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[Drama 2021-2022] The Second Husband, 두번째 남편


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he should have fake his death too , he turn to punching bag 

** lover boy most want whole drama to get chance destroying his abs , he clearly didn’t have personality to attract his girl  :mrgreen:



Father in law get aside isn’t time for your revenge  , how dare he take me for a fool in 4 years :grin:






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Interesting.... Now it looks like the chairman also had nothing to do with JK's escape.  Looks like she has disappeared.  Most probably she fell through trees that stopped the fall, got up and walked along the river, fell in the water and got washed away in the creek.  I am sure she is alive, and probably in amnesia or something.  We should expect her to come back at some point when we will see the flashback of some old lady or somebody pulling her out of the river and saving her.


But that scene of BSH running into the hospital room and TY reacting to her was precious today.  Very touching!


Most enjoyable was of course the chairman kicking MSH on his chest. 


Ea Sports Golf GIF by sportseditorComedy Sketch GIF by NETFLIX


MSH will get more of that in the next episode with SC also in the act. I am sure I will enjoy seeing that :)

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MSH hasn't been hit in a while, so they added in that body kick and beating from the preview. He really must have thick skin from how much he's been hit this drama :lol:


I am praying to the drama gods they don't give JK real amnesia this time. She's not allowed to forget what she's done. 




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11 hours ago, CupcakeEonni said:

The hired muscle watching TY made me laugh so much. If someone watching me butchered baby shark the way those two did, I'd make a run for it too.

it was the highlight of yesterday's episode. I was cracking up that tae yang was both scared and annoyed that they butchered the song.hahahahhaha....


  @Ameera Ali ~ we need a gif of those two dancing. 

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I cannot see how JK faked her death. She was intent on murdering BSH and by some bad luck she slipped. 

Of course she has to live, there are

40 + more episodes. I'll add another call to the writer 'don't give her amnesia, make her pay for everything she has done, then finds out that her father is a homeless man.'


We get abs and get to see SH whacked. But the whackers are a murderer and an accessory to a murder attempt, among others - it takes away the enjoyment somehow. :smirk:

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I'm a little scared for SH:(, I feel like JK will come back with a new group of mean girls to destroy her, and separate her from her relationship with JM, a new woman will come to get inside them, and want to trap JM:rage:, you even know with all these add episodes, they will attack the SH-JM couple, therefore also the birth secret

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Well, I finally got caught up in this show. Not only that but I also got to take part in a poll after such a long time as well. We also have a few interesting questions and a turn of event to look forward too as well. So, lets get into it shall we.


First of all, I would like to say that I am also happy that I got atleast one thing right in the poll so far which was that Rainbow Brite was faking her amnesia but if one watches the episodes closely they will realize that the writer already hinted that. Will get into that in a bit but before that let me bring up a point that somebody brought up in regards to the poll as well.


I think that it was @LeftCoastOppa that pointed out that somebody wanted Chicken Mum dead but nobody voted for her to die over there. The thing is that atleast for me why I didn’t do that was because I see no real reason for her to die at this point. Unless the writer wants to go on a random killing spree like the one for the aforementioned drama there has to be a genuine reason to kill of a character. So no matter what you want (by you I mean generally not anyone in particular just to clarify) it isn’t going to happen unless it serves some point in the story. At this point I don’t see anything that can be gained from killing of Chicken Mom. Sure she is greedy as hell and protects her children’s wrong doing but is she any worse of than the Chairman at this point. Will Miss Otoke be so moved at her death that she will decide that the only way to make up for it is to help her son mourn over her that she will think that she needs to get back with her Ex. Nope not happening. The same for Sang Hyuk will he be so affected by her death that he will decide to do the right thing and hand over said evidence to Miss Otoke without any ulterior motives. Highly unlikely. At most perhaps Bakery Mom might feel slightly bad towards Sang Mi that she will consider her as a possible In-Law material but only if she decides to cut ties with her brother. Etc… or they decide to reveal that the mother has to die because she is in possession of some major secret or that it turns out that her husband is actually the blackmailing witness (for chairman) etc… But at this point she is probably safe at this point. Miss Otoke’s goldfish have a much higher chance of perishing than her at this point.


Anyway moving on to other parts of the drama now.



I pointed out earlier that the writer hinted that the writer indicated that Rainbow Brite was faking her amnesia. Let’s get into that for the moment first.


The biggest slip up actually happened at the start of the arc. When Rainbow Brite wakes up after the accident, she is surprised to see everyone over there. Also note the part when Sang Hyuk addresses her she is shocked at what he calls her. I am going to assume that he either addressed her by her name or more casually than a normal worker hence her reaction to him like that (and this was lost in translation via the subs). Basically, she appears unaware that she was married to him and that he was still her subordinate. Nothing wrong at this point mind you. Her accident was slightly believable. Even the diagnosis that she conveniently only forgot the past four years of her life. But then comes the slipup a bit later Sang Hyuk meets up with her again and asks her if she doesn’t remember him at all. At this point she informs him that they have Sarang between them so how is it even possible that she can’t recognize him.


So, wait she suddenly knows that she was/is pregnant with his kid. How is that even possible since some time back she failed to recognize him and was shocked at how he addressed her but now she knows just how intimate they had been. Suspicious indeed. Not only that but let’s move on to the next part following the same link. I guess she was in the early stages of her pregnancy that in her current state she wouldn’t be able to tell the difference that she had miscarried or not ie no baby kicking or anything. So this might be given a pass. But like I said if she assumed that she was still pregnant then shouldn’t her first response to waking up and finding herself in the hospital be concerned about her unborn baby. Instead, she faked amnesia by pretending to have no idea of why she was there and who was in the room at that point. Her freaking out about her baby would have been slightly more believable at this point.


Then again, I am probably wrong and my logic is flawed since I don’t know if that is even the normal reaction in such a situation. Perhaps time simply passed and she got fragments of memory back while she was recovering and that is why she remembered Sang Hyuk and their child had this been a genuine case of amnesia.


Now let’s talk about the daring Police Break out. Someone mentioned that Soo Chul might take the blame of it all on himself and thus she might get a pass in regards to it. I don’t think that it is as simple as that. He can attempt to take all the blame if he wants but it isn’t going to be enough. The reason being simply that she may have faked her condition that the cop rushed her out on his back but after that the moment Soo Chul appeared things don’t go in her favour anymore. He calls out to her which the lawyer takes as his clue to ram the cop which allows Rainbow Brite to run to Soo Chul on her own two legs which the cop more or less witnessed or figured out. So that is going to be hard to pull off at this point. Now on the other hand if Soo Chul had someone else step out of the car and drag her inside as a show that she was taken involuntarily then she may have had better luck in making the escape more believable. But as of now she is going down for that atleast.


Remember when I pointed out that this show had incompetent and corrupt police as on par with these shows. Will say that they are still the same even with the entire Rainbow Brite investigation and all. No I am not talking about how they let her escape but rather how she actually had a point during said investigation. This is in regards to the edited video that Sang Hyuk sent to Miss Otoke where he had edited out the parts that showed him in it. Rainbow Brite pretty much figured out what he did (was thinking that she might even blame Miss Otoke for that but was surprised that didn’t happen). Anyway as I was saying she then confidentially tells the cop that the video is a fake/edited to make her look guilty and that he should send it to the Cyber Forensic Department to verify said claim. The detective tells her that is indeed the case but till then let’s get on with the investigation. Even the Chairman is like they can’t hold my daughter on such flimsy evidence etc… In this case both of the villains are actually correct for a change. Sang Hyuk is such a lousy amateur editor that one could easily tell that the video had been edited. Heck if a viewer can tell that is the case what does it say about the actual police that should be doing this for a living. Have they never seen edited videos? LoL. Regardless I am glad for their incompetence for a change since they didn’t let her go home and even made her stay a night at the station.


Another thing is that someone brought up the fact that Rainbow Brite is so bad because she has two major enablers namely the Chairman and Soo Chul. To which someone else responded that the Chairman covers for her because he approves/proud of her or because she shares the same blood as him. Question why shouldn’t he be. The problem over here is that they don’t see what either of them has done wrong because they try and justify their actions as doing the right thing and that the people that are attempting to stop them as people who are either insignificant or can’t grasp the bigger picture. Hence they must be taken care of.


For instance, let’s look at the major crimes of both of them at the moment. They have both killed a person and she has even embezzled from the company. He did come pretty close to the same thing but will get into that in a bit. People seem to be surprised whenever she goes like this will be the last time I do something wrong ie murder/embezzle etc… but if one tries to look at it from her perspective it tends to make a bit of sense. For instance, let’s talk about her embezzling from the company.


Now I don’t justify stealing in anyway but in this case let’s try and look at it from her point of view to try and understand why she did any of that. So, for that the first question that we should ask is why she was stealing the company funds in the first place. Was she doing it so that she could live a more comfortable or cushy life? The answer is No. So, then what is the answer. It was to build J-Town a personal project of hers which she likes to refer to as her own kingdom. Now I won’t deny the fact that if it is completely done and successful, she does indeed gain a lot from it. But again, it is more than just that. The one thing that we know she craves for more than anything is recognition from the Chairman so that he can then hand over the company to her. So this project is merely a part of this.


From what I can gather this is probably the thought process going on in her head. She makes this project successfully. This means that she is going to rake in the profits that come via the casino that she is building as well as people moving into her town. From this she will hopefully payback all the money that she stole to build J-Town. So she isn’t a thief anymore. But more importantly since when the project is finally done she won’t be able to keep it a secret any longer. Meaning the Chairman is going to find out. Once that happens he will be so impressed by her that she managed to pull of such a huge project on her own without asking him for any kind of help. Thus, he will finally realize that she is his true heir and pass over the company too her. Plus, her ambition will also impress him a lot. In short she doesn’t think that she is stealing merely borrowing thus it is unfair that all these people are ganging up on her like that.


Come to think about it the Chairman was the same back when he was young. The reason that he killed of his friend wasn’t only because he wanted his wife for himself but also because he felt that his friend was just as short sighted as the people targeting Rainbow Brite in the present. For instance, does anyone remember the confrontation between the two friends. Cookie Mums husband wanted him to turn himself in because he had caught him using cheap materials instead of the promised high-end ones. Now the thing over here is was he substituting those materials with the lower quality ones simply to pocket the extra cash or was he doing it because he was thinking about how to get more money for the company. Ie they sell the items at the rate of the high end price and they end up in so called profit because of it. Had the friend gone along with the immoral plan then they would have continued to benefit from this deal. But since his friend was more honest he couldn’t go along with it and this contributed to his death.


Speaking of Cookie Mum’s husband does anyone think that he was an irresponsible parent. The reason I ask this is because just what kind of parent takes their young child to the middle of nowhere to confront said friend of their wrong doing. Not only that but he keeps them at a distance while confronting said friend instead of keeping them in their hand. The reason why someone even took said child away regardless of their mental state. Why didn’t he leave Bitna with the mother or simply wait till his wife was home (if she wasn’t when he took her) and then confront his friend. Heck he could have simply left his daughter with his own mother before going to said meeting. I mean I get that they needed the child gone for plot purposes and all but this either indicates stupidity or irresponsibility on his part. It isn’t like the police station is going to shut down so there was a time factor to consider when he confronted his friend and he had to confess to his crime.


In regards to Rainbow Brites apparent death. Either the writer or Rainbow Brite enjoy doing a Disney Death. But does anyone find the Chairman’s reaction towards her fall amusing. I certainly do. Sure, he is worried about her considering the fact that she is his daughter possibly. But is he actually doing everything in his power to find her? The answer is no. He wants no press coverage which is sort of fair, he has hired private divers and searchers which is good, but at the same time he doesn’t want to involve the police because his daughter is a wanted fugitive which at this point is dumb. Why is that. Well because this means that he is seriously restricting valuable manpower that can help him search for his daughter. Shouldn’t he be more concerned about her safety, health, condition versus what will happen once she is located. Even if she does end up going to jail if she is discovered she would atleast still be alive which would/could allow him to attempt another jail break. Or more realistically she would probably be in a hospital first depending on her condition and it might be more easy to stage an escape from there.


Someone suggested that Rainbow Brite is either faking her death and will return and pull a Sharon or she is genuinely hurt and perhaps has ended up with amnesia allowing for her redemption arc to take place or she is simply just doing the first thing faking her death. Here are my thoughts regarding this. I don’t think that she can pull a Sharon at this point simply because she has no funds to do that. Remember Miss Otoke pulled a Charlies Angel mission with her prison buddies stealing all of the funds that she needed for J-Town. If she doesn’t have any funds for that project and she was desperately searching for investors and all it is unlikely she will have anything at this point to pretend to be somebody else. Sure, Soo Chul the ever loyal buddy might loan her some money if he had any. But again, I doubt that he has all that much stashed away to pull this off. Chairman is certainly not going to fund some weird fantasy of hers without gaining something in return or her plan making sense. At this point what is she going to come up with that will make her sound sane yet wanting to pretend to be someone else. The truth seems like something from a soap opera pun fully intended. So not happening. As for actual amnesia happening quite possible. As long as she isn’t bakery mum’s daughter, I say that we are all good. But at this point we might as well give up hope. The best bet is to hope that she is simply faking her death. Unfortunately, that prevents us from progressing much in the story as to what will the show focus on. She was the main antagonist.


Sure, we can now focus on the Chairman and him going down for his list of crimes. But if that happens we need to get Cookie Mum to play a more active role since Miss Otoke is supposed to be the main lead and she has no idea of what actually happened to her family back in the past how is she supposed to either take revenge on the Chairman or even if she has the heart and motivation to take over his company. Remember the real reason that she even became a board member was so that she could force Rainbow Brite to either admit to the truth or be forced to do so given that she doesn’t have all that much power now. Now that she has exposed Sang Hyuk and Rainbow Brite for the role that they played in the death of her grandmother part of her mission is already done. She needs to have her name exonerated from the murder charge. Unfortunately, she is in a small bind in regards to that. The only person that can do so is MIA, Sang Hyuk and Soo Chool can partially get her out but the question is are they willing to do so. Both of them probably have evidence of some sort but why would they provide her with it. Soo Chool isn’t much of a witness considering he came after the accident took place but since he helped cover up the crime by bribing the people in charge, he might have some evidence. But he most likely isn’t going to hand it over since he lost the one person that he cared about courtesy of Miss Otoke. So perhaps out of spite he may hold onto them. Sang Hyuk might be a bit more willing to hand over said evidence that he has. But again, he isn’t going to do so without gaining something in return. That is simply is nature. His terms wouldn’t be hard to guess at this point. Become a couple with him once again and he will gladly handover said evidence. Or perhaps he would want more of a guarantee before doing so such as get married first so that she doesn’t have a way to slip out and throw him under the bus.


We also have the Chairman searching for the real daughter to further complicate matters. So, nothing good on this end as well. You know what I feel like might make this story a bit more interesting at this point. A new group or company suddenly shows up ie X-Investment/Group and starts to buy stocks and shares for Daekook Group and tries to even oust the current management ie Chairman, Cookie Mum etc… If you want, we can even have Rainbow Brite with amnesia and working for them for bonus points. So in other words she was rescued by them and is being used by them as well. Why? Simple. Remember Cookie Mom’s husband. Did they ever find his body or did they assume that he simply died because he couldn’t have survived the place where the accident took place? If they didn’t find his body we could have a plot where he survives like Miss Monte Cristo. Doesn’t need to have amnesia at that point. Either way when he recovers and tries to return home, he discovers that his wife is now married to his friend/murderer. Since he isn’t aware of the fact that she is only doing so to avenge his death he thinks that she has also betrayed him. It also doesn’t help that she now has a son that she loves further fueling his misunderstanding. Ie how could you love his son when our own daughter is dead or missing. Again further being unaware of the fact that she has found their daughter and is trying to help her get her life back. So now he wants revenge on all of them for their so called betrayals/unfaithfulness to him. Him rescuing Rainbow Brite may be him taking a page out of Gracious Revenge. But do we really care at this point.


Speaking of parent and child issues I have questions of my own at this point


Q. Prior to Cookie Mum discovering that Miss Otoke was her daughter she tried her best to get to meet her. Ie she would go to the detective to help convince him to help meet up with her daughter, she would also attempt to phone Senior Prision Unnie to talk with Miss Otoke. But now that she has discovered her daughter’s identity, she doesn’t need to do any of that. Isn’t Miss Otoke curious as to why her mother isn’t trying to get in touch with her. Does she think that her mother has given up on her once again?


Or is she giving her mother a pass because the phone that she could contact them with has been stolen courtesy of Rainbow Brite. That wasn’t the impression I got though. From what I could tell Prision Unnies’ phone that she had registered her business with/under had gotten stollen but her personal phone was still good and that is what she had used to contact her mother with. I may be wrong in regards to this though. Some clarification would be nice.


Q. Cookie Mom had been searching or person X and used that as an excuse to meet up with Prision Unnie to help locate her daughter/find information on her. Again, now that she has located her daughter is she still searching for said person and going to her office? I mean we all know who that person probably is. He is going to turn out to be said witness of her husband’s murder and will also be able to tell us what actually happened to her daughter. In other words, closure for both mother and daughter at this point, I guess.


The only reason for him to show up at this point though will either be to blackmail the chairman or prision unnie will be successful in locating him. We will have to wait and see.


Speaking of the Mr. Baek who was a witness to Miss Otoke’s grandmothers’ accident. Someone wondered why Rainbow Brite had him locked up in a mental institution instead of simply killing him. After all she had already killed people in the past. To this I would say that we have to remember something important. None of the people that died did she actually kill. The grandmother and the blackmailer both fell down and injured themselves while they were scuffling with her. She didn’t plan on killing them. For the former she even died in the hospital even though she had run off after the accident took place. I seriously doubt that the grandmother would have survived even if she did call for help. But that is beside the point. What I was trying to say that in both of those cases there was no intent atleast. For her attempt on Miss Otoke again she didn’t kill her but stuffed her unconscious body in a suitcase and tried to kill her. Not sure if that is worse. Nope actually scratch that it definitely is worse. Either way in this case there was atleast intent. But we have to remember something at this point. This happened after quite a bit. She had gotten her hands on the witness before she decided to get rid off Miss Otoke. In other words, her killing tendencies started a bit later on. So, she would have no reason to kill of the witness back then. Now is a totally different matter. I guess she could simply cut her losses and try to kill the witness off but that might be a Soo Chul issue. The guy seems to have a bit more of a conscious as he actually feels bad every time she makes him try and kill someone or is aware that she plans to do so but he can’t do anything about it/her at this point. So who knows what the truth is at this point.


Another question that was brought up was how Rainbow Brite tried to kill Miss Otoke again and why the police wouldn’t question her death and label it as an accidental death if she was strangled or brain mashed. Let’s face it the drama police aren’t all that smart and this isn’t the first and only place where they would label such deaths as accidental. But even if we ignore that one has to question how could they come to that conclusion for the time being. Well first of all why would they even show up there is the question that we need to ask. It isn’t like Rainbow Brite is going to call them over as she could not only become a prime suspect but she is also on the wanted list. This means that she has ample time to set the stage up for the murder. Once she killed of Miss Otoke she could have her thrown over the cliff and even better results in the water. By the time the cops even discovered the body other things could easily happen to further damage the body making it harder for them to discern the actual reason for the death. Ie the water may make the body bloated and harder to recognize, the fall down will further add scratches to the body and perhaps if Rainbow Brite was more fortunate nature or animals could take a bite out of it as well. Making the job of the police all that much harder.


Then again the cops might actually be good for a change and discover the truth right of the bat but I doubt that we would have been so lucky.


Oh well while I have more to add will do so later on as am slightly busy. So till then take care all of you and keep posting. Looking forward to reading them when I get the time.

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