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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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On 5/20/2021 at 2:49 PM, Calli said:

I'm so glad she decided to share that gem on her blog - and that the entry is still around so new fans can still enjoy it and admire 21-year-old Joo Wonie :wub:

I have also already seen it, I also know how to navigate in navigating in naver and I have found several things, this is not from naver, it is from youtube, but I share it anyway.


as we have not heard from joo won I try to find joo won things now I am going to share several videos of joo won that I have found on youtube they are difficult to find these videos on youtube so I share them these videos are from the children's program of which joo won was freeze









I also found this from the musical grease





Edited by serenilmauve
Follow soompi rule and hide more than 3 images, videos, tweets and etc. in spoiler tags! Thanks!
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On 5/20/2021 at 10:09 AM, Andrea Balcazar said:

as we have not heard from joo won I try to find joo won things now I am going to share several videos of joo won that I have found on youtube they are difficult to find these videos on youtube so I share them these videos are from the children's program of which joo won was freeze


Thanks for sharing the videos! However, next time, remember that - just like pictures - multiple videos should be posted in "Hidden Content"/"Spoilers" to make the page easier to load ;) It's fine for me, but things can get really tough for mobile phone users.

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29 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Thanks for sharing the videos! However, next time, remember that - just like pictures - multiple videos should be posted in "Hidden Content"/"Spoilers" to make the page easier to load ;) It's fine for me, but things can get really tough for mobile phone users.

yes sorry i forgot to put in spoilers

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2 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

I want to see your full face


Haha^^ Me, too. But I'm soooo happy he posted at all after such a long time that I don't mind at all we're getting just part of his lovely face~

Hopefully his next update (or his agency's) won't take another month *fingerscrossed*

I'm really wondering when Carter will start filming... 

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3 minutes ago, Calli said:

Haha^^ Me, too. But I'm soooo happy he posted at all after such a long time that I don't mind at all we're getting just part of his lovely face~

Hopefully his next update (or his agency's) won't take another month *fingerscrossed*

I'm really wondering when Carter will start filming...

It is true the same I think when I saw that I publish a little cry of happiness haha since we have not had news about him I am glad that he has published a photo I hope that he is already filming or I try to film they have told me that netflix movies are recorded quickly I hope so and joo won is not hurt with the action scenes that he is going to do

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11 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

I hope that he is already filming or I try to film they have told me that netflix movies are recorded quickly I hope so and joo won is not hurt with the action scenes that he is going to do


Yeah, to be honest I always wonder how much Corona might be affecting filming schedules these days...

but I've also gotten the impression that Netflix movies are well organized and budgeted when it comes to filming and I really hope that will be the case for Carter as well. In case they haven't started filming yet. I'm kinda hoping Joo Won will tell us once he starts filming, haha^^

And like you, @Andrea Balcazar , I'm really really hoping he'll be safe while filming all those action scenes and come out of all of them unharmed and healthy. I was just reading an article how he got hurt (his nose again) during filming for 1N2D back in May 2013 and how he actually lost consciousness, was taken to the emergency room, and a little later he was back on set again :(  Hopefully something like that won't ever happen again...

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2 hours ago, Calli said:

I'm really really hoping he'll be safe while filming all those action scenes and come out of all of them unharmed and healthy. I was just reading an article how he got hurt (his nose again) during filming for 1N2D back in May 2013 and how he actually lost consciousness, was taken to the emergency room, and an hour later he was back on set again :(  Hopefully something like that won't ever happen again...

I really did not know that they took him to the hospital I hope that joo won knows how to handle the action scenes well and the doctor of the new movie is seeing that the study in the action academy and I saw some of his movies are good I know that knows how to organize action scenes very well so that no one gets hurt

@CalliWell, although now the truth is, I don't think I have many accidents, joo won, because from what is practiced too much that I read out there that he himself said that he had a black belt means that he was at a very advanced level and more with the director who also studied at the school of action I know what I told you to know how to handle action scenes safely

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13 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

I read out there that he himself said that he had a black belt


Oh, Joo Won has a black belt? In Taekwondo? I didn't know that... 

I mean, he's very athletic and his action scenes in Gaksital and Alice were very, very impressive. 

To be honest, I've read about quite a few injuries he's had while filming on various sets over the years but thankfully nothing seems to have ever been serious (like his wrist diring Gaksital, his nose during 7th GCS and 1N2D or his head during Baker King). I'm sure Joo Won is always as careful as he can possibly be while giving his very best when acting... and like you said @Andrea Balcazar the director of Carter is very experienced when it comes to action scenes (and I'm sure so is his team) so they'll be taking all the necessary precautions. Hopefully Joo Won will be safe throughout filming and will have a great time making valuable new experiences~ 

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17 hours ago, Calli said:

And like you, @Andrea Balcazar , I'm really really hoping he'll be safe while filming all those action scenes and come out of all of them unharmed and healthy. I was just reading an article how he got hurt (his nose again) during filming for 1N2D back in May 2013 and how he actually lost consciousness, was taken to the emergency room, and a little later he was back on set again :(  Hopefully something like that won't ever happen again...


14 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

I really did not know that they took him to the hospital


If I recall correctly, JW going to the hospital that time was more as a precautionary measure. It's hard to tell from the 1N2D footage how badly he was hurt, but in the actual episode, he does appear to be fine. Like, he did need to sit out in the sidelines, but he was still able to jump up and congratulate Uhm Tae Woong when he won the game in his stead. So either the initial report was overexaggerated/sensationalized (which happens a lot in the entertainment industry) and "going to the hospital" was more a "going to see a doctor" sort of situation, or JW was just that much of a trooper that he held out as long as he could before getting himself checked.


14 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

Well, although now the truth is, I don't think I have many accidents, joo won, because from what is practiced too much that I read out there that he himself said that he had a black belt means that he was at a very advanced level and more with the director who also studied at the school of action I know what I told you to know how to handle action scenes safely


5 hours ago, Calli said:

Oh, Joo Won has a black belt? In Taekwondo? I didn't know that... 


I didn't know about a black belt either. However, what I do know is that JW does have a ton of experience filming action scenes, and he's just generally strong and agile for someone of his height/build. Of course, accidents can and do happen, even to the best of people, but I do think that he'll be fine. If nothing else, film/drama action scenes are generally safer than the things we see in variety shows: everything is actually carefully choreographed and rehearsed as opposed to just happening in the moment.

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@calli @kittynaWell in Alice I don't think any accident happened, Joo Won is already more expert in action scenes and as I told you he has a black belt, he is like a professional in action scenes, he also trains a lot and I know that the scenes that he does could be done well without any accident I think that's why they take some time before filming so that joo won can train the action scenes a little more

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6 hours ago, kittyna said:

If I recall correctly, JW going to the hospital that time was more as a precautionary measure. It's hard to tell from the 1N2D footage how badly he was hurt, but in the actual episode, he does appear to be fine.


Idk how much editing went into that particular episode, but that's still really good to know, @kittyna. I haven't watched the actual episode yet tbh. Reading about Joo Won getting injured made me a little apprehensive to watch... and also, to be absolutely honest, I haven't liked the changes that came about in 1N2D with the change of PD from episode 56 onwards... it kinda feels "off" to me, like something very essential that made the show what it was got lost. But of course I'll keep watching for Joo Won until his very last episode.

About his injury, the articles I read made it sound rather serious, with Joo Won hitting his head/ nasal bone so hard that he actually couldn't get up for a while (some articles mentioned he lost consciousness) and was taken to the emergency room, but I can see how the accounts might have been exaggerated for the purposes you mentioned. 

I was a little reassured after seeing photos of his fan meeting in Taiwan that took place 8 days after he got injured and he looked perfectly perfect^^



And then of course the fact that he went back to filming so quickly was also reassuring... I do think though that Joo Won is very, very much of a trooper, and even if in pain, he would do the impossible to make sure filming isn't hindered on his account. Especially back then. That's just the impression I got from everything I've learned about him so far. Maybe the years might have tempered his giving-1000%-at-every-single-thing-he-does-no-matter-the-cost attitude ever so slightly?  

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changing the subject, which of the co-stars I worked with, joo won, did you see more chemistry?
At the beginning of seeing my first drama of him it was good doctor and I loved his chemistry with good doctor but after seeing all his dramas I liked his chemistry more with kim tae hee jin se yun and uee
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15 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

which of the co-stars I worked with, joo won, did you see more chemistry?


I still have some of Joo Won's dramas that I haven't watched yet - I'm sorta savoring each one and enjoying learning about him thoroughly and slowly - but in the movies and dramas of his I've watched so far I've really enjoyed his chemistry with all his on-screen partners, male and female alike. Probably my most favorite chemistry though is the real-life one between Joo Won and his hyungs during his 1N2D days^^ 






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19 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

changing the subject, which of the co-stars I worked with, joo won, did you see more chemistry?
At the beginning of seeing my first drama of him it was good doctor and I loved his chemistry with good doctor but after seeing all his dramas I liked his chemistry more with kim tae hee jin se yun and uee


That's an interesting question. Like @Calli, I do think JW got on really well with many of his co-stars, and it will take me a moment to think about whether the chemistry I liked in some of JW's dramas was due to the characters or the actors. So, let me think on it and I'll get back to you :) 


By the way, @partyon - any chances we can make a poll with this? The question is: "Which of Joo Won's co-stars do you think he had the best chemistry with?" I also propose making this a two-question poll: one with female co-stars, and one with male ones.


23 hours ago, Calli said:

also, to be absolutely honest, I haven't liked the changes that came about in 1N2D with the change of PD from episode 56 onwards... it kinda feels "off" to me, like something very essential that made the show what it was got lost. But of course I'll keep watching for Joo Won until his very last episode.


I've heard the same from many people who started watching Season 2 of 1N2D from the beginning. However, since I actually went backwards (i.e. watching the stuff with the new PD that got posted on YouTube before tracking down the earlier episodes), I personally didn't have that problem. I just saw it as two different directors with two different styles.


Personally, I think that the new PD (compared to Bird PD) wanted to break the cast up into smaller groups and observe their interactions that way. So, as you progress, you'll see more and more instances where they split off in pairs or trios and are given free reign to explore a place on their own. And while that's not necessarily as funny as the first half of the season (which was more games- and banter-focused), I will say that, in my own honest opinion, JW really thrived in this new format. Like, some of my favourite episodes for this season were from this second half, when JW might spend an entire afternoon with just Sung Si Kyung or just Lee Su Geun, for example. The introvert cast members really came into their own in these moments, so don't let the decrease in humour discourage you just yet ;) 


Another common complaint was about all the guests that showed up in the second half. It's a bit strange, in my opinion, though, since that was criticized so badly in Season 2, but turned into a fan favourite (i.e. the whole "morning angel" concept) in Season 3. Maybe it's just the fact that Season 2 originally started without the guests, but since I was watching much of the show in hindsight (i.e. after already knowing about the prevalence of guests in Season 3), I thought a lot of viewers' complaints there were rather unfair to the Season 2 cast and crew.


1 hour ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

i found out a few hours ago that joo won's best friend in alice has been dating lee seung gi so much that i shipped her with joo won


lol - I guess that means you liked the chemistry between JW and Lee Da In (or, at least, Park Jin Gyeom and Kim Do Yeon) in Alice? ;) For me, they were fun to watch, but I really did just see their characters as BFFs, and I personally preferred (from an acting/real-life perspective) JW's chemistry with Kim Hee Sun there :) 

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41 minutes ago, kittyna said:

By the way, @partyon - any chances we can make a poll with this? The question is: "Which of Joo Won's co-stars do you think he had the best chemistry with?" I also propose making this a two-question poll: one with female co-stars, and one with male ones.


Of course we can! Let me put up a poll. If I miss someone, please let me know and I will add the co-star to the poll. :glasses:


EDIT: A poll is up chingus! Please vote!


@kittyna @Andrea Balcazar @Calli@kireeti2 @Sleepy Owl @Lmangla @Ameera Ali @4evrkdrama @sadthe1st @Min2206 @joccu @valinor500 @flutterby06 @tokkimoon @kleimleyz @Alisha @gm4queen @willenette 

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40 minutes ago, kittyna said:

lol - I guess that means you liked the chemistry between JW and Lee Da In (or, at least, Park Jin Gyeom and Kim Do Yeon) in Alice? ;) For me, they were fun to watch, but I really did just see their characters as BFFs, and I personally preferred (from an acting/real-life perspective) JW's chemistry with Kim Hee Sun there :) 

bone in the drama i sent park jin gyeom and doyeon in real life i sent oh yeon seo and uff not forgetting the chemistry joo won had with kim hee sun was too good to believe i loved those two behind the scenes they seemed best friends
37 minutes ago, partyon said:

Por supuesto que podemos! Déjame hacer una encuesta. Si extraño a alguien, hágamelo saber y agregaré al coprotagonista a la encuesta.:gafas:


EDITAR: ¡Una encuesta está en marcha chingus! ¡Por favor vota!


thanks for the vote
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