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Posts posted by bedifferent

  1. @enzekthank you so much for E15 subbed previews.  Really like it.

    @ShajoonaI don't post much anymore either.  Welcome back!


    @nrlleeI like the part where he said he'll leave footprints for those to follow even in failure. Dosan in the early years never gave up on his AI technology so we know he has in him the perseverance and drive to realize his ideas.  But he was also weighed down by logics, probability, and the responsibility to deliver a product with the best success rate.  That Dosan has to balance his creativity with the reality of a profitable sustainable business.  The mindset of a CEO/CTO.  Watching that preview clip,  it's clear that what Dosan wants, what he excites for, is to use his talent as a programmer to change the world.  He's not interested in running a business.  He's moved by the challenge and possibility that he can create a future where technology can improve lives.  He found the purpose for his talent.  The geek in him is confident in the logic of programming trial and errors.  He knows even if he fails, others will pick up where he, as a trail blazer, left off.   The three years with 2OST left him financially more secure and experienced so he can afford the confidence to take risks. Their talk of sailing off into uncharted water is literally the definition of "venture" in the word venture capitalist.  I like the new Dosan.^^


    IMHO, both Dosan and Dalmi are risk takers by heart perhaps because they always have been swinging over the forgiving sandbox.  Dosan's parents have always supported him in their begrudgingly adorable ways.  His father pours hard earned savings into SST early years so that Dosan can continue to materialize his AI concept.  Their love for him was unquestionable.   Dalmi's father pours sand under her swing to cushion her fall while grandma took care of her after the parents were gone.  Dosan by fate became someone for her to bounce off ideas.  These people afford Dosan and Dalmi to be dreamers.   Injae, on the other hand, chose to get up after the fall on her own without anyone help. She didn't ask for sand as a little girl perhaps because she always makes sure she doesn't fall.  I wonder if she regrets not showing her vulnerability so that she can receive the care of the sand.  I would say she is a realist through and through.  JiPyeong also avoids falling at all cost because he knows well the pain of failure as an orphan.  There's pride in succeeding on his own with minimal loss, if only he has someone to share with besides Yeongshil!  He can't afford to take risk as he never has the safety net of a family to rely on.  I wish Jipyeong could continue to be a part of the Seo family till the end!  Protect Halmoni/JiPyeong love line!

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  2. @Shajoona you wrote such a compelling and heartfelt post for Dosan.  Love it. Thanks.


    @NodameWell, what I am most looking forward to is not the love pairing but the long overdue sit down talk between the two Dosans in Dalmi's life.  Dosan has not fully realized and accepted JiPyeong's positive influence in SST and Dalmi's success whereas JiPyeong has not publicly verbalized his own misjudgment of Dosan's character.   Muddled in between is pride competitively fueled by their love for Dalmi.  I think Do San should be appreciative of how JiPyeong pushes him to fight more for the things he love, thus forces him out of his comfort zone and grew for the better.   In return,  JiPyeong learns a healthy lesson of humility, grace and the art of giving constructive criticisms.  Neither man is void of the little stuffs that make us human.. jealousy, pettiness, greed etc... but I like that each recognizes his weaknesses and tries to change afterward.   They both need to make peace with the past to move forward cleanly. 


    Dalmi's impression of relationship in some ways must have been affected by her parents' separation.  Jipyeong's pragmatism reflects her own mom's viewpoint toward her late father's entrepreneur spirit.  It's commendable that Dalmi recognizes her idealism needs a reality check once in a while so I am glad she verbalized her appreciation for Jipyeong's mentoring.  She shares her father's resiliency and work ethics.  Dosan encourages and supports her without reservation.  He trusts her instinct and decisions, maybe too much at times, which caused the problem with 2STO's contract.  Three years later, Dosan has learned to ground his presence with her.  It pained me to see their lopsided relationship in the past when he blurred business with personal feelings as he became too supportive of her need over his own judgment.  The old insecure Dosan wouldn't trust his own capabilities and selflessly put others need before his own.  So it's great to see him be assertive with his terms and his opinions toward Dalmi before helping her with Tarzan.  I admire him for looking past the hurt (of the second rejection in his mind) to focus on a project that his heart believes in.  I hope their relationship becomes less Dalmi centric and more balanced where Do San is treated as an equal partner.  Dalmi has seen how her parents' relationship ended at a frustration point for her mom due to her father's career.  If they are to stay together long term, Dosan cannot be left constantly bearing the role of a giver in their relationship.


    Soon this drama will end.   Fighting Start Up cast and crew for all your hard work!




    • Like 9

    Do San :heart: Dal Mi.  Suzy/Joo Hyuk's chemistry second only to Joo Hyuk/Seon Ho.


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    Cr: tVN


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    I've watched about 3-4 dramas with NJH in starring role, I have rarely been disappointed with his acting.  Love his Do San here.  Hope Dosan finds happiness in himself at the end first and foremost.  As for NJH, his next project sounds just awesome with all the prominent names.  I am really happy for him.


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  4. I've been following and watching the show since the beginning, just do not have time to comment. :blush:

    @nrlleeI am glad you actually got on board!


    Now, that we are reaching the end, I just want to say I love the show! I love the characters, flawed and all.  Whether we agree with the writing and storylines, the trajectories of the love lines, it is one of the dearest coming of age K shows for me.  Watching the characters find their footing, figure out what is it that they want in life, see them discovering their strengths and have courage to take risks... it is what I signed up for.  I want to give them all a big hug for making the journey.


    I root for Dosan and Jipyeong's kindness.  Each in his way has treated those dear to them with the best intentions, often selflessly.  Ji Pyeong deserves someone who appreciates him for his honesty and kind heart though I wish he learns to live with spontaneity more.  While he worries about timing and perfecting the sale pitch, he ended up missing the opportunities.  There's much to say about passion, risk taking and putting your heart out there.  There's much to recognize about its sincerity, of not playing to succeed all the time.  What I think is least relatable for me with Jipyeong is how perfect he is.  In my mind, it's what Dalmi connects with Do San... his imperfections and failures.   I think this is why the puzzle pieces don't fit between them.  Other than that, I love Ji Pyeong as a character and KSH for portraying him.


    Throughout the drama, Do San struggles to define his identity.  I don't know if he ever realizes his genius is not the only thing that makes him lovable.  The quiet quirks, his introvert personality, his sentimental personality and tender heart, the things that he find lacking and inferior to Ji Pyeong have been weighing on him all along.  He uses his talent to realize other people's dreams as it is the way for him to connect with others and belong.  For many episodes, Do San was afraid of his own shadow.  It's just heart breaking to see his uncertain gaze in the beginning.  For things only the hearts can explain, Dalmi recognizes the kindness and possibilities in his big capable hands.  She certainly sees her late father's qualities in him as well.  But I think those vulnerable moments, shared during the good and bad times, made the bond between them real.  Ji Pyeong letters supported Dalmi's spirit in her younger years. They gave her confidence to stand alone on her own.  The experience she shared with Do San propel her forward.  She grew up from the young girl in the letters.  I think what Dalmi will have to figure out is if she wants a perfect life with Ji Pyeong who will always protect her fall or take Do San's hands knowing fully that she can depends on them to pick her up after the fall.  Whatever man she decides to part with, I will take!!! :D


    Looking forward to this weekend everyone!



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  5. I'm putting my faith in the writer that she will end their stories in an unconventional way and I cheer for them all.


    About Injae.  I like that she is capable, qualified and self motivated when compared with Dal Mi who has no clear vision of her company yet.  Her motivation for the new company is to prove to her father she can succeed on her own.  Plus she is a good boss for allowing her employees to flex their working hours and work at home.  I think Do San will be proven wrong for doubting how In Jae would value them as developers.  That is part of the growing Do San has to learn in judging people objectively.  I did question In Jae's motive when approaching Do San cuz each team can only have five people so I am certain she will have to break up the trio in the process. I don't think In Jae has a problem separating personal and professional choices in business dealings.  In Jae's approach differs from Do San who puts more emphasis on human relationship.  This is why I am not sure if Injae is a good fit as a CEO for Samsan. What I like about Injae is that she very astute.  Despite choosing to stay with her mom to avoid future heartbreaks, she still appreciates her father's kindness; even misses his warm and kind disposition.   Deep down, she remembers about her father's sand box.  I think In Jae has not made peace with her decision that day; perhaps regretting it more than she can admit.  I hope she and Dal Mi will mend their relationships in the end, forsaking their pride over the choices made, since InJae really does still care about her sister.


    Jin Pyeong is a hero up to this point.  He lives up to the good boy name and really, the things he have done for Dal Mi needed to be acknowledged and appreciated by her.  They have a deep connection through the letters.  That was clearly missing between Dalmi/Dosan by Dal Mi's reactions after the bday date.  She tapped her heart a little ruefully, disappointed that it didn't flutter the way she imagined it would from the letters.  Do San's more into her than she into him at this point.  The feelings are far from mutual.  If Jin Pyeong confessed his feelings right now (...as in episode 5 preview), it may happen.  But he won't because he hasn't consider the need to include Dal Mi in his life.  Jin Pyeong mentioned before that his life seems complete - a secure high paying job, a nice car and home, a 100% success rate as a VC.  She is an unknown variable that he hasn't configure risk for.  I agree with @UPSGirl that Jin Pyeong's fear of falling in love is the loss of control in his life.  A big part of this denial is Jin Pyeong not knowing how to give and receive love or even maintaining genuine relationship since he has been alone for most of his life.  I don't think he is ready for love.  His denial is real.  It's about timing like everyone said.


    So true. This quote.


    What's ordinary to one person can be extraordinary to another.

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  6.  @aislingGreat points.  Me too, I cheer for all four.  The VC guy from America is coming, perhaps rivaling Jin Pyeong for Samsan.  Is there any chance he could back  In Jae instead?  A successful business must have all things in balance.  Good team work, good foresight financially, the right investment partners and as a CEO, learns to control the board as well as the creative side of the business.  


    2 hours ago, UPSGirl said:

    Ji Pyeong should be on Shark Tank (anybody here watches that show?). 


    Also, wasn't Sun Ho lead in his previous dramas? 


    Kidding aside, hands are metaphors for a person's capability and potential.  He has it, but I agree, he has to find it and tap into it.  I think he's getting there, he seemed like he's taking all these in: Ji Pyeong's TED talks as constructive criticism. 


    Also I like it that he did see how Dalmi is different from her sister.  In Jae is has more acumen than Dalmi yet he chose her because she has a more receptive mindset and willing work with him than work above him.  I think in a way, In Jae is similar to Ji Pyeong, they want to be "in control" of everything, which sometimes an admirable attitude until it becomes a wall which makes it difficult to connect with people.

    I know Shark Tank!  Some of those products are off the wall!  So are the pitches. :lol:

    Sorry I don't follow KSH's career, l last saw him in Waikiki 2 :lol:  Love him there.


    Thanks for putting the hand in context of Dosan's potential.  Well, Dalmi said it's one thing she loves about him and there you go, he offered his handshake to her; though if we remember, she was the one who took his hand first on the bus!   Both Dalmi and In Jae have the drive to succeed.  They shared this attitude from their father.  In Jae seems to be a good leader.  Her old employees followed her to the new company.  What was not good is how she responded to Dalmi's and especially Yong San's question at the Q&A.  In Jae's success is tied with her father's wealth.  This is her source of resentment toward anyone who criticize her success as something she didn't earn.   When she puts down Yong San's question, claiming indifference toward critics, it made her seems unwilling to accept constructive criticisms.  Not in her wildest dream would In Jae imagine it would affect Yong San's CEO choice.  Someone once told me to always treat those whom you meet on your way up with respect cuz you never know whom you will meet on your way down.  Do San has a good point.  A good CEO has to be willing to listen and respect others.  The 3 -sans coming from a place where very few gave them respect and many undervalued their potential so a partnership with Dal Mi was very much something they appreciate.  I really like the emphasis we get on hand, handshake, so far... it goes back to the innocence of a time when trust, honor, hope mean everything.



    On 10/24/2020 at 3:18 PM, UPSGirl said:

     out of the four of them, it seems like Ji Pyeong was the only one who are successful career-wise but dang he has quite a temper.  In Jae, though she had quite an easy start, is back to the drawing board.  Dal Mi, still struggling to prove herself and Do San, being held far too high on the expectations by his parents just because he's smart.

    I love your brief description of why all four are at the starting line albeit for different reasons.  One thing about Do San's parents and parent expectation in general.  I come from an Asian household where our parents tried their hardest to not place different expectations on us siblings. It's not easy.  As the only son, I suspect Do San feels the responsibilities to live up to the label of a child prodigy.  I wonder if his parents chose to put too much emphasis on fostering his math talent that they abandoned other aspects of his childhood and emotional growth.  All the tutoring, competition must have affected his schooling.  Did he have a normal childhood where he played with friends the same age?  Did he get a chance to do anything other than math?  I really really love his knitting hobby and how he finds comfort in its logical patterns.  So far, it seems to me Do San defines himself through his intelligence. I suspect he considers himself a failure in his parents' eyes even without having to hear it from his dad.  His mum gets it though.  Her cheer for him before the hackathon was quite touching and overdue.  His father in time will understands the insecurities Do San harbors and hopefully, find a way to express his love for the boy.


    @nrlleeYou take care.  NJH is good (I watched both Radiant and School Nurse Files, his character here is written so far so good).  Suzy is sweet, no problem with her acting.  I will update you by episode 12 LOL.

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  7. Hello everybody.  What a delightful drama.  Usually it takes me 4 episodes to get a feel of a drama, this one is doing many things right.  @nrllee @taeunfighting @nona88 @40somethingahjumma @Gummi  @farawaylandplease check it out. :D


    Let me just start by saying Kim Seon Ho is so charming, he needs to be first lead soon!  Ji Pyeong's orphan background shaped how he handled relationships.  Forced to grow up fast and fenced survival on his own, Ji Pyeong understood early in life that wealth and success command respect.  Unlike other teenagers, he has none of the youthful optimism that the world is your oysters.  He knows of the reality that life is hard and has no faith in luck as an orphan.  His talent in investing rooted in the discipline to pick the choices with the highest success rate.  He is a realist and he has to put himself first.  Ji Pyeong minimizes the chance of failures by not taking risks. He doesn't invest in start ups with no clear financial direction.  To him, avoiding risks not only guarantees success financially, it's rooted in him that he cannot afford the mistakes.  He doesn't have anyone to rely on.  This is why he will always play safe, why he has not confess his feelings to Dal mi.  I think this drama will be of Ji Pyeong learning to open his heart to taking risks and having confidence in recovering from failures.  Mistakes are the greatest teachers and this will challenge Ji Pyeong to have faith in human relationships again.  Believing in someone is more than just repaying a debt, it will open up his heart to the things he missed from isolating himself for success.  I totally love the go stop moment.  Ji Pyeong has no idea he missed having friends to laugh with.  


    That said, the difference between Ji Pyeong and Do San, why I fell NJH's character touched me dearly is the potential of the evolution of his character.  And NJH is so very good here.  I love the quiet awkward insecure aura he projected for Do San who is a genius at things that are logical like math but has much to learn connecting with other people.   Like Ji Pyeong, he is good at things with a definitive solution, things that he can compute and solve logically.  There is the same lack of confidence in who he is, what he has outside of a smart mind... it was a beautiful moment when Do San asked Dal mi what she likes about him.  Although her answers showed little of what she knows about the real Do San, it made Do San question how he has lived his life up till now. As a person who has not projected that said life which deemed interesting and liked by others.  What I like about Do San is his resiliency and optimism in his computing skills despite having told face to face many times that his company will not succeed.  What made me love him more is the courage to listen Ji Pyeong's advice and reexamine his own personality with Dal Mi's answers to accept that he is not CEO material.  I think it's Do San's biggest strength. His humility and kindness to others.  And willingness to take risks as seen when he chose to give Dal mi his business card.   Do San is more trusting in nature so this difference may mark the tipping point between the two men for Dal mi.  Their handshake, unknown to both characters who clearly needed one another, was a reflection of their personality.  They are willing to take risks and place hope in each other based on a sliver of trust.  A lot can be said about the human experience of going through something together.   Whether DoSan and Dalmi are endgame, it's not really important for me.  I want to see how these four get to the end.


    3 hours ago, lebeaucouple said:

    I am a firm believer on timing is everything. If it's meant to happen, it will, at the right time for the right reasons.


    Yeah, I think so.  Part of it also is Ji Pyeong choosing to not rely on feelings when making decisions.  I also think he lacks a little courage when taking risks.  Both boys are not that great in human relationships but I see Do San not afraid to express his inadequacies about himself so people can share and relate to him more.  Ji Pyeong will learn to be vulnerable in front of others. He couldn't afford to because he has to project confidence as a VC nor is it something he can afford fighting his way in life.  We know it's a shield he projected for himself even though he can be considerate inside.  I am interested in how these two learn to be different from each other.  Do San needs to learn confidence from Ji Pyeong while JP needs to lower his guard a little to connect with others.


    1 hour ago, ck1995 said:


    Okay another theory - but what if initially it was Injae that fell off the swing and got hurt - but since mum told her to never go on the swing, she did as she was told and it was actually dalmi that came up iwth the sand idea. Eventhough her dad went through those lengths to put the sand there Injae was obedient to mum. Then dalmi inhaving faith in the sand he put there, was confident enough to test it per ep 1. This would be consistent with Injae's memory and the ep 1 memory. This could actually be a metaphor of the decisions each one made when their parents got divorced. Since then, injae mustve regretted things alot..? 


    Yes.  I think so.  Injae was the dtr who fell initially but Dalmi is one who got back onto the swing.  I am not sure whose idea it was though.  I agree, Injae never had faith in her dad.  She experienced pain after the fall so failure to her was not something she wants to experience again so she chose to not repeat it.  She has seen her dad's business failures so chose her mom instead.

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  8. It took me a while due to work and life but I wanted to drop these off.


    Excellent Review of E15-16 (Final) over at DramaOverFlowers


    It’s a tense and emotional finale week, as everything finally comes together, and Shi-mok and Yeo-jin are forced to directly face the ugliness they’ve uncovered–and which has been hidden close by all this time...






    [Naver TV] 'Stranger' Season 2 Episode 16 (Finale) Comments and Reaction

    "Again, with the mindset to continue on" Cho Seungwoo X Bae Doona X Lee Joonhyuk, firmly carrying on their own paths!



    1. [+3343][-6] No but who said our Dongjae couldn't be a prosecutor because of his trauma. Our redeemed cat is an attention seeker so he's enjoying the feeling of being a celebrity right now 
    2. [+3133][-15] Recruiting teammates to wait for season 3 (1/10394828181)
    3. [+2191][-9] The finale was season 3's trailer... you really can't not write for season 3 writer-nim, the fans will be left dry 
    4. [+1829][-8] Wouldn't it be weirder if there wasn't a season 3? Whatever Dongjae says would be really important 
    5. [+1709][-4] Don't you think Dongjae seems fishy at the end..? Dongjae-ya, please lets not work for Lee Yeonjae. You promised with Chang-knight ㅠㅠ (T/N: reference to the Dark Knight) 

    "It's just Seo Dongjae that's left" Yoon Seah's mysterious words as she's visiting Lee Joonhyuk at the hospital (shudder) 


    1. [+1557][-8] Seo Dongjae will suddenly open his eyes and say 'Ah! You remembered our dinner haha I actually woke up earlier and have been waiting, I've booked a table at a really nice restaurant ^^?? Salute'
    2. [+1048][-3] Lee Changjoon said that one meal together is the starting point. Season 3 will start with a scene of Yeonjae and Dongjae having a meal together. As Simok is in the suburbs, he'll come up saying, 'ah not these people' and Yeojin, who's gotten a promotion, will greet him 
    3. [+904][-6] I thought Lee Yeonjae would change after Lee Changjoon's death but it probably wasn't that... if anything, she was more than Lee Yoonbeom, not less. 
    4. [+760][-5] What did they interpret Kang Wonchul's fact attack as 
    5. [+661][-9] Stay alive to reveal everything. You're the only one left so stay alive and uncover the truth. 
    1. [+818][-10] Different to Lee Changjoon.. they stayed alive to take responsibility I'm literally crying because of Choi Bit.. Jeon Hyejin is so good at acting.. 
    2. [+712][-4] Simok and Choi Bit protecting Yeojin... Choi Bit was a pretty good superior... 
    3. [+556][-3] That's why Doonabae said that she was obsessed with Choi Bit's character somewhere. If Yeojin cared for them, they're a real one. Choi Shiny (T/N: 'Bit' translates to light in Korean), thank you. 
    4. [+523][-1] Choi Bit wanted to remain as a human, rather than a monster. I don't think Woo Taeha will be able to get a grip. 
    5. [+416][-1] Han Senior Inspector cares for people a lot but doesn't do so for anyone and everyone, is he crazy... 


    Behind the scene translations (E13-16). Jang Gun  wanted to continue until Season 20 :lol:


    Even in troubles that seem like a heavy fog.

    Not compromising in reality.

    To everyone who silently and steadily moving forward.

    We, Stranger 2, will always support you.

    A sincere thank you to everyone for loving and supporting Stranger 2 thus far.








    I loved and enjoyed every moment reading and conversing with everyone in this thread.  Thank you so much for sharing my love for FoS @pompyavi@nrllee @larus @Gummi @farawayland @nona88 @taeunfighting @penelop3and everyone whom I forgot to mention.


    Stranger was the original title Lee So Yeon gave to Forest of Secret, referring to Shi Mok, Yeo Jin, and those individuals who brave the tide as outcasts to relentlessly pursue justice.  This season was about the will to remain true to themselves and persevere their ideals for the good of society.  In the end, the reality is neither ShiMok nor YeoJin are hailed and treated as heroes.  Instead, they are viewed as traitors, whistleblowers, by their own profession.  They were silenced and transferred.  But they persist because we need them to and they chose to continue for they know their efforts make a difference.  This season was as much about Shi Mok and Yeojin's maturity, perseverance and unwavering friendship as it is about fighting for the small victories to keep hope alive.  It's why I love season 2 and writer Lee's decision to spotlight the importance of doing so.  


    In his latest interview, PD Park Hyun Suk praised CSW and BDN for seamlessly picked up season 2 right from where Season 1 ended.  He also thanked them for their deep understanding of the script as well their amazing acting while maintaining the warm set atmosphere for the rest of the cast.  He was glad that FoS2 broke the sophomore jinx though he understood some viewers' disappointment in lack of tension and direction as this season didn't revolve around a murder case. He acknowledged the difficulties posed by COVID-19.   Several location filming were canceled and the schedule was delayed as COVID hit immediately when they started filming. He regretted that he has to abandon many locations because of the unexpected situation.  As for the ending, PD Park mentioned that Seo Dong Jae has always teetered at the border between good and bad so it seems fitting that the writer chose to end with viewers wondering if he has reformed or regressed back to his old self.


    As for me, I'll continue to watch out for her work as well as all the cast's future projects.  I love how sophisticated and realistic she writes her dramas.  I hope the writer takes her time for season 3 - this series is too dear for me to mess up.


    Good bye to our cast.  Take care everyone.  See you in another great drama thread. Perhaps Signal 2? I am watching Start Up and so far so good. :hooray2:




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  9. I wanted to give ShiMok a mirror.  Did he know he figured out the answer by himself? :biubiu:



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    It's a selfie moment, ShiMok-shi~~


    credit: Netflix


    It was really the last shooting scene for the drama too.




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    If we were watching a melo, this would be where the characters are heartbroken over their farewell. HAHA Not here.  These two have the most beautiful goodbye.  They recognize how precious their relationship is.  They wish each other strength to keep marching on.  He worries but cheer her on knowing the obstacles she will face.  The trust and respect SM has for YJ is beautiful.  :heart:


    We end on a high note. Ratings wise, season 2 consistently bested season 1 


    AGB Nielsen ratings


    Episode 1 (8/15/20):  7.627% (9.012% Seoul)

    Episode 2 (8/16/20):  6.415% (7.585% Seoul)

    Episode 3 (8/22/20):  7.014% (8.190% Seoul)

    Episode 4 (8/23/20):  6.422% (7.378% Seoul)

    Episode 5 (8/29/20):  6.041% (7.070 % Seoul)

    Episode 6 (8/30/20):  6.281% (7.487 % Seoul)

    Episode 7 (9/5/20):   6.502% (6.950 % Seoul)

    Episode 8 (9/6/20):  7.493% (8.856 % Seoul)

    Episode 9 (9/12/20):  7.190% (8.553 % Seoul)

    Episode 10 (9/13/20):  7.203% (8.031% Seoul)

    Episode 11 (9/17/20):  6.843% (8.017% Seoul)

    Episode 12 (9/18/20): 7.458% (8.707% Seoul)

    Episode 13 (9/26/20): 7.179% (7.755% Seoul)

    Episode 14 (9/27/20):  8.831% (10.312% Seoul)

    Episode 15 (10/3/20):  8.307% (9.589% Seoul)

    Episode 16 (10/3/20):  9.408% (11.039% Seoul)






    • Love 11
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  10. 4 hours ago, pompyavi said:

    Loved that Yeo Jin decided to meet Yoon after hearing out ShiMok's dream that he, LCJ and Eunsoo disappeared together. I loved how she gave him a reason to live on and said that she would meet him. 


    Meeeee  tooooo.  So many things to say about this episode.  :selfie:but first thing first.  ShiMok's dream!


    As he walked out the room after being propositioned by the Prosecutor General (who incidentally has decided to cut off his tail aka WTH), ShiMok closed the door to the threat "You'll paid for this".  He walked down the hall refusing to be dragged into another cover up and lie where upright prosecutors are asked to bend their principles for the good of the organization.  The organization that run by men who manipulate its power for their own benefits.  Walking away after putting his career on the line accepting that he will pay for this one small victory but knows it has to be done.


    The scene transitions to his dream where he is reunited with the many prosecutors whom he have worked for, the real men and women whom the reform council supposed to fight for.  LCJ who had put faith on SM to be the person to carry hope for them all.  I was moved seeing LCJ's nod of approval and slight smile toward SM for a job well done.  It's not the affirmation that is important to SM I suppose.  More for understanding that he has risen to LCJ's expectation so that LCJ's ideal and sacrifice were not in vain.  I also teared up seeing Eun Soo acknowledging ShiMok's guilt so that he can move on.  I absolutely love how he took it in stride and helped Min Ha forge on as a prosecutor.   He's back to mentoring another junior prosecutor, helping her indict the Segeok cops in bullying Capt Song by sending the will.


    Kang Won Cheol who tried valiantly to protect ShiMok while battling a career defining moment for himself was also there.  For ShiMok, who was uncertain if he has been a burden to the chief, finds comfort to see Kang happily laughing with LCJ.  He has not fully embrace Kang's position as a mentor after LCJ's passing.  LCJ casts too much of a shadow on all those who knew him and part of SM still has not let go of his part in LCJ's suicide.  Seeing him set his guilt free and really in many ways, opened his heart to CP Kang.  Before he transferred out, Shi Mok visited Kang to pay his respect for the guidance and care.  SM knows how difficult it was for Kang to protect SM so that he can continue to "doggedly pursue the truth" for others.  We have to realize that it's important for ShiMok to validate for himself that there are still Chiefs (unlike WTH or prosecutor general) who are capable of owning to their mistakes and reflecting on them positively.  Like Choi Bit, Kang's decision luckily was influenced by his feelings for his juniors.   Once again, it was Seo Dong Jae to the rescue.  For a split second, Kang was going to tell ShiMok to not expose Hanjo's connection to PGS's death.  It was at the tip of his tongue that he couldn't get it out.  But by the grace of luck, a difficult decision was made easier because SDJ woke up.  As in SM's dream, Kang made the detour at the last minute instead of doing something that could possibly destroy him.  For those minutes, Kang was truly a father figure, caring for Dong Jae's well being, forgetting about protecting Hanjo.  This intervention changed everything for KWC.  It was a sign that he needed to repay someone for SDJ's life because of his negligence in the Tongyeong incident.  A really hopeful sign for SM and us viewers to see that there are leaders who are willing to accept their punishment and exit to allow changes for the organization.


    And last but not least.  How awesome is it that YeoJin understood SM's subconcious fear of Mr Yoon's wellbeing?  I have a feeling that Yeo Jin doesn't actually know who is the sender. I am not 100% convinced Park Kyu Wang sent it.  I think Yeo Jin used his name to help ease Mr Yoon's guilt.  She didn't sugar coat his crimes as he needs them to guide his actions for the rest of his life.  What she confirmed for Yoon is that his mistakes do not define the person that he is or who he can become in the future. Yeo Jin is the person you want at your corner when you are down. I just love how much faith she has in people's strength to overcome mistakes and change for the better.  She is truly a friend, promising Yoon to return every few months to see him, cheering him on to keep living.  For Yoon who is left alone in this world, she is a lifeline.  A person that has not forgotten him.   Yeo Jin radiates goodness in that scene.  The main point is that it really is not important who sent the package but how Yeo Jin used it as a vehicle to rescue someone in need is absolutely wonderful.

    • Like 8
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  11. My heart is full of joy :heart:




    cheer for the unwavering friendship


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     thankful for the memories


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    All the prosecutors in ShiMok's life~~


    grateful for the human kindness given toward second chances :heart:


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    All well that ends well.   Truly an excellent second season.  True friends will find each other 



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    Credit: Netflix

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    The End. 


    Till Season 3.  

    • Like 6
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  12. 4 hours ago, ilovenico said:


    But even as I enjoy season 2, I felt that we were being led down the rabbit’s hole

    for a plot that turned out to be trivial with no grand conspiracy as it was for Season 1. Let’s hope the last episode tonight will make me eat my words! 


    The brilliant thing about this season is what you have said... maybe there is no real baddie or a big conspiracy by Hanjo.  What tragic is the trivialness of it all.  People get dragged into situations, some by choice, others through relationships while some took opportunities that can't be overlooked.  By perpetuating the cover ups, these mistakes reverberate into big things that killed and destroyed more lives.  For me, the writer uses this drama as a warning for us that small crimes and favors unchecked have the potential to compound into big corruptions.    When we talk about reforms, this is why the committee overseeing the prosecutors and police is so important.  It must be able to recognize and stamp out the embers before they become big fires.


    1 hour ago, pompyavi said:

     Shimok is very well written as it involves risk, him being not able to process emotions. I have seen in other dramas where the emotional less ML/FL ends up crying and i would be clueless as to how they can cry. But here she has taken care not to over do things. 


    ShiMok is one of my favorite Kdrama characters, top 3.  When I started watching S1, I thought he would be written to be more like Sherlock (of B Cumberbatch).  I thought he would be responding only to his own callings.  I am really really glad season 2's ShiMok learned to immerse himself a little more into the world that he thought he couldn't be a part of.  It's so that he can be a better prosecutor but in the process, the writer did not compromise the righteous qualities that makes SM him.  And she kept him expressionless most of times. It's not an easy task so I give credit to CSW for one heck of a job portraying SM.  A lot of SM's facial expressions are subtle yet so on point.


    Case in point of how brilliant the writer is.  Woo Tae Ha's password qjqwpeksqkddnxogk using the Hangul keyboard means Head of Legislation Woo Tae Ha.  Ohhh how he aspires LOL.



    See you again in Season 3 :byebye2:





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    1 hour ago, cafe99 said:

    There's a quote i love and that illustrates what happens with corruption: 


     “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

    Ahhhh, that's the quote from the drama Whisper right?  


    From the same drama, just as appropriate here,



    Everyone changes his mind, that's why the world never change.


    Corruption can't never be stopped.  No reform and change can be made for no one has the resolve to stick with his/her conscience.  We see it again with the characters in Stranger.

    • Like 8


    Great episode, great job by the writer and our cast to add just the right amount of emotional beats to the scenes as the lies are unraveling.  I feel every disappointment and conflict by YeoJin, the regrets of Choi Bit, the desperation by WTH... everything is magnified for us through ShiMok's silent and dignified stance.  Just wonderful drama in this episode.


    9 hours ago, pompyavi said:

    The more I rewatch, the more I am amazed how little details are incorporate. In ep 2, when the Intelligence Bureau director was arrested, Shin jae young said that prosecution is making a big fuss about leaking an information and it seemed like someone had a personal vendetta against him. At that time, CB's expression were weird. I thought she was after him but it was Woo. He was mad at him for leaving in that mess alone. And the reason that director agreed to get investigated is because Woo could have charged him with more serious crimes.



    Yeah! At the time, I thought CB wanted to do the honorable thing as the police chief who wants to take care of her own director. In actuality, she remembered their involvement and Woo's anger at the scene that night so she must have suspected WTH leaked to the media the director's identity.  In a way, I understand why she couldn't break her relationship with WTH even if she wants to, knowing the vindictive person he is.  She could have stopped but with a daughter, the choice is no longer just based on her alone.  CB reluctantly comes to these meetings with WTH.  She must stay cooperative as partner in crime with him but does she trust him? No.  Now that she knows WTH sets the police up with the fake witness, she knows he's more than willing to throw her under the bus so the agreement is off.  WTH underestimated CB just as he did with SM.  WTH's arrogance will be his downfall.  



    13 hours ago, pompyavi said:


    Seeing how disappointed Yeo Jin was made me realize how Shimok might have felt when LCJ revealed everything and jumped right in front of him. He could sense the disappointment in her eyes. That's why he went to meet Choi Bit and asked her to take responsibility for what she has done. 



    I totally love Shi Mok and Yeo Jin's arcs this season!!!  If you equate last season as their dating period,  this season is how their marriage supposed to be.  Their relationship is the stuff we all dream of.  They talk, they look out for one another, they push each other to be better.  They lend emotional support when the other falters.  They understand each other's pain wordlessly.


    Good catch.  Preview of E16 shows ShiMok meeting Choi Bit while she wore the same outfit as when she talked to Yeojin.  I agree, he went to see Choi Bit that night.  ShiMok knows he still has the chance to prevent the damage done to Yeojin's career by appealing to Choi Bit's last bit of decency, mainly pinning his hope on CB's feelings about YJ.  I think he can tell from the director's story that CB was pressured by her superior to show up that night.  That moment in episode 2 when Kang caught SM asking for a favor resonates again and again in the later episodes, including this one.  Honestly, I can't say enough how incredibly well thought out the writing is this season.  Just like SDJ, SM is a changed man from one in season 1.  He understood how humane and easy it is to allow a mistake to take over your life.  What is even more amazing is SM has now shown a little of YeoJin's ideal in believing that people will choose to do the right thing if is given the chance.  He wants to give Choi Bit a second chance to correct her mistake and do right thing this time given the stakes against YeoJin.  


    When Yeojin got the answer from the ex director, she was devastated.  The hesitation in Doona Bae's voice, almost cracking, her eyes... and Shi Mok silently noticing, not saying much, but understood the devastation and pain, just as she did in the stairwell of his headache.  The moment was so powerful.  Bae Doona was golden in this episode.  Amazing acting by her this episode.





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    14 hours ago, nona88 said:


    Choi she seemed  to choice to go first and betray woo  I am not sure if it ger sense  if duty  or she feeling bad after talking with YJ  or if she really controling damage  going up first damage herself but the prosecutors  more and still save some face for the police   but at least she not going to join hand and bury  it and YJ  future too  


    After the director's arrest, CB asked YJ



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    At the time, it was a hypothetical question to gauge Yeo Jin's resourcefulness and loyalty.  Episodes later, she warned Yeo Jin of the same.




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    Credit: Netflix


    The same sentiment that LCJ said to ShiMok before his suicide.  They won't let themselves be controlled by others.  CB will choose to end things on her own terms.  She knows very well what she has done and the one thing that she fought hard for her whole life is to be in control of her own fate.   I don't think she is naive or delusional and immoral like WTH.  She is calculating and ruthless because she has a good pulse on people and situation.  Between WTH and CB, I root for her to beat him at his game.  The presscon scene at the end was such a AHA moment. LOL  She is ahead of him unknowingly to WTH.  I hope she will take accountability for what happened.  Her ambition dooms her, it was a slippery slope that she was more than willing to slide down.  I don't feel too sorry for her, especially when she tried to convince YJ last minute to stay silence in exchange for a promotion.  That was the last straw for YJ.  Whatever intel she has over WTH, whatever she held back over the years.. it's judgement time for WTH.


    @nona88 Kang transferred SM out to protect him. He knows the next time SM uncovers another corruption, the upper may not let him go that easy.  A little of it is also of how and what he will be forced to do when SM gets into trouble again.  He, Kang, would have to weigh risking his own career to save SM.

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  15. Season 3 is a must!!!


    [Naver TV] 'Stranger' Season 2 Episode 15 Comments and Reaction


    One year ago on that day, the architect of the prosecutors' meeting was Choi Moosung! Choi Moosung who teams up with Yoon Seah again


     1. [+366][-2] Wow.. was Woo Taeha a slightly chubbier Gumiho then, not a bear...

    (T/N: The Gumiho and bear descriptions refer to Korean folktales: Gumiho/fox is used to describe someone cunning and clever and a bear is used do describe someone innocent and unassuming.)


     2. [+213][-2] Woo Taeha said even Hwang Simok doesn't know, does that mean he doesn't know himself?? He's doing politics ?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Yeonjae is sneering ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    3. [+210][-4] Huk! His in-laws ?? .... I understand why they chose Choi Moosung., his appearance..
     4. [+162][-2] It's amazing that the story came from the Tongyeong case in episode 1 all the way to the end here
     5. [+149][-2] The foolish bear was actually a fox???? What on earth did they do with Park Kwangsoo



     1. [+652][-3] Look at Kim Sahyun's diction ... I'm seriously going to watch this scene again several times ㅠ

     2. [+532][-9] So Kim Sahyun knew that Woo Taeha was the accomplice and just looked past it, Seo Dongjae you should be grateful to Simok, he found you all by himself

     3. [+491][-1] As expected... Seo Dongjae and Kim Sahyun were both the same type.. the type that only commits trifling corruption

     4. [+476][-2] Even then at least Sahyun knows he should be grateful to Simok

     5. [+386][-2] Kim Sahyun,, it wasn't that he was angry because Simok searched the room, but it was actually that he was upset because a junior with whom he thought he'd gotten close to had suspected him,,


     1. [+543][-3] Looking at the fact that Lee Sungjae didn't appear, are you hinting at Season 3, writer-nim?

     2. [+521][-0] Then are you taking the warrant to Chief Woo ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sahyun and Simok's chemistry is love too

     3. [+377][-0] Following Kim Sahyun is almost a burden ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

     4. [+316][-1] There should be lots of people like Simok and Yeojin

     5. [+301][-0] Is this a confirmation of Season 3? Thank you






    AGB Nielsen ratings


    Episode 1 (8/15/20):  7.627% (9.012% Seoul)

    Episode 2 (8/16/20):  6.415% (7.585% Seoul)

    Episode 3 (8/22/20):  7.014% (8.190% Seoul)

    Episode 4 (8/23/20):  6.422% (7.378% Seoul)

    Episode 5 (8/29/20):  6.041% (7.070 % Seoul)

    Episode 6 (8/30/20):  6.281% (7.487 % Seoul)

    Episode 7 (9/5/20):   6.502% (6.950 % Seoul)

    Episode 8 (9/6/20):  7.493% (8.856 % Seoul)

    Episode 9 (9/12/20):  7.190% (8.553 % Seoul)

    Episode 10 (9/13/20):  7.203% (8.031% Seoul)

    Episode 11 (9/17/20):  6.843% (8.017% Seoul)

    Episode 12 (9/18/20): 7.458% (8.707% Seoul)

    Episode 13 (9/26/20): 7.179% (7.755% Seoul)

    Episode 14 (9/27/20):  8.831% (10.312% Seoul)

    Episode 14 (10/3/20):  8.307% (9.589% Seoul)



    2nd and 3rd parts of TMI videos subbed.


    The saddest thing I've ever heard from Yeojin~~ I'm sad for all us female who are making a difference in the world on our own merits.  Choi Bit has just set back decades of change for people like YeoJin.  



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    CR:  Netflix



    • Like 9
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  16. On 8/29/2020 at 10:31 AM, Gummi said:

    I keep thinking who would have sent that pkg to Prosecutor Yoon!

    - kim jong bon (no reason for him to not indicate his name)

    -SM (doesnt seem like his style)

    - Lee yeon jae ( perhaps she was showing care on behalf of her husband who was partly one of the driving forces behind Yoon)

    - kang won cheol chief prosecutor

    - park kyungwan (PMS's son)



    On 8/29/2020 at 5:22 PM, bedifferent said:


    - Kim Ho Sub (SM's old assistant) - he was part of the team, sympathetic to Mr Yoon's situation.

    My bad, it was not a poll.  Here are the guesses we made about the package sender!  Anyone wants to finalize the choice? I can tabulate.


    @partyon @Jillia thank you!  Not over yet, we did pretty good!


    Name of thread: Forest of Secrets Season 2, 비밀의 숲 2


    Name of poll: intrigue at every corner!  


    Q1. Who kidnapped prosecutor Seo Dong Jae? votes

    1. Woo Tae Ha/Choi Bit ~ 1 votes

    2. The survivor boy whose friends drowned (the Tongyeong drowning case) ~ 7 votes

    3. Female colleague Prosecutor Jung Min ha with someone ~ 1 votes

    4. His wife with someone ~ 2 votes

    5. The Bully boy ~ 2 votes

    6. Someone of the Segok Police involved in the cop's apparent suicide ~ 9 votes

    7. Hanjo Group ~ 5 votes

    8. He staged it ~ 3 votes


    Q2. Is Seo Dong Jae Alive?

    1. yes ~ 28 votes

    2. no ~ 2 votes


    Q3. What is the secret shared between Hanjo Group, Choi Bit and Woo Tae all about?

    1. it is related to Lee Jung's death ~ 7 votes

    2. it is related to something bigger ~ 21 votes

    3. other option (share your thoughts in post) ~ 2 votes


    Number of votes: 30 votes

    Played: September 2020




    @pompyavi @nrllee  I see your points regarding Choi Bit and the lighter.  Would be trippy once everything is explained, we get to see that darn green lighter @farawayland in every important scene! :lol:  Who knows, WTH and CB met the first time to share a smoke right? LOL


    We are coming to the end... :tears:  I am thrilled we got to see a second season.  Even more thankful it was a fantastic one.  Everyone in the production should be proud of what they have worked on.  :heart4:

    I know we may  not get full resolution of all our questions, not everyone will have closure.  I am ok with it since this is the writer's style.  I do want our characters, esp SM, YJ, DJ, CP Kang, LYJ to be in a happy place at the end.  If season 3 does happen, I will be ecstatic.  If not, please at least end with ShiMok eating a home cook meal with his mum.

    • Like 3
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  17. 18 hours ago, nrllee said:


    I think KSH was the one to send the note and plant the false witness.  Certainly the note...not sure about the fake witness.  His motive?  I think has to do with LCJ’s legacy.  


    I also believe the LCJ reference is not random!  KSH is trying to show the police is not qualified to have investigated rights, open and close cases.


    I think one scenario could be:


    KSH sent the note to create a sense of urgency for DJ's disappearance.  Before his note, the police was not sure if DJ's life was in danger.  The small pool of blood, no sign of struggle, the impression of a troubled marriage... nothing concrete except may be a missing person case.  It was not a homicide case yet, no motive, no suspect, no need for warrant.  The police was at stand still.   The bloody tie photo instantly turns the case into a possible homicide.  Choi Bit got involved and brought in the media.  Now, the case is widely publicized with the police leading the case at a time when they were fighting to get investigational rights.   KSH gave Choi Bit the scenario that she wants.


    I don't know yet how he was able to get the watch/clock image on the note.   Maybe he took the photo at the house in the framed picture.  If KSH is indeed related to General Kim, maybe the woman in the picture has a clock whose face has the 3 star general emblems.  Perhaps those stars were of military and not police.


    KSH's next step is to survey the scene and to further the story that DJ was kidnapped.  He contacted ex-trouble maker Gi-Hyeok to act as a false witness to report the kidnapped story, lending credibility to the torn bloody tie.  Gi-Hyeok naturally resents the police so when has to ID, from a line up, chose Baek because he was in full uniform. I don't think KSH intends for Baek to be the culprit.  KSH probably doesn't know who kidnapped Dong Jae.  He just used the situation and the false witness to show that the police doesn't have the capability to conduct a thorough and non bias investigation.  They err by believing a false witness or even worse, arrested the wrong person without going through the proper channel and, disregarded due process/human rights.  Remember, Baek was held against his will without access to counsel!


    I'm not even sure if this makes any sense LOLLLL.  I do agree with those who said DJ's kidnapper is different than the person who sent the note. 


    One more thing, did someone explain why Choi Bit needed to see Dong Jae's phone log the night he disappeared?  Is it to see if DJ contacted Kim Hu Jeong? Maybe she is involved with the kidnapping after all?


    52 minutes ago, pompyavi said:

    The Tonyeong  kid posing the ep 16 script indicates he has some scenes. Also, Dong Jae posed with ep16 script though his name was not their on that (many fans assumed that he will die from this pic) , from that am assuming we will see him but not many dialogues from him.


    Really? Noooo.   The Tongyeong kid in E16 could probably close the circle for us allowing the drama to end where it started.  Dong Jae.  He dies?  Noooo.  That's a new tie and his face is not injured.  Could there be a time jump into 2020?

    • Like 4

    On 9/29/2020 at 11:20 PM, pompyavi said:

    The reason why I can't see prosecution orchestrating this alone is because they made sure the warrant won't be rejected. Also, the show is making us believe that it can be KSH, and I refuse to believe them:P. Last season they did fool me but not now.


    HAHAHA.  This is a great reason for not believing KSH is involved. :lol:  


    On 9/30/2020 at 5:26 AM, pompyavi said:

    In my opinion characters were developed very nicely. Especially ShiMok's character. HYJ who used to be bold of everything now understands that in some situations she needs to be quiet for the sake of organization. Shimok has become little polite, Eunsoo's death really affected him. In S1, he mostly used to be cold towards everyone but here he is not. Him remembering about Eunsoo is a very big thing imo. YJ was little distant or rather I should say a little hesitant towards him because of the police-prosecution turf war but she realized he is the same, rational person. Tbh I was not expecting to see any character development for Shimok or I couldn't fathom how can his character develop. Lee Soo Yeon did a good job in that.


    Totally agree with your and @Gummi's observations.  I really like how writer Lee shows the continuation in character development from one season to another.  We can see the aftermath of LCJ's death in those who know him.  Who Dong Jae became is a departure from the flashy prosecutor he once was.... the expensive clothes have been replaced by the one pair of shoes worn repeatedly.  The connections he made through LCJ are now gone.  The arrogant prosecutor who almost hurt a runaway, who used to patronize Yeo Jin and his junior prosecutor EunSoo have now learned a little bit of humility for the victims of crime.  Like Mr Yoon and Kim Su Hang, Dong Jae was affected by the death first hand;  we see him trying to change his ways to not end up like LCJ.  I don't think even Dong Jae is consciously aware that he now proudly carries the badge and work ethics of a prosecutor.  CP Kang made a wise decision to have Dong Jae make reparations for the abuse he dished out toward his juniors by handling the juvenile cases.


    CP Kang who once prided himself on being objective and detached from office politics and corruption was swayed by emotions.  We saw how he was tempted to compromise his own ethics to protect his reputation.  It's humanly impossible to be your own island and be immune to the pressure of others.  It's hard to stand upright when many others said it's ok to bend once in a while. But Kang's saving grace was his promise to LCJ to mentor SM.  When he broke that restriction line, the person who firmly reprimanded him was no other than SM.  Their relationship was what SM misses from LCJ.  Kang helped to humanize corruption for SM in ways that he can understand - the hurdles, the temptations, the challenges that prosecutors face to abide by their code of conducts.   I wonder if this will make SM less "objective, rigid" but no less rational in his expectations and pursuit of justice.  The interpretation of the law should be practical and fair and humane.  Because of what he went through in season 2 (including the search for DJ, his reunion with Yeojin), SM discovers what  he has not understand before.  A better understanding of human behaviors and how relationships can actually matter more than he realized.  


    10 hours ago, Gummi said:

    By right he wounldnt have known KHJ or the tongyeong case so why would he say something like that. Unless he had a hand in closing the tong yeong case with this mysterious prosecutor ryu that has not appeared. 


    I rmb reading one of your theories that KSH is linked to prosecutor ryu and helped to close the assembly man's case. Im thinking this theory could be possible.


    We noticed that both KSH and Prosecutor Ryu are from Seongnam.  Ryu transferred out, the person who replaced him cleared Assembly Nam at the insistence of the Supreme Office.  Kang deduced WTH was behind the Supreme Office's move to help Nam with the understanding that he will have some leverage when the assemblyman takes a post at the Legislation Office.  I am unsure of how KSH got transferred out of his Criminal Division to the office where he is now.  Could most likely be with WTH's help which means KSH could very well be the prosecutor who cleared Nam.


    1 hour ago, nona88 said:

    P.s. last question  do you think they have time for everything and time for SM  to go see him mother ??? 


    Absolutely!  It will be the highlight of his Seoul trip! 


    Friends Love GIF by moonbug

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  19. The Incorruptible Man Wants Nothing 




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    As a viewer, the most disquieting aspect of Forest of Secret’s first season back in 2017 was the growing realization that corruption isn’t caused by people being evil or venal or naturally avaricious. It’s caused by people having connections, relationships and obligations. It’s something that builds out of the normal interactions we have as human beings. It is thus human. We are all corruptible.



    Lee Jun Hyuk thanks fans for worrying about Seo Dong Jae.  


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    Get well soon so we can see your fine profile in another drama :hooray:

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    Yeo-Jin fighting!  You're the real superhero.



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    BTS shots...  It was so good to see them again.  What a good follow up given the pressure and expectation from season 1.  Such a happy cast.  Will miss them dearly.:heart1:



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    BTS subbed


    And to twist our mind even further... the obnoxious bully from Tongyeong case posed with E16 script. :crybaby:




    The actor posed on his IG





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  20. Wow, everyone... good discussion going on here.  :D  Me... I have many theories and questions.  I too don't think KHJ was capable of disabling Dong Jae alone.  I remember him falling over after Dong Jae's kick.  He's also not strong or tall enough to strike Dong Jae in the forehead unless he hit him from behind. Killing the boys on the beach were easier cuz they were drunk.  Here, we have a full grown man.  He wouldn't be able to incapacitated Dong Jae without leaving any evidence.  Where are the bricks or the weapon that was used to hit Dong Jae?  Why take Dong Jae's dashcam?  If Dong Jae pulled over abruptly to catch KJH, he would have left the car key in the ignition.  Where are the keys?   More importantly, did the police find the music stand that was used to strike Dong Jae?


    What are the chances that Dong Jae went into KHJ's car and they drove to his house?  Maybe that's why he took his car key with him?  But why not re park the car?


    cbc no GIF by Kim's Convenience


    @pompyavi I'm sorry, I am dense.  What is it about JG's watch that I should notice?  Would you mind explain?



    On 9/28/2020 at 9:16 PM, pompyavi said:

    KSH is clever than Woo, he understood that Shimok wants him to get info from Woo. If he could understand that, then why would not he understand that he sneaked in his office because he suspects him? His reaction was like he felt betrayed by Shimok. Because he was the one who used to be protective of him and that's why he wondered why was it his office and not chief Woo.


    Okie, so I was puzzled by KSH's reactions.  Some fans ruled out KSH because he didn't grill Shi Mok for suspecting him.  I don't know if KSH is sly enough to use reverse psychology and redirected the situation to keep him from looking suspiciously defensive.  So to show that  he has nothing to hide in the office. His face on the other side of the door was scary but he played dumb.   KSH has complained before with WTH that Shi Mok doesn't shows respect toward his superiors.  I assume he believes Shi Mok doesn't have ambition to climb the ladder because he is not playing by the unspoken rules.  I can't tell if KSH was upset Shi Mok fooled everyone with his nonchalant manner but shows his true self when no one is around.


    23 hours ago, pompyavi said:

    Why did he kidnap him when he didn't even know what Dong jae wanted to talk about? Even if he had doubts, he didn't have any evidence to indict him. There was no need to kidnap him. 


    Also, if Woo and KSH are involved in fake witness thing, then they should have prevented issuing the warrant since the culprit would confess that it wasn't him who sent that. 


    Exactly.  Dong Jae didn't have any evidence about the drowning case.  He would just have to play cool and answer DJ's questions.  He was a pretty good actor at the beach, I assume he would to at least try to lie his way out with DJ.  Contrast to how he behaves around Shi Mok whom he remembered was at the Tongyeong beach.  He panicked and ran which I think is the more normal reaction.  It seems out of character for a kid who was calculative enough to plan and kill to just kidnap someone and leave him in the closet without any clear directive.


    I thought the police and Choi brought in Gi Hyeok both times?


    22 hours ago, farawayland said:

    There are many things about KHJ kidnapping DJ didn’t sit right with me so rewatched some scenes in the previous episodes. 

    E8: KHJ left a message about “you people have no conscience” Why conscience? He is not talking about the wife or his bullies friends. For me it is implying the police/prosecutor who had no conscience. Why blaming them? 

    In that scene,  KHJ tried to leave a msg under a video of Dong Jae's wife pleading for her husband return.  She was describing her husband as a hardworking prosecutor.   Maybe what he means by "you people" is "you the prosecutor" (cuz she was describing a prosecutor) have no conscience.  I am wondering if he is talking about his accomplice that night, a prosecutor who hurt Dong Jae without any remorse.   



    21 hours ago, nrllee said:

     I think the second person just wanted to benefit from the situation (KHJ was the kidnapper)?  It was fine to have everyone think it was the Police  and benefit from it?  But things got out of hand when he realized DJ could be dead.  


    Don't you think it's odd that we don't hear music playing whenever we get shots of Dong Jae?  Make me think the person who monitors Dong Jae is not the musical kid KHJ.  A person who loves music wouldn't sit in the room silently like that.


    20 hours ago, larus said:

    I had a bad feeling about Jang Gun from the beginning of the drama.



    I don't know if this is telltale or anything... They face off :D

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    20 hours ago, pompyavi said:


    As for the lighter and water bottles, even i am puzzled why they have been shown if those things means nothing. 

    Could this person with the lighter and water bottle the same person who surveyed the scene before WTH?  Maybe he was also checking for the CCTV cameras back then?  The NCI team didn't find cigarette butts the night Dong Jae disappear right? If is, then we are looking at the same person who also provided the fake witness + story.  I am with @nrllee - Gi Hyeok's sponsor sounds a high level prosecutor or someone who controls prosecutors..... Hanjo?  


    BTW, the police winning the investigative right has broader implication.  The police will be able to also close and open cases.  So who wins if the police wins?  Hanjo Electric!  The audit problem,  CP Kang's investigation, will be affected.


    What Why Who Where and How?  We need the answers smart peeps of Soompi!


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  21. 10 minutes ago, nona88 said:


    So if he get order and he simple  to believe  he doing it for the benefit of everyone  yes he would do that 

     ah that bad if he really did it YJ  will never forgive  herself  bringing him into that work 


    But captain  Choi is different  he get over it fast and it didnt  affect  his care about the case or the work, he also one of the few who really care about finding  SDJ  not giving hope or be affected  by his history  with him

    and he still's  give YJ  the warmth  and close behavior  later 


    So he has no hard feelings  about it, he a good man and he understand  that how the work happens  there ( I dont think it the first he had someone younger a head of him cause school  background  in police and he still care about YJ) 


    Yes. I think that is why JG was chosen purposefully by Choi Bit to join the council.  I know, we are making her out to be the devil here.  I hope our speculations are proven wrong.  JG may have agreed in theory with CB of why the police must have the right to obtain warrants because he is on the street facing these problems everyday.  Her cause appeals to him.  In his mind, this is what the rental scam victim needed.  It doesn't help when he listens to Kim Sa Hyun and WTH argue their points tone death to the problems citizens face everyday.  It will be up to JG to draw the line for himself when he needs to stop and owe up to his mistakes.  Would YJ return to IBD if this is true? I feel bad for her, choosing to commit to her office work because she truly believes she is needed and can make a difference.  

    Whatever happened, please don't pin his crimes on Yeo Jin. 


    Don't get me wrong, I know what you mean.  Capt Choi accepts the change in stride after the initial surprise.  There's much to say about his character and how much he cares for YJ.  He didn't hide the police watch reflections from her even if he knows its implications.  He takes the responsibility of leading his team seriously.  In his scruffy way, he tries to take care of them, Yeojin as well.  It will break the whole team spirit Sun Chang et al if what you are thinking about JG is true.


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  22. 2 hours ago, lilyphenix said:

    About episode 13, did anyone else thought Si-Mok was going to show some compassion and offer Jung Min-Ha a ride home? :blink: (Was so shocked when he didn’t!) 



    He glanced at Min-Ha's subway card, which reminded him of Eun Soo who also used subway for work.  I was surprised he didn't take her to the station but ShiMok is not one who minds social etiquettes or performs acts of kindness.  LOL I am sure she would be thrilled to know her perseverance and photos helped locate Dong Jae.  She is the opposite of prosecutor Ryu who felt pressure to act on his superior orders even though he has questions about them but went ahead with the flow of the system.  We talked about the hierarchy and connections among prosecutors.  This obviously perpetuates the corruption and stifle the best prosecutors out there.  Dong Jae experienced the struggle of trying to break into the club.  A lot of these junior prosecutors understands how the system works, how they need to make certain compromises and behave in a way with their superiors to advance their careers.  I'm glad Min Ha harbors a personal responsibility and loyalty to Dong Jae to keep digging at the case, knowing her superiors were not very happy at her actions.  If she can not work under Don Jae again, would be nice if Shi Mok can take her under his wings given how he feels about Eun Soo.


    5 hours ago, nrllee said:

    WTH has been head of the Criminal Legislative Division for a while?  If it dissolves, where will he go?  He doesn’t have the links like KSH does in the National Assembly?  It was only ever meant to be temporary in nature?


    this writer doesn’t paint rosy endings.  


    You have a point.  A lot of people in real life, including prosecutions, live for the chaos and corruptions around them.  Instead of trying to solve the problems, many use the opportunity to carve a place for themselves to be useful in other people's world.  WTH enjoys the power in his position and revels in the accolade falsely given to him.  He is not the right person to represent prosecution but the job was given to him through connections.  Whatever went on between Hanjo and PGS, it is the citizen's loss that an unqualified individual leads the reform council.  I even question if it is in the best interest of WTH to lead a council to a good resolution for both police and prosecution.  Because really, where would he be if things go well so much that he is no longer needed.  The reality is these commissions in many part of our countries are run by people who shouldn't be there in the first place.  Those who place their own interest above those that they serve, those who are subjected to and also control the many connections that serve the system.  The question is how can we get the right people to make real changes when the system doesn't allow them to reach a position to have the power to do such a thing.  How can we uproot the whole system for change and sustain it in the long run?  The council wanted to have an arbitrary committee to ensure that the police won't abuse its investigative power.  That's good but who will be watching these watchers?  Knowing how human nature is, are we just going to hope for the best for the future knowing it was so hard to even change the status quo?  I am curious at how the drama plans to answer these at the end.



    3 hours ago, larus said:

    What is is disturbing and frustrated is how conections are working to solve an outside interest. Woo Tae Ha was called by a higher up because Kim Hu-Jeong `s father had powerful connections.  Kim Sa-Hyun had to call a higher connection to stop the abuse of power. And they were lucky because that person (an assemply man) was a senior of that minister. Meanwhile, a mere prosecutor is demoted for speaking up against an injustice, because she could not do what she was asking for.

    And how @chickfactor mentioned already it is disturbing to see the high-ranking officials (prosecutors or police officers)  has to kneel down in front of chaebols with more power than they bosses.

    The drama makes a compelling clear case for how easy it is to use connections to manipulate the prosecution, a case the police and current real life news are suggesting.  Even if there are laws in place, Hanjo pretty much circumvented them, recruiting and doing business in the countryside.  This thing about insurance. How people do things expecting to secure a return of favor later - this has to stop.  I agree. There has to be a change in mentality on how things can be done in prosecution so that they don't rely on the easy way out.  You can put up roadblocks but until there are people like ShiMok who monitor and confront corruption at the time it happens, wrong things will continue to happen.  


    I would be heartbroken if Jang Geon is involved in planting the false witness and letter.  In season 1, he broke into Yeo Jin's computer to email files to his chief.  At the time, he was being pressured by the chief but I felt he did have an inferior complex toward Yeo Jin which she forgave him before the terrace dinner. I don't think if she has acknowledged this or if he has reconciled his feelings about it.  We saw Jang Geon making a few remarks about Yeo Jin's changing personality now that she is in IBD.  Funny thing I also witness it from Captain Choi who also a little taken back when Yeo Jin took over SDJ's investigation.  This is a person who cares for Yeo Jin and pushes Jang Geon to  join the council.  It's hard to accept changes even in the police force where rank and file are codes everyone follows.  The Segeok police case was the same.  Anyway, it would not be an impossibility if Jang Geon once again followed orders given by his superior, Choi Bit.  I think he would be more agreeable to her argument of doing whatever it takes to get their goal even if he is conflicted.  Perhaps he too yearns for a promotion like Yeo Jin.  Perhaps it was a good intention on his side to start but got murkier as things snowballed and now he felt trapped by the manipulations of his superior.  I hope if he is involved, he would find a way out and do the right thing.


    @Sleepy Owl Life is quite complex, a good overview of the healthcare financial problems.  She does her homework well.  


    @pompyavi  As much as I want to, I don't think S3 will happen anytime soon.  There are many other social problems that need her attention plus she is one who likes to push herself to new challenge.  I would love to see her writing more about the human conditions, relationships, family... something that are not well understood and appreciated.   

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