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[Drama 2022] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) Season 3 결혼작사 이혼작곡


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20 minutes ago, wildcherry said:

At what point did I say 40s husband is such a great husband? As I recall in other post I said he’s the creepiest husband out of the 3 husbands. However comparing between the 3 wives, 40s wife had it easy & happy time before she caught on with his cheating. Unlike the 50s wife who sacrifice her youth just to support her husband’s financially so he became successful as he is today and then was discarded without a 2nd thought or the 30s wife who has to face spoiled brat of a husband who keeps whining & flaunting his illegitimate fetus to his wife’s face. The very least 40s husband provided financial security to his wife & child. She has successful career & glamorous lifestyle. And like I said before although she’s an epitome of a perfect wife, her scumbag husband still cheated on her, well perhaps as a hobby. A cheater is still cheater, but still the 40s wife had a good life before she finds out the truth abt her creepy husband but then again because she always confident in her husband, she’d  feel most betrayed 

On your last point, I do think I feel for her the most because she was the happiest and 100% trusting of her husband. The sense of betrayal was so huge she couldn't even speak. The 30's wife was unhappy before the cheating and the 50's wife had settled into a sort of dull tedium. Both felt betrayed, but I don't think there was quite the extent of loss. The 30's wife just doesn't want to lose to another woman and the 50's wife feels the loss for her children more than herself. 

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1 hour ago, Jcanqueen12 said:


I click FF for this part. :D



27 minutes ago, samzi85 said:

Hmm why no preview. Interesting....

because the writer know that the audience know that the writer only know the fantasy thing :P


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I can’t believe it, the drama is getting ridiculous, first the horny grandma who lust after he stepson whom she’d raised since he was a child abt 9/10, now there’s a horny grandpa ghost who trying to hook girl in bikini at the pool? Seriously?


And what with all the men in the drama after the mistresses? What’s the writer trying to tell, that mistresses are more attractive than wives? The way the story is going,  one might think the writer is a mistress too..


And they still want this kind of drama to have season 3?

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Yeah, NO PREVIEW for tomorrow episode. But will share if TV Chosun post it on their IG/Youtube.


The drama stop at S2 only, as the 30s husband mentioned it on I Live Alone that the drama shooting was over and he has being offered another drama, start shooting in September (I read on Soompi)


So for this episode, for me, it was a quite dry episode. Of course, the WWE scene between the creepy stepmom & 40s husband's mistress, it was all AN IMAGINATION only!!!!!!! Not surprise anymore! :rolleyes:


And this episode was focused much on 40s husband's post-cheating. He tried his very best to save his marriage, of course not from his side. He manipulated his creepy stepmom, 50s husband & 50s wife to get what he wants - to persuade his wife to forgive him & not divorcing him. I love how Doctor Cho gave him 3 punches straight on his face! Served him right! He will do the same too IF his daughter involved with a married man somewhere in future. I'm like... Are you seriously to use all the people around you to persuade your own wife? Get up and be a man, your psychopath doctor!


As for 30s couple - the way he said "Okayyyyy..." like he doesn't mean it. When 30s wife's friend asked about their most fondest memories with each other, they both reminiscing all the good times before they were married like they didn't have any fond memories regarding their marriage. I'm like... "Really????" Or maybe 30s wife just mentioned it as a "wake up call" for her husband and same like the husband as well. Or maybe TRUE they didn't have any fondest memories of their marriage? Not sure which one. And seems writer-nin wanna show, even 30s wife's friend has been married for 10 years, also childless, they still have the lovey-dovey marriage, compared to the 3 years of marriage. Just looked how she showed LOVE towards her husband and the husband also showed his love towards her. I still can't guess either 30s husband want to make his marriage work together with his wife or just "swallowed" it and say "Okayyyyyy...." half hearted because his wife still won't divorce him.


But, at last she aware that her husband do TREAT HER WELL, she even said, it must hard for him. Now you know! But now it's up to Mr Lawyer to make up his mind. You must make up your mind, Mr Lawyer, either to stay and work out with your marriage and forget your mistress OR stands firm to get divorce from your dreadful marriage. You choose! 





Sound engineer oppa & 30s husband's mistress - from what I see, he likes to be friend with her. Not really attracted to her, but just wanted to watch the baby. Not sure what's the point, but I guess the writer-nim wanna show that, somehow older man just need get the love from "the baby" instead of woman. But I might be wrong, maybe they will end up as a couple later on? Hurmmmmmm... :huh:


And I JUST LOVE the 30s husband's parents. The father really seems repented and now more appreciated his wife more than before. Yes, that's the good things. WORK YOUR MARRIAGE TOGETHER instead of using sarcasm and hurtful words! I hope they will stay like this till 16th episode. :heart:


And... what's with naked ghost halabeoji???? And he can touch now? With Dong Ma's girl? Wow, that's "fascinating!" :blink:

p/s : waiting for @Ameera Aligif for this creepy pervert ghost!


Me... when I saw the ghost halabeoji be like... WHATEVER!

Let It Go Whatever GIF by Hannah Bronfman

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2 hours ago, Jcanqueen12 said:

Seems like the show is ending in Season 2.

It's ending in S2. I guess the viewers can't stand if the drama being continued to S3 and most probably the viewers won't watch it. It's 2021, makjang drama during the weekends - 50++ episodes (just like the writer-nim's makjang dramas previously) becomes so lame and lame. Koreans especially the elders like to watch the weekend family Kdrama like Revolutionary Sisters and that's why the ratings still high. (even the drama have 100 episodes)


36 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

# let the poor old soul rest in peace with his pants on please 

Halaeboji, come with me to H&M please, I will buy you a new pants! You are a doctor, you must wear your pants! :P

Thanks @Ameera Ali for the gif! I LOLed hard!

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I know Sung Hoon is 

48 minutes ago, hsmz said:

The drama stop at S2 only, as the 30s husband mentioned it on I Live Alone that the drama shooting was over and he has being offered another drama, start shooting in September (I read on Soompi)


I know Sung Hoon is going to be doing Jane the Virgin, but did he say S2 is the end, for sure. The cast is moving on to other things but for most shows, new seasons are a year away or more. 

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54 minutes ago, qynn said:

but for most shows, new seasons are a year away or more. 

Yeah, Sunghoon said so about the shooting ended and he didn't mentioned any about S3 or the drama ended in S2.. Plus till today, still no news for S3. If it's true there will be another season within a year or more, maybe I won't watch it. Let's make it end in S2 writer-nim jebbal. I count on you ... B)


52 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

# bad is dream

Luckily it was a dream. If not, the first question I will ask would be "How did the creepy stepmom got her house passcode number?" 


Kathryn Hahn Lol GIF


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On 7/17/2021 at 6:59 PM, Ameera Ali said:

# let the poor old soul rest in peace with his pants on please 

I laughed so much -- why does a ghost need to remove clothes to swim? 

Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden


EDIT by @partyon


December 21st


Welcome to the drama thread of a drama that produced heated discussions and feelings in 2021 due to its heavy makjang writing. Some of us viewers called it "Barf drama" because of its many vomit inducing scenes....Aigoo... :grimace:


There was cheating, there was pregnancy, there were nekkid ghosts, there were stepmoms seducing their stepsons, there were birth secrets - the works.



Season 2 ended like the video below. :D
But despite of that, it also produced some laughs due to its nonsensical twists. :D



As we are nearing the end of 2021, we would love to hear what made you laugh this year? :kiss_wink: Maybe it was a funny drama, your kids, your pet, something that happened at work?

Please comment on the event thread! :loveu:


Your Event Organizers,

@partyon @confusedheart @Sleepy Owl @agenth



Edited by partyon
Edited for Soompi Advent Calendar event 2021
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There was a sudden change in the mood and tone of the drama. Everyone is suddenly repentant or reminiscing of a past when there was no bitterness. I heard they do that as part of marriage counseling. Asking couples to reminiscence about the past, the things that made them fall in love with each other. Not sure if it is effective at this stage of the drama. But seeing how Seo Ban is going out of his way to accommodate Song Won and her baby, it does seem as if the writer is looking for a less explosive conclusion to the drama.


50s Husband has moved on. 50s wife has moved on. 40s wife has made up her mind. Not sure what 40s husband has in mind. He still wants to have his cake and eat it too. Anyway, the whole episode felt odd after the tumultuous episodes of the past. Is it the calm before the storm? Let's just end this with this season. They had dragged it enough already. 


Also, a sincere request to the writer, can we please do away with the bizarre scenarios involving the old grandfather? Must he be subjected to such ridiculousness? I mean just respect his age, for heaven's sake. 

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I think it's sad that the wives can't confide and support each other. I was really hoping 50's and 40's wife would have a heart and heart. I think it's a refection of how image focused both 40's and 30's wives are. 50's wife has already past that stage in her life and is at peace with her decisions. 


I want 50's husband's new marriage to be announced so Seo Ban know she's available. It would be inappropriate for him for him to approach any of the wives, at this point, since he think they are all happily married.


My wishes/predictions:


50's wife continues to live well. Starts to date Seo Ban. Her children are the most open to their mom dating someone new.


40's wife divorces worthless husband and builds a new life for herself. I think she needs to be single for a while to properly heal, both from her mom's death and her marriage. She also need to be a support for her daughter, who the change will come as a shock. Hopefully Uram can help her with this.


30's wife, I still think they should get a divorced. Mistress or no mistress they are a bad match for each other. They are still so young and have no children. Why stay in an unhappy marriage just to prove a point. We all make mistakes and they married the wrong person. 30's wife also needs to do some soul searching on what kind of person she want to be. You can be a strong modern woman, but still have kindness and show consideration for others. 


I don't care what happens to the husbands


I do think there will be a time jump and Seo Ban and 30's mistress will have formed a comfortable friendship where he will be like a father figure for the baby. I don't know if there will be romance, but the show seems to be setting this up.

Sorry i forgot add! The things that irks me most about 40's husband is his inability to admit he was wrong. He was caught red handed and instead of admitting he was wrong and apologize or even just show some remorse....his solution was to get the mistress to lie and gaslight his wife! Just gross.


Even after he was cornered.... he's begging other people to do the work for him. 


I can't wait to see what he tries next. Thankfully PY is too smart for that and is very careful and deliberate in her actions. I just hope she also discovers how evil the MIL is and cuts her out of her life. It's important to keep a cool head so you ask all the right questions

Edited by booksonbooks
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29 minutes ago, booksonbooks said:

I think it's sad that the wives can't confide and support each other. I was really hoping 50's and 40's wife would have a heart and heart. I think it's a refection of how image focused both 40's and 30's wives are. 50's wife has already past that stage in her life and is at peace with her decisions. 


I agree the 50s wife is definitely not like the other two. Just to add to your point...I think this is just her character trait. Remember she left her wealthy family behind to follow her heart and marry the professor. So image was never of importance in any stage of her life.

Edited by Jcanqueen12
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32 minutes ago, backstreetboysfan said:

Maybe something big they don't want to spoil.



Or they don't have any fake dream sequences ready? (Haha, seriously, though, they really overused that.)


Hye-Ryeong's best friend and her "happy marriage" seemed very performative to me. It's like every other marriage is on this show. "We love each other SO much, our marriage is PERFECT." Trying to one-up each other. This is what all three wives said at the beginning of the show, and look where they are now. And this includes Dong-Mi and her husband whose death made her literally dance with joy. Couples who are in secure relationships with real trust and love probably don't need to advertise that to the world.


Yay to the 30s husband's father. It really seems like he is sincere about appreciating and loving his wife. Keep it up, dude, because you are the only one with a functional marriage on this show now.


Speaking of the other perhaps decent dude: Seo Ban. We're supposed to like him, and I do, but I think it's weird to ask a pregnant lady to teach you Chinese and also ask her to make sure to bring her yet-unborn baby to the lessons so he can play with the baby. Because he loves babies and never had a chance to be close to one, he's putting dibs on the baby of a future Chinese tutor he's planning to hire. I don't think it's bad. I do think it's weird, though. I guess this is signaling that these two will have something between them in the future.


Also, there is always the chance that Hye-Ryeong will see them together and have another rage-attack, so that's something to look forward to.


Really love Yu-Shin desperately flailing, asking anyone he can to help save his marriage. Also, when asking Professor for that favor, maybe not begin the conversation with, "Why did you tell on me, man?" Hilarious. Professor has never looked more dignified, and Doctor has never looked more desperate and pathetic.


Also, in one blow. Dr. Jo (Ami's father)'s marriage is blown to smithereens because his niece just happened to be passing by ready to record video. It's like bombs are raining down from the sky.


Dong-Mi packing her bags, eager to get into a house alone with Yu-Shin. HAHA, this gross woman.


Nude Doctor-Father Ghost molesting ladies in the pool. Is this seriously happening?

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