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Everything posted by jayakris

  1. Meh, I liked this drama when it started and probably for 7 or 8 episodes ... Then it kinda fizzled out with somewat of a childish story on how he made money (yeah, some super rich madam just gifted it to him -- yeah right, that happens in life so often!) The second leads (or the first leads) could have developed some chemistry but the FL was so bland in her acting that it never did (the ML with big eyes wasn't too bad). The older pair acted well, and their romance looked quite acceptable. But all in all, a fairly "meh" drama in the end. Watchable, but not memorable.
  2. I agree with the dramabeans' review above, of the OTP's taking the next step in their relationship at the end of episode 12. It just did not have the expected impact. It was somewhat realistic, but that was also because they kept these two being awkward with each other for too long. There was no need for that. There was plenty of chemistry there that the drama could have used to keep things interesting. Instead both of them were awkward for too long that it had to be some sort of technical discussion of "having bad thoughts" and "okay to proceed with bad thoughts". Yikes. The drama messed it all up, in my view. It was okay though. I was not badly irritated or anything.
  3. I guess it was to upset everybody for a couple of episodes! Seems to have been all taken care of and put behind by the end of the 10th episode. But maybe it put it into perspective what exactly happened to the FL, gave a clear picture of how serious her relationship with her fiance was and explained how they broke up. We can somewhat understand why she and her fiance just would not tell anybody what happened but had not given up on each other either. Things do fit in somewhat, but it was all a big drag. Unpleasant story line... Hey, this was supposed to be a romantic comedy. Let us get back to some of that please!
  4. Yes, it has to be her dad, but it was a little weird that she would speak in such a cold manner about her dad being killed (or induced to commit suicide). She said "it is about the price for a life" which would be tough to say about one's dad so soon after his death. The netflix subs were a bit substandard there. She used the phrase "사람 목숨 값" (saram moksum kabs - "price of a person's life") in such a cold manner. But the photo beside the old man's cremation urn seemed to show the taxi driver lady, so he should indeed be her dad. Well, we saw him explaining to his ex-wife that he got it to cover up a scar, but that could be a lie. I also feel that he has definitely had some connections to illegal groups like gangs, thugs, and loan sharks. I also wonder if BMJ had actually known the old man for a long time, and if it was perhaps through whatever loan-shark thug group connection he has had. It is also possible that BMJ had something to do with both his ex-wife and his Thailand friend ending up in the same building - maybe through some active help from the old man over the years. It is too much of a coincidence for the hair-dresser and ex-wife to end up in the same apartment bldg. I know, k-Dramas show coincidences like it is all normal, but this is a little too much even for kDramas. They may explain later that it was not a coincidence. That BMJ knew all along about these two being in that building, as the old man had somehow facilitated and orchestrated that on his request. In return, BMJ may have been shielding the old man from the loan sharks for some time, maybe when he was their thug assigned to handle the old man. Then BMJ came up with some clever way to keep the old man's building from going to the loan-sharks, but in the end that led to the old man committing suicide anyway, out of personal guilt for running into the debt. Something like that... But I am quite curious to know how the drama will tie these things together. Also, episode 8 showed, when the suspicious writer dude pulls out the trash items, a flier of "dragon investment" and the flier talks about "small funds, invest till your old age years" etc, and a picture of BMJ and his lawyer buddy with the old man. So, they clearly were there in getting the old man caught in a scheme of investing, maybe with borrowed money from loan sharks. The other items were the red shoe from Thailand, his drivers license from 5 years ago, etc. So he probably started this scheme with the old man soon after he returned from Thailand and it was probably soon after the hairdresser returned too. We can keep all that in mind, as we await the revelations...
  5. You mean the lady who was calling him and the tax-lawyer buddy? If so, that is just the daughter of the earlier building owner (Kim Myung Gyu) who died in the fire. She is the taxi driver that Kim AeYoon (the Mom) met in the first episode in a taxi. The one who was acting a bit weird about her dad not sending her money, and saying that the building was already sold for a low price as she could not afford inheritance tax. She is clearly not BMJ's benefactor, but she seems to be part of whatever scam happened in connection with the building, as she is calling BMJ and the tax buddy saying their deal is not fully done just yet. I went through many of the bit items they have shown so far to get a sense of what might have happened. We saw in episode 8 that the suspicious-writer dude had heard two old military guys say that the Kim Myun Gyu (KMG) is supposed to have committed suicide because he was in deep debt. We saw BMJ say earlier to his buddy that he would apologize to KMG in the afterlife too. That sounded like he had not actually killed KMG but probably induced him to commit suicide, maybe without even knowing he was doing that. We saw that it was indeed BMJ who walked into KMG's house with KMG saying "I am not selling the villa" in Ep 1, as we saw a later clip of KMG throwing something at him and cursing when BMJ asked him to give up because it was too late for anything else. Here is my guess of what happened. BMJ had some connection to the gangs of the area-redevelopment group who were trying to threaten old man KM to sell the house for a cheap price to BMJ as a middle man who was to then sell it back to the redevelopment group to demolish. It was probably for legal reasons that the redevelopment group needed a middle-man like him. They gave BMJ the money to hand over to the old man, and that is the money he has (or the lawyer buddy did temporary embezzlement for liquid cash). The building was bought with cash, as we see in the first episode that the tenants had heard that from the real estate agent lady. We also saw the lawyer buddy say when he brought BMJ to the building first that he had "heard that it was a redevelopment area" which indicates that he did not know that BMJ was already part of the scheme and that his money came from the redevelopment folks. The old man KMG had other issues, in that he was going to be killed if he were not to hand over the building to the loan-sharks to whom he was in debt. So, to not put his daughter in inheritance issues (and the loan sharks going after her) he sold the building to BMJ for cash and committed suicide by setting fire (and that part was not necessarily suggested by BMJ). Maybe there was also life insurance money the old man had, which could go to the dauhter, that entered the equations too. BMJ needed his buddy to do the paperwork in all this. Or it is possible that the buddy embezzled money temporarily from one of his clients to make this happen with cash transactions (in which case the redevelopment firm were the ones in touch with the buddy, promising to buy the property from BMJ for the buddy to correct the embezzlement later; the buddy expected to make some money as commission too, as he is in dire need for child support payment for his two daughters too). I am unable to think sufficiently like a crook, to see all the details of how it was all orchestrated. Maybe none of this fits together well, but it is surely some sort of a money laundering scheme, where ultimately the ones who lose money are the loan-sharks whom the old man KMG owned. That is the money that BMJ is playing with. A dangerous game, but BMJ was willing to take a chance at this to get his family back, as he got lucky with his connections to somehow be trusted by some people to be the "thug middleman" who gets it done. That explains the lawyer saying to the classmates at the funeral that BMJ is still clueless and was only "getting lucky". It explains the buddy's frustration at the complications and his irritation about being a lackey to somebody like BMJ, when he says to BMJ, "just report me for embezzlement; I can't take this". BMJ calmly tells him to stay with the plan, like he has it all under control. Maybe BMJ knows enough on the loan-shark gang to put them in jail before they come after him, so their money that they did not get from the dead old man becomes BMJ's. In the end, he perhaps expects most of it to go to the rightful heir, the taxi lady. Remember the scene when he was looking at KMG's cremation remains and the picture of him with the taxi lady and two grand kids? -- they are probably whom BMJ feels obligated to, and that is probably why they showed that scene. I am probably entirely off-track, but let me just put it out there... Let us see what happens!
  6. The story is becoming a bit more clear now. But the editing and direction were quite patchy in episode 8 and all the nice scenes, especially the baseball game and the birthday cake scenes at the end, did not have the impact they could have had due to so-so editing, writing, and pacing in the direction. Nothing too bad, but just not at the levels we have got used to seeing in K-dramas. That is a pity.
  7. It is a really nice drama. Well-made. Does not seem to be too complicated a story. Serious chemistry between the leads. Enough humor too, along with some good romance. I am really enjoying the drama. Hopefully you are liking it, to continue watching.
  8. I have liked Seo Ji Hye's roles in many dramas, so it was good to see her in the ex-GF role today. I was also happy that the ex-GF did not do anything too bad to cause confusion. I wonder if she will actually help our leads to finally open up their minds to each other.
  9. I liked episode 7 today. Exactly what the dad did to make money looks quite unclear even now, but they are slowly revealing more and more details of what might have happened. His tax consultant buddy was his classmate, and he seems to have done some sort of embezzlement - and maybe he was using the dad in that scheme. Maybe. We will see what happened, but it feels like the dad has not done anything too bad. Probably the tax consultant stole money that some other shady people were going to steal anyway. We got a little bit more info on the dad's being a top baseball player, and how he ran into trouble. I have more sympathy to him now. We are now getting a sense that reconciling the emotional scars the dad, mom and daughter have is the main theme of the drama. Interestingly, it seems like the mom is who actually created all these issues, to start with (and she kinda admitted it too, today - I will skip the details to prevent spoling it). The dad and daughter got a bit closer by the end of episode 7. The last scene was actually quite touching. Anyway, I was close to dropping the drama, but decided to continue, as I liked many things in today's episode. It still has a bit of a different feel to it than the normal 16 episode dramas we are used to.
  10. How come none of you have anything to say about the drama? I liked episode 4. Episode 3 was a little bit slow for me.
  11. Ending of Episode 6 was interesting. Now the dad says he was being a good guy, when he made money. The drama is keeping us confused about his past. Was the mom's friend lady being truthful to the mom about her Thailand story and the baby she lost?
  12. Ep 5 gave some more hints today, that his partner/assistant guy is not really on his side. I get the feeling that he will have a fall out with the bad guys that he is tied to, and that the family will help him in that. Maybe...
  13. I am also curious what his story is. He is certainly not super rich, based on what his assistant/partner said, but has access to at least 6+ billion Wons (some US$ 5 million), maybe a quite a bit more, to be able to buy the apartment building for 3 billion and spend all that money on his own apartment and on his family. But the drama keeps giving hints that there is some shady business he is into, or even crimes he has committed. What could it be? I think the gangster connection hints and tattoo and all that are misdirection plays from the drama. It must be something else. The daughter-father dynamic is interesting. We know she is going to reconcile with him... Don't know when though. The rich security guard with big eyes fits the role nicely. Good chemistry with the daughter too.
  14. Watched Ep.2 also. Still impressed at everything so far. Some of the scenes are so well shot and edited. Like when both her friends showed up for breakfast at her place. How the lady friend jumped in next to her dad and she jumped on the chair to pull his brother's hair and all. Everybody's acting through all those scenes were superb. The story is starting slowly but nothing boring at all, yet. Most importantly, there is serious chemistry between the leads so far! Looking forward to this romance.
  15. Watched the first episode. Really liked it. The characters have been introduced and the story has not really started. But the episode was quite enjoyable. Nicely shot, acted and edited. Good comedy and indications of some good romance to follow. Will continue to watch.
  16. Watched the first two episodes. Very promising! I am going to continue watching. There is enough intrigue and nice comedic moments so far. The drama has a bit of a different vibe to it than we are used to.
  17. Oh, I had not noticed that! We had that conversation earlier after Ep 11, and I see that "words I didn't mean" was exactly what I had suggested for the translation. But, like I said then, the subbers are under instruction to be brief and they sometimes mess things up, overdoing it.
  18. More than a good ending. They nicely improved Kwakkie's role in the last few episodes and made him one of the characters of strength in the end. He stood his ground and protected his woman and child, showing what sincere love is all about. He made everybody respect him for that too.
  19. No, it was not a bad ending at all, story-wise. I liked it. Quite nicely done. No huge surprises or anything, so if anybody looked for something totally unexpected or some big revelation, this might feel underwhelming, maybe. But to me, it was entirely satisfying. They even had the drama end with "Happy Ending" shown on screen! How can we not be happy about it? All said and done, this was a romance story through and through. Beautiful romance, on which the two leads performed magnificently. The rest of the drama had holes, and they did not do anywhere near a perfect (or even a very good) job of it. But when it came to romance, the drama aced it. I think there was not even one scene in all 16 episodes with the two leads that was not done perfectly - in writing, direction and most importantly, acting. I am quite picky normally, but I loved this drama. But then, I am a sucker for good romance in dramas, which has been rare lately. The Korean audience certainly liked the drama, as it broke all records for viewership at TVN and will go down as one of the most watched dramas in recent history.
  20. Sensible warning, and now you have made everybody watch Ep 15 urgently Actually the beginning portion is also quite frustrating in E.15. Then it gets better, as things start turning around... Stuff seems to be looking really good for our favorite two leads by the end, and then we have the ending scene. They really want Ep.16 to break all viewership records, for sure. LOL.
  21. I wasn't paying close attention, but I think it is only because they need some time to do the paperwork to change authority, and her power of attorney probably holds till then. Need to go back and check the portions of the last two episodes that I fast forwarded ...
  22. Keen observation, and very well put. The male lead role was fairly straight forward, as he is a normal person and not a complicated character - yet he created so much of emotions in all his scenes by acting exactly like real people would react to the sad situations. The female lead had to act as an unusual character, so if she got things wrong in her acting, the emotional content could be lost, and the audience would not have liked the character much. She too aced the role, as though the actress is of a similar nature in her real life. She had such a clear sense of what kind of a person Hae-In is, right form the start. All in all, it has been a real pleasure to see these two leads' acting, and how they have carried a drama that was actually quite poorly made when it comes to everything else.
  23. I agree. I think the two leads are not getting enough compliments for their acting. Their scenes together are amazingly realistic. Both do a lot of acting with their eyes, but KSH is exemplary at showing emotions just in his eyes. KJW does a lot of small things with her mouth, which I have rarely seen anybody else do in drama acting, and it is all at appropriate times to convey something or other in what she feels. I think she is just making expressions she makes in real life. The times when each of them break down and cry is something to see. These two are essentially living their roles. This is not acting; it is just living as the character. Incredible, really. Though I said above that the episode was dragging from the story-line standpoint, it did not bore me at all because I was so engrossed in what emotional turmoil the leads were in. Really, nothing much new had happened at that point when she changed her mind and decided to get the surgery, but their acting made us feel that it was natural for her to take so long to change her mind (even when opposing the surgery did not make that much logical sense) and it felt natural that she decided to do it at that point. Basically she was going through a kind of deep confusion that was to be expected, and their realistic acting and the time the drama devoted to it all, made us feel that it was all very realistic - because we were also forced to feel their emotions. I know, I am probably not making my point all that clear... Tough to explain, but we can't deny that the two leads captivate us and drag us deep into the life they are living, at an emotional level.
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