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[Drama 2022-2023] The love in your eyes - 내 눈에 콩깍지


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My condolences @nohamahamoud2002. May he rest in peace.


@boohaI agree with you. It does seem like SJ isn’t quite aware just how bad the tension is between them. I think SJ is really just worried for YY while also worrying for KJ since both will face so much backlash from their dad. 

Oh my god today was a really frustrating episode with HM finally losing her marbles and showing her true ugly self. Spilling that coffee, spilling her food and commanding her to clean it, that harsh brush past her shoulders, and using MRN to threaten her. I’m so happy on one hand that she is finally showing her true self instead of playing hot potato and I think YY by pretending to be ok when she’s not just makes HM even more mad because it makes her helpless that no matter how she threatens YY, YY will just brush it past like an annoying bug and move on with her life.

However, I wished YY was a little more direct like SJ said haha. She should have not allowed her to spill that coffee on her like that but I did appreciate her calling her “Agashi” instead. She needs to fight ugly with ugly no need to be the “better person” when clearly that won’t work. For these types of nasty people, you have to get them right back at how they play. A taste of their own medicine one would say. In real life, people like HM are easy to deal with since they are super simple instead of the more cunning and vicious ones so that’s good at least lol.


Also I don’t know, is the writer’s goal to make us feel sympathy for MIL? I genuinely don’t know because they make her act so mean to YY but brush past it with silly music as if it’s just “oh, it’s just another one of MIL’s silly moments” when it is really abuse plain and simple. Right now, MIL and HM are definitely the two most horrible characters (well, I guess HH also exists so that’s three).


Now the question is how far will HM fall? Once HH figures out HM is family with YY, all bets are off and HH will trash HM. Would love to see that scene tbh. I mean it’s around the half point of the drama and HM is already losing it, like what more can they realistically do other than make HM go to the mental ward or become a monk? At this rate, she might break the record for being the quickest anti-lead to get punished haha.



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1 hour ago, perfectmouse said:

Oh my god today was a really frustrating episode with HM finally losing her marbles and showing her true ugly self. Spilling that coffee, spilling her food and commanding her to clean it, that harsh brush past her shoulders, and using MRN to threaten her. I’m so happy on one hand that she is finally showing her true self instead of playing hot potato and I think YY by pretending to be ok when she’s not just makes HM even more mad because it makes her helpless that no matter how she threatens YY, YY will just brush it past like an annoying bug and move on with her life.



HM indeed digging her own grave and showing her true colors to KJ.

Throwing things on the floor & spilling coffee is such a hideous act. 

Such a shame for an excecutive who holds a Manager Post.

SJ knew HM was rage with fire inside her and trying to put the flame off by asking HM to leave with him.


I was happy to hear KJ telling HM not to mind his business else they could not even be friends.

KJ is giving hints to grandpa that he likes YY.


1 hour ago, perfectmouse said:

Also I don’t know, is the writer’s goal to make us feel sympathy for MIL? I genuinely don’t know because they make her act so mean to YY but brush past it with silly music as if it’s just “oh, it’s just another one of MIL’s silly moments” when it is really abuse plain and simple. Right now, MIL and HM are definitely the two most horrible characters (well, I guess HH also exists so that’s three).



YY Mil, HH & HM are all selfish with horrible characters.


17 hours ago, angelwingssf said:

you are right.  HM always got what ever she wanted.  Now the latest toy is KJ and she is having problems with it.  Ep 51 HM said that "If YY was not there, her and KJ love life would have proceeded without any hiccups "  She is still thinking that YY is the cause instead of herself.  Even though KJ explicitly told her that even without YY, he does not and will not have romantic feelings for her.  She cannot get that in her brain.  


HM has the audacity to bring Mirinae into the picture.  Such a low life.  I want grandpa to see what HM is doing to YY.  Also, YY is used to take quite a bit of abuse from her MIL so she tolerates it.  But YY should know that she needs to stand up and grow tall.  

KJ knows there's no place for HM in his heart & he has clearly told her that they are only friends.

However, thick skin HM still does not believe that KJ has no feelings for her during their 3 years in US.


Once YY has reached her limit of patience, she will burst all out & will not tolerate anymore abuse or ill treatments either from her MIL or HM.

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Seems like they starting KJ blindness plot now. Maybe this will bring them together?


HM pouring coffee didn't even fazeYY. Mr Heo apparently saw YY and HM fight. gossiper like he is, he told KJ. KJ saw YY shoes and already suspect it was HM. YY having trouble being close KJ. Shes blushing. KJ told HM mother that he doesnt have feelings for HM it seems like. HM mom calls HM. HM mom makes a scene infront of HM more or less. Grandpa went to the Gomtang place. Chang Yi came in. Grandma says hes her second child. So Grandpa knows now the connection i guess :D . SJ said something to YY. Maybe that KJ saved her when Mr Heo tried to kick her out?. YY having flashbacks of KJ. YY decide something. Oh wow in the preview HM pissed about something again. Grandpa and Chang Yi drinking. Seems like KJ get into an accident or something and his eyes start hurting.


Episode 54 Preview
When Hae-mi learns that Young-i is on her way to meet Gyeong-jun, she heads to the distribution center to prevent the situation where Young-i and Gyeong-jun are alone.
Meanwhile, Yoon-hee starts to devise a plan to endanger Kyung-jun, who is struggling at the distribution center to deal with the accident...

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2 hours ago, marrez1 said:

I don't know if this question has already been answered but do we know the parents of FL?? or are they dead? birth secret? thanks

She is an orphan. Her late grandmother best friend with DJ’s grandmother. Which is one of the reasons why she wants to stay in the family because she wishes Mirinae to have the love of a family growing up, not end up like her growing up lonely. 

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Wow did not expect SJ to just jump on board to encourage KJ and YY to get together. It’s such a nice change of pace seeing the SML like someone said being on the Main Leads side this early on. More people to mess with HM the happier I am. So happy it’s not jealousy or that third wheel thing that we always see with this character trope.


Also YY’s reaction to HM pouring coffee over her shoes was priceless. It’s like an annoyed mother waiting for her child to stop their temper tantrum like that phrase “are you done now?” was perfect. Though I’m a bit annoyed she lied to KJ about HM just being nice. 

DY’s character is really badly written though. Literally just there to whine about EH. Like that’s 95% of her scenes. Give her more personality or depth than just being EH’s follower lol.

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Youngyi is finally acknowledging her feelings! And she's realizing all the kind things Kyungjoon has done are not only because he's her friend, but also because he's in love with her! Aaaaaah, I love it when we get to see the FL falling in love, too <3


Also, I love that Youngyi refuses to be provoked by Haemi. She's younger than Haemi, but she's so much more mature than she is. She's been in love before, she's been married, she has a kid who she's raising well, she has a nagging mother-in-law, she lost her parents, *and* she's a widow; she's been through much worse things than Haemi is doing to her now, and the fact Haemi doesn't even realize that shows just how childish and silly she is. And the fact she's doing all this over man! One who doesn't even want her! Smh. 

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@ladyda SML like SJ are pretty rare, so it was a pleasant surprise. HM had everything handed on a silver platter since young, she's used to get everything her way. She has the mentality of a child throwing a temper tantrum in the office. Coffee incident didn't faze her since she dealt with harder things. She had to deal with her MIL all these years and all she had to endure at the convenience store for 3 years.

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