerts where guests are only captured on fancams (i.e. SJH's attending previous KJK-related events) and concerts where a full TV crew is present, dressing rooms are loaded with cameras and the final result is both scripted and edited. Working in a TV channel comes with responsibilities that transcend the needs of one show, it's a common practice for celebrities to support shows of the same network, they can be contractually obliged or, generally speaking, do it for additional cash/as a favour. Again, I'm not doubting YJS/LKS/JSM's camaraderie with KJK, but their presence in a MUD's episode was also part of business, no matter if other shippers are daydreaming. As for SJH, she has been to Turbo's concert in the past, as well as the opening of KJK & HH's restaurant, without a TV show recording her every move. If she is indeed in a relationship with KJK, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't attend all of his concerts even when her working schedule isn't an obstacle. They are not in the beginning of their romantic liaison anymore. There's also the possibility they wanted to keep it low and avoid further rumours for a while, as that concert took place right when the heavy teasing of the love line came to an abrupt pause. But, most importantly, I think if she is indeed his lover, she will just stay backstage/pick him up after along with his entourage, and thus they'll never admit publically she was present in more concerts than we actually know.


My uneasiness is really more of a projection about what I think should be done in a relationship.  It was his first solo concert in 9 years (please correct me if I'm wrong), and I think a significant other should do everything to be there, whether or not there are cameras for a show.  But again, this is what I think should be done.  I also know that all couples are different, all situations are different.  She really could have been busy with the movie.  


I've just begun reading the forum pages about the concert, I need to look for more info on the letter he wrote.  

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On 4/8/2019 at 10:17 PM, mn0096 said:

...When doubt settles in, I always fall back on that time he said it would be good for SA to get married. At the time, he had no reason to say it unless it was true. He thought RM had ended, and IMO was helping SA pave the way for a reveal. I’m not going to post that moment here, since I’m sure you have all seen it. Take a good look at it, again. YJS looked a bit sad because SA got fired, but he also looked very serious when he blessed them. Again, he publicly gave them his blessings that day. That was huge. He seems to be doing the same thing right now, but within the context of RM. Fingers crossed as always, but let’s all be patient. 



Hi guys, could someone kindly send me the link to this?  I don't think I've seen this yet.

Thank you!

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IMO, YJS “blessed” SA that day because everyone (including him) thought RM had ended. There was no reason to set up a LL, plus SA had just been hurt so no way was YJS stupid or a bad person to want to hurt them more by starting romance rumors about them. Instead, in every way possible, he was trying to help them, perhaps trying to pre-block netizen backlash when SA announce. He talked about marriage around 1:08. In case anyone still thinks this was for a LL, remember that talks about SA getting married or taking advantage of YJS’s words for a LL were quickly dropped once it was agreed that RM would continue. All the members and staff seemingly got amnesia, LOL. :) 



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2 hours ago, carambsk said:

Would like to get your opinions on this. 


IF they are indeed together now, if they have been together for several years already...


1) Why do you think they haven't admitted it yet?  They're getting old, it has been several years, so why?  If it's for the show, how important is the show versus their personal lives?  If it's for the show, how long will they keep it up?  


2) What will happen to them when they finally admit it to the public?  Will the public be able to forgive them for the lies and denials, especially with JK being on a show like MUD?


Again, this is assuming that they are indeed together, and that they've been together for several years already.  And I understand that all replies to these questions are just speculations and guesses.

this is from my point of view


JK and JH have known each other from 8 or 9 years ago. You can see their process in RM.

For the issue of a joint relationship between JK and JH, I'm sure this forum has its own answers.


1. (if JK and JH had a serious relationship)
to acknowledge a relationship between JK and JH is not easy as long as they are still in the RM, and if you say the relationship between JK and JH is only a show in RM, you are mistaken, (why does the RM always deduct when JK interacts with JH? ) and in my opinion the RM will soon be over.


2. I don't think it's a problem for the public if they acknowledge the relationship and I'm sure the public will also feel happy if JK and JH go through the relationship (40% happy, 30% sad, 20% angry, and 10% neutral). now I ask you, do you know what the concept of MUD is and do you see JK close to women in MUD? if in my opinion the MUD concept is not a matchmaking event, but a male and female event that is still single, so the conclusion is that the MUD will not negatively impact JK dan JH.


everything I write is my opinion ... ^^

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I think RM and career's the one that block the official declaration of the SA couple, if they serious / already in a relationship etc etc...


Mind you, if they already in a relationship, then SA beats Dispatch in term of keeping it secret...


From past episode, there was even a statements said that Dispatch bored with KJK since KJK life is so boring a.k.a work, home, gym and rinse and repeat...


If during that time SA already in a relationship, means they are actually having their date during RM session and off cam...


You know, as a RM fans, I seriously would hate if RM ends soon, but then if the end of the shows means SA can start declare official, then I will see it as a necessary sacrifice...

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