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Posts posted by bedifferent

  1. ahhh.. the guy may not be drop dead georgous, but he really lights up with his smile. I guess it's what make him attractive (well, besides a really happy goofy personality!) Sure is a charmer, that boy... i am beginning to warm up to his matured look and new hairdo.... just wish that he gains some more weight..ok ok, enough fangirling for now :blush:
































































































    thank you again kassuma for the links... you are unbelievably fast!
































































































































































































    thank you kassuma for the youtube links... it looks like a lot of fun going down the water slide.
































































































































































































































































































































































    has Come to Play been posted anywhere?































































































































































































































































































































































































    notice... no ring on Jae Hee this time! Hmmmm
































































































































































































































































































































































































    in no particular order





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Witch Yoo Hee































































































































































































































































































































































































    Delightful Girl Chun Hyang






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My Girl
































































































































































































































    sorry, first post here... I liked her in WYH. I thought that she was as pretty as HGI. Her beauty is more classic whereas HGI is definitely cute in a modern way. She was just so beautiful in some of the closeups. They gave her some really nice outfits that complimented her look quite well. Nice style! And yes, there was chemistry between her and Jae Hee... i think their personalities are similar (happy outgoing!).

































  7. ah hah... so i was not imagining things... JH did have more chemistry with Bin than HGI in WYH (i guess it doesn't help that HGI is married). Hmmmm.. we'll just have to see... those 2 are seen together a lot lately. They look so adorable next to each other :D
































































































































































    In terms of fan adoration (not ratings):































































































































































































    Overrated: Goong and Winter Sonata































































































































































































    Underrated: Delightful Girl Chun Hyang, Soulmate






























































































































































































































































































































    Please go and watch Thank You to prevent it from falling into the latter group!

































































    Sorry to say, there will be no Season 2.

    I hadn't been checking upon Soulmate Season 2 news lately but I just did a search and apparently it fell through. Whether it's because of mediocre ratings for Season 1 or whatnot, they weren't able to pick up season 2. The writer has already been contracted to do a new movie, and as we know, Shin Dong Wook is currently acting in War of Money.
































































































    It's too bad, but I kinda saw this coming... and thankfully, I'm happy enough with the ending as it is, even though I really did want another season.






























































































































































































































































































    A collective " NOOOOOOOO!!!". Well, at least, the show wrapped up nicely at the end (.. much more than i can say for many other series). It usually is much harder to repeat a nice drama since the principles involved (actors/actresses/director/writer..) tend to get recognition and moved on to other projects. It's really difficult to get all the stars aligned in the same way again. I guess that makes Soulmates more special in that sense. Too bad for the fans though... It's going to be hard to find another gem like this one! :(

































  10. Hi bedifferent! Nice to see another JaeHeean! He's appearing in two films, "Evil Twin" and "Zigzag Love"...exciting :D Come by often!^^

    Thanks for the welcome...

    Been watching DGCH... i really love it! MR is such a memorable character. And JH brings so much to the character that i couldn't think of anyone else that could have played that role better. I love his transition and growth from a high schooler to a mature adult. Part of the character's charm was from very solid writing but i think part of it was from the actor himself. I think MR is probably as good of a male lead in a K-drama as i've seen. A fully developed character - MR is just so sweet. And his unwavering love for CH was so touching. JH just stole the show . No wonder people will always associate him with the series.

  11. Definitely not a classically handsome guy... but he is sure charming. And so goofy. I really like people that can poke fun at themselves. It means that they don't take themselves (or life in general) too seriously. And most importantly, they are FUN to be around.

    Such a natural on screen.. He is so different than his off-screen image. Now, here's a cool guy you can probably take home to your parents (BUT make sure that you check out his outfit before hand). Whoever his girlfriend is, she's one lucky gal!

    Enjoy all your work so far, Jae Hee. Even in the bad series, you really were outstanding. You really sizzle on screen. Hope to see more of your work soon. Enjoy all the fan-girling posted here!! :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































    This is a wayyyyy underrated series. But from reading all these replies, it is on its way to become a cult. Fully deserving all the praises that i have read so far :D So this is how good a drama can be if the writer/director treat viewers with respects.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I agree with all those who have posted. The ending was absolutely PERFECT. There could not have been any other ending for me. Like Dal Ja's Spring: " If it's fate.. It's must be!! "






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Love every moment (especially the music) ... Thank you, Mr. Director!

































































































































    I just start watching 3 eps last night..... love it so far ^^
































































































































































































    first post... :rolleyes:
































































































































































































    I agree that this series is totally flawed in my aspects.. However, gotta say that the ladies here are quite beautiful. There have been many people gushing over how gorgeous HGI is. I was more impressed with Bin... She just lights up (literally glows) in some of the close-ups. Some of her earlier episodes' wardrobes were beautiful. And she has tons of chemistry with JH (i think even more than HGI).
































































































































































































    Speaking of JH... This boy can act! And if he can gain back the weight, his look would just take off! There's something so charming, natural and charismatic about him... He has a presence. Hard to take your eyes off JH when he is on the screen. You know that he's a good actor when he can still pull off a decent job with a terrible as a script as this. Don't think that this gig will hurt his career. Instead, it should show everyone what a talented actor this guy is..
































































































































































































    Come on JH. I know you are better than this... Get a good script.. show us how it is done. Better yet, go against type.. play a bad (but multidimensional) character next time and stretch your acting muscles. You are wayyyyyy much more than your handsome looks (although you are definitely easy on the eyes!)
































































































































































































    P.S. And have a great Bday, Jae Hee! :D

































































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