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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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1 hour ago, csmiller1954 said:

After reading all the theories and post on this forum, I'm going back to episode 1.  I've noticed two things, JTE is interviewing LL in KOC not ROK, didn't catch that the first time I saw the episode.  Second did anyone notice that the Four Tiger Sword not only had the prayer on one side, but that there was a pattern of lines and dots on the other side.  I just wonder if anyone had a thought about what the pattern could be.  My thought, portals in time, or gateways to different places.  You know there has to be more than two worlds.  Maybe the pattern shows the different worlds and LG is trying to find the one where JTE is alive, happy and with him.  Just trying to figure out a way this pair could be together.  

Yes....i also wondering if it is in KOC...why Tae Eul asked him ..did you kill your brother? Why not....did you kill king Lee Ho...it is as though they are not the monarchy anymore...history change maybe?

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It's still at top 7 on Netflix India (19/5/20)

Would love to know if it's still at top in other countries? Any update? 

If yes, plz post it. 

If already posted then help me with page number where its updated. 

Thanks  :)) 


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7 hours ago, OR Ng said:

yes, Tae Eul's mother passed away due to cancer (it is mentioned in Tae Eul's father character description "... 25 years ago, he lost his wife to cancer and since then he has raised Tae Eul by himself")


and also in Luna's character description, it is written that "... terminally ill 3 months left to live. Luna is dumfounded, the only thing that her unknow parents left for her is cancer"



the theory about Tae Eul and Luna swap/twins just creep me out, because this plot twist, if really happened, will be a simpler than the "remnant theory" yet impact can be huge


imagine, if Luna is the one in Korea thats mean she maybe the one who has it all. (even though later she may be dead from cancer, still she would like a happier life) 
yet she was in Corea, turned out to be a criminal living a low dark life

thats sound unfair and can trigger rage


We need JTE to take a health check and to see if she also carry the cancer cells that killed her mom? That will clear up things for us.  :D

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7 hours ago, mychoiyoung said:


I also asked that before. Why was the ring with LR when the Prince specifically said they cannot covet the ring as it is the King's.  At the same breath, why did the Prince fail to turn-over the ring to LG when he  already confessed to falsifying the autopsy?


Over at BOD I asked if the RING will play a part in the equation to defeat LR or to find a beautiful solution? That perhaps like in HP series – (Elder Wand, Invisibility Cloak & Resurrection Stone) – for one to be eternal? Have a peaceful Kingdom & still be with TE?

  1. The flute – instrument which controls time & portals. LG needs to get the other half so LR will be devoid of power, thereby protecting the two worlds
  2. LG already has the 4 Tiger Sword which obviously does not interest LR. But as the message on the sword indicates, it is crucial to vanquish the bad/devil (LR).  This is LR's blind spot.
  3. The ring which LR used to have and he supposedly wanted to retrieve from the Prince. But I have questions:
  • How did LR know the Prince still have the ring?
  • He got it but still left with the Prince? Now that is strange!

Oh Friday please come sooner. Going crazy here for more theories! LMAO

About the ring....i was thinking...lee gon said tgat he is going to leave the palace and asked the old prince to occupy the throne whilst he is not in KOC...therefore the old prince must keep it. The old prince never wear it as he thought that he even though he was taking care of the throne..he's not the king...just a caretaker. When Lee Lim killed him...he put the ring in the old prince's finger as though telling the ones finding the body that the old prince really covetes the throne by wearing the ring.

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5 hours ago, Keikokoko said:

Just want to add a brief summary in a chart directly related to LG and JTE. Is there any other time loops for the same span of time of their courtship that we have seen? I streamlined it to just LG & JTE only. 




@Keikokoko wished writer KES and TKEM cast would see how much we are invested in this show and how much it has made many of us do things from making charts to formulating deep analysis of references to literature and symbolism haha! Love it ! :heart:




5 hours ago, Orientalfan said:

Yes....i also wondering if it is in KOC...why Tae Eul asked him ..did you kill your brother? Why not....did you kill king Lee Ho...it is as though they are not the monarchy anymore...history change maybe?



@Orientalfan Or maybe she asked if he killed his brother because in that present moment she's close enough to LG to not have to use more formal references? Also if you look above in my post , I provided some pics of that scene and scenes in KOC to show that it's probably in ROK. However, JTE and SJ do have criminal info with the KOC logo which probably means  that they're aware of who LR is. Also I can maybe deduce that since they have the KOC logo that there are still two worlds and that one didn't destroy the other. However, still so many questions remain like why would LR be in ROK for punishment when he should be in KOC unless LG wanted to maintain the stance that LR is dead in KOC


Also side note in that scene, I was trying to look at JTE's hand to see if there's a ring on her finger, but she keeps her hands in her lap the whole time which is kinda odd since in other scenes with her in the interrogation room, you usually see her hands at one point or another like typing on the laptop or whatever lol.




Small glimmer of hope things will go well for LG/JTE in the end????? Headcourt lady has been praying to the Gods after all :joy:





Edited by Jillia
Please do not quote pics! Thanks!
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4 hours ago, Heretorant said:

I have a question, why is JY investigating SJ’s mom in episode 10? 

JY is investigating the doppelgängers he crossed paths with, including SJ’s Mom whose doppelgänger works as a court lady. At this point we already know she’s a spy albeit a reluctant one, but we don’t know why LR brought him to RoK and even later admitted it was a mistake.

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6 hours ago, mrsj3n said:

@MairaA @Alice Wonderland Guess who rewatch from episode 1 again? LOL

In episode 1, LR was wearing the king's ring when he went took the Four Tiger Sword. 

And in episode 10..  the late Prince Uncle said that is the King's ring.

But I wonder why did LR has it at the first place?


Are you guys thinking that the ring is also part of the magical deal for everything to work?

Ring + sword + flute = Incredible magic?


I honestly think he stole the ring as well on the eventful night (cause why not? it allows him to "feel" like he's King or has greater purpose than everyone else) and he used the Four Tiger Sword to kill his half brother (LGs father) to show that the only purpose of the sword is to kill, nothing more and that he's stupid for believing it serves a greater purpose than the flute.


I think the ring could have some sort of magic or purpose associated with it in the grand scheme of things which is why it is only meant for the King. The King can only use the sword, the King can only use the flute, and the Ring is only meant for the King to wear. Obviously, others can use them but it is not meant for them to use which is what creates problems in the universe and disrupts the balance. 


5 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

I saw he wore a ring. But was it the same ring like in ep 10? Because I'm not sure whether it's the same or not. But if if it's yes, he must have it because he took it. PB said that ring belongs to the king only. 


Yeah, it is the same ring. LR had it on when he crossed the worlds for the first time and then put it on his doppelgangers body to show that it truly is him who died (even though PB would know that's not true as the body doesn't seem to be LRs even though it looks like him and the blood type matches and all). 


5 hours ago, mychoiyoung said:

I also asked that before. Why was the ring with LR when the Prince specifically said they cannot covet the ring as it is the King's.  At the same breath, why did the Prince fail to turn-over the ring to LG when he  already confessed to falsifying the autopsy?


Over at BOD I asked if the RING will play a part in the equation to defeat LR or to find a beautiful solution? That perhaps like in HP series – (Elder Wand, Invisibility Cloak & Resurrection Stone) – for one to be eternal? Have a peaceful Kingdom & still be with TE?

  1. The flute – instrument which controls time & portals. LG needs to get the other half so LR will be devoid of power, thereby protecting the two worlds
  2. LG already has the 4 Tiger Sword which obviously does not interest LR. But as the message on the sword indicates, it is crucial to vanquish the bad/devil (LR).  This is LR's blind spot.
  3. The ring which LR used to have and he supposedly wanted to retrieve from the Prince. But I have questions:
  • How did LR know the Prince still have the ring?
  • He got it but still left with the Prince? Now that is strange!
4 hours ago, mychoiyoung said:

The Prince was very specific that the ring belongs to the King and that "...we should not covet it".  Given this, whether LR will wear of keep the ring is beside the point.  The Prince should still have given it to LG.  Something is amiss here.


Yeah, that's why I think PB is a bit strange for that. Either he kept it because

1) It had some sort of secret associated with it and was having a hard time bringing it up to LG

2) He knew that LR will visit him for it and kept it for him

3) He could use it against LG at some point. 


Now as to why LR left the Ring with PB I'd say because LR doesn't care about the Ring as he believes just like the Four Tiger Sword that it serves no real purpose. It is only for looks and it seems hes over the phase of taking things from people just for looks, he wants real power and thinks the only way to get it is by putting the flute together and ruling both the worlds. 


4 hours ago, Heretorant said:

This kind of show tends to make us over analyze everything. We’re afraid we might miss some details so now we’re breaking down everything. But sometimes, we just have to take the show for what it is. I think I’m done with figuring out whether we are in a time loop and timeline a, b, c or just one timeline. I’m going to rest my brain and allow the show to take its course. But, I am certainly enjoying you all go at it. Please continue :) 


Yeah, I'm with you on that. After episode 10, I've been pretty sad so I've decided to just watch the show and not overthink too much. I trust the writer to wrap this up beautifully for us. 


2 hours ago, _gillianne19_ said:

~ the yoyo boy, is he some kind of a world balance keeper? Or just a keeper of that loop?


So this is a very interesting thing you brought up my friend, just last night I saw a post by someone on Instagram in another language which thank god for translate on Instagram, it brought up a very interesting theory. I will post it below (scroll till the end of the images for theory)









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48 minutes ago, Hikki said:

JY is investigating the doppelgängers he crossed paths with, including SJ’s Mom whose doppelgänger works as a court lady. At this point we already know she’s a spy albeit a reluctant one, but we don’t know why LR brought him to RoK and even later admitted it was a mistake.

Thanks for answering :) 


I’m wondering when he came across SJ’s mother to know she is the doppelgänger of the tea lady at the palace. I’m also wondering how he was able to get her address. Has it been shown yet? 

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The weekly drama ranking: "The King" topped the list

"The King: Eternal Monarch" ranked first on the weekly Wavve drama chart.

Last week, "The King" heightened viewers' interest by portraying a conflict reaching the climax of Lee Gon (playing Lee Min-ho) and Lee Rim (playing Lee Jung-jin). The romance between Lee Gon and Jung Tae-eul (played by Kim Go-eun) has also deepened. It is said that the relationship between the two people across the parallel world was expressed more desperately, along with the image of Jung Tae-eul, who shed tears while missing Lee Gon.




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36 minutes ago, Hikki said:

JY is investigating the doppelgängers he crossed paths with, including SJ’s Mom whose doppelgänger works as a court lady. At this point we already know she’s a spy albeit a reluctant one, but we don’t know why LR brought him to RoK and even later admitted it was a mistake.

But JY didn't know who SJ's mom is on that particular scene.


@Heretorant I think JY was investigating SJ. LG mentioned before that LR might have needed SJ's real parents that's why he was brought to RoK. So JY was investigating SJ and probably went there to know who his parents are. That's the time he saw SJ's mom and realized that her counterpart is the palace lady. That's just what I understand, not sure if that is really the case though. :D

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22 minutes ago, Heretorant said:

Thanks for answering :) 


I’m wondering when he came across SJ’s mother to know she is the doppelgänger of the tea lady at the palace. I’m also wondering how he was able to get her address. Has it been shown yet? 

He had seen her around since she’s working in Lady Noh’s office, seen in Ep10.
He also had TE pawn gold for RoK currency to get around, so he’s not just acquiring driving licenses(lol) but also background checks through unorthodox methods.

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The King, Lee Min-ho X Kim Go-eun, and "Dissolve Monologue." Induces tears in audiences

The SBS Friday-Saturday drama "The King-Eternal Monarch" Lee Min-ho and Kim Go-eun convey their sentimental feelings with "Dissolve Monologue."


SBS' Friday-Saturday drama "The King-Eternal Monarch" (written by Kim Eun-sook/directed by Baek Sang-hoon, produced by Hwa & Dam Pictures), which aired on the 15th, is a fantasy romance that depicts Lee Gon, a science-emperor who wants to close the door of the dimension, and Jeong Tae-Eul, a detective in Korea who wants to protect someone's life, people and love.


Above all, Lee Gon (Lee Min-ho) and Jeong Tae-eul (Kim Go-eun), who were chasing Lee Rim (Lee Jung-jin) in the Korean Empire and the Republic of Korea, faced a series of trials. At the New Year's event, he went through a face-to-face encounter with Lee Rim, a declaration of war by Lee Gon, and the death of Lee Jong-in (Jeon Moo-song). Meanwhile, viewers were shocked with the ending  where Jung Tae-eul burst into tears as Lee Gon disappeared after their tearful kiss. In a related development, we have summarized "#3 Dissolve Monologue," which touched the hearts of viewers.

# Manpasikjeok and ID: "I should have known the moment I confirmed that Manpasikjeok was the key" (Lee Gon) / "I should have known the moment I questioned the whereabouts of my ID card" (Jeong Tae-eul)

It was only after Jeong Tae-eul went to the parallel world of the Korean Empire that Lee Gon and Jung Tae-eul began building up feelings for each other in earnest. Their monologues continued in the third and eighth episodes, showing that affection has sprung up. In the third episode, when he went to the bamboo forest empty-handed with Jung Tae-eul and the "door of dimension" did not show up, he realized that Manpasikjeok was the key to open the parallel world. "The moment I confirmed that Manpasikjeok was the key, I should have known. Even at the moment when I pointed out that even the traitor Lee Rim, who has the other half of the Manpasikjeok, is likely to be alive and may have crossed the two worlds. I should have known before I saw a beautiful thing," Lee Gon's monologue foretells a catastrophe of fateful love.

In the eighth episode, Jung Tae-eul, who was looking at the ID that Lee Gon handed over, said, "That day. The moment I questioned the whereabouts of the ID card...I should have known. Lee Rim is alive, the two worlds are getting mixed up little by little, and any transcendent power to balance, even at the moment. Before we stand here. For instance, it's like destiny," she said, replacing Lee Gon's words with a monologue, conveying an irresistible sense of fateful love.

# Danger and Fate: "I am a danger to Jung Tae-eul" (Lee Gon) / "I decided to love my fate which chose me" (Jeong Tae-eul)

After learning that Lee Rim was alive across the parallel world," Lee Gon returned to the Republic of Korea to track down Lee Rim, and as soon as he came, he held a mournful reunion with Jeong Tae Eul whom he has missed. As he held her tightly in his arms, he said, "Noh Sang-gung's worries were wrong. Jung Tae-eul is not a danger to me. I was the danger to Jung Tae-eul," foreshadowing a crisis that would come to her due to his fateful love.

Jung Tae-eul, whose emotions became more affectionate after starting cooperation with Lee Gon, said, "Even at this moment. Things were happening, and I had a sad hunch that this routine would be brief... I will love my destiny of choosing me," revealed her will to defend her fateful love against danger and anxiety.

#Waiting and disappearing: "Maybe today was a day when I sprouted my seeds" (Jeong Tae-eul) / "At some point I'll seem to have disappeared before your eyes" (Lee Gon)

Lee Rim's misdeeds, which broke the balance between the two worlds and wanted to become a god, became increasingly vicious, and a great deal of hardship unfolded in front of the "LeeEul Couple" as he committed atrocities that even killed Lee Gon's closest aide, Lee Jong-in. In the 10th episode, the lovers from the two worlds had to reflect on the heavy fate that they could only be together forever if they gave up on one world. Agonized Jung Tae-eul said to herself, "The sun is good this afternoon. I'm looking forward to seeing that you've worked hard to sprout."


Just in time, Lee Gon, who appeared with a bloodless face, gave Jung Tae-eul a kiss of tears along with flowers. But when Jeong Tae-eul opened her eyes, Lee Gon, who had already disappeared, said, "At some point I'll seem to have disappeared before your eyes. Don't worry too much... I'm just walking through the time I've stopped," he said, heralding a heartbreaking parallel world romance.

The monologue of Lee Gon and Jung Tae-eul in 'The King-Eternal Monarch' conveys their desperate feelings toward each other as if they were having a conversation," the production company Hwa & Dam Pictures said. "With Lee Rim's misdeeds in full swing and enormous dangers lurking, please wait and see if the 'LeeEul Couple' will be able to keep their love firmly."




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15 minutes ago, mamabear said:

But JY didn't know who SJ's mom is on that particular scene.


@Heretorant I think JY was investigating SJ. LG mentioned before that LR might have needed SJ's real parents that's why he was brought to RoK. So JY was investigating SJ and probably went there to know who his parents are. That's the time he saw SJ's mom and realized that her counterpart is the palace lady. That's just what I understand, not sure if that is really the case though. :D

Perhaps I phrased my words wrongly but it all derived at the same answer :sweatingbullets:

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19 minutes ago, Hikki said:

He had seen her around since she’s working in Lady Noh’s office, seen in Ep10.
He also had TE pawn gold for RoK currency to get around, so he’s not just acquiring driving licenses(lol) but also background checks through unorthodox methods.


26 minutes ago, mamabear said:


@Heretorant I think JY was investigating SJ. LG mentioned before that LR might have needed SJ's real parents that's why he was brought to RoK. So JY was investigating SJ and probably went there to know who his parents are. That's the time he saw SJ's mom and realized that her counterpart is the palace lady. That's just what I understand, not sure if that is really the case though. :D

Thanks for being patient with me :D 


@Hikki Are you suggesting that perhaps he got the address from JTE?

@mamabear I was thinking that too but I noticed JY’s facial expression completely changed when he heard the lady mention SJ’s name. It seems as though he was investigating her without knowing she was his mother. 

The drama is so good then I see one thing and I can’t help but fixate on it lol. I need to know how, when, and why something happens :lol:

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7 minutes ago, Heretorant said:


Thanks for being patient with me :D 


@Hikki Are you suggesting that perhaps he got the address from JTE?

@mamabear I was thinking that too but I noticed JY’s facial expression completely changed when he heard the lady mention SJ’s name. It seems as though he was investigating her without knowing she was his mother. 

The drama is so good then I see one thing and I can’t help but fixate on it lol. I need to know how, when, and why something happens :lol:

Not sure because it was not shown, except for that hotel room key exchange.


I’m rewatching Ep10, and he was checking out an address leading to SJ’s Mom, realised who she was, and we are shown him making the connection that he had crossEd paths with her doppelgänger.

I apologised for the confusion in that I got the order wrong, because on my first watch I was focused on her conversation about JH’s Mom :sweatingbullets:

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8 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:




omo really? What you can do is save the pictures onto a site and use the URL to post it on here (where it says ‘insert image from URL’). I usually use photobucket or a converting size picture site (if it’s too big) and an URL is usually provided. Perhaps, other chingus have an easier way to do it too :D






i tried to attach the screenshop image but failed. This is the best so far that i can do

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