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[Drama 2020/2021] Queen Cheorin/Mr. Queen, 철인왕후


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Hello all, it's day 5 post Mr Queen! here's a little something to sooth our Mr Queen withdrawal symptoms..



Because I can't wait for the proper sub version, I found this translation credit to erisintrouble in Instagram:


It's rather long, so I'll put it in a spoiler. Parts highlighted in yellow :love: the only thing that can distract our workaholic king from his mission..



(soyong loses her way home)
-there is not a single person here, whom do i ask the way? (cows mooing in the bg) whats wrong with them now? are they angry because i milked their mother cow earlier?

(cheoljong is roaming around looking for soyong)
-im sure she is fine, she is not someone one can take advantage of. on the contrary she might cause some trouble and that worries me. she could use some techniques (if she is in danger) and earlier she ran away without making any sound, so im sure that she...

(hwan is narrating his feelings to special director hong in the background) when i dont see her, i miss her dearly and cannot help worrying about her. i lose focus in everything

(cheoljong runs back to look for soyong)
she doesnt even know the way back home, gosh! i dont have time for this

hwan: i should not be like this considering my family and my circumstances, i really should be doing this. but the more i think about it, the more i fall in deeper.

(people making a fuss in front of the lake)

CJ: listen, what happened?
-someone fell into the lake
CJ:my queen!

(CJ jumps into the water to save her person)
bystanders: thank goodness, he's coming out with the person

CJ: how could you try to end your life as if it means nothing? do you not have the courage to live? (notices that the person whom he saved was not the queen) who are you?
(watches soyong passing by)

CJ: wait for me.
SY: hold up
CJ: queen
SY: i see youre working hard, get back to it then!
CJ: what work..?
SY: lets go
CJ: where are you going?

CJ to the one he saved: what is it?
-you are my saviour

SY: he said that we will be in disguise, why is he creating a fuss screaming 'queen' among that many people? he really wants to show off that he is the king. this seems like a taxi btw, life really becomes easier if you have money no matter what era you live in. how comfortable! lets move quick!


SY's father: its getting late, why is the king not here yet?
(sees CJ walk into the house and doesnt recognise him)

hey you! how dare you walk in here...? your majesty? why are you wet?
CJ: is the queen here yet?
- yes, she came in a while ago
CJ: right, its a relief. i'll be sleeping in a different quarter then.
-he really has a peculiar taste in clothing. btw, they escaped together without letting anyone know but why did they come back separately? did they fight?


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1 hour ago, aren_117 said:


i totally agree with this!!!! People who are disappointed with the ending are the people who see SoBong as only Bong Hwan. But for me, I always saw SB as both SY and BH so the ending didnt disappoint and hurt me that much. Cause I love So Yong as much as I love Bong Hwan. Now the only thing that bugs me is that BH was forcefully removed from SY's body without any closure. But we werent really shown the events after BH woke up in the future and i know that BH will live long so a lot of things will happen still that are not shown in the show.


This is what made the ending a masterpiece, it left us hanging and intrigued and it sparked debates from left to right. Maybe this is what the writers are really up to. They want us to still talk more about the drama even after it ended. And they succesfully got what they wanted. Theyre geniuses yall!

you have such a great imagination! But im sad that you left SoYong out of the equation and I feel bad for her in your own version of the drama. I love So Yong as much as I love Bong Hwan so im a little heartbroken by your story. 


But oh well, whatever makes you happy. I respect your opinion  because I also have my own version of events in my mind. hahahaa

Hi, today I woke up and felt I was too much in my theory, so I edited my version and let the baby be born (I tried to follow real Korean history in my previous one but I guess with BH being as Queen they made butterfly effect and changed history a lot) So let King&Queen have kids))

I mean I will be happy for Soyeon only if she discloses the truth to the King herself, if she tells him about BH contribution to the win without being "Hwajin 2.0". Yeah, I know she was all along in the body together with BH. But I need some fair closure for BH in the past because he really put "all in" in King and I personally feel he fell in love with Cheoljong sincerely and gradually, day after day, bit by bit. Because as I rewatch Mr. Queen videos, series I feel it's a story of BH, he is the real main character, we saw his journey and personal growth. And his love with CJ. He was with the King for longest and won a batttle together,even made a baby and started to love the baby "our baby you are so cute, do whatever you want to do"... 

About Soyeon - in the first part she didn't even know the King's face, she told BI about it, that in her dreams he looked like BI. And she met him once under snow and then during Queen audition along with dauthers of other noble families. And they met in childhood once. It was enough for her to fall in deep love wjth the King so she deserves him more? 

But BH went though all Mr. Queen series struggles, painful moments as active participant, decision taker. Yes, Soyen saved CJ once in childhood from the well. But BH also helped him win over his enemies. And Cheoljong started to choose the Queen over Concubine Hwajin only after BH appeared in the picture, after he intrigued him by uniqeness and eccentric personality, after BH telling him truth, proving he is loyal to him, not his Kim clan. I believe soul can love soul, souls connection and unity "soulmates"? :)

So it feels unfair and painful for me. Soyeon loved King. But we shouldn't forget Hwajin loved King sincerely too. 

But directors, writers told us BH didn't love the King, just bromance, so he deserves nothing? Mm... I don't think I will ever rewatch Mr. Queen again or recommend someone. Bitter aftertaste.


Edited by N. S.
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For some people who commented about HY stays (other maids as well) despite SY’s bad behavior, you need to know that HY and every single maid depicted in the drama weren’t simply maids,  they were slaves. Slave can’t simply resigns just because they wanted too, it will cost them their lives if they do that. Their life is owned by the slave masters. Remember Little DamHyang? 

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1 hour ago, N. S. said:

Hi, today I woke up and felt I was too much in my theory, so I edited my version and let the baby be born (I tried to follow real Korean history in my previous one but I guess with BH being as Queen they made butterfly effect and changed history a lot) So let King&Queen have kids))

I mean I will be happy for Soyeon only if she discloses the truth to the King herself, if she tells him about BH contribution to the win without being "Hwajin 2.0". Yeah, I know she was all along in the body together with BH. But I need some fair closure for BH in the past because he really put "all in" in King and I personally feel he fell in love with Cheoljong sincerely and gradually, day after day, bit by bit. Because as I rewatch Mr. Queen videos, series I feel it's a story of BH, he is the real main character, we saw his journey and personal growth. And his love with CJ. He was with the King for longest and won a batttle together,even made a baby and started to love the baby "our baby you are so cute, do whatever you want to do"... 

About Soyeon - in the first part she didn't even know the King's face, she told BI about it, that in her dreams he looked like BI. And she met him once under snow and then during Queen audition along with dauthers of other noble families. And they met in childhood once. It was enough for her to fall in deep love wjth the King so she deserves him more? 

But BH went though all Mr. Queen series struggles, painful moments as active participant, decision taker. Yes, Soyen saved CJ once in childhood from the well. But BH also helped him win over his enemies. And Cheoljong started to choose the Queen over Concubine Hwajin only after BH appeared in the picture, after he intrigued him by uniqeness and eccentric personality, after BH telling him truth, proving he is loyal to him, not his Kim clan. I believe soul can love soul, souls connection and unity "soulmates"? :)

So it feels unfair and painful for me. Soyeon loved King. But we shouldn't forget Hwajin loved King sincerely too. They both went villain from love pain (Soyeon tortured the maids, Hwajin was bad to Sobong).

But directors, writers told us BH didn't love the King, just bromance, so he deserves nothing? Mm... I don't think I will ever rewatch Mr. Queen again or recommend someone. Bitter aftertaste.


As Ive said many times, I saw SoBong as SoYong and BongHwan combined thats why I dont feel like it was only Bong Hwan who did those things. What Bong Hwan experienced, So Yong did too. I do feel that it was unfair to Bong Hwan to have forcefully transferred back to the present time without any closure but Bong Hwan's life hasnt ended yet. He still has a bright future ahead of him and who knows what happens in those times, right? My imagination says he will meet the reincarnation of CheolJong and they will fall in love with each other. All over again. hahahaha


Your last statement makes me so saaad. Mr. Queen is so much more than its ending. Its your opinion so I respect  it. 


As for me, I love the show to pieces. In fact, I am rewatching from episode 1 and i still recommend it to my friends :)



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My two cents :heythere:


I love the ending 

For me So Yong and King love is present from that start to end. King was blinded with his mission, adding his brother constant nagging about Queen as an enemy. So Yong tried to killed herself because of her surrounding and the person who she wish/hope to be with doesn’t accepted her. She loves King even not knowing he is the King. Love at first sight for her. She is willing to betray all her Clan if only King will love her (All in) from that start. It shows when she was asked to spy the king she said she will not do it. In ep 13 when King is in the edge of dying Bong Hwan wants to understand So Yong, and to know what’s really happening. He was scared for his own safety, yet worried about King since So Yong is also inside the body. Knowing HIM, He is always in winning team, he decide to betray King. Saving self is most important for him. It shows when asked by Kim Jwa Geun what Queen (So Yong/Bong Hwan) wants in return of the favor, Queen(mainly Bong Hwan) wants safety. So Yong is not scared about her life, she tried to kill herself already. She said her opposition in her own Clan by saying she will not spying the king. She doesn’t want to be a queen because she’s been rejected by the King. 

On the other hand, Bong Hwan precious his life. All this change when they tried to poison So Yong/Bong Hwan. The turning point for Bong Hwan soul to see that only himself can save/survive this period of time. They screwed him so he wants ally with the King. So Yong saw this already in the beginning that the King is the only reason for her to survive. All in for So Yong. In this case, both So Yong and Bong Hwan have same view now with the King. Both of them agree to be always with the King. Lover for So Yong and Comrade for Bong Hwan. 


King with his prejudice with the Queen doesn’t see her efforts and support for him. Queen asked King if he doesn’t love her because she’s Kim Clan. She asked this question because at the beginning King is different towards her. King is warm and becomes cold after he found out she’s Kim Clan. It shows on their first encounter. I also believe that there’s no soul switching because Bong Hwan body stayed coma. So Yong suicide notes is “Giving up my false-self” which is created during her practice to be a proper Queen. She doesn’t like what they want her to be, and the only reason why she is enduring it, is because of the King. Yet, King attention is not towards her but to Hwan Ji. So Yong soul is just hiding behind Bong Hwan. They both inside the body. Bong Hwan soul is no where to go until his body is fully heal so he stayed in So Yong body. In opposite, So Yong wants to leave her body because she’s losing her ownself, she hide behind Bong Hwan inside her body. It shows in ep 1-5 that Bong Hwan personality is prominent since that time So Yong is fully giving up her life because of King. At ep 5-6  Bong Hwan wants to go back to his body, yet King save Bong Hwan also he gave back the hairpin and said sorry for all the misunderstanding. All these are seen by So Yong soul which is also inside the body. In end of episode 6, Bong Hwan collapse because I think So Yong see the King acceptance to her. It’s the beginning of understanding, so she is trying to show herself. By doing so she is pushing Bong Hwan soul out. It's not fully shaman works that it happen. Ep 8 is crucial part it shows that Bong Hwan now gain all memories and skilled of So Yong. Bong Hwan thought it was only memory since He still inside, but the truth is So Yong is controlling now. All the emotions and actions towards the King. It shows when King visit Bong Hwa/So Yong, So Yong is dominant and it shows that she is mesmerize with the King visiting her with flowers. Remembering their first meeting. Then on snap, Bong Hwan saw what is happening and tried to talk to So Yong to go out of the body. He has no body and need that body. So Yong feels gratefulness to Bong Hwan because he makes the King realize that he is prejudice towards So Yong. So Yong let Bong Hwan stayed but she’s now in control. She start having period now because She is in control of her body. The only time She let Bong Hwan help her decide when she can’t say what inside her mind and some Bong Hwan outburst specially when So Yong is sweet towards the King. It looks like Bong Hwan all doing but it is all So Yong. That’s the beginning of everything 


Bong Hwan is amuse with the King, he thinks King is cool. He wants to challenge him at first and could not accept King is better than him hahaha. Yet, when So Yong shows memories of how King suffered he starting to lossen up his challenge who’s better than the two of them. Remembering how King family died and how King was treated as a puppet. Bong Hwan feeling for the King grew as an idol someone who is better than him. Someone you wanted to be, which better term as an Idol. It shows in the beginning episodes that Bong Hwan wants to be better than a King. In doing so He untentionally makes the King see that the King is prejudice towards Queen. Bong Hwan constant saying, you will not understand me (So Yong) and tried to kill me because I’m weaker. Bong Hwan knows So Yong loves the King (Glimpse during they getting married and being when he is being chocked) He knows King has Hwang Ji. 


It confusing to others because the writer doesn't entirely explained how it happen that So Yong/Bong Hwan in the same body. Who and Who’s deciding when they are sweet to the King. But for me ep 8 is the turning point that can be executed better by the writer to show that in the entire time from ep8 to 20 it was all So Yong. Ep8 Queen thinking voice is So Yong.  Bong Hwan was just there in the body to enhance So Yong self-esteem to tell what She really want to say. Bong Hwan and So Yong have mutual understanding. Bong Hwan gives her a confidence to say what inside her mind. In exchange So Yong let his soul stayed inside her body while his actual body is recuperating.


Sorry for a long post there’s more I wanted to say but :coolshades: I’m not good in explaining hahaha



If they could only add more episodes. it will give justice to the writer to explain/explore the story better. Kill who ever decide why only 20 episodes. :evillaugh:

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18 minutes ago, cenching said:

For some people who commented about HY stays (other maids as well) despite SY’s bad behavior, you need to know that HY and every single maid depicted in the drama weren’t simply maids,  they were slaves. Slave can’t simply resigns just because they wanted too, it will cost them their lives if they do that. Their life is owned by the slave masters. Remember Little DamHyang? 

I think youre talking about me. Hahahaha


But I dont mean it that way.


Yes, I understand that maids are slaves in that era and have no freedom to get away from their masters. But when I said HY was "loyal" and chose to stay in SoYong's side, I dont exactly refer to her physical body. What I refer to is her heart.


If SoYong's character is truly rotten (as what some people here concluded), HY's attitude to her should have not been the way as it is in the show. She might not hate SY but she might have been scared of her  just like how the GQD's maid is scared of GQD. But no, HY still sees SY as a sister and a dear friend. She knows she is not cruel. She knows her the most and so she understands her real character. She knows that SY is not a cruel and bad person. 


HongYeon  also speaks her mind freely in front of SY. If other  maids do this, I believe they will be punished severely. That says a lot about SY's character tbh. 

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22 minutes ago, aren_117 said:

I think youre talking about me. Hahahaha


But I dont mean it that way.


Yes, I understand that maids are slaves in that era and have no freedom to get away from their masters. But when I said HY was "loyal" and chose to stay in SoYong's side, I dont exactly refer to her physical body. What I refer to is her heart.


If SoYong's character is truly rotten (as what some people here concluded), HY's attitude to her should have not been the way as it is in the show. She might not hate SY but she might have been scared of her  just like how the GQD's maid is scared of GQD. But no, HY still sees SY as a sister and a dear friend. She knows she is not cruel. She knows her the most and so she understands her real character. She knows that SY is not a cruel and bad person. 


HongYeon  also speaks her mind freely in front of SY. If other  maids do this, I believe they will be punished severely. That says a lot about SY's character tbh. 

Sorry about didn’t mention about your name because  I read about your comments but forgot the user name...:joy:


I won’t say SY is rotten if we judged her by Joseon era noble codes. She’s only acted according to that era. So HY and the rest were just fine with her. She punished people  and she rewarded people according to her moods. It’s common. HY is her nanny who taking care of her since she was born, they have strong bonds and she treated HY exceptionally well but still HY did fears her to some extent, remember she was kneeling fearfully asked not to be killed after SB woke up and SB said jokingly I would kills you if it helps and added to her fears. HY started to feels at ease and more free AFTER SB happened because SB is different. Remember how SB always prodded her to speaks up during early episodes. 


But if we judge her using 2021 moral codes, she deserves to be put to jail forever.


 I am not rooting for SY at all, I feel nothing for her because for 20 episodes her screen time is less than an hour. On screen I only see SB. But SHS is one hell of an actress, the dynamic between SB-CJ and SY-CJ are like heaven and hell....

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I kinda wanted an ending where BH still in SY body gets to experience childbirth and then that's when he goes back to modern times and he's going to be a better man or some sort .


I think it would also be funny :D 

53 minutes ago, sean294251 said:

My two cents :heythere:


I love the ending 

For me So Yong and King love is present from that start to end. King was blinded with his mission, adding his brother constant nagging about Queen as an enemy. So Yong tried to killed herself because of her surrounding and the person who she wish/hope to be with doesn’t accepted her. She loves King even not knowing he is the King. Love at first sight for her. She is willing to betray all her Clan if only King will love her (All in) from that start. It shows when she was asked to spy the king she said she will not do it. In ep 13 when King is in the edge of dying Bong Hwan wants to understand So Yong, and to know what’s really happening. He was scared for his own safety, yet worried about King since So Yong is also inside the body. Knowing HIM, He is always in winning team, he decide to betray King. Saving self is most important for him. It shows when asked by Kim Jwa Geun what Queen (So Yong/Bong Hwan) wants in return of the favor, Queen(mainly Bong Hwan) wants safety. So Yong is not scared about her life, she tried to kill herself already. She said her opposition in her own Clan by saying she will not spying the king. She doesn’t want to be a queen because she’s been rejected by the King. 

On the other hand, Bong Hwan precious his life. All this change when they tried to poison So Yong/Bong Hwan. The turning point for Bong Hwan soul to see that only himself can save/survive this period of time. They screwed him so he wants ally with the King. So Yong saw this already in the beginning that the King is the only reason for her to survive. All in for So Yong. In this case, both So Yong and Bong Hwan have same view now with the King. Both of them agree to be always with the King. Lover for So Yong and Comrade for Bong Hwan. 


King with his prejudice with the Queen doesn’t see her efforts and support for him. Queen asked King if he doesn’t love her because she’s Kim Clan. She asked this question because at the beginning King is different towards her. King is warm and becomes cold after he found out she’s Kim Clan. It shows on their first encounter. I also believe that there’s no soul switching because Bong Hwan body stayed coma. So Yong suicide notes is “Giving up my false-self” which is created during her practice to be a proper Queen. She doesn’t like what they want her to be, and the only reason why she is enduring it, is because of the King. Yet, King attention is not towards her but to Hwan Ji. So Yong soul is just hiding behind Bong Hwan. They both inside the body. Bong Hwan soul is no where to go until his body is fully heal so he stayed in So Yong body. In opposite, So Yong wants to leave her body because she’s losing her ownself, she hide behind Bong Hwan inside her body. It shows in ep 1-5 that Bong Hwan personality is prominent since that time So Yong is fully giving up her life because of King. At ep 5-6  Bong Hwan wants to go back to his body, yet King save Bong Hwan also he gave back the hairpin and said sorry for all the misunderstanding. All these are seen by So Yong soul which is also inside the body. In end of episode 6, Bong Hwan collapse because I think So Yong see the King acceptance to her. It’s the beginning of understanding, so she is trying to show herself. By doing so she is pushing Bong Hwan soul out. It's not fully shaman works that it happen. Ep 8 is crucial part it shows that Bong Hwan now gain all memories and skilled of So Yong. Bong Hwan thought it was only memory since He still inside, but the truth is So Yong is controlling now. All the emotions and actions towards the King. It shows when King visit Bong Hwa/So Yong, So Yong is dominant and it shows that she is mesmerize with the King visiting her with flowers. Remembering their first meeting. Then on snap, Bong Hwan saw what is happening and tried to talk to So Yong to go out of the body. He has no body and need that body. So Yong feels gratefulness to Bong Hwan because he makes the King realize that he is prejudice towards So Yong. So Yong let Bong Hwan stayed but she’s now in control. She start having period now because She is in control of her body. The only time She let Bong Hwan help her decide when she can’t say what inside her mind and some Bong Hwan outburst specially when So Yong is sweet towards the King. It looks like Bong Hwan all doing but it is all So Yong. That’s the beginning of everything 


Bong Hwan is amuse with the King, he thinks King is cool. He wants to challenge him at first and could not accept King is better than him hahaha. Yet, when So Yong shows memories of how King suffered he starting to lossen up his challenge who’s better than the two of them. Remembering how King family died and how King was treated as a puppet. Bong Hwan feeling for the King grew as an idol someone who is better than him. Someone you wanted to be, which better term as an Idol. It shows in the beginning episodes that Bong Hwan wants to be better than a King. In doing so He untentionally makes the King see that the King is prejudice towards Queen. Bong Hwan constant saying, you will not understand me (So Yong) and tried to kill me because I’m weaker. Bong Hwan knows So Yong loves the King (Glimpse during they getting married and being when he is being chocked) He knows King has Hwang Ji. 


It confusing to others because the writer doesn't entirely explained how it happen that So Yong/Bong Hwan in the same body. Who and Who’s deciding when they are sweet to the King. But for me ep 8 is the turning point that can be executed better by the writer to show that in the entire time from ep8 to 20 it was all So Yong. Ep8 Queen thinking voice is So Yong.  Bong Hwan was just there in the body to enhance So Yong self-esteem to tell what She really want to say. Bong Hwan and So Yong have mutual understanding. Bong Hwan gives her a confidence to say what inside her mind. In exchange So Yong let his soul stayed inside her body while his actual body is recuperating.


Sorry for a long post there’s more I wanted to say but :coolshades: I’m not good in explaining hahaha



If they could only add more episodes. it will give justice to the writer to explain/explore the story better. Kill who ever decide why only 20 episodes. :evillaugh:

This is how I saw it too.   I think the miss was the interaction between the two like it's SY responding to all the charm but BH is there.  

I think most dramas are told to limit their episodes now especially for TvN dramas :)   Hence why they can't make it longer 

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1 hour ago, N. S. said:

Hi, today I woke up and felt I was too much in my theory, so I edited my version and let the baby be born (I tried to follow real Korean history in my previous one but I guess with BH being as Queen they made butterfly effect and changed history a lot) So let King&Queen have kids))

I mean I will be happy for Soyeon only if she discloses the truth to the King herself, if she tells him about BH contribution to the win without being "Hwajin 2.0". Yeah, I know she was all along in the body together with BH. But I need some fair closure for BH in the past because he really put "all in" in King and I personally feel he fell in love with Cheoljong sincerely and gradually, day after day, bit by bit. Because as I rewatch Mr. Queen videos, series I feel it's a story of BH, he is the real main character, we saw his journey and personal growth. And his love with CJ. He was with the King for longest and won a batttle together,even made a baby and started to love the baby "our baby you are so cute, do whatever you want to do"... 

About Soyeon - in the first part she didn't even know the King's face, she told BI about it, that in her dreams he looked like BI. And she met him once under snow and then during Queen audition along with dauthers of other noble families. And they met in childhood once. It was enough for her to fall in deep love wjth the King so she deserves him more? 

But BH went though all Mr. Queen series struggles, painful moments as active participant, decision taker. Yes, Soyen saved CJ once in childhood from the well. But BH also helped him win over his enemies. And Cheoljong started to choose the Queen over Concubine Hwajin only after BH appeared in the picture, after he intrigued him by uniqeness and eccentric personality, after BH telling him truth, proving he is loyal to him, not his Kim clan. I believe soul can love soul, souls connection and unity "soulmates"? :)

So it feels unfair and painful for me. Soyeon loved King. But we shouldn't forget Hwajin loved King sincerely too. 

But directors, writers told us BH didn't love the King, just bromance, so he deserves nothing? Mm... I don't think I will ever rewatch Mr. Queen again or recommend someone. Bitter aftertaste.



I agree with pretty much everything here. I think the writers just dropped the ball. They had so much fun with the relationship with SB and CJ that they didn't realize or didn't care that many fans would then be upset at the idea that the SB character would be replaced by SY and life just goes on. It's that lack of closure that kills me. Some times that could have been done instead:


1. The writers could have handled the transition better by fleshing out the SY character and having her play a more vital role so that we didn't feel she was undeserved or a thief like HwaJinJo. 
2. They could have made it made more clear that SY and BH were parallel lives/reincarnations of each other (though that still stings a little as reincarnations or not, it was the combination of both her body and his soul that made the person the king loved). Really felt the writers deliberately made it seem like SY was gone and dead. Even in his arguments with her, SB continually referred to SY's influence as the influence of the body...not a foreign concept seeing as how the mind is the repository of thoughts and feelings and when he took over her body, he was functioning with her organs and all. Wouldn't be the first drama which explored the idea that the body holds residual feelings from it previous owner.
3. They could have had Cheoljong acknowledge his loss and admit that he was settling and show his grief at losing something precious to him. More than just a puzzled look while looking at a book. I show more concern when I misplace my car keys than what I got from him in that scene. That would feed into the idea of the King's sacrifice (happiness in exchange for being a good ruler) and all like in Scarlet Heart Ryeo and Shine or Go Crazy. I mean, dang...do you know how many times SB saved his bacon and helped make his dream a realization? To then just marginalize her like that...so mad. 
4. Or...and this would have been the ultimate show of courage: have SB stay in Joseon. Have him go back to the future and wrap up his storyline. I imagine him fighting off Han who has come back to finish him off and having the police catch Han in the act and thereby clear BH's name but in that struggle being on the cusp of death and choosing (the choice is an important part here) to return to SY's body which has been in a catatonic state just like when he left that first time. Speaking of which, there's another false bit the writers threw at us. SY didn't just pop back up the first time the Queen returned to her body, again perpetuating the idea that she was dead and gone. 

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My personal few thoughts on SY and SB B)

1. SY gave BH a kiss of life in Ep1 so that he could live while she lost the will and courage to live.

2. BH didn't care about anything but to throw himself back to the water to go back to his time in the first few episodes.

3. SY came back when BH inner voice disappeared. (Like I mentioned before Show didnt have to be explicit)

4. BH accepted the fact that she's stuck in SY's body because "it's better to be there alive than lying down unable to move in hospital."

5. CJ wouldn't be taking a second look at BH if he wasnt in SY's body.

6. BH gave SY courage while she was hiding behind him and SY gave BH a chance to remain alive in her body.

7. I believe (my own perceptions) the person who cried so hard in Ep 19 upon reuniting with CJ was SY and not BH.

8. BH thought he had a hot first night with HY and not CJ when SB woke up in shock to find it was CJ and screamed her RickRoll'D off. I believe it was SY and SB combined with SY's emotions for King and BH thinking he was doing it with HY.

9. I don't get why BH getting stuck in a woman's body in another era will be an happy ending for him like most wanted. Getting a cameo actress for BH at the end is so cliche. Mr Queen writers decides they aren't going to go this cliche ending of time travel dramas... We shall focus on the King and Queen's happy ending instead. Lol

10. I don't know why SY is getting all the hate. Throughout the show though I loved SB so much as well, I felt so sad for SY that I keep thinking... Is she really not coming back to see for herself that the King doesn't hate her like she thought (even before SB did all those things to make King see her differently)?

11. There must be a reason why SY was not shown to be present throughout the whole show. Writers tactic and room for imagination? "We leave it up to you". And there we are the whole Cheorin Nation and news reviews are talking about this ending.

12. "My Life without Me" can go either way. SY living without her other acquired Me BH.

13. Blame it on Hyesun whose acting is TOO GOOD till she's dividing fans of the two characters she CREATED through her portrayal! :lol:



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Folks... It's time to stop coming to this thread. The drama ended. It's time to move on.


I'M KIDDING. I'VE BEEN TELLING MYSELF THAT FOR A WHOLE WEEK. Let's just stay on here and discuss. I'm here for it. I can't let go of this drama yet. :facepalm:


I still haven't gotten over the ending, I haven't watched the deleted scenes yet, I haven't watched the last episode's BTS... I haven't even heard KJH's OST! 


...I hope everyone can share more things here. :heart:

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1 hour ago, sean294251 said:

My two cents :heythere:


I love the ending 

For me So Yong and King love is present from that start to end. King was blinded with his mission, adding his brother constant nagging about Queen as an enemy. So Yong tried to killed herself because of her surrounding and the person who she wish/hope to be with doesn’t accepted her. She loves King even not knowing he is the King. Love at first sight for her. She is willing to betray all her Clan if only King will love her (All in) from that start. It shows when she was asked to spy the king she said she will not do it. In ep 13 when King is in the edge of dying Bong Hwan wants to understand So Yong, and to know what’s really happening. He was scared for his own safety, yet worried about King since So Yong is also inside the body. Knowing HIM, He is always in winning team, he decide to betray King. Saving self is most important for him. It shows when asked by Kim Jwa Geun what Queen (So Yong/Bong Hwan) wants in return of the favor, Queen(mainly Bong Hwan) wants safety. So Yong is not scared about her life, she tried to kill herself already. She said her opposition in her own Clan by saying she will not spying the king. She doesn’t want to be a queen because she’s been rejected by the King. 

On the other hand, Bong Hwan precious his life. All this change when they tried to poison So Yong/Bong Hwan. The turning point for Bong Hwan soul to see that only himself can save/survive this period of time. They screwed him so he wants ally with the King. So Yong saw this already in the beginning that the King is the only reason for her to survive. All in for So Yong. In this case, both So Yong and Bong Hwan have same view now with the King. Both of them agree to be always with the King. Lover for So Yong and Comrade for Bong Hwan. 


King with his prejudice with the Queen doesn’t see her efforts and support for him. Queen asked King if he doesn’t love her because she’s Kim Clan. She asked this question because at the beginning King is different towards her. King is warm and becomes cold after he found out she’s Kim Clan. It shows on their first encounter. I also believe that there’s no soul switching because Bong Hwan body stayed coma. So Yong suicide notes is “Giving up my false-self” which is created during her practice to be a proper Queen. She doesn’t like what they want her to be, and the only reason why she is enduring it, is because of the King. Yet, King attention is not towards her but to Hwan Ji. So Yong soul is just hiding behind Bong Hwan. They both inside the body. Bong Hwan soul is no where to go until his body is fully heal so he stayed in So Yong body. In opposite, So Yong wants to leave her body because she’s losing her ownself, she hide behind Bong Hwan inside her body. It shows in ep 1-5 that Bong Hwan personality is prominent since that time So Yong is fully giving up her life because of King. At ep 5-6  Bong Hwan wants to go back to his body, yet King save Bong Hwan also he gave back the hairpin and said sorry for all the misunderstanding. All these are seen by So Yong soul which is also inside the body. In end of episode 6, Bong Hwan collapse because I think So Yong see the King acceptance to her. It’s the beginning of understanding, so she is trying to show herself. By doing so she is pushing Bong Hwan soul out. It's not fully shaman works that it happen. Ep 8 is crucial part it shows that Bong Hwan now gain all memories and skilled of So Yong. Bong Hwan thought it was only memory since He still inside, but the truth is So Yong is controlling now. All the emotions and actions towards the King. It shows when King visit Bong Hwa/So Yong, So Yong is dominant and it shows that she is mesmerize with the King visiting her with flowers. Remembering their first meeting. Then on snap, Bong Hwan saw what is happening and tried to talk to So Yong to go out of the body. He has no body and need that body. So Yong feels gratefulness to Bong Hwan because he makes the King realize that he is prejudice towards So Yong. So Yong let Bong Hwan stayed but she’s now in control. She start having period now because She is in control of her body. The only time She let Bong Hwan help her decide when she can’t say what inside her mind and some Bong Hwan outburst specially when So Yong is sweet towards the King. It looks like Bong Hwan all doing but it is all So Yong. That’s the beginning of everything 


Bong Hwan is amuse with the King, he thinks King is cool. He wants to challenge him at first and could not accept King is better than him hahaha. Yet, when So Yong shows memories of how King suffered he starting to lossen up his challenge who’s better than the two of them. Remembering how King family died and how King was treated as a puppet. Bong Hwan feeling for the King grew as an idol someone who is better than him. Someone you wanted to be, which better term as an Idol. It shows in the beginning episodes that Bong Hwan wants to be better than a King. In doing so He untentionally makes the King see that the King is prejudice towards Queen. Bong Hwan constant saying, you will not understand me (So Yong) and tried to kill me because I’m weaker. Bong Hwan knows So Yong loves the King (Glimpse during they getting married and being when he is being chocked) He knows King has Hwang Ji. 


It confusing to others because the writer doesn't entirely explained how it happen that So Yong/Bong Hwan in the same body. Who and Who’s deciding when they are sweet to the King. But for me ep 8 is the turning point that can be executed better by the writer to show that in the entire time from ep8 to 20 it was all So Yong. Ep8 Queen thinking voice is So Yong.  Bong Hwan was just there in the body to enhance So Yong self-esteem to tell what She really want to say. Bong Hwan and So Yong have mutual understanding. Bong Hwan gives her a confidence to say what inside her mind. In exchange So Yong let his soul stayed inside her body while his actual body is recuperating.


Sorry for a long post there’s more I wanted to say but :coolshades: I’m not good in explaining hahaha



If they could only add more episodes. it will give justice to the writer to explain/explore the story better. Kill who ever decide why only 20 episodes. :evillaugh:

Just imagine if Bonhwan was not a man, but a girl from 21th century. Brave, funny, loud, eccentric, good cook, full of fresh ideas, not embarassed, bold, easy and informal with people (like she became best friends with the maids, main chef), who can make each day funny - all the traits that made King curious and intrigued with the "new Queen" - I know many girls from 21th who are like that. The only thing that changes is gender.


Would you be able to differentiate whose emotions was in different situations of Mr.Queen series? Who was the loving soul, and who was just "friend/bro" soul? Imagine if it was a girl from 21th century who got in the Queen's body and first was confused with the King, disliked him, but as the goes we see her personal growth and slowly falling in love with King. "Hate to love".


I'm sure most viewers would be so mad with the ending where the modern girl is sent back to future alone and told that she had only friendly feelings to King, didn't love him so got nothing in end. But since Bonhwan is a man so many are happy with hetero ending.

Edited by N. S.
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36 minutes ago, Ni Wen said:

My personal few thoughts on SY and SB B)

1. SY gave BH a kiss of life in Ep1 so that he could live while she lost the will and courage to live.

2. BH didn't care about anything but to throw himself back to the water to go back to his time in the first few episodes.

3. SY came back when BH inner voice disappeared. (Like I mentioned before Show didnt have to be explicit)

4. BH accepted the fact that she's stuck in SY's body because "it's better to be there alive than lying down unable to move in hospital."

5. CJ wouldn't be taking a second look at BH if he wasnt in SY's body.

6. BH gave SY courage while she was hiding behind him and SY gave BH a chance to remain alive in her body.

7. I believe (my own perceptions) the person who cried so hard in Ep 19 upon reuniting with CJ was SY and not BH.

8. BH thought he had a hot first night with HY and not CJ when SB woke up in shock to find it was CJ and screamed her RickRoll'D off. I believe it was SY and SB combined with SY's emotions for King and BH thinking he was doing it with HY.

9. I don't get why BH getting stuck in a woman's body in another era will be an happy ending for him like most wanted. Getting a cameo actress for BH at the end is so cliche. Mr Queen writers decides they aren't going to go this cliche ending of time travel dramas... We shall focus on the King and Queen's happy ending instead. Lol

10. I don't know why SY is getting all the hate. Throughout the show though I loved SB so much as well, I felt so sad for SY that I keep thinking... Is she really not coming back to see for herself that the King doesn't hate her like she thought (even before SB did all those things to make King see her differently)?

11. There must be a reason why SY was not shown to be present throughout the whole show. Writers tactic and room for imagination? "We leave it up to you". And there we are the whole Cheorin Nation and news reviews are talking about this ending.

12. "My Life without Me" can go either way. SY living without her other acquired Me BH.

13. Blame it on Hyesun whose acting is TOO GOOD till she's dividing fans of the two characters she CREATED through her portrayal! :lol:



The duality of the SY-SB-BH character should always be considered it's not just BH all the time especially after SB passed out and when SB woke up again.

I don't get also the hate for SY. She loved the king first and she loved the king even after BH left.  BH was all for winning.

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I don't hate SY, I feel nothing for her actually but I can understand where those hates came from.


She took her own life (no excuses) which is a great sin in majority of cultures and religions in this world especially in oriental cultures. In Korean culture those took their own life will be punish (remember Goblin drama?), in Chinese culture their souls won't be accepted in both heaven and hell. In majority of religions (as far as I know), also will be punish. BUT after the great deadly sin, instead of got punish she was mightily rewarded and the person who did all the heavy lifting was brushes off. Of course SY receives all of the hates....


Some can say that SY was there all along and the feeling for CJ is totally hers because BH is a straighter but if SY retains most of BH's manly traits after he left, why BH can't retains SY's womanly feeling for CJ after he is in his own body??? Shouldn't we use the same formula when we want to solve the same tricky Qs instead of using double standards?? Don't tell me all about hormones, hormones and genital don't dictate love and care.





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21 minutes ago, N. S. said:

Just imagine if Bonhwan was not a man, but a girl from 21th century. Brave, funny, loud, eccentric, good cook, full of fresh ideas, not embarassed, bold, easy and informal with people (like she became best friends with the maids, main chef), who can make each day funny - all the traits that made King curious and intrigued with the "new Queen" - I know many girls from 21th who are like that. The only thing that changes is gender.


Would you be able to differentiate whose emotions was in different situations of Mr.Queen series? Who was the loving soul, and who was just "friend/bro" soul? Imagine if it was a girl from 21th century who got in the Queen's body and first was confused with the King, disliked him, but as the goes we see her personal growth and slowly falling in love with King. "Hate to love".


I'm sure most viewers would be so mad with the ending where the modern girl is sent back to future alone and told that she had only friendly feelings to King, didn't love him so got nothing in end. But since Bonhwan is a man so many are happy with hetero ending.

I could not imagine since Bong hwan is a guy in the future. I can only imagine what is left unsaid and undone in the series. My imagination runs only in the characters that shown to me in Mr Queen. My imaginations circle to the depelopment of their characters. 


If in case other female goes to So Yong body and King fell in love with her not because of So Yong but because of her personality. Then I think the title should not be MR Queen and my views might be different. However, this is not the Mr Queen story line about. 

Furthermore, So Yong has good personality it doesn’t show fully but small details showed who she really is. Byeong In will not love her in extent to willingly died for her sake. If he doesnt see any special on her. During ep 9 it shows two kids approching So Yong instead it was Hwan Ji who is copying So Yong. So Yong might be introvert but people approch her because she is nice. Hwan Ji will not adore (copy) her if she doesn’t see her having a good reputation. So Yong change drastically when she’s inside the palace. She made a wall to herself to prevent others to know the real her and let only few knows the real her. Like king who pretend to be a puppet but deep inside very powerful and effective King. 

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@N. S. yeah that would simplify things a little bit more. Although I wouldn't argue that the girl power spirit has been largely brought about by BH's modern viewpoint but were it been a girl instead then there wouldn't even be a question of whether if it was because a man is needed to give the impetus towards realizing her girl power. Also arguably this would have given the production team a bit more latitude to give a sobong-king endgame.


Then again a lot of us gravitated towards this show in the first place because of its complexity. It would have changed the flavor tremendously have BH character been a girl. I think the interesting central premise of the show is what happens when a carefree  modern man finds himself becoming a woman (and not just any woman) in suffocating joseon.


I was just thinking about this. If BH must return to the future, will I prefer if the king accepts KSY in spite of the changes or shunning KSY because of the changes, then maybe I would prefer the ending to remain as is. Imagine if KSY were to sit the king down and explain about the whole timeslip soul changing affair and then king goes away awkward and missing BH when she's technically pregnant with his baby (or worse, suffers a miscarriage in line with what reality would have been). To reach the resolution for KSY character development to first accept king loving BH to winning the king's affections based on her own merit would be a subject that warrant x amount more episodes (but this will give bandwidth to see more of BH's alternate universe that has been influenced by the CJ the great reformer king rather than CJ the puppet king)


Or have the CJ-win-Joseon-back-BH-back-to-the-future sequence earlier in the episodes so that we can see KSY development, how king cope with BH to SY transition and BH's alternate universe in the later part of the drama. Or have KSY character developed more directly and obviously (instead of the very subtle debatable way it currently is) throughout the episodes instead of pulling a surprise "guess-what-she's-there-all-along" at the end.

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1 hour ago, N. S. said:

Just imagine if Bonhwan was not a man, but a girl from 21th century. Brave, funny, loud, eccentric, good cook, full of fresh ideas, not embarassed, bold, easy and informal with people (like she became best friends with the maids, main chef), who can make each day funny - all the traits that made King curious and intrigued with the "new Queen" - I know many girls from 21th who are like that. The only thing that changes is gender.


Would you be able to differentiate whose emotions was in different situations of Mr.Queen series? Who was the loving soul, and who was just "friend/bro" soul? Imagine if it was a girl from 21th century who got in the Queen's body and first was confused with the King, disliked him, but as the goes we see her personal growth and slowly falling in love with King. "Hate to love".


I'm sure most viewers would be so mad with the ending where the modern girl is sent back to future alone and told that she had only friendly feelings to King, didn't love him so got nothing in end. But since Bonhwan is a man so many are happy with hetero ending.


Oh wow. Never thought about that aspect of it, but you're absolutely right. Like with Scarlet Heart Ryeo. I never heard a peep from anyone about whether or not the real Hae Soo was alive and trapped in that body, nor were there all these conjectures as to whether or not her personality was influencing the transported soul/character even though just as with SHR there wasn't a single peep from SY during the entire running of Mr. Queen. Wow. I never thought homophobia was really a thing for Mr. Queen since the soul is genderless and BH was in a woman's body and had both his and a woman's memories...but I guess it does come into play after all. This just makes me sad. Another interesting bit is that in the Chinese drama, he doesn't go back (except in an alternate ending but only after both he and the king die). In the novel, they stay and live happily with the king for the rest of their lives. It's only the Korean version that changes it...ironic since the Korean version developed their love story far better than even the novel or Chinese drama. Who knew a communist run country with strict censorship rules would be more open minded. Mind blown.

Edited by Sandy Prater
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15 minutes ago, sean294251 said:

I could not imagine since Bong hwan is a guy in the future. I can only imagine what is left unsaid and undone in the series. My imagination runs only in the characters that shown to me in Mr Queen. My imaginations circle to the depelopment of their characters. 


If in case other female goes to So Yong body and King fell in love with her not because of So Yong but because of her personality. Then I think the title should not be MR Queen and my views might be different. However, this is not the Mr Queen story line about. 

Furthermore, So Yong has good personality it doesn’t show fully but small details showed who she really is. Byeong In will not love her in extent to willingly died for her sake. If he doesnt see any special on her. During ep 9 it shows two kids approching So Yong instead it was Hwan Ji who is copying So Yong. So Yong might be introvert but people approch her because she is nice. Hwan Ji will not adore (copy) her if she doesn’t see her having a good reputation. So Yong change drastically when she’s inside the palace. She made a wall to herself to prevent others to know the real her and let only few knows the real her. Like king who pretend to be a puppet but deep inside very powerful and effective King. 

Yes, I understand Soyeon has a good nature, is nice. But just being nice person doesn't guarantee us love. For example, I like Soyeon good nature, but she is not the one I fell in love with during Mr. Queen. She is not the one who made me laugh for evenings.


Soyeon loves the King. But whom the King loves? Who made him let go of his 2-years love to Hwajin?

My own quote"

 Brave, funny, loud, eccentric, good cook, full of fresh ideas, not embarassed, bold, easy and informal with people (like she became best friends with the maids, main chef), who can make each day funny - all the traits that made King curious and intrigued with the "new Queen"


In the end Soyeon got some BH traits, can swear etc, but she is still not "the Queen" person whom the King, the maids, main chef, everyone around grew to know during Mr. Queen series, with all good traits and flaws, uniqueness. "Sobong" was indeed unique and progressive for Chosun era, she was greatly outstanding. That's why I'm sad that Chosun lost that person. 

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