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18 minutes ago, Sejabin said:


So you would protect someone that you are not close with? Ok then


What!? What kind of ridiculous question is that? Of course! In fact every guy or human being should protect people in need or be there for each other. I don't know you so I don't care about you? What kind of weird logic is that. 

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@Dhakra So what if they were once in a relationship and he left her because he was seeing another woman. The break up was bad and then almost a year passes and he contacts her acting like everything is cool and he suddenly says that to her? Would it mean the same thing?

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@humblebeeNo , it does not. But I wouldn't focus on it either, because it seems his intentions are not really of the protective sort. It seems he still has an interest in her or rather wants to play her. He doesn't seem like a genuine or good guy. 

It seems like he is testing the water and uses it to give a comfortable feeling. Like a pick up line of some sorts.

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  • 1 month later...

My boyfriend went out drinking for New Years with friends and I thought I caught him in the act of smoking a cigarette. I personally don't like smokers (he's never smoked while dating me). I was not out with him but I spoke to him briefly on video chat that same night and so when I asked him, he denied it. The next day I asked him if he did smoke and he finally admitted it. Whether it's a white lie or not, why would he lie? Could he be a potential liar about more important things in this relationship?

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12 hours ago, fashioncriminalxo said:

Whether it's a white lie or not, why would he lie? Could he be a potential liar about more important things in this relationship?


Because he probably knows that you would not like it and it avoids confrontation. He is most likely also aware that he did something wrong by smoking a cigarette. 


Just don't make the mistake of reading too much into it. Just because he lied there it doesn't mean he is lying about other things too. It was a defensive line to avoid fighting and getting into trouble. 

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Basically the things every relationship needs. Trust, Honesty and Work. Long Distance relationships may even need more work and trust than others.


Mhm, I don't know your story, so that is hard to answer from a neutral perspective. I would say don't think about yourself as victim, because that puts you automatically into something defensive. Every new situation/relationship is a new encounter that doesn't have anything to do with the past. 

Just stay true to yourself, don't bend yourself for the sake of being loved by someone and know what you want from a relationship.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have very important question for bearded guys. I finally managed to grow some beard in my late 20s, it's almost a goatee but I hope I will grow it more. And here's the issue, it's so itchy! I try to moisturize it but I guess it's not enough. I looked through articles like this one on ....and I think I need to change my daily routine. Any suggestions appreciated. 

Edited by triplem
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  • 1 month later...

My friends and I argued that if a guy likes you, he will do everything to tell you. I told her that is not necessary true for shy or introvert guys. So, for guys-If you like a girl, do you tell her, regardless if you think she likes you or not?

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@rosierosieIf a guy likes you, he will try to tell you, but never directly. We try to be subtle and begin to behave differently. Like talk to you way more often or just be around you, hoping we get noticed.

We kinda test the water first, if you maybe feel the same, if our interest maybe is the same as yours. 

We try to make you understand how we feel by actions, so you understand without us saying it. 

Men are way too afraid to get rejected by the girl they like. If we say it out loud, we fear that it may fail. Nonverbal communication is our safe zone if you like. 


At one point we might talk to her directly, mostly if we fear that someone is also interested in her or if she suddenly creates an interest in someone. 

The fear someone else gets the girl we like is higher than the fear to get rejected. 


I hope that helped. 

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@SejabinI give a general idea about how men usually behave, how we tick and why we do certain things we do.


I can't and won't speak for manhood or every single man out there. My words don't describe EVERY man out there. 

We all have different personalities, some do things differently than others. 


There are also men who never confess anything or even avoid the people they like. 

Of course there are exceptions, but usually it is like I say. 

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Hi guys,

I'm wondering if Anti-Chinese sentiment is common with Korean guys who lived most of their lives in Korea.


I feel like my boyfriend is a kind and caring person who respects anybody as long as they're a good person, but recently he gave me quite a surprise. He said that he "hates Chinese people". At first I didn't think he was serious (He said he hates Japanese people before, but then he became close friends with a Japanese guy in his class) but I asked him about it and he says he's serious.


He says it's because the Chinese are polluting Korea's air with their factories, because he saw Chinese people on the news purposefully trying to infect Koreans with coronavirus, and because of his bad experience with the Chinese international students in that same class (they targeted a Korean girl and started up some drama to make the whole class hate her). And other, more political reasons.


We started arguing because I think that the government is so powerful in China so that the civilians couldn't stop certain problems even if they wanted to. And I said that there might be a lot of good Chinese people who only work in those factories because they are poor and don't have much control over their lives. But he was being so stubborn and saying that I could never understand his dislike for Chinese and N. Koreans because he went to the military and I didn't. In the end we just agreed to disagree, but it really left a bad taste in my mouth. He said he doesn't wish ill upon them, and he would be polite if he met them, but that he would "talk richard simmons" behind their back. 

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@b1a6Well I'm not a korean guy, but it feels like your boyfriend has a lot of prejudice against Chinese people. 


I agree you your pov, we have a similar situation here in Germany so I can relate to that. 


But him being stubborn is normal, guys aren't good at accepting other opinions that are not their own, especially if they disagree with what we believe. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/25/2020 at 5:20 PM, Dhakra said:

@CamelKnightOh my god. Where of the sudden do you come from.


I play nice, but same old story here. Unfortunately. :( 

Out of the woodworks lol :D Nah, just been bored. I've been working from home since 2 weeks and it's getting slower at work so I've got time to kill. Thought I'd go here again :)

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