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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] The Song of Glory 锦绣长歌

Don Yu

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I'm still far from catching up to ep 24. Currently I'm at ep 7 only. 


I really can't stand LiQing ... how can she say that LiGe took everything from her when nothing actually belongs to her in the 1st place - Shen father & mother, the 2 brothers and Crown Prince are all belongs to LiGe. It's she who is the outsider trying to steal everything from LiGe.  She even try to steal n get herself married to the crown prince. 


I wish the write the character of LiGe to be smarter and less rash and impulsive.  Then again,  she was raised as an assassin .. not taught to use wisdom and think.

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15 minutes ago, cheekychipmunk_stv said:

I wish the write the character of LiGe to be smarter and less rash and impulsive.  Then again,  she was raised as an assassin .. not taught to use wisdom and think.


She's actually very smart already compared to other palace drama girls. :joy: But yes I totally agree, she can scale down her impulsiveness a bit and not rush into dangerous situations by herself with no back-up.


44 minutes ago, Misstinker said:

The shen family 

The Shen family is supposedly her friend, Ah Nu's family, or as we're led to believe.

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13 minutes ago, Sobayaki said:


The Shen family is supposedly her friend, Ah Nu's family, or as we're led to believe.

I Don't think so I think its her family it was something about the way ah nu had to die and not her why keep a nobody alive but kill a general's daughter nope I think she is the shen family daughter 

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I like this costume/ historical CDrama over the others that have been popping out recently. So many of the old fashioned ones with the same tropes and similar stories! MY gosh! Anyway, I like the 6th Prince and I hope he doesn't turn evil any time soon. He has shown that he can be swayed by emotions (he opted to be caught up in the drama for the antidote!). So I hope he stays true to his brother and LiGe.



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7 hours ago, Aziraphale said:


Yes,  1)  Liu Yikang was a real historical figure. He also

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died a tragic death. So I dunno how they're going to spin it for a happy ending, if that's what the drama plans to do.


I watched a few episodes. Quite a few logic fails, but I did like the male lead, and the female lead looks very pretty. I thought the

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stabbing and aftermath was done nicely. Though it's a bit of a stretch that Liu Yikang bears her zero resentment for trying to kill him, the fact that he was really happy to see her and just so sweet to her in the carriage sort of makes up for it.


2) It's my first time watching the leads, though I saw a bit of Qin Hao in Bad Kids. So far not terrible.


Hi Aziraphale,  

1) Very few dramas stick to Historical Facts 100%. In History, Prince Peng Cheng also help the sick Emperor Wen to rule the country.  But in the end the Emperor wants him dead.

I believe this drama will have a Happy ending. Why? Because of the title:  "The Song Of Glory". :unsure: So I guess  both our leads will win against the odds.  But only after a lot of tribulations and sacrifices. (Let's see if I guess right)


2) This is also my first time watching - both leads. Before this, I do not know them at all.


6 hours ago, Misstinker said:

The shen family 


Misstinker, I agree with you.  I couldn't wait to see Li Ge discover this.



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Did i miss something but how is it that it seems like LuYuan's sister and Prince JingLing doesn't know that they r related?  Feels like there's gonna be a love triangle with these two and the doc/assasin.

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@jewelsc they are just “drinking and music” buddies that never revealed who they really were... same way that Lige and Prince PC were - friends with same interests lol


Happy to see more friends in this thread. I also agree that the Shen is really Lige’s real family. 

I have watch Li Qin’s drama before but it’s my first for the male lead. 

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7 hours ago, hush puppy said:


Hi Aziraphale,  

1) Very few dramas stick to Historical Facts 100%. In History, Prince Peng Cheng also help the sick Emperor Wen to rule the country.  But in the end the Emperor wants him dead.

I believe this drama will have a Happy ending. Why? Because of the title:  "The Song Of Glory". :unsure: So I guess  both our leads will win against the odds.  But only after a lot of tribulations and sacrifices. (Let's see if I guess right)


2) This is also my first time watching - both leads. Before this, I do not know them at all.



Ha, honestly I'd prefer if they stick to history but yeah, I guess it'll probably be a happy ending.


I have now seen a bit of Qin Hao, the male lead, in Bad Kids. Here in Song of Glory, it seems he's not the usual fresh-faced young male lead in c-dramas, and I like that his being older lends credibility to the character (would hate to see a much younger actor play this role). I'm quite liking him in this role, and the aftermath of the stabbing (where Liu Yikang and Lige were in the carriage) was nicely done.

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Just started to watch the series. I should say so far it's definitely adult's stuff for adult people.

I'm still not sure if I would watch it till the end as it is my understanding a lot of military scenes are coming next, and I am just not a huge fan.  

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On 7/22/2020 at 7:59 PM, leo2020 said:

Just started to watch the series. I should say so far it's definitely adult's stuff for adult people.

I'm still not sure if I would watch it till the end as it is my understanding a lot of military scenes are coming next, and I am just not a huge fan.  

Hi Leo2020, If you are looking for a good drama, then I would suggest you give yourself a chance.  I just finished ep 25 & 26.  Up to date, there aren't that many military scenes. But they should be coming soon after. 


Allow me to give my views on eps 25 & 26:



Eps 25 & 26 have a lot of illogical moments. 

Believe it or not, at times I LOL at the sheer stupidity - wondering if this is a Comedy or what. You can see it for yourself.  


The Director & Scriptwriter might think they are clever enough to have such ingenious and cute scenes.  I can only say: "Grow Up Man".  After all these decades, still playing the same old tricks???  We Viewers do grow up you know.  This is already the 21st Century and the Digital 5G Age.  


Some of the Stupid Moments:

1) I don't understand why Li Ge didn't warn everyone in her Camp: her maids, the bodyguards in her manor; or even San Bao, Prince PC and Prince JL about her adopted sister Le Qing.  Don't allow her to come near or enter their residence and there will be fewer disasters befalling them. A simple step. Just leave an instruction or warning to her people.  And she didn't do it:wacko:


2) Li Ge left the Palace to look for the Anti-dote. After getting it, she carries it in her hands flimsily while running back. Why can't she keep it securely in her garb.  (I was telling myself: "The Director is going to make her tumble and lose her Anti-Dote".  And the next moment it happens. LOL.  Luckily she managed to find it


3) Why must she keeps the blood-stained murder-weapon in her room?  For memory sake? LOL


4)The way Le Qing can roam freely in her residence is a Real Joke - Comedy Time.


5) When Li Ge returned to the Palace, Le Qing came (under Consort Sun's order) to arrest her. Consort Sun knew LG was out looking for the Anti-Dote and wanted to stop her from saving Prince PC. Know what?  Li Ge was standing next to her brother.  Why can't she quickly pass it to him??


No she must go close to Le Qing & whisper in her ears: "I know u went looking for the missing ingredient (Agar Wood) in Consort Sun's room. U still cared for Prince PC.  If so, I  got the Anti-Dote with me now. Allow me to pass to my brother before u take me away".  Then she pretended to be pushed by Le Qing and fell back towards her brother to pass the Antidote to him.  (I was saying to myself: "Can you still trust her. Why must u let her know. Oh come on. Cut that crap. Time is running out) Smh


Ep 26:

Continue with the Stupid Moments:

1) Li Ge's brother is so slow in getting the Antidote to PPC.  And when he finally does so, he passes it to San Bao (that is correct), but he must do it in Plain View of Lu Yuan.  (How stupid can the Director/Scriptwriter be?? They want to "Dramatise" - I understand.  But can't you do it in an Intelligent Way?  I kept saying to myself: "21st Century Man.  5G Age Man")

2) Back in Prince PC's bedroom. They wanted to serve the Antidote to Prince PC.  In came the enemies - Lu Yuan & Consort Sun. And Prince JL must allow Consort Sun to grab the Bowl of Antidote from him.  (I was saying: "She is going to purposely drop the Bowl".  And hey Presto! It happens the next second.  See I can read the stupid and outdated minds of both the Director & Scriptwriter)


But luckily Li Ge managed to catch the Bowl & mouthfeed it to Prince PC



Some vital information:

** Finally Li Ge got to know that she is Gen Shen's daughter.  Her Master gave Lu Yuan:

- A hint. The Murder Weapon, the Dagger is actually presented to Gen Shen by the Late Emperor.  So the Shen Family cannot get themselves out of the Crime - the Murder  of Prince PC

- The swaddling cloth of Baby Li Ge when she was kidnapped is Proof that she is Gen Shen's daughter.  LG tried to save the Shen Family by saying that she is not their daughter. But the cloth proves beyond all doubts of her identity

(So I guessed right about Li Ge's Master)


Some general observations:

a) In these few episodes, one can see that PPC's Princess Consort is too:

- submissive to Consort Sun

- easily influenced and persuaded

(That is why PPC cannot fully trust her.  But she is really devoted to Prince PC. I hope for the best for her)

b) Li Ge's maid Xiao Xin may be cute at times but I find her mostly annoying.  She talks too much and don't know when not to say certain things.



May You All Enjoy Yourselves Too:hwaiting2:



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@hush puppy I finished ep 25 + 26 too 


I am screaming at my TV why so many illogical actions these two episodes. Why make our Lige like this!!! I absolutely agree with you re why she didn’t warn her people and the key friends.


Lige vs Shifu and the dropping the antidote scene was frustrating. Noble idiocy again. But I like that now it’s out in the open between her and Shifu.


I laughed out loud that one moment Prince PC is on his death bed, driving Lige to confront her Shifu and then the next scene, he’s fighting that bull for the ceremony. Like whaaaaat?!? 

More annoying and over dramatic scenes with the Queen mother and Qing - seriously how come Qing can just go about as a servant searching Lige’s palace and why is the dagger like still there and so easy to find?!?!

You are also right - why didn’t Lige just give the medicine quickly to her big bro. 
Ugh. Qing giving the whole ‘I will get you speech’ and then Lige is asking for Qing’s help?!?!? It wasn’t necessary because she could have just given it to her bro in the first place. Lol 


Now on to 26 and sigh I know they have to devote time to the Queen Mom but she is THE most annoying - she overtook Qing lol


The way she does the baby voice while taunting Lige is ewww. C’mon Princess Consort - your jealousy is making her too easy to manipulate. 

I can’t even begin to describe the craziness of the way this show overly dramatize stuff but throws logic out the window lol. The highlight would be when the Queen Mom takes the medicine from Prince Jing Ling and tries to throw it away so Lige has to swoop in to drink it and give it to PPC via a kiss lol. It was the best scene lol. 

I’m gonna start calling “all pass Qing” because she can just waltz up to the Prince when he’s passed out even lol


Shifu finally siding with LY - we all knew it was coming and great - he gives intel of the assassination attempt to LY to build a case against Lige and the Shen family.


LOL I laughed when Shifu waltzes around gets caught by the oldest Assassin Bro. Time to cut the relationship and stop calling him Shifu!


oh the last bit re baby clothes and birth reveal was very dramatic. Poor Lige - she is in a tight spot since she tries to deny the truth to save them. 


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I just watched ep 25 and 26 too. You guys were right!



She really is their daughter. If only they were more quiet about it so they don't have to be arrested. Why they have to be so honest about the evidence? I thought of something. If the entire Shen family will need to be punished, why isn't Le Qing included? That's not fair! :joy: 


I have a feeling Le Qing is meant to do something important later in the story... Because I feel otherwise the scene where she delivered medicine to PPC was so unnecessary. It's got to have a purpose.


I still have hope for Princess Consort. She is easily swayed but in the medicine-drinking scene, to me her gaze meant that she was convinced Li Ge didn't assassinate PPC because if she did, she would not have cared to deliver the medicine by mouth. By the way, that was an awesome scene! Not the dropping of the medicine though that was dumb and was so obvious. :unamused: I really hate Tai Fei and I feel bad Prince Jing Ling has her as a mother.


It's really bad waiting for episodes. I want to binge-watch it badly! 

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I’ve missed you all. I watched up to ep 29 (a bit slow) now will wait for the new episodes to get subbed before continuing. 


Well the case was wrapped up and everyone saved because Shifu owned up to his mistakes. 

I don’t understand Lige’s numb/catatonic illness!!! It’s already a lot since her mom had mental breakdown but now this unrealistic illness. 

All pass Qing’s attempt re the handkerchief - what do you think? 

Ok Princess Consort is not totally a lost cause but I have a feeling she will be super jealous once she finds out Prince PC saved Lige and that they may be together when he’s out fighting etc. 



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I'm on EP 28 and loving the chemistry between the OTP. That moment when she drinks the medicine and mouth it to Prince PengCheng was cute, but lol at the other people present; they were shocked and lol awkward for them to see that. The One-eyed master is mysterious, I really wondered who is he working with?

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Lol I've missed you guys and sharing spoilers while the forum was down lol! I just finished ep 31!



Omg why is Le Qing still alive!? She must have some purpose later on or something. There's no reason to keep her alive otherwise. And LOL at the runaway carriage person randomly jumping off and abandoning the 2 girls... The series is starting to show its stupid parts.


As for them all going to the north for war, um, why is Ze Jing following? I don't understand. They should've convinced her to stay home. I haven't seen her fight and only shoot arrows. But I did watch some spoilery trailers for future episodes and I guess she has a purpose too...


I feel really sad Li Ge's mom has mental illness. After they can all finally reunite too.


Is anyone else also irked whenever people are "hiding" behind something but it's so obvious they're there but nobody notices? Examples...

  • In an earlier episode, Li Ge was hiding at the orphan home after episode 1's assassination attempt. But she was hidden behind a door with a HUGE gap that anyone can see. :lol:
  • On numerous occassions, Le Qing was hiding behind some blinds or drapes
  • When San Bao and Jing Ling was looking for medicine for PPC, Le Qing was under the stairs but still standing sort of out in clear view


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Hi Everybody,  The thread just started working for me.  Much later than for  of you all.  At times I wonder if it will ever work for me again.  An hour ago, it was still down.


Yes. Like most of you, I miss everyone when the system went out.  I also want to bid everyone Farewell.  This drama is getting more and more ridiculous until I cannot accept it anymore. Too bad.  At the onset it has looked promising, although there were some flaws. I wonder what happen to the Scriptwriter. I felt that I'm wasting my time.  So I'm moving on.


I'm sure we will meet in another drama and thread!:D  Everybody has been so Wonderful here. One of the Best Thread I've been to.  Sending my Love to all of You :glee:

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