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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] The Song of Glory 锦绣长歌

Don Yu

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Hello everyone! I am marathoning the new episodes today and live updating as I go. 


Ep. 19


Why didn’t Lige tell her maids that she knew she was being set up by Qing re the scar on her back?!?! That way her maids wouldn’t have to get hurt like that. It is hard to watch it because it could have been prevented!!!  

Qing scheming as a low servant (it’s a bit unrealistic for me) even if she has a powerful supporter behind the scenes because in such a big palace, surely there are other people noticing that she is corrupt. 



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Ep 20


Queen mom already panicking that her favorite son is having tea with Lige and that he lied to her. But finally I agree with her that her son is too naive!!!

I feel for the Princess Consort!  I like that she stands up for herself instead of getting used by her own family but I am afraid she isn’t really prepared or strategic about it. I really hope she and Lige can be friends but I have a feeling that she’s going to die somehow.


In this kind of series, it bugs me that the bad people can get away with so much and operate with high level of immunity. Well actually it’s realistic if they have enablers and powerful people allowing it and in this case they do. Like Lige said - LY gets away with a lot.


Qing saying she’s gonna take all responsibilities and then telling her own maid to go sacrifice herself by forcing her to eat a poison bun?!? Ahh I hope Lige had a plan that they kind of allude to. Oh nooo stupid maid still helped Qing and frame the head maid. Sigh. Qing gets away again and Lige was still too naive.


I hope that the two brothers can really work together like this from now on. I like the brotherhood political attacks.



Ep 21


OMG Lige’s confrontation with Qing!!! I kinda love it but it was much more aggressive than I imagined in my head. Yey I am happy she updated big brother Shen but whhhhhhy not tell the parents!?! She IS dangerous! 

After all her years in the royal court, Queen mother should know better re dangerous scheming and social climbing maids?!?; unless she is going with the strategy of keeping your enemies closer etc. 


Another hide and seek scene - ugh sooooo frustrating but we all know by now that they won’t realize each other’s identity until the wedding. The floating lantern scene was nice. 

Oh Lige’s Shifu has a ‘mysterious’ boss. His voice sounds familiar - who do we think it is? I don’t think it’s the Shen General or else why let his daughter marry to Prince PC or his son work for him etc. I think it’s the Uncle that won’t let his daughter marry Oldest brother. 

Li Qin is sooooooo beautiful with red lipstick and in the bridal red dress. Finally the wedding is ep 22!!!! Close to what I was guessing for a mid-20 something episode.



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Ep 22 Finalllllly - the best episode so far. 


Oh what is LY planning for the wedding?! I didn’t expect LY to tell the Queen Mother on THE wedding day re Lige! So wait are they planning to just let Prince PC die so Prince JL can take over?!? 

Ohhhh the truth revealed scene was well done! I was in suspense and Lige really did stabbed him!!! Awww she tried to killed her self! She called him ‘old man’! Prince PC is gonna silence it. I’ll be rewinding this scene for multiple rewatch lol!!!


Lige get a clue and go backkkkk - yes - go back and save many people! Don’t fall into LY’s trap! Oh she can bring him the antidote. 

Well this is playing out in an unexpected way - Lige knocking out Senior brother and deciding to take on LY and then being betrayed by her own Shifu!!!! OMG they are torturing her too! Can’t believe that she gave up so easily and is going the noble death wish route!! She could have escaped. This seems out of character for me that she wouldn’t fight harder. She’s been a fierce fighter all this time and now hmmmm 


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2 hours ago, MK916 said:

Not sure if anyone has posted this, but I found this link for a minute long preview up to episode 38. There are no English subtitles but it looks great. I can’t wait!


Press the play button and two commercials will pop up. But afterwards, the preview will begin.




WOWW, thanks for think link. I wonder what happened between now and then. 

1 hour ago, stella77 said:

Ep 20

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Queen mom already panicking that her favorite son is having tea with Lige and that he lied to her. But finally I agree with her that her son is too naive!!!

I feel for the Princess Consort!  I like that she stands up for herself instead of getting used by her own family but I am afraid she isn’t really prepared or strategic about it. I really hope she and Lige can be friends but I have a feeling that she’s going to die somehow.


In this kind of series, it bugs me that the bad people can get away with so much and operate with high level of immunity. Well actually it’s realistic if they have enablers and powerful people allowing it and in this case they do. Like Lige said - LY gets away with a lot.


Qing saying she’s gonna take all responsibilities and then telling her own maid to go sacrifice herself by forcing her to eat a poison bun?!? Ahh I hope Lige had a plan that they kind of allude to. Oh nooo stupid maid still helped Qing and frame the head maid. Sigh. Qing gets away again and Lige was still too naive.


I hope that the two brothers can really work together like this from now on. I like the brotherhood political attacks.



Ep 21

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OMG Lige’s confrontation with Qing!!! I kinda love it but it was much more aggressive than I imagined in my head. Yey I am happy she updated big brother Shen but whhhhhhy not tell the parents!?! She IS dangerous! 

After all her years in the royal court, Queen mother should know better re dangerous scheming and social climbing maids?!?; unless she is going with the strategy of keeping your enemies closer etc. 


Another hide and seek scene - ugh sooooo frustrating but we all know by now that they won’t realize each other’s identity until the wedding. The floating lantern scene was nice. 

Oh Lige’s Shifu has a ‘mysterious’ boss. His voice sounds familiar - who do we think it is? I don’t think it’s the Shen General or else why let his daughter marry to Prince PC or his son work for him etc. I think it’s the Uncle that won’t let his daughter marry Oldest brother. 

Li Qin is sooooooo beautiful with red lipstick and in the bridal red dress. Finally the wedding is ep 22!!!! Close to what I was guessing for a mid-20 something episode.




About the Princess Consort, I keep wondering how she will react to Prince Peng Cheng and Lige's relationship.


I saw in a clip that slapped Lige - I can't wait to see what led to that, but am scared at the same time. 


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Ep 23


I feel for Prince PC during the whole time he was trying to leave LY’s place lol. These kind of scenes irk me so much but thank goodness for Prince LJ. Our OTP has reunited yey! 

@airgreen I have a feeling Princess Consort will be manipulates to become jealous of Lige since PPC really loves her. Sad as I would have loved to see them team up instead. 

Shifu showing his true colors - he set them up and oh I think he works for Lu Yuan or someone related to him. Great - LY is gonna go after the Shen family now. 

OMO Lige brought PPC to Senior bro for the treatment and antidote. Wait till Shifu finds out. 

Meddling Queen Mom and Qing are truly annoying - karma come collect them soon please


Lige looks great in her Fei attire. I really like the costumes and colors for LQ. 



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Ok, I couldn't wait. I'm now on ep 20. :joy:


I'm confused, I didn't catch why Le Qing still needed to be punished if the "evidence" proved that she didn't do it. But good for her! I'm surprised she has survived this long. Her "I didn't do it" fake innocent face really annoy me!


I really like the Princess Consort so far and am glad to see that she gets along well with FL. But I'm also worried she will turn bad later on. My first sign was when she and Prince PC was going to see FL together and she was admiring Prince PC's back and walking next to him. Maybe she will become jealous once she sees Prince PC loving FL more than her? My second sign was FL confronting Le Qing who framed Princess Consort's maid which resulted in the maid's death. Sigh.


1 hour ago, airgreen said:


WOWW, thanks for think link. I wonder what happened between now and then. 



Ooh, thanks for the preview links! And OMG, Le Qing still survive at ep 36. Why!! :rage:


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Ep 24 - the last episode for me today! 



Sorry but it is so impossible that our OTP pulled off what they did in the amount of time that San Bao went out to distract everyone outside the palace lol. They had to get PCC out of bed, change clothes, clean up blood, Lige had to change and allll leave via black door to come in like they did. It became very comical and predictably unbelievable *sigh* 


We can already see Princess Consort changing to be jealous of Lige already *sigh #2* 


I still don’t think the show explained well enough why the Queen mother is out to get PCC. We are suppose to believe that she is helping her nephew and clan but at the same time PCC is like her son. He hasn’t done anything wrong for her to get to this point of working with LY continuously. PCC is like the next king and he has strong relationship with her favorite son - why jeopardize all of this good will. Anyways....

Senior Assassin brother making the most sense in this episode.  

Whaaaat is this self punishment that General Shen just gave himself?!? It is noble idiocy and for what?! Please tell me that it wasn’t for rallying and moral boost to his own army. Did they change the writer for this episode - it’s not making sense. 



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5 hours ago, stella77 said:

Ep 24 - the last episode for me today! 


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Sorry but it is so impossible that our OTP pulled off what they did in the amount of time that San Bao went out to distract everyone outside the palace lol. They had to get PCC out of bed, change clothes, clean up blood, Lige had to change and allll leave via black door to come in like they did. It became very comical and predictably unbelievable *sigh* 


We can already see Princess Consort changing to be jealous of Lige already *sigh #2* 


I still don’t think the show explained well enough why the Queen mother is out to get PCC. We are suppose to believe that she is helping her nephew and clan but at the same time PCC is like her son. He hasn’t done anything wrong for her to get to this point of working with LY continuously. PCC is like the next king and he has strong relationship with her favorite son - why jeopardize all of this good will. Anyways....

Senior Assassin brother making the most sense in this episode.  

Whaaaat is this self punishment that General Shen just gave himself?!? It is noble idiocy and for what?! Please tell me that it wasn’t for rallying and moral boost to his own army. Did they change the writer for this episode - it’s not making sense. 



I agree with you it was impossible but it sure looked good i was happy watching them walk in they been married for one night and they looked like a happy married couple 


She looked very jealous it looked like PCC noticed aswell thats why he addressed her but I guess I would be also PCC have zero interest in her she never held his hand and he hides so he don't have to sleep with her the man don't even want to eat with her so yes she will become evil soon


Queen mother wants her son to be the king point blank apparently something happens with  PCC father and his mother years ago and queen mother helped them so when PCC mother died she wanted to adopt him then when PCC and his father was good Queen mother was kicked out her palace and PCC let her stay in his palace as his mother but i think she killed his mother because she want everything for her son i seen previews and later episodes he finds out that she been trying to kill him and her son looks to be pleading for her life 


General Shen gave himself military punishment because while his army was away court officers took there land and priorities and when he was framed they felt wronged they want to rebel so because he is the head of the army its his fault he didn't do his job correctly he failed his soldiers he felt bad and felt they would die if they go to war not focus on the cause which is to protect song and its people so he received his punishment for neglecting his duty as the leader 


Well this is what I took from it

All my opinions so

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from what I can figure out from that clip, it seems like Wang Fei


 ... slapped Li Ge because she found out that Li Ge was the assassin. Le Qing had overheard Prince Peng Cheng telling Li Ge not to ever let people know that she had tried to assassinate him. Le Qing told Tai Fei, who then confronted Li Ge in front of Wang Fei.


Like you, I was surprised to see them all dressed up and coming from the opposite direction from the garden. Haha, like Superman and his change of clothes :joy:

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@Misstinker thank you so much for replying to my questions! I either zoned out or got confused by the bad subs! I like your explanation and it helped me understand etc. 


@omiki super power indeed lol I agree it was satisfying to see our OTP take down the bad guys tho. 

We still have a long way to go! 

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I knew the one eye pirate master is not who he seems!! He works for the bad guy that also wants to take down Prince ChenPeng and General Shen. Yay, the big reveal happened, our OTP finally know each other's true identity. I like the younger prince, I really hope he doesn't turn evil later one; or that's gonna break my heart. His mother and LuYuan are real piece of RickRoll'D that needs to go away soon. And the younger sister Shen is so annoying. I really hope she dies soon, her schemes are really irritating to watch. Any guess who the master one eye works for???? 

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I just caught up to ep 24! Why is this so good?!



I'm also laughing at the scene when PPC and FL appeared in full royal garb behind the officials. I'm sure FL's hairstyle would take hours to do...


I'm very annoyed at Tai Fei. She keeps scolding LY not to harm her son but it's her son who keeps getting in LY's way. :joy: I'm still surprised that the King hasn't shown his face at all. Does anyone else have a clue who FL's Si Fu answers to (the mystery guy in the palanquin)? It must be a new character we haven't seen yet. The King??


I can't wait til the next episodes. I watched the previews to tide me over.

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HMmm I don't think the King would want to kill his own son??? But that could be a possibility?? You never know with royalty?? 

Lol true, Prince JingLing just keep on blocking LuYuan, it's funny. I'll be watching EP 24 now^^

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EP24 was so sweet. I love our OTP cute/sweet moments^^. I love how LiGe and PrinceCP share one mind; they care about each other, and understand one another. The brother's side love story with ZiJin is adorable too^^. And lol the servants are hilarious, LiGe's maid and PCP's SanBao^^.

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Wow!  It is good to see this discussion-thread heating up:hwaiting2:


6 hours ago, Sobayaki said:

I just caught up to ep 24! Why is this so good?!


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I'm also laughing at the scene when PPC and FL appeared in full royal garb behind the officials. I'm sure FL's hairstyle would take hours to do...


I'm very annoyed at Tai Fei. She keeps scolding LY not to harm her son but it's her son who keeps getting in LY's way. :joy: I'm still surprised that the King hasn't shown his face at all. Does anyone else have a clue who FL's Si Fu answers to (the mystery guy in the palanquin)? It must be a new character we haven't seen yet. The King??


I can't wait til the next episodes. I watched the previews to tide me over.

To answer your question:


Shall we all play a Guessing Game? Who is the Mystery-Man in the Palanquin? 

I think he is Ze Qin's father - Master Wang.  His 2 sons died in the battle - because the City-Gate was ordered closed.  He blamed Prince Peng Cheng and General Shen for it.  He always carry two Figurines in his palms - which stands for his 2 sons. I believe he is also the one who kidnapped Li Ge - to use her to bring down the Shen Family.  What better way than to turn General Shen's daughter into an Assassin who killed Prince Peng Cheng?  That is why he is so against his daughter marrying Gen Shen's son


As for Li Ge's Master, I think he also has the same personal grudge against General Shen.  Maybe his Eye was damaged in that battle as well.  I think they both know each other.  Putting Master Wang behind a mask in the Palanquin is probably just to tease us viewers.  To heighten the Mystery. (Just a guess. I could be wrong)


The Emperor Wen is very sickly - even in real History.  And Prince Peng Cheng  has to run the country on his behalf. Prince Peng Cheng does not have real power.  He is just a Regent ruler.  Which is why Lu Yuan does not really respect him.  BTW, Prince Peng Cheng is a real Historical figure. 



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13 hours ago, hush puppy said:

Shall we all play a Guessing Game? Who is the Mystery-Man in the Palanquin? 

I think he is Ze Qin's father - Master Wang.  His 2 sons died in the battle - because the City-Gate was ordered closed.  He blamed Prince Peng Cheng and General Shen for it.  He always carry two Figurines in his palms - which stands for his 2 sons. I believe he is also the one who kidnapped Li Ge - to use her to bring down the Shen Family.  What better way than to turn General Shen's daughter into an Assassin who killed Prince Peng Cheng?  That is why he is so against his daughter marrying Gen Shen's son


As for Li Ge's Master, I think he also has the same personal grudge against General Shen.  Maybe his Eye was damaged in that battle as well.  I think they both know each other.  Putting Master Wang behind a mask in the Palanquin is probably just to tease us viewers.  To heighten the Mystery. (Just a guess. I could be wrong)


The Emperor Wen is very sickly - even in real History.  And Prince Peng Cheng  has to run the country on his behalf. Prince Peng Cheng does not have real power.  He is just a Regent ruler.  Which is why Lu Yuan does not really respect him.  BTW, Prince Peng Cheng is a real Historical figure. 


Wow that really makes sense! I feel really sorry for the orphans in that case. I'm also really curious who are Li Ge's parents.

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14 hours ago, hush puppy said:

The Emperor Wen is very sickly - even in real History.  And Prince Peng Cheng  has to run the country on his behalf. Prince Peng Cheng does not have real power.  He is just a Regent ruler.  Which is why Lu Yuan does not really respect him.  BTW, Prince Peng Cheng is a real Historical figure. 



Yes, Liu Yikang was a real historical figure. He also


died a tragic death. So I dunno how they're going to spin it for a happy ending, if that's what the drama plans to do.


I watched a few episodes. Quite a few logic fails, but I did like the male lead, and the female lead looks very pretty. I thought the


stabbing and aftermath was done nicely. Though it's a bit of a stretch that Liu Yikang bears her zero resentment for trying to kill him, the fact that he was really happy to see her and just so sweet to her in the carriage sort of makes up for it.


It's my first time watching the leads, though I saw a bit of Qin Hao in Bad Kids. So far not terrible.

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