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[Drama 2023] Doctor Cha , 닥터 차정숙 - Kim Byung Chul, Uhm Jung Hwa


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Ep 13 & 14 have been slow and things only moved a bit, unlike the excitement in the past few weeks.

Ratings have come down too (and that is quite expected with the heavy competition from Dr. Romantic 3 on Saturday evening). 


We have now gotten resolutions on:

1. Roy Kim is NOT RELATED to anyone - I really don't know what sparks the idea that Roy could be either In Ho or Cha's sibling. I for one have never thought of such as possibility and neither does the clue in the show so far suggested that too. In fact, now, Roy's own dad has leukaemia and needs a bone marrow transplant. That was the reason why the family went to meet with Roy at the police station. I don't think Roy will donate his bone marrow.


2. Cha's illness has relapsed & she will need a liver transplant again. Both In Ho and Roy volunteer to give their's (from the preview) and let's see whose will Cha choose.


3. Jung Min decides to leave the hospital and enlist in the army. He isn't sure of what specialty he will choose and I think that is a wise decision. Dr Jeon also supports that decision which means they are not breaking up.


4. In Ho's mom ends up getting swindled by that Professor and she totally deserves it. I LOLed when she was being called an adulteress!


5. Seung Hi manages to find the right treatment for Cha's mom & the elder lady left a letter for her before she was discharged. This may point to the inevitable conclusion that Seung Hi and her daughter will leave In Ho and return back to the US.


6. Cha filing for a petition of divorce, leaving In Ho distraught. The question is, will this divorce go through?


Next week will be the last 2 episodes and I hope that the serial ends on a high (above 20% rating)!

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Uhm Jung Hwa, Myung Se Bin, And Kim Byung Chul Reach A Turning Point In Their Relationship In “Doctor Cha”

Uhm Jung Hwa, Myung Se Bin, And Kim Byung Chul Reach A Turning Point In Their Relationship In “Doctor Cha”


JTBC’s “Doctor Cha” has previewed the upcoming episode!


Starring Uhm Jung HwaKim Byung ChulMyung Se Bin, and Min Woo Hyuk, “Doctor Cha” draws out the “ripped life stitches” of Cha Jung Sook (Uhm Jung Hwa), who transforms from a housewife of 20 years to a first year medical resident.


Previously, Cha Jung Sook couldn’t hide her discomfort after learning that Choi Seung Hee (Myung Se Bin) is the doctor in charge of her mother Oh Deok Rye (Kim Mi Kyung). Choi Seung Hee maintained her poker face, making Cha Jung Sook uneasy and unable to read Choi Seung Hee’s feelings. Furthermore, Cha Jung Sook temporarily put a hold on her plans for divorce because she didn’t want to worry her mother, but Oh Deok Rye ended up learning the whole truth.


The newly released stills depict Cha Jung Sook and Choi Seung Hee amidst a different atmosphere. The two have been hurting each other through tense confrontations, but the stills preview a change in their relationship as they exchange a conversation in what appears to be a much more calm atmosphere, making viewers curious to find out what they are discussing.




After meeting Choi Seung Hee, Cha Jung Sook goes looking for Seo In Ho (Kim Byung Chul). At the office, Seo In Ho is unable to lift his head to face Cha Jung Sook’s wrath. Although Cha Jung Sook decided to put her divorce on hold for the sake of her mother, she will suddenly charge forward after hearing Choi Seung Hee’s words, making viewers question what conflict the two will face.




The production team shared, “Cha Jung Sook, Seo In Ho, and Choi Seung Hee will face a turning point in their relationship. Cha Jung Sook’s anger will reach its peak after hearing about an unexpected incident from Choi Seung Hee. Please focus on what Seo In Ho’s last method to avoid divorce will be.”


The next episode of “Doctor Cha” will air on May 28 at 10:30 p.m. KST.



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Roy finally showed up after 40+ minutes. I feel like that’s a bit of a waste of the 2nd ML. But I guess he doesn’t have too much to do in this episode’s storyline.

 Turns out Roy’s last name is really Kimberley! B) Did we know that before?

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16 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

dr Roy literally in Ep 14


Oh right! His appearance there was so brief I forgot about it! Thanks :lol:


Will be interesting how they tie up all the storylines in the last two episodes. There’s a lot going on.

 Poor Roy meeting his family for the first time, and there’s no warmth or happiness from any of his siblings or his dad. Don’t they want to know anything about him? Or tell him their mom missed him at least? It was such a cold, business-like meeting. I’m glad Dr Cha could help him run it off, but he really should talk to someone about the whole experience. The fact he wanted her to go with him made me wonder if he has any friends in Korea, too.

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26 minutes ago, sweetroad said:

 Poor Roy meeting his family for the first time, and there’s no warmth or happiness from any of his siblings or his dad. Don’t they want to know anything about him?


Yes, this was so sad. :tears:

Still not feeling any chemistry between Dr Cha and Dr Roy.


What bothers me a bit is that we haven't seen a single adult discussion between Dr Cha and Inho about why their marriage is on the rocks and very likely heading for divorce. Just throwing divorce papers around without having a proper discussion on why the marriage has fallen apart, what feelings each party is having and how they want to move forward is quite immature.


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Dr. Roy’s family is sickening…..I would not donate any organ or blood to that man.  All his children who lived with him refuse to donate their bone marrow.  :cold_sweat:  Her MIL still has not disclosed the amount of funds swindled and yes, go to the police.


Coughing up blood is a very telling sign.  Poor Dr. Cha.

54 minutes ago, partyon said:

What bothers me a bit is that we haven't seen a single adult discussion between Dr Cha and Inho about why their marriage is on the rocks and very likely heading for divorce. Just throwing divorce papers around without having a proper discussion on why the marriage has fallen apart, what feelings each party is having and how they want to move forward is quite immature.


I recall their conversations and wifey took some responsibility for the marriage decay.  They really do not need to keep going over it again and again when a child and mistress are clearly in the picture.

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9 minutes ago, mskololia1 said:

I recall their conversations and wifey took some responsibility for the marriage decay.  They really do not need to keep going over it again and again when a child and mistress are clearly in the picture.


He is not being clear on why he doesn't want a divorce. They should talk about things like that. It doesn't mean that she has to change her mind about the divorce, but closure is important, especially after such a long marriage.


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"Mr. Charmer" In Ho is a clown in his own circus. Madam Oh has some very sage advice to impart in one ep. LoL. 

    I needed subtitles in that video call LoL! Was shocked the so-called American doctor could understand Seung Hee LMFAo! 

    Her tellin' Jung Suk that they're hurting their kids sound a bit too obnoxious. I mean it wouldn't have gotten this bad if she minded her own business and stayed in the U.S.

    WoW Roy's family made In Ho and his mom look normal LoL. What a bunch of disgusting beings. And to top it all off, Jung Suk is sick.. again.. 'cause the show feels she hasn't had it bad enough perhaps. 


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2 hours ago, partyon said:

Still not feeling any chemistry between Dr Cha and Dr Roy.


#doctor cha from MOSTLY KDRAMA





2 hours ago, partyon said:

Lovers come and go. Friends remain forever. :fullofhearts:




Doctor Cha Episode 14 Recap and Review: Hospital Has So Much Maturity, the Pettiness Seems Ancient

May 28, 2023



Still from Doctor Cha Episode 14



Doctor Cha Episode 14 Recap and Review: JTBC’s new Korean drama series, also known as 닥터 차정숙, stars Uhm Jung-Hwa, Kim Byung-Chul, Min Wook-hyuk, Myung Se-bin, Song Ji-ho, Jo A-ram, Baek Joo-hee, Park Jun-Keum, Kim Mi-Kyung, Lee Seo-yoon, So A-rin, Park Chul-min, Kim Byung-Choon, Lim Hyoung-soo and Kim Yea-eun, alongside other cast members.


This Korean Drama series is directed by Kim Dae-Jin and written by Jung Yeo-Rang. Doctor Cha Episode 14 runs for 63 minutes. This series shows the protagonist making a drastic lifestyle change. After pausing her medical resident career to become a homemaker, Cha Jeong-suk decides to start her training all over again when her husband, a chief surgeon and professor at the university hospital, cheats on her. In this episode,

Doctor Cha Episode 14 Recap

This episode starts off with Jeong-suk’s mother, Mrs Oh, absolutely breaking down Seo In-ho and Jeong-suk for lying to her about her son-in-law’s infidelity. To make the situation worse, Choi Seun-hi was also present at the gruesome crime scene. She was staring into the restaurant, and we saw In-ho make his way to them, telling them to leave. She doesn’t want to leave because of him, but the situation is so dire that she actually does leave with Eun-seo.


When Mrs Oh takes them back to her house, In-ho and Jeong-suk have a conversation about this affair, especially the child out-of-wedlock thing. Mrs Oh is incredibly disappointed in both of them. She wants to know why In-ho hasn’t done anything to apologise, and he explains that he has done that, but Jeong-suk hasn’t taken him back, and his mother-in-law absolutely does not care. It is a brilliant response when she says that the divorce is a topic the two of them discuss.


Fortunately, Jeong-suk is focusing on the problem at hand, ensuring her mother is well taken care of. She doesn’t want her mother to leave the hospital because it is the best in the country, and also, they can be together without Mrs Oh making any excuses to skip treatments. Jeong-suk feels so bad, she starts crying. However, Mrs Oh’s grandchildren are true gems because they come and visit her frequently, and I-rang went one step further and apologised to Choi Seung-hi about ruining Eun-seo’s chances at joining an art school.


Doctor Cha Episode 14: Still 1

A still from the episode 


Doctor Cha Episode 14 Review

This episode finally brought the spark back. The past few episodes were feeling dry and repetitive. However, having Jeong-suk’s mother find out the secret was a brilliant way to make the whole situation too real. Additionally, seeing all these characters be incredibly mature has just increased this writer’s love for writing and the modern understanding of relationships.

Moreover, we get a full look into Roy Kim’s reason for not pursuing Jeong-suk, and it is such brilliant writing that we definitely need more men like that in our lives. It will also be interesting to see how they handle this whole divorce situation with In-ho and if he will actually make an effort to go to court. Additionally, this week’s cliffhanger is so good there have to be some crazy things coming in the finale week.



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