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Posts posted by bedifferent

  1. @nrllee well, I definitely think Jaehoon’s family murder scenes are unrealistic, seems writer asks us to suspend logics.  Jaehoon woke up and roam the house while SSH hid.  SSH held his panic the whole time, kept doing his job, and finally lost it when Jaehoon woke up.  The twist, falsely placing our perspective on Jaehoon walking up the stairs as if he came home and discovered the body, was not clearly explained.  It was not a convincing reveal for me.  There were some missing scenes.@ferily @pixiebelle @Sleepy Owl what do you think?


    What I don’t want the drama, depicting 19+ violent scenes, do is blame shifting the crime of the perpetrator to some higher organization.  It reduces the accountability of the individual cuz I think even as entertainment, you have a responsibility to your audience to deliver some sort of a moral statement.  Only 1 episode left, the writer has not made it clear to me that she stands with the victims of crime.  I understand her point that BaReum never stood a chance to not be a psychopath because Oz were driven to use him as their posterboy for killing off psychopaths preventively. I do get that he deserves some understanding, but I don’t know if it’s right to not give the same amount of sympathy for his victims.




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  2. 19 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

    He was on the first floor from very beginning.

    I don’t think he was.  BaReum was out from the breakfast.  Still on bed.


    This is when Jaehoon’s stepfather came home and walked in.



    around 47:00 mark E18


    SSH chased the father down the stairs.  Jaehoon woke up afterward.


    Jae Min hid in closet and saw SSH ran upstairs then Jaehoon followed.





    at 51:00


    Thus why I said the sequencing is off?

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    On 5/12/2021 at 9:35 AM, mystic62 said:

    Their brother managed to save her by having her escape through their window before he died.(SSH had no clue he was in the closet when he torched the house and put Jae Min into the orphanage after finding her out of guilt)  The father died after seeing his wife corpse and tried to kill SSH but he got stabbed instead. 

    Can someone please put together the sequence of events regarding JaeHoon's family death? It is the MOST convoluted events ever in the history of Kdrama!


    JaeHoon was drugged by the the nurse feeding him his breakfast.  He passed out on the bed, she tried to suffocate him with the pillow.  SSH saved him, accidentally threw the nurse at edge of desk, she bled and lost consciousness.  Both JaeHoon and nurse are out.  JaeHoon's father came home, went upstairs and caught SSH in room, probably after he checked Jaehoon's pulse to make sure he is alive.  Father ran downstairs, grabbed knife in kitchen, fight ensued between SSH and him.  He ended up getting falling on stairs, stabbed during the struggle.   


    This is where plot holes happened for me.


    Somehow, SSH disappeared, went somewhere LOL?!  JaeHoon woke up, checked on his mom the nurse as she uttered her last words letting him know that another child with the same psychopath gene exists.  




    I remember from earlier episode that JaeHoon walked to bottom of the stairs, pulled the knife out from his stepfather, then up the stairs.  It makes no sense for me here because there is a conflict with the scenes.   Are we supposed to believe JaeHoon, after waking up and talking to his mom, would walk down the stairs, not crossing path with SSH, stayed on the bottom floor then decided to pull out the knife before walking up the stairs again looking for the killer?  It's like he roamed freely in the bottom floor with SSH in hiding.  Then we see SSH running up the stairs followed by JaeHoon knife in hand.  Which means SSH must have ran up the stairs without JaeHoon seeing. LOL All in the mean time, two kids Jae Hee and Jae Min are upstairs, not screaming, undetected by SSH during the struggle with the nurse or their stepfather.


    I don't understand why Jae Min after leaving the closet to lead his sister down the opened window would not follow her but instead went back to hide in the closet?!  It would make more sense if he stayed in the same room with the window.... but then SSH would have discovered there was a kid inside. So writernim has him back to hiding in the closet!!!


    It defies ALLLLL LOGICS!!!!  This drama is too much.



    On 5/12/2021 at 10:25 PM, nrllee said:

    He only confessed to killing BY’s rapist.  Not the lawyer or the other serial killer.  When he confessed to MC, he couched it to look like he was the “good guy” protecting BY?  So no, neither knew the full truth.  He gave MC a half truth (which is essentially a lie).  MC and BY had to work it out themselves through the episode.  :expressionless:

    I dislike that scene.  BR pleaded with MC he needed time to find CK's killer, not confessing that he was the first killer that put CK in the hospital room to begin with.  He almost killed him with the head injury, even took his fingers, if not for HH's intervention.  BaReum was such a hypocrite there, writernim knew exactly how the audience feel so she has BR verbalized that he was a two faced lier.  It was not a confession in truth but an inconvenient half lie... He also added more lies to cover his tracks answering MC's questions about his whereabouts with the other characters.  He didn't even confess to killing his brother or Bong Yi's grandma.  The drama bents over backward to give BR the chance to right his life over the right of the victim's family.  If I were a victim of crimes and I watch this drama, my blood pressure would kill me.

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  4. On 5/11/2021 at 3:38 AM, Helena said:

    Shin Ha Kyun Sums Up His Feelings about ‘Beyond Evil’ and Lee Dong Sik


    Q4. What was the best line?
    There’s a line I say at the end. “Eat well, sleep well, poop well.” To be honest, the line didn’t resonate with me when I first read the script. But while acting, It brought up such strong feelings out of the blue. In reality, that’s all it is. That’s what life is all about. This is the line I told Joo Won, but also I think it might have been what I wanted to hear. I’m getting emotional even now.


    Awwww.... that’s how I felt too when LDS heard from his mom.  After a hard and challenging life, it must have been liberating to focus your energy on the most mundane things.  Live well DongSik, Joo Won, Jung Je!  Live well!


    Congrats Team Beyond Evil, taking 3 out 4 main awards for TV: Best Actor, Best Drama, Best Original Screenplay.  Director Sim Na Young, so proud of her... if this drama was helmed by a different PD, I don’t know if we would be able to capture the mood and aesthetic of small town, esp the dynamics among the characters.  Atmospheric is the only word I could come up with for how the drama feels.  She did a wonderful job with the women in the drama too.  


    I am happy for Oh Jung Se’s second win as supporting actor, fantastic job as Moon Sang Tae.  I love his character.  Well deserved.

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  5.   @nrlleeWe shouldn't be confused about BaReum's crimes.  Even with his first victim, SSH, Bareum was angry enough to seek him out not to exact revenge for his stepfather.  He was furious that someone dared to violate his territory, thus why he killed SSH.  The 7 sins killing were to carried out to punish the victims for being virtuous claiming he is their judge and executioner.  The things he did toward innocent victims really can't be pardoned, in my opinion not even justifiable in anyway.  BaReum is on a mission to piece together his life, he has the right to punish those who orchestrated his life.  Though when it comes down to it, Bareum or anyone else can't just use his psychopath tendency, whether or not Oz triggered or condone it, as a defense for his crimes.


    You have a point, could be a paternity test, HH vs. Bareum's DNA.  That's when YoHan found out he's not her biological son... why he went looking for Jae Hee.  


    On 5/9/2021 at 7:39 AM, pixiebelle said:

    Oz stepped in only when BR's life was at risk or in danger of being found out. The kidnapped boy HK body's was left there for years till it was in danger of being discovered. 

    If Oz had clean-ed up the 1st sin killing, BR would have been suspicious.


    On 5/9/2021 at 6:36 PM, __jesse said:


    My theory: the female politician is behind the OZ people. Her aim is to pass the law to abort fetuses with the psychopath gene.


    OZ people are related to victims killed by serial killers. They believe it's their duty to help pass this law, and prevent more victims from being killed in the future. 


    They didn't clean up after the 7 sins killings because BR has the psychopath gene. If he gets caught, it'll help support their case.


    But with the twist of events, the public now believes that YH is the serial killer. If YH, who has the psychopath gene as well, is revealed to be innocent and kind, it'll be detrimental to their case. 

    Both of your points are good. I am curious on the end point of the experiment.  When does BaReum's experiment supposed to end, it can't go on forever?  Is there a time which they supposed to end this experiment?  Is it when the law is passed? What is their plan once the law has passed, will they use the dashcam recordings/evidence of BaReum's crimes to punish him?  But they can't ever publicize those videos cuz it would incriminate them and their involvement as bystanders/accomplices to the murders? What are they going to do to BaReum?


    18 hours ago, nrllee said:

    Did they confirm blood was Daniel’s?  I thought they assumed it was him because they found his wallet at the scene?  But somehow they got Daniel’s DNA?  O yes MC found the bloodied shoes in the garage of YH’s apartment?  I think the zipper came from those shoes?  Which MC tried to “pretend” he found dumped in the clothing bin?  And he tried to get Shin to test the blood sample?  I remember Shin telling him it was a crime to do what he did and that it was inadmissible in court.  But he went ahead and tested it against Daniel’s DNA and it didn’t match?  And it didn’t match the other victims either.  So they couldn’t get a search warrant.  That’s why they concocted that fake accident with Shin’s fiancé to try to check YH’s car for the missing boy.  Ahhh...I remember now.  They busted YH because the blood on the shoes matched the body that was dumped in the sea/lake.  The police went to his place with a search warrant but by that time YH was on his way to BR’s house...where BY was...and BR came later after breaking into YH’s lair and finding the photos of himself.  So body in the sea/lake was the guy killed in the Ferris Wheel.  YH dumped his body and he had the guy’s blood on his shoes as a result.  That’s why he fled after the event to HJ’s, hugged her and said he was scared.  Question is did he kill the guy or was it Daniel who did it and he got YH to dump the body...and Daniel faked his own death?  

    I think Daniel did get attacked by Oz people cuz Oz people saw him watching YoHan.  That night, YoHan's shadow attacked Daniel and left him half dead in the ferris wheel?  Yo Han arrived at the time of the meeting and rescued Daniel from the amusement. Two different sources of blood, one is Daniel/ferris wheel and the other one is linked the dead body/Yo Han's shoes as he faked Daniel's death.  The decomposed body may have came from his hospital morgue or one of his patients.  


    What if the zipper came from the body bag of the decomposed body!!!! LOL  :lol:


    In the stills of episode 18, Bareum was seen devastated, clutching a photo or paper in his hand?  What do you think it is?  Is it his birth certificate or a picture of young YoHan/JaeHoon?  Something to make Bareum realize Yo Han is his kind childhood friend?

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    I do marvel at Bong Yi using just ONE tissue to wipe clean the entire wall!  The tissue stayed in tact, clean, without breaking apart.  Most antibacterial wipes we carry are heavily alcohol and bleach based, which can damage paint if left on soaked for a long time.  If these wipes were this strong on paint, we wouldn't be using it on our hands directly to disinfect, COVID etc...  So this is not possible.


    6 hours ago, airgelaal said:

    I don't think so after 17 ep. Neighbor lady said, that YH visited BR's old house on the day when he was killed. That day he also asked about the girl. I don't think he had enough time to find the girl and to visit her.


    5 hours ago, Fatemeh Rahemi said:

    I think it's palusible that the person meeting Jae hee was Yo han. Because that woman said "who would know that he is..." ( Serial killer?) 


    I think the ferris wheel incident was set-up. Daniel wanted to fake his death. Maybe Yo han started to work with him so he disposed a body so that gov people think he's dead. I am thinking about Yo han as a good person so I don't want to say he killed that corpse. 

    She was definitely been killed. At least Daniel thought that. 

    Also she was HH's gf. HH wouldn't ask about her as dongsaeng

    I too think YoHan did visit Michaela=Jae Hee.  If he did, we have to figure out why he wanted to take her away if they are not related.  Thus, put forth an argument for BaReum being HH's son.


    See, I don't know who contacted whom first, was it Daniel reaching out to YoHan or vice versa. Has to be Daniel, who helped YoHan to connect the dots to the OZ group.  There was an alteration in the ferris wheel.  If there was a meeting between the two, OZ henchman would have known since someone has been shadowing YoHan.  The zipper, is it from Yo Han's jacket? would place him there.  They both decided to use the body to send Daniel into hiding.  The only thing is the body was decomposed for a long time, which an identification could not be made.  I am wondering if that was just OZ hiding the identity of its own or YoHan using a corpse of his hospital's morgue.  


    I have been bothered for a while now on why no one seems to shadow the adult YoHan, esp stopping him from confronting BaReum that night?  Or why only BaReum is the subject Oz wants to protect.  Why is YoHan so dispensable to OZ?  Porque??? 


    Here are more arguments why BaReum is HH's son

    • Moochi. Foreshadowing with HH that he will kill his son in front of him to avenge his family. This kind of Kdrama prophecy usually comes true.
    • Michaela's fear seeing BaReum at the orphanage.
    • JiEun most likely abandoned or switched the baby herself, the other lady did not know anything. She is privy to the facts. Susp that she often conceal his identity by putting away YoHan's baby pic/photo as if to prevent someone from recognizing her boy.  She didn't reveal this info to Daniel, made me super susp she accepted a deal from her doctor/Oz after delivery.  Her hands also shook quite a bit when she admitted to Daniel YoHan is her son.  
    • HH performed the surgery not out of love for his own son BaReum but to replicate himself like any psychopath and obviously, personal gratification for the surgery .  Would explain his detachment seeing his own son.  He did ask his follower to look into a person for him, wonder who that is?
    • Bareum joining a church volunteer group, his own sadistic way of flipping Christ.
    • Bareum's arc literally screamed out crime and punishment, redemption, etc for a twisted life that was orchestrated by other people.  It makes sense that he suffers and makes atonement for his and his father's crimes.

    I do dislike the narrative tone after the Predator episodes.  Kinda feel the writer and drama intentionally revealed BaReum's identity early to allow them time to work in redemption arc for a psychopath.  I wish they have not used the secret society wild card and instead work more on Bareum's own mental battle to address his crimes with the victim family.  Take accountability for his actions by going public, esp with the family, and deal with the aftermath.  It feels wrong to sympathize with someone who was so sadistic and cruel in the special episodes.  I feel like the viewers are being asked to empathize with BaReum and justify his killings with all the reveals.  Now, he is the antihero for digging up Oz.  

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  7. 21 minutes ago, Avocado80 said:


    I am laughing when you said Granma gain her 10/10 vision.. Well, in my opinion the writer has tried to make all the answer of her plot is make sense..Eventhough some times it rather laughable..hehehe...just like BY find out the YH truth by wiping the paint LOL...

    We saw he wanted to meet Daniel at the playground..and then there was a killing, we don't know who is the victim becoz Daniel is alive now.

    How about if OZ people want to kill DAniel and YH stop him and maybe kill him..That's why he throw a body in the lake, he reveal to CHJ that he was afraid , and he said to his mom that your son is a killer..Not the serial killer, but did kill someone.  

    That was the most ludicrous thing ever, seeing Bong Yi wiped that wall... A paint job that Ji Eun did several days/weeks ago ....the paint survived rain in between but not the magic eraser Bong Yi carried with her.


    Maybe Yo Han killed his shadow?  The person OZ sent to trail him.  That's an interesting angle about why Yo Han mentioned her son is a killer.  


    Police found a zipper in the ferris wheel?  This will come back to us I am sure.  Whose jacket is missing a zipper?  Or is it a backpack zipper? 




    42 minutes ago, pixiebelle said:

    I guess from that could stem several possibilities ? Example (1) no brain surgery was actually done ? And medicine given to BR triggered the emotional responses ? (2) YoHan was alive and hidden away by Oz ?

     I think surgery was done since the medical director mentioned HH could have a brilliant career in another life.  Plus, he turned on the camera so it is an underhanded way to spy on another surgeon's techniques or recorded the deed for OZ.  Yes @nrlleeI noticed no transplant rejection medications, BaReum with no follow up post op, surgery done with no vasculature connection.  I also love that the medical director walked into the operating room, no mask, to dismiss the rest of the operating team to clear room for HH. :lol:  This drama is just too much.


    The medicine, perhaps, are given to regulate his aggressive nature or up his MAO.  To control his killing urges.  I also realized this drama should have been been included in the fantasy genre too.

    • LOL 3
  8. 1 hour ago, pixiebelle said:

    Q) What happened to BY's grandma ?
    I think the question more "Why did BR kill BY's grandma?"

    Revealed that it wasn't part of his plan but an accidental prey. She called BR and revealed she saw the "murderer" (she has mistakenly assumed YH is murder after barging into his basement) and about a photo. BR voice-over stated "how could she have seen me when I am here?",  rushed over to find out about the photo. The next parts not very clear but I interpreted it as she saw BR's face and he killed her. Grandma was muttering about wanting to save BY when she was dying. She knew BR was the murderer by then. 


    Q) YH's personality change from when he was young boy - no flower shop scene in Ep 16/17.
    The flower shop scenes I remember seeing so far involves Ji Eun & MC. 

    I guess YH found out about the experiment while he was growing up so his demeanour changed and became cold. Also explains why he said to his mom, "You knew your son is a murderer ?"
    Ji Eun's reaction that she was shocked he knew she was not her biological mom and that her son is BR.
    Also explains Ji Eun's reaction on seeing BR. 



    • Grandma sewn button on Bareum's shirt.  There was a reflection of the button in the photo. Grandma suddenly regain her 10/10 vision and spot the reflection in the dark alley to realize the killer is BaReum ----> leads to her end.  He burned the photo, dropped it half burned to chase YoHan, Grandma grabbed the photo in her clutched hand.  BaReum killed her because she recognized him as 7sins killer.
    • Ji Eun moved to another town, into JaeHoon's town, opened a flower shop (holding lessons that day in the shop).   MooChi, for some reasons, found where her shop is, came to ask for more money to cover his brother's hospital fees.  Not only was MC desperate that day, he was furious seeing Ji Eun leading a normal life.  He, on the other hand, has to navigate the hardship of an orphan while trying to find work to help his brother.  At their confrontation outside the shop, Ji Eun was interrupted by a small male voice calling out "Mom".  I believe that was Yo Han on the day he first heard and find out about his father HH.  Yo Han the kind boy changed that day.
    • YH's deceased friend Kim Joon Sung, whose jacket was worn by Yo Han when he was chased by BaReum, worked for the same government branch as SSH and Bareum's uncle.  I think this is how Yo Han was able to look into the Oz project, how he know about the other kid JaeHoon/BaReum. How he realized that they were lab rats before BaReum got any inkling.  Young YoHan already complained to his teacher in grade school that he was being followed. Kim Joon Sung helped him get the psychopath tests I am guessing.
    • I am on the camp that think Yo Han is HH's son.  Ji Eun's reaction is the shock that Yo Han knows about the existence of the test that she tried hard to hide. 
    • Let's said that BaReum is HH's son, I think it is more likely JiEun abandoned her son because she doesn't want anything to do with him.  If Ji Eun wanted to hide her son's true identity so that he doesn't have to suffer the stigma as HH's son, it would mean that she loves her son.  We haven't seen any loving or motherly reactions from JiEun toward BaREum.  If she has given him up for his protection out of love, she would still want to keep track of him, tried to see him once in a while even from afar, intervened when he needed help, abused and lost.  Here. it feels like she wants nothing to do with him.  She was ill seeing BaReum at the hospital, after finding out YoHan is dead. I also find it weird that the researcher's wife would give up her son when she insisted that she can raised him as an upright person.  She wouldn't give her child up for money, it doesn't sound plausible with this fighting spirit.  Why would she remarried? Could it be because she was financially strapped as a single mother who needed to provide for her own son ---> she didn't have money.
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  9. Wait, no one mentioned about BaReum leaping down balconies from floor to floor to chase the bad guy!  For a moment, I thought he was Spiderman!!!


    This drama :lol:

    18 hours ago, airgelaal said:



    And I think YH changed when he found out about his father. I think it was when MC made a scandal in his mother's store.


    I agree.  YoHan seeing the reactions from the other ladies in the flower shop and MooChi’s frustration -  could be the first time he knew about his father HH.  This is probably after he rescued dog and Bong Yi.  I think MooChi inadvertently revealed JiEun’s identity as HH’s wife.  She moved there to establish a new life at the town where Jaehoon lived, using her maiden name .  From there on, young YoHan get bullied by other kids as the town knew who his father is.  That changed everything for YoHan.  He walled up, lost the warm friendly personality of his youth and developed an outsider cold attitude.  He may even thought he’s not lovable or deserving of love.  Started acting odd cuz he believes it is his given traits.  A lot of it is projection to keep people away to protect him as well. Might as well be the monster that people think he is as the child of a SK.

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  10. 2 hours ago, nrllee said:



    I am not sure how the boy YH (I assume he’s the one who met JH in the field and JH wanted to be like him) ended up being socially awkward like YH.  Or why JiEun would have the flashback strangling BR.  But okay.  

    So I am guessing Det Shin is the control then?


    Nice dad - nice upbringing - Det Shin??? (suspicious because he keeps twitching his face constantly - lying maybe?)



    I have to go back watching E7, only saw 10 min.


    Yeah we don't know about why Ji Eun has the flashback.  YoHan seems like a shy kid, possibly grew up into an introvert.  He befriended JaeHoon since he felt a connection of some sort as outcasts.  Later, Jaehoon sort of fascinated him, sort of came to see him as a protector from the bullies.  They separated when JaeHoon moved into auntie's new home.  Could it be that YoHan changed once he knew about the tests?  That type of knowledge can shock someone, making him conscious of his character leading him to alienating himself from people around him.  He can even start acting weird because of the secrets cuz he can't process it, even doubt himself as a person who is capable of love and friendship. He would even fear himself become a killer not by his own choice.


    Let's see, imagine how YoHan felt when he got a hold of the test results or found out BaReum is the killer.  We don't know if YoHan knows BaReum is the same JaeHoon kid before he died.  The drama didn't reveal during their roof confrontation, BaReum doesn't seem to realize it either?  IF is true, seems so tragic that they didn't know they were childhood friends.   


    Det Shin is lying for sure.  The twitching made him looks like a mouse too LOL  


    About HH, perhaps part of him does want to preserve his offspring, YoHan's brain in BaReum.  I think he is also a little disappointed that YoHan has none of his psychopathic tendencies, no one with the same capacity to continue his legacy. The brain transplant allows him to surgically implant his genius brain into someone with the psychopathic gene to make a super killer.  Sec Choi must have told him about experiments and OZ society... he could have seen it as a way to immortalize his genes.  The OZ society allowing JaeHoon to murder freely with full knowledge of what he did and who he is is not only immoral, it's obscenely criminal.  What an injustice to all the murdered victims and families.


    SHH was recruited by govenment/OZ with the intention of helping to get rid of SK but things definitely went array.  He most likely tasked to shadow Jae Hoon like the person in the car tailing BaReum.  Killing JaeHoon's family was a necessity to keep the narrative going for the experiment with JaeHoon. Don't think it was revenge toward HH on a personal level.  He quit after the murders... if it was to avenge his sister, there wouldn't be so much remorse and pain.

    • Insightful 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, soojae93 said:


    I think there's an episode when Yo Han got bullied by his friends in high school because he is 'Head Hunter's Son'. So people around him already know he is HH's son.

    Oh is it... thanks for reminding me, too many details to remember.  It's a little odd that YoHan as an adult was not bullied outright. You're right cuz YoHan visited HH in jail as his son?

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  12. 1 hour ago, ferily said:

    Is Ba Reum the Head Hunter's son? Like did Ji Eun really give birth to Yo Han? Is it possible that Ba Reum isn't the Head Hunter son and that Yo Han really ended up having the 1% genius gene?


    This episode seems to show that Ba Reum was the other pregnant woman's son, with showing the background behind his family and all that. But that makes me think, why did Ji Eun stop Jae Hoon when he was burying his brother? Was Ji Eun passing by? 


    Watching some of Episode 17 really made me feel sad for Yo Han and question why he had to be killed off (oh wait, they needed the whole brain swap storyline of course...). Like that boy was truly a good child and person but the whole pressure of society saying he's HH son made him depressed and sad.



    I am certain that Yo Han is Ji Eun's son who grew up with the intelligence of his father but lack the charm and duplicity of a psychopath.  I don't think people know about his father's identity until after his death since he kept his mother's last name Sung.  Ji Eun shielded him by hiding his genetic study, so she was shocked when YoHan mentioned about her son being a killer.  Her reaction to Yo Han's dry remark that he knows he has the killer gene was misinterpreted by us.  After Yo Han's death, the police/news revealed that he was HH's son... which lead everyone to assume that he is the killer without the benefit of an indepth investigation. Everything he touched, his kid, HJ were outcasted by society.  It's ironic that Hong Ju, who tried to conceal her past with HH due to the same fear, could not escape this fate.  She is forever tied to Head Hunter.  Is she forever his victim?  Do we see her victimized here or is this a payback for what she did with HH years ago?  I sympathize with her but her suffering now could be viewed as a twisted outcome of a sad life.  The writer is giving her almost the same treatment as BaReum in term of atonement.


    I think Ji Eun knows how JaeHoon looks like as a child growing up, her son is his schoolmate and she knows his mother.  Maybe she did pass by or follow him so intervene.  IDK, waiting for drama to reveal. LOL  I do find that it requires suspension of disbelief to see JiEun recognizes BaReum since JaeHoon looks nothing like adult JaeHoon.


    Ji Eun stayed in the same town, kept her maiden name for YoHan to have a normal life. I have to give her credit for raising him with parental love and compassion when we didn't expect her to, esp after her confrontation with SSH when she cried in despair.  She tried hard as a parent to raise her child with love EVEN when she knows he has the gene whereas Jaehoon's mother couldn't shake the prejudice she has toward her child.  Both mothers knew who their kids could become yet they treated them differently.  JiEun turned out to be a more forgiving and loving person, JaeHoon's mother was not as convincing in her faith despite what she verbalized that day in Daniel's hallway.  Sadly, Jaehoon's mother didn't trust his character or had the time to support him or even has the strength overcome the family dynamics/her hsb's ill treatment of Jaehoon.  One of the child has is a special need child so it must have taken all of her energy to keep going.  No doubt the mothers play a significant part in how the kids end up.  We are now left to wonder if someone, his mother, has responded to his needs, would Jaehoon be able to change his psychopathic tendencies in some degrees.  His childhood, when he needed guidance the most, was shaped by fear, neglect, and abuse ... and the lack of love from his mother.  The genetic test was one of the contributing factors that made him a killer.


    I am only a few minutes in E17.... feeling like MooChi.




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  13. I haven't watched E17.


    It has been confirmed that BR=JH=kid in yellow raincoat=Predator.

    Drama title is Mouse = they all were rats.


    From E16, BR's recalled memories, it appeared that JaeHoon's mom = the kind researcher's wife who met JiEun.  







    Piecing together at the end of E16,   JaeHoon walked home, found his stepfather upside down, stabbed on staircase.  He took out the knife and went to sleep on his bed, not afraid, uncaring when he found the dead bodies of his step father/brother.  His mom came home later, found him passed out on bed, with knife, thought that he killed the family.  She then smothered him with a pillow, only to be surprised by SSH (the real killer still in the room?) who threw her against the desk eventually killed her.  I think the step sister must have survived.  Jae Hee was still in closet?  Both Jae Hoon and Jae Hee were separated, with Jae Hoon brought into police station for question and released on his own.  Jae Hee was sent to orphanage?  Jae Hoon then walked back to the house, despondent, sat on his porch when a strange lady came claiming to be his aunt from the US.  


    BaReum checked his mom's birth record to find that his mom was the only child.  I don't know why BaReum would have a picture of him as a kid with his mom. Jae Hoon is old enough to remember who his mom was and the murders. The other explanation is BaReum willed himself to forget about his stepfamily and the aunt gave the photo convincing him that is of his birth mother/him as baby.


    Could very well be that Yo Han is Ji Eun's kid, with no child swapping. JiEun stayed in the same town, as both Yo Han and BaReum are schoolmates.  The birth records, DNA tests, could have been switched around by Dr. Lee or whoever this organization is without even telling both mothers.  


    When YoHan said to JiEun about her son being a killer or not, Ji Eun reacted because she thought she successfully hid his psychopath DNA study from him.  She was shocked that he knew about it.  YoHan was the 1% that ended up being a genius, though he has some negative qualities being emotionally stunted, detached but was quite cool under pressure.


    I don't know why SSH would kill Jae Hoon's family unless he mistaken that Jae Hoon is Head Hunter's son?  The revenge killing by Jae Hoon=BaReum later when he grew up does make sense.  SSH is his first victim.  


    I am confused why the organization would be so protective of BaReum when they don't care about YoHan if they all were study subjects. Is it because YoHan is Head Hunter's son?  Which could explain the reason why Head Hunter agreed to operate.  He wanted to preserve his son's brain in another person, not necessarily because he wanted to save BaReum.  He already noticed that he is a psychopath at the magic show but did not care much about his existence.

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  14. @1ouise @nrllee I have only watched Predator Episode 1, will try to catch the second part.  We get most of our questions answered.  BaReum was sadistic, hard to see at this point that he deserves redemption.  He was a master manipulator, it was all a game to him.  I can't get over the cruelty.  It will be interesting to see how they will end his arc.


    I see the frustrations and disappointments by some of how the drama has given a lot of emphasis and time to BaReum post transplant, BaReum the nice officer and dark BaReum the psychopath.  If there has been a more balanced portrayal of a cat and mouse game, where Moo Chi and BaReum traded moves with each side taking the punches, it would have lessened the horror of such a dark theme.  So far, we only see BaReum controlling his own fate and narrative, playing with others' trust and lives.  If this is a story about pure evil, the narrative must not absolve BaReum of his crimes because the writer needs to show that he must bear responsibility for the choices he makes.  The drama has started to show the viewers how he responds to the consequences of his actions.  I think the remaining episodes would have to side on goodness so that the tide can be turned.  We need to start seeing the good people gaining ground on BaReum, not just him deciding his fate on his own term.  He has to face the punishments at the mercy of others, in reverse role, so that he can feel how it is like to be judged.  The mental anguish BaReum is carrying right now I think is still private.  If we are talking about atonement, BaReum must have the courage to accept public wrath and punishment, not cop out a suicide.  Then there is the need for the victims to come to term with the perpetrator so they can start healing.  I would be upset if the drama ends with BaReum committing suicide.  It probably will end on the idea of an eye for an eye - BaReum will die for someone in his stead.  I don't have anything against BaReum as a character.  LSG is giving a great performance.  I do think the writer has a responsibility to make sure that in the end, after she has run away with this dark theme, we get to see virtue, humanity facing difficulties and triumphed, overcoming their fears, anxiety, vices.  It would be the only way to end IMHO.

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  15. I just started Predator Part 1.  The kid in yellow raincoat who found the mouse is BaReum.  They show the basement with BaReum sitting in front of computer, framed picture and taped photos.


    Yellow raincoat boy=JaeHoon=BaReum=Predator


    1) There goes theory about Det Shin = raincoat boy!

    2)  Why chose to reveal this info in the special episode and not part of main storyline? Is it because drama needed more episodes but instead of extending, it literally ran out of time to edit? If so, poor post production.

    3) Why reveal this early if it was a red herring and could have been a plot device?


    Btw, BaReum taped the photos in the shape of an inverted cross, hence his anti Christ attitude.


    Back to episode ...



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  16. I will always remember this one, esp for how it made me text my parents more often!  A sweet little drama that was not loud or flashy, I love how everyone came together quietly to protect one sweet haraboji.  I will always remember this one for the lessons I learned. 


    The saying is true.  At the end, people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.  For Mr. Sim, his kids, slowly one by one, remembered how he supported them as children and made them feel loved and important.   Seong-San, realizing his father all along understood the sacrifices he made to give up baseball and chose adulthood over dreams for his family.  He lived a life driven by the need to provide for his family, believing financial security is his ticket to happiness.  He forgot that happiness is a personal journey for each person - how his daughter has the right to her own dreams and that as a parent, the best thing he could do is to allow her to explore her potential on her own, in her own ways.  Mr Sim gave him the push to start over again on his own.  Seong Gwan needed to regain his purpose in his career.  Watching his father raced against the disease progress opened his eyes on how precious the remaining time is for both Deok Chul and his family.   He understood as a surgeon, he has the power to make this wish come true for his patients and their families.  Mr Sim's struggle made Seong Gwan felt helpless as he cannot change the course of his father's illness.  But from it comes the realization that he can indeed give those invaluable months, years, decades so that families can be together.  I love that the drama and Mr Sim allowed Seong Gwan time to discover on his own what he needed to make sense of his career and to eventually find fulfillment in the people he helped.  I cried when Seong Suk implored Deok Chul to allow her to be his caretaker.  A repayment for the many times her father would come shelter her from the rain as child.  I teared up when she verbalized that taking care of Mr Sim was her life's purpose, the reason for her not able to conceive.  I came to appreciate how kind and thoughtful Yeong-Il is.  There's much to say about not judging people's heart and character by their wallet or social status or even education.  Mr Sim's illness didn't bring out the worse of a son in law, who could very well avoided taking care of his father in law.  Instead, we came to see how observant Yeong-Il is and mind, what great memory the man has for the little things that are important to people in his wife's family.


    The drama did such a wonderful job with Chae Rok's arc and growth.  I love how things come in full circle between CR and his father.  I remember in the beginning, CR would write encouraging post-it notes to himself, sticking them to those saved on his fridge from his parents (or his mother?).  In episode 12, we see Mu Yeong taping newspaper articles about CR's success on the same fridge.  CR achieved his dreams and the most important person in his life is cheering him on from home now.  The drama started with Chae Rok unable to focus his ballet passion on his own.  Seung Joo's pairing CR with DC gave both men a mutual cheering partner.  I love how CR came to care for another person's dream while chasing his.  DC gave him the confidence, support and family the boy needed.  And CR in turn learned to stand on his own, for him and for others, to not give up on what makes him happy and unique.  The airport scene @taeunfighting, when DC understood that without CR triggering and helping, he may not be able to recover his memories .... he ran after the boy to memorize his face for the last time.  CR realized the same but both knew it was time for Chae Rok to go after his.  Fast forwarded 3 years later, a frail DC has progressed but behold, something magical happened when he saw CR again, his memory returned.  The first sentence he uttered was the lingering question he tried hard to remember.  The ending bookended both men's dreams and strengthened that bond they both shared.


    I love how each character was given space to find his/her happiness.  I love how halmoni remained strong and independent, living and taking care of her husband her own way.  I really love how both Deok Chul and Hae Nam able to live with Alzheimer's heads on, taking day by day and kept their promise of not burdening their kids.  It made me appreciate how resilient life is and how everyday, every ordinary day in an ordinary life, is happiness in itself.  For Mr and Mrs Sim, everyday that they are together even if his memory is fading is precious.

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  17. @ferily @nrllee I believe post production is running behind.  They were editing till the last minute, this latest episode aired 20min late.  The special episodes give them some breathing room to work.  Some here already noticed the editing errors.


    Yes, great job by LSG in this drama, much improved since Vagabond.  I’ve watched him in Brilliant Legacy; that was baby faced LSG, a long way since those overacted scenes.


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  18. 48 minutes ago, ferily said:

    1. So it looks like HJ might've been kidnapped based on what we saw in last episode, which is why she was helping Headhunter? Still not confirmed so the question still arises, WHY was Hong Ju helping Headhunter?


    6. Why was Yo Han raised to be Han Seo Joon's son? Isn't Ba Reum his son? Were the two really switched?


    7. Okay, I thought that Jae Hoon's step-siblings were dead, but I'm starting to think maybe one of them is alive -- like that girl we saw at the orphanage. The nanny said that her brother last came one year ago and said he'll get her... Hmmm, is that Ba Reum's step-sister by any chance?


    I'll be honest. This episode was disturbing for me. Seeing Bareum plunging the knife into his victims with glee repeatedly was a little over the top for me.  I wish the PD chose to take the approach of less show... you can create horror with creative camera work and the right atmosphere.  I think LSG's facial acting was more than chilling.


    I'm not sure what the drama is trying to achieve with the special episodes.  It's hard to justify BaReum's POV seeing how much he enjoyed the control and thrill of kill over his victims in this episode. Is the writer trying to convince us that psychopaths wouldn't be able to thrive if they are able to feel remorse, compassion, or even differentiate between right and wrong?


    The sad thing about Jae Hoon is that he realized he needed guidance at early age yet no one stepped up to answer his call for help.  He was outcasted at school, other kids were scared of his behaviors.  He didn't have the happiest of home life from his stepfather.  No one showed him kindness or love. He felt he was abandoned even by God.  He became angry at the world and learned to enabling revenge through his intelligence.  I too think Ba Reum=Jae Hoon's life has been a big experiment since the time he was born.  He is being manipulated by people for their gain, Nobel Prize, seat at the Blue House, etc.  Is he pitiful? Yes.  I understand his predicament but I don't forgive his actions.  I'm not sure how this drama plans to end his fate.


    Here are my guesses, JaeHoon was indeed raised by the researcher's wife along with her other 2 children.  Maybe Ji Eun abandoned her child after birth at the hospital where the wife was a nurse.  Was there a switch?  Was Jae Hoon adopted?  Guess we'll have to wait for the reveal.  Since Michaela is hearing impaired, it would explain why Jae Hee was not awared of the fights and abuse, she often seen merrily doing her arts while Jae Min was disturbed enough to cover his ears.  After the murder, Jae Hee and Jae Hoon, the two surviving children were separated with Jae Hee sent to the orphanage where she took on a new name Michaela.  Jae Hoon changed his name to BaReum.  Someone took him in, the aunt? 


    Ji Eun did keep track of JaeHoon, her biological son, as he grew up.  That's why she recognized BaReum as an adult at the hospital and felt ill.  She may have followed him once in a while, catching him trying to bury Jae Min once.  She raised Yo Han in the same town to keep an eye on Jae Hoon.  Think that explained why the two boys were schoolmates.  Ji Eun obviously kept her child's fate a secret from Daniel when he visited.  One could say she is trying to protect her son's identity for his own good, so that he doesn't get prejudiced against for being a SK's son like Hong Ju's baby.


    We can guess that Yo Han researched his past to find that his sister Michaela = Jae Hee is at the orphanage.  He visited her twice, vowing to return later to take her away.  I'm glad we get to see more of Hong Ju's background.  Could it be that she cooperated with HH because he threatened to harm her brother and family?



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  19. 17 hours ago, nrllee said:


    I also love the depiction of DS’s lonely trek to the institution.  Getting his affairs in order.  There’s a certain stoicism that is remarkable here.  Courage under fire.  Rather than just imploding and retreating into depression, he ticks off things he wants to be able to do on his own whilst he is still lucid.  Then his lonely figure under the solitary tree on the hill.  As he talks to his friend who passed.  It highlights the journey he is embarking on.  No matter how much his family wants to be there with him, it is in reality a solitary affair as the battle is his alone.


    8 hours ago, taeunfighting said:

    This was such a poignant scene. Haraboji understands his fate and he bravely accepts it. You're right that no doubt his family will be there with him, but there's also a internal journey that's he's embarking on that only he would be able to do himself.

    I love what both of you have said about DC.   Am glad we are watching this drama together.


    I like how the drama shows the stages haraboji went through before the latest episode.  First was the shock over his diagnosis followed by fear and helplessness.  He sat on the bench, cried out to his parents, we all share his sadness and despair.  It's important for us to acknowledge that DC needs to have his private moment of grief for he needs to find within himself a way to make peace with his mortality.  I thought it was also a reflection of how mentally strong haraboji is, just like when he took a year to rehab after the broken leg. He didn't show much of the depression some Alzheimer's pts exhibit.  He's able to regain control of his time, planned out the living arrangement so that he doesn't become a burden for his family.  Both DC and HN have said that since they couldn't give their children wings (due to their financial situations), they shouldn't at least be a burden to them.  As you have mentioned, one of the hardest things for Alzheimer's patients to maintain is their self worth and dignity. It's important to allow Deok Chul the right to retain the control of his life.



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  20. Here’s another scenario


    Michaela, the hearing deficit witness of the child burning case, could be JaeHoon’s stepsister - Jae Hee.  There were only three dead bodies so I think they were the parents and Jae Min (his step brother).  JaeHoon = BaReum inherited the insurance money as the result.


    Jae Hoon didn’t kill his family.  The boxing trainer Song tracked down Ji Eun’s son and killed Jae Hoon’s family as revenge for his sister.  Jae Hoon in turned beat and burned him.  An eye for an an eye was born.

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  21. Well. It leaves little doubt who the cross killer is with this preview.  The scar on his left arm too.






    @GingerK @Avocado80 Strong possibility that the nice kid who followed JaeHoon was YoHan.  He probably did bring the puppy home to his mom Ji Eun and I suspected he learned about medicinal use of plants cuz she has an interest in flowers/botany.  YoHan continues to follow Ba Reum even as an adult.  I think his feelings have changed once he realized the young JaeHoon now kills more than just animals.  YoHan tried to inject something into BaReum's IV line in the hospital.  I wonder if it was not to kill him but was some antipsychotic medicine to try to help him.


    BTW, was it Han Kook's body in the drum down the basement?  Did anyone notice the framed pic of the boy in the yellow raincoat on the desk?  Too dark for me to notice.


    In a way, I think the writer brought up an interesting point for us to think about.  Jae Hoon=BaReum is a psychopath born with little empathy and feelings.  As a child, he has already realized his character; he verbalized it to little YoHan that he wants to emulate his kindness.  He succeeded in hiding behind this learned behavior but we know BaReum couldn't stop his killing tendencies.  What he couldn't adopt is also remorse, morality, a conscience, etc...  


    So what the writer did with the brain transplant idea is to insert YoHan's compassion, feelings, sense of right and wrong... for BaReum to experience. He has been granted Jae Hoon's wish. The question now is if BaReum can continue to his psychopath when he can understand emotions, experience love and friendship, have human connection or even a conscience.... would he be able to change and veered away from the make up of his DNA? The conflicts and horror that we see BaReum has at the end... is something Jae Hoon would not have if not for the brain transplant.


    The question we (and Daniel) are left to consider is if psychopaths can be changed with the right social interventions?  Can they be treated if they can somehow able to feel the emotions and repercussions of their murderous acts?

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  22. 1 hour ago, nrllee said:

    I thought it was a distinct possibility.  Which can only mean he doubled back?  


    Either Jae Hoon doubled back or the kid who was with him rescued the puppy and brought home to his mom, Ji Eun.  This raise the possibility that the boy is Yo Han.  Someone has to alert the authority to rescue little Bong Yi that day.  Who did?

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