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[Thai Drama 2022] F4 Thailand: Boys over Flowers


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I really do like this version so far. Then again, I have only seen Boys over Flowers to compare it to. However, I thought I'd drop this series as usual young adult dramas are a touch annoying.  


But I think F4 Thailand beautifully displays the journey of Thyme's struggles against the backdrop of young love emotions. It not only does it by narrating sparsely in between scenes, but also by showing emotions. It's much easier to follow Thyme's feelings and ambitions, and therefore empathise with him, than in the Korean BOF version.


One thing about last episode, that I thought was nonsense, was however, the way they made the dialogue about Gorya and Thyme's disagreement, about her going to this club as a hostess. Factually it was true, but she kept defending herself, saying it's not true. The heart of the matter is, what she actually wanted to say, was that she's "not that kind of girl", I believe. Thyme, seeing the pictorial evidence, was just reacting to the shock of seeing her like that. I think that kind of subtext was lost, and marginally recovered, when they reconciled as he told her "he believed her". 


I think they should have changed the dialogue and have Gorya say that she was set up, and have Thyme not back down considering the evidence, with Kavin showing proof she was set up, when he discovers Hana's plot. 

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Hi everyone!

This is my first post in this forum so I hope I don't make any mistakes and break any rules. I'm a brand new Italian fan of Asian dramas and I found this forum because I was looking for a discussion about F4 Thailand. I'm really loving this version so I'm glad to be able to discuss it with someone who shares my same passion.


I'm here to ask you some questions:

After watching the trailer #2 how do you think the story will evolve? Will it follow the Japanese version or will it take something good from the other recent versions too (Chinese, Korean)? ... but hopefully always strictly maintaining the authentic spirit, fresh and modern stuff that the episodes aired so far are giving us.


The other question is what would you like to see kept from the other versions? 

Which particular scene, what kind of mood, etc.? 


I just wanna mention one scene that for me has to be there, it's a scene I can't do without because it made me cry so much, so heartbreaking, especially in the Chinese version, the one of the race behind the bus.  

And you?


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Grammar mistakes
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2 hours ago, Klea89 said:

This is my first post in this forum so I hope I don't make any mistakes and break any rules.


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2 hours ago, Klea89 said:

After watching the trailer #2 how do you think the story will evolve? Will it follow the Japanese version or will it take something good from the other recent versions too (Chinese, Korean)? ... but hopefully always strictly maintaining the authentic spirit, fresh and modern stuff that the episodes aired so far are giving us.


To me it looks like this version is mixing all previous versions, but also re-writing it in a way that fits 2022 and modern society. I'm glad that we have gotten a version that is also cinematographically and musically awesome! :glasses:

For the most part I have liked the changes they have made in this version (with a few exceptions).


2 hours ago, Klea89 said:

The other question is what would you like to see kept from the other versions? 

Which particular scene, what kind of mood, etc.? 


Hmm.... That's a great question! :partyblob:

I think that every version has had some scenes that I have found particularly enjoyable but also many scenes that I wish they had left out. :joy: 


A couple of scenes I would like to see in this version. Placing them in spoilers in case this drama is the first version of BOF for them:


  • The trip abroad (where Ren messes with Thyme's and Gorya's budding relationship)
  • When Thyme recovers from his amnesia - it's pretty cute when he remembers her

What I hope that they keep out is the long periods of time when Gorya and  Thyme are apart due to other females like his fiancé an the lady he meets when he has amnesia.


    @joccu will probably back me up on this claim as she's a Thai lakorn specialist (like me - haha). Knowing that this is a Thai drama, it's very likely that Thyme's mother will be particularly hideous. It wouldn't surprise me if she will be the most cruel mother of all the Meteor Garden / BOF moms. So warning everyone now already. :grimace:


    @Klea89 Which BOF versions have you watched?


    @rocher22 You also watching this drama, chingu? :kiss_wink:

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    4 hours ago, Klea89 said:

    but hopefully always strictly maintaining the authentic spirit, fresh and modern stuff that the episodes aired so far are giving us.


    i read that the director watched all versions (or at least parts of all versions) and read the manga books. I do applaud the director for having experience with the source material but putting his own/Thai spin to it. 


    The bullying is much worse than in the kVersion (the only one I watched), then again, in this day and age, social media plays a huge role.



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    1 hour ago, joccu said:

    @partyon  Yep I back you up on your claim about thyme´s Mom.  I honestly like to see her being hideous. 


    Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if we see a total new level of "get away from my son or you and everyone you know will pay dearly...."

    Angry Thai drama moms are no walk in the park. :scream:


    @joccu do you think we'll see a slap? I'm pretty sure we'll see one. Just throwing water in Gorya's face won't be enough seeing this is a Thai drama.




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    My thoughts on ep 6


    • Ren annoyed me to no end. I understand he's hurting (clearly still getting over Mira) but him playing with Gorya's heart knowing very well that Gorya has feelings for him is not cool. It seems he's doing it to make himself feel better. So am not too impressed with him right now.
    • On the other hand, you can see that Gorya is conflicted with her feelings. She has feelings for both Thyme and Ren, and she can't make up her mind who she likes more.
    • Thyme was so funny in this episode. Laughed out loud in several scenes :D Especially the zoo scene. His fashion keeps making my eyes hurt, but it's okay :D
      @agenth and I laughed at his old grandpa look when he was wearing the red bathrobe with the belt tied close to his armpits. Made me think of this :D
    • The double date was as cringe as in BOF. Good that Kaning and Tesla broke up because that guy was bad news. :grimace:
    • Looks like Thyme's mom is about to bring out the big guns soon, and I have a feeling it's gonna be a showdown we won't forget soon....
    • Anyone else appreciate the pool scene? Kavin looked hot! I say yes to more abs! :love:
    • I'm glad that we didn't get a kiss scene between Ren and Gorya in this version, but I'm sure the next episode is going to be intense when Thyme and Ren&Gorya fight it out.

    What I really like about this version is that the characters emotions and thought process is so much more panned out and rich than in previous ones. In this version we understand better why the characters act the way they do because their emotional palette is wider, if you will.

    The communication between the characters is also a whole lot better. I especially liked the honest talk that Gorya and Thyme had about their feelings in the zoo. Yes, this is how you make a relationship work and it's great to see it in a drama too.

    But Gorya shouldn't have lied about the phone. It now snowballed into a mess that everyone will have to deal with in ep 7.

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    Hi Everyone ... I was waiting for someone before me to comment on the episode 6 so here I am: 


    Let’s begin with the Things I liked:

    _ The theme of the tulips, I'm not sure I really understood the meaning behind each colour but I love this kind of hidden massages; 

    _ Thyme's mother who will give us all a hard time; I think she's perfect for this role, she's got the look that kills; I can't wait to witness her anguish; 

    _ Thyme's little jokes, sometimes a bit exaggerated and over the top, but really hilarious; Especially the phone call; I didn't really like the dialogue with the badger soft toy but maybe I'm a bit too grown up for that and I can't empathize if the dialogues become too childish; 

    _ The heartfelt dialogue about Thyme's feelings towards Gorya at the Zoo;

    _ Her confronting him after the fistfight;

    _ The pool scene, I love the chemistry  between the boys, Their complicity. These are perhaps my favourite moments and I hope they will give us many more; the friendship between the four is after all the cornerstone of this story; 

    In general, but this is a characteristic I appreciate a lot in Asian dramas, especially Korean, is that even in the most painful stories, they know how to give us moments of pure hilarity that break the tension; I think they have a unique ability to balance pure drama with  With moments of well-deserved lightness and I love them for this because these moments are so important for the dynamics of the story. The right balance is crucial for me.

    _ I liked the moment of confrontation between Gorya and Ren even if I didn't love the acting of both of them in this scene. She too childlike, he too unemotional. In general I like this Ren more than the other versions maybe because he was mostly catatonic most of the time in the past series.

    _ The parallel between the scene of the mother almost inciting her son to violence and Thyme's expression when he sees the two together and clutches the phone, priceless! Love this Thyme! I love the way Bright depicts this , The animal side of Thyme!


    Special mention to Thyme in modeling version choosing outfits from his wardrobe for the zoo date even if I didn't understand if he was already at Rens house or if he entered his house in bathrobe ?!!  I loved the Prada double match shirt chosen for the occasion even if in general I love more the outfits of Kavin and Ren 


    next post with things I didn’t like 


    23 hours ago, partyon said:

    The communication between the characters is also a whole a lot better 

    Totally agree

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     Things I didn't like: 

    _ All the too childish scenes in general; as I said before, for example, the moment when Thyme talks to the soft toys, no thank you! 


    _ Lesla's character not cause he is a douchebag cause we all know he has to be like that but cause in this version like the other versions no actor managed to make him even remotely believable; they can't even make you hate him because they couldn't find the right key to play him; 


    _ The scene where Thyme calls her from the stage, for me useless. Perhaps it has become clear that I don't like exaggeration ... we improved compared to the scene where he asks her out the first time with the video message though, Thyme, even a little less darlin! 

    I know Thyme is so impulsive, exaggerated, it's his way of showing emotions, affection etc. because he doesn't know how to handle these kind of  things yet, especially Love ... (‘Who am I?’ Ndr) He has to learn to control his conflicting feelings being completely new to him ...  his friends, his sister and Gorya are there to help him ... so ok for now but in a while I expect the switch and I want it complete ... I wanna see the Thyme from trailer #1 when he talks to Gorya 


    I love the scenes where they fight like crazy, but to be distributed with moderation because too much is wrong (for example in the Japanese version they do just that) I don't like that they overlap too much while they talk because it makes you lose the sense of things, of the dialogues.


    Unpopular opinion but I would have liked to see the kiss between Ren and Gorya because it would have given the right power to the scene that in this way makes Thyme's exaggerated reaction almost unjustified and above all I missed the journey even if I already knew it wouldn't have happened in this version because they are following the Japanese path. 

    I didn't like not seeing the three-way confrontation between G, R and Thyme after the embrace. Hope to see it in the next episode. And I want to see Thyme's resolve to keep the point with her not because it is justified but because I love moments of conflict.


    Special mention among the things I hate in general about the series: 

    One thing I hated in all the versions is that they make Thyme misspell words, I'm sorry it's part of the character but for me it's a completely useless feature that doesn't give anything to the character, on the contrary ... 


    Ok that’s all, can’t wait to read more reactions to the ep 



    I’m going to come back with a question about your opinion on the Japanese version and this one 

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    Here I am, and then I disappear, I swear! 

    I'm here to ask you the question about the parallel with this version and the Japanese one:


    To this day, excluding Thai version, I still don't know which version I loved the most  because there's good and forgettable things in every version I've seen. I haven't read the manga so this surely affects my indecision and also I'm that kind of person who can save an entire work for a single sentence, scene, or song and hate it for the same reason ... for example the soundtrack of the Chinese version had an important effect on me because ‘Say Something’ song manages to touch my deep chords ... all this to say that about the parallel between J/T versions I'm honest it scares me a bit and I would like your opinion. I know that the Japanese version is the most loved by the fandom but I have some perplexities that I would like to share with you.


    Until now the Thai version has followed a lot the J version with some undeniable improvements on many aspects that many of you have underlined in past posts and also taking some good things from other versions but what scares me the most is that especially in HYD season 1  (that I rewatched recently) 

    I have seen so little of them (I mean T+G), of the growth of their story, their characters and their feelings for each other, and we arrive too fast at the moment of separation with the only real moment of confrontation, especially regarding Gorya's feelings towards Thyme,  when he is leaving for NYC ... I don't want that to happen this time. 

    I personally loved the narrative choice in other versions (Korean and Chinese)  of him pretending to be seriously ill in the hospital and her realizing in that moment that she is in love with him and confessing it as I loved the part where He is almost getting beaten to death for, such an important moment in the story cause she realizes how much Thyme loves her which it is showed even in the J version but cut in Thai one! Why ? Can’t figure it out ... What do you think? Hope they are not going to spoil the perfect job done till now ... 


    Ok that’s it ... 

    Happy Sunday! 

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    @Klea89 Thanks for your thoughts. :kiss_wink:


    I would guess that the Thai version is going to continue following the Korean and Chinese version with regard to Gorya's confession.

    Pretty sure we'll get some happiness before he's shipped off abroad by his mom.


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    2 hours ago, Klea89 said:

    The scene where Thyme calls her from the stage, for me useless. Perhaps it has become clear that I don't like exaggeration ..

    I love those kind of scenes to be honest as it perfectly portrays Thyme's character, much like the soft toy scene. He is rather childish/juvenile and innocent in this version. We know he is no ladies' man, unlike his friends, and he had his first kiss (and feelings) with Gorya. He does these over the top things because he is rich, and powerful, and he doesn't think about consequences. Or better said: the influence and money he has affords him to act the way he does. This is what his sister tries to curb, as she is more realistic, and something his mother doesn't teach him. All his mum says is "control the school" - that's what she cares about.


    A friend of mine pointed out that it's ridiculous this business-savvy woman cares about school politics, but I guess she just sees it as a playground for her, and a "valuable lesson" for Thyme, her son, to become like her. A force to be reckoned with? 


    All the comments I make is just my impressions as I haven't read the source material, nor do I remember much about the one Boys over Flowers I watched (Korean BOF), as I only remember the basics.


    2 hours ago, Klea89 said:

    I love the scenes where they fight like crazy, but to be distributed with moderation because too much is wrong (for example in the Japanese version they do just that) I don't like that they overlap too much while they talk because it makes you lose the sense of things, of the dialogues.

    It's funny because I don't really like the fighting scenes that much, but I understand that this is their innocent-childish relationship. It's just I'm too old for that ;)



    ^ I loved this scene. It was light-hearted but also portrayed Thyme's feelings perfectly. He was trying so hard to behave and comply by Gorya's wishes and not ruin the double date despite Tesla's obnoxious ways. And he was doing so well, until Thyme lost it, when he wanted to protect Gorya (yes in an asinine way, but Thyme is pretty young and inexperienced and not that in touch with how to express himself properly). 


    Gorya and Thyme shout at each other a lot because both don't know how to express themselves, and neither have relationship experience. 


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    On 1/30/2022 at 6:27 PM, agenth said:



    ^ I loved this scene. It was light-hearted but also portrayed Thyme's feelings perfectly. He was trying so hard to behave and comply by Gorya's wishes and not ruin the double date despite Tesla's obnoxious ways. And he was doing so well, until Thyme lost it, when he wanted to protect Gorya (yes in an asinine way, but Thyme is pretty young and inexperienced and not that in touch with how to express himself properly). 


    Gorya and Thyme shout at each other a lot because both don't know how to express themselves, and neither have relationship experience. 


    Yes perfectly portrayed! 


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