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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2019] Heavenly Sword Dragon Slaying Saber 倚天屠龙记


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2 hours ago, jackieusa said:

ZZR, a word of advice.  Don't ever marry a man who he only agree to engaged to you was because his godfather pushed him to.  Don't ever marry a man who he only willing to marry you after his grandfather forced him to.  Don't ever marry a man who doesn't defend you when his lover slander you.  Don't ever marry a man who doesn't show any objection/reaction after you say you wanted to break off the engagement.  Don't ever marry a man who show you this uncomfortable and fake smile after he reluctant to marry you. Don't ever marry a man who still think about his lover the night before the wedding.


Amen! I feel so bad for her. She’s so desperate while all the signs are there that he just doesn’t want to marry her. Even if he can’t be with Zhao Min, he totally doesn’t want to marry her.

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9 Signs He’s Just Not That Into You

1. He says he’s not ready to get married.

2. He uses his cousin’s death as a reason to postpone marriage.

3. He keeps gifts from an ex-lover.

4. He lets his ex-lover lay her head on his shoulder as they sleep in the same cave all night.

5. He’d rather spend time with other women (dinner scene).

6. He doesn’t care about your relationship with other men, even the slightest.

7. He’s always busy or he keeps you waiting.

8. He doesn’t include you when he’s with the guys.

9. He leaves you at the altar to follow another woman.


(I’m not good at finding pictures of the corresponding scenes but if someone could put pics in between each line that would be golden! :lol:)

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7 hours ago, kimmortal said:

8 Signs He’s Just Not That Into You

1. He says he’s not ready to get married.

2. He uses his cousin’s death as a reason to postpone marriage.

3. He keeps gifts from an ex-lover.

4. He lets his ex-lover lay her head on his shoulder as they sleep in the same cave all night.

5. He’d rather spend time with other women (dinner scene).

6. He doesn’t care about your relationship with other men, even the slightest.

7. He’s always busy or he keeps you waiting.

8. He doesn’t include you when he’s with the guys.


(I’m not good at finding pictures of the corresponding scenes but if someone could put pics in between each line that would be golden! :lol:)

Hehehe... Let me do it.:sweatingbullets::lol:   I hope you don't mind but I prefers gifs better than screenshots.


1. Grandpa, godfather hasn't been found. Furthermore, the Yuan's haven't eliminated. How can I have a family?






4. :love:


5. :love:






8. LOL...WJ look so happy hanging out with his brothers.






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Thank you for the GIFs (I love GIFs!!) and eng sub.  You all are awesome. Btw,  may I ask for the link to watch the subbed ep?  I forget in which page the link was mentioned. Thanks all!!! 


Regarding the doomed "engagement" of WJ-ZR (it's gonna be loo~~ong :sweat_smile:):


I am echoing what have been said before.  He is just not that into ZR,   and I personally think ZR should thank ZM for releasing both she and WJ from the doomed wedding. If ZR got her way, ZM didn't show up to save WJ,  and ZR-WJ ended up married,  ZR and WJ would have to face a lifetime of unhappiness.


Why unhappiness, some might ask?  She would be married to the person she love, some might argue. She might love him (I still stick to obsession underneath it al. Sorry all who disagree :sweat_smile:),  but deep inside,  he loves ZM. ZR knew this. In prev versions, 86 and/or 2000 if I am not mistaken, she even confessed she knew that WJ love ZM the most, but she hopes with their marriage,  WJ will eventually love her (a big no no for me. If he doesn't love you in the dating phase, I am not sure marriage will change it to the better).  


One of the worst things for a married couple is to have to live with the shadow of his/her past someone. For ZR-WJ,  WJ will never physically cheat on ZR,  but emotionally?  He might wish he could but he would not be able to forget that one true love that got away. As years went by,  the married couple might grow to accept and be comfortable with each other,  but that one true love that slipped away will "live" in the marriage,  be it inside his deepest secret and/or inside her suspicion.  To live one's married life in constant doubts is awfull. 


As a spouse who would spend days and nights with him,  ZR will know that ZM will never leave his mind and heart. And it would be the worst case scenario for ZR. It will be like drinking seawater to satisfy her thirst: the more she drinks,  the thirstier she become. The more she wants to be sure that he loves her,  the worst it would be. 


 She will spend her life wondering if or when WJ is thinking about ZM,  suspecting if he is still missing ZM. Suspecting if he thinks about ZM.  Suspecting if he ever truly love her or just doing his duties as a good husband.   Being unable to trust your spouse is another big no no in a relationship.


 The (worst,  in my opinion)  thing is that she already "got" the ultimate price (for lack of a better word, apologies if this sound shallow) : the man himself.  What other tangible proof she can have to soothe her restlessness? To allay her suspicion? I suspect she wouldn't ever be sure if her husband truly love her or just tolerate/pacifying her.


He can say that he never cheats on her (and he won't cheat. WJ is too principled to do that), he would say loving words to calm her down but ZR would always wonder if ZM still resides in his heart. Does he say the words for her or for that memory of ZM?  Having the person but not the heart is a lose-lose situation for both person involved. A recipe for unhappy marriage, which would  quickly (I suspect) create embittered WJ and ZR down the road. 


  I have seen more than one example of this case.  Her husband/wife was "forced" to abandon his/her former relationship. They got married because they are compatible, but years later,  the wife/husband is still prone to bitterly lash out at any mentions of his/her former love and/or descend into destructive lifestyles.  He/she never cheated on her/him and never even contacted his/her former love. But s/he seems to live in doubts about her/his spouse's love.   And it's sad. 


So, it's very naive of WJ, and ZR,  to think that they can be happy with their "marriage" should the wedding got through. The depth of his love to ZM will make it an uphill battle for WJ-ZR to thrive (and not to mention all the lies this union would be built upon). 


My personal opinion folks. No ill intention whatsoever to any parties. 


Peace all :blush:



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ZWJ various angry face if you dare to hurt his waifu

To the Persian



To the grandpa, it was quite quick, he pretty much stoned his face once he thinks the worst happened



To ZR, he actually grit his teeth and harden his face once he realised ZR is seriously wants to kill ZM




This one I'm actually surprised, I realised it only when I was making a gif, apparently WJ hit ZR pretty hard I guess



To his martial brother, how dare this little s*** even think of touching ZM



I just like he actually push the uncle, he has sad face here :(


Of course one of the best where WJ lay down the law you had better not touch even a hair on her head or you'll be facing me!


This one he squint and glare a bit to Zhu Lao Si when he said ZM can be used





This one, after rewatching it many times, I feels like ZM is actually surprise that WJ hit the soldiers that hard, that's why I think she was worried WJ will actually hurt her brother, you can see his face looks quite angry, that's why she immediately hit WJ and hurt herself, so that he got distracted. I wonder, if WJ got angry because he remembered that ZM's family actually let her be executed rather than helping her run away or his adrenaline just run high and he just tried to scared WBB to letting them go?

Because it was always pretty weird for ZM to hit WJ since she knows WJ is an extremely nice person that would never hurt a person unnecessarily and after saving her rather than running away he actually try to capture WBB instead, was probably why she was worried.


He even still throw one last glare to WBB before taking ZM away to a safer place



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18 minutes ago, kur4p1k4 said:

ZWJ various angry face if you dare to hurt his waifu

To the Persian



To the grandpa, it was quite quick, he pretty much stoned his face once he thinks the worst happened



To ZR, he grits actually grit his teeth and harden his face once he realised ZR is seriously wants to kill ZM




This one I'm actually surprised, I realised it only when I was making a gif, apparently WJ hit ZR pretty hard I guess



To his martial brother, how dare this little s*** even think of touching ZM


  Hide contents

I just like he actually push the uncle, he has sad face here :(


Of course one of the best where WJ lay down the law you had better not touch even a hair on her head or you'll be facing me!


This one he squint and glare a bit to Zhu Lao Si when he said ZM can be used





This one, after rewatching it many times, I feels like ZM is actually surprise that WJ hit the soldiers that hard, that's why I think she was worried WJ will actually hurt her brother, you can see his face looks quite angry, that's why she immediately hit WJ and hurt herself, so that he got distracted. I wonder, if WJ got angry because he remembered that ZM's family actually let her be executed rather than helping her run away or his adrenaline just run high and he just tried to scared WBB to letting them go?

Because it was always pretty weird for ZM to hit WJ since she knows WJ is an extremely nice person that would never hurt a person unnecessarily and after saving her rather than running away he actually try to capture WBB instead, was probably why she was worried.


He even still throw one last glare to WBB before taking ZM away to a safer place



I enjoyed ur gifs so much.. I just realized that WJ had a really fierce face and determination in protecting MM. He cant bare to see anyone hurt her yet he threatens to kill her a few times but whenever he tried, he jst cant do it. Can anybody make a gif on WJ facial expression whn trying to kill MM? Maybe we can disect more of his feelings by looking at it. Hehe. Thanks in advance.

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@kur4p1k4 wow, thanks! I didn't realize them too, except when ZZ want to kill ZM in Wedding day. Never knew he can that angry like that. WJ is so kind. But everything related to ZM his reaction are real. Yup, he like an open book, no wonder all his Ming brothers warn him about her so much. B) this adaptation show that NO other girl in his heart after he meet her. :blush:

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Thank you for the link!! :mrgreen:


I also noticed that he looks pissed when he stopped ZR from hurting ZM, especially when he saw how evil the kungfu ZR used toward ZM. He promised to protect ZM,  and when he finally abandon all reservation to be with MM,  he reallg protect her as best as he could.


About WJ action toward WBB  think it's both anger and adrenaline. Bad combo for someone as powerful as WJ. MM should know that WJ was angry (she really understand him), so she was quite worried for her brother herself, I guess. She knew when she can still handle him with teasing and talking, but she also knew when she needs to ditch the talking and skip directly to action. That,  and her own adrenaline rush too,  I feel. Plus,  She's hurt so she might also not think clearly and more impulsive. :sweatingbullets: 



I've been re-watching post-almost wedding episodes and devouring GIFs,  pics, fanfics of WJ-MM.  I guess I am hooked with their amazing chemistry, plus I like the storyline, setting,  costumes of this version a lot. I am indeed in too deep hahaha

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I actually love these scenes a lot.  We all know how much XX means for WJ.  So when evil ZZR threaten to kill XX, WJ is so ready to kill himself so ZZR can spare his godfather's life.  A life exchange for a life.  


Then ZM step out and confronted ZZR about her shameless evil act at Snake Island.  We can see once WJ  heard ZM's voice he pretty much awake from the suicidal spell.  He's like Oh sh%% I still have my MM, I cannot die yet.  She need my protection 24/7.


When evil ZZR attempt to attack/kill ZM and we can witness how fast WJ come running over to rescue her.  At this point of the story I find WJ might care and love ZM a bit more than his care and love for XX.  I remembered in the early episodes, ZM asked WJ a few times between his godfather and ZZR, who is more important to him.  Every time WJ will answer XX is more important without  any hesitation.  If ZZR has ask WJ the same question now, between ZM and XX who is more important .  I'm pretty sure WJ will have a tough and difficult choice to make.  Don't believe me, let continue. :lol:


In front of her grave, he promised ZM he'll come to her once he had accomplished his duties.  Ask her to wait for him, he won't let her be alone anymore.:bawling:


After XX passing, WJ was devastated by the loss of his godfather.  But he did not promise his godfather he'll come look for him.


So at the end, ZM can actually surpass XX place in WJ's heart.

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@jackieusa I think XX is usurped by ZM since early on.

If you have time to make the gifs, when XX was not in the inn WJ should be suspicious/worried since XX is the most wanted man of the wulin, dead or alive, but because he was busy having lover's quarrel with ZM, I don't think he was thinking clearly. He keeps chasing after ZM lol

After crashing the wedding ZM is also the one who keep asking him to keep going since she know WJ is worried about XX and she keep urging them to carry on the journey to go to shaolin but WJ is the the one who keep stalling to wait until ZM is healed.


For the last gifs I would say that's unfair to XX, a parents death it's a natural order of life, especially for an adult WJ, maybe when he was a child a parents' death is the biggest sadness a child could experience, and also XX died protecting a person that he thought is going the wrong way I think he accepted his death. As an adult if you follow your parents to death after they died, I think your parents will be the saddest one.


While ZM for WJ it felt like it's his fault for failing to protect her and letting ZM being alone in this life and afterlife, and ZM died for falling in love with him and being an unfilial child to her family. Even if ZM went to hell for that WJ will accompany her



I would also like to add, It's also a bit unfair to ask the question, who is more important, your wife (ZM) or your parents (XX) to anybody, since they are two different entities and two different rank of people in a person's life. ZM can ask that to WJ and WJ can answer so confidently it's just proof that WJ only think ZR as a friend in need, but XX's wellbeing is still more important

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42 minutes ago, Yitian_fan said:

New chapter up for Hao Jiejie (Good Sister)- my English modern AU HSDS fanfic :)


https://archiveofourown.org/tags/倚天屠龙记 | Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber (TV 2019)/works?page=1

:P It’s cute! I hope there’ll be lots of fluff and smut. I need some happy feelings surrounding my OTP. The last 1/4 of the series is too angsty as it is.

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I might be wrong but I thought it's the same scene where ZM and WJ sat in front of the farmer hut in the evening,  just the coloring/edit make it brighter (as if in the daylight) and more zoomed? 

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So apparently, for TVB episode 28, they deleted the scene of WJ looking at golden box/thinking of ZM, but extended the duelling between WJ and FY.  Seems TVB version is getting good reviews for restoring the deleted wuxia/fight scenes:)

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I am all for more wuxia/kung fu scenes!!


Although, I personally feel the scene of Wuji remembering his and MM encounter while looking at the box should not be cut as it was quite impactful to build foundation of his deep attraction and feeling for her. 


I was thinking, I remembered in the sshaolin scene when XX has been rescued out of the pit from the three monks, when he heard ZZR,  the way he said her name at that time make me wonder,  perhaps in the uncut version he knew of her bad deeds?  The way he say her name initially seemed quite angry. 

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8 hours ago, kur4p1k4 said:

@jackieusa I think XX is usurped by ZM since early on.

If you have time to make the gifs, when XX was not in the inn WJ should be suspicious/worried since XX is the most wanted man of the wulin, dead or alive, but because he was busy having lover's quarrel with ZM, I don't think he was thinking clearly. He keeps chasing after ZM lol

After crashing the wedding ZM is also the one who keep asking him to keep going since she know WJ is worried about XX and she keep urging them to carry on the journey to go to shaolin but WJ is the the one who keep stalling to wait until ZM is healed.


For the last gifs I would say that's unfair to XX, a parents death it's a natural order of life, especially for an adult WJ, maybe when he was a child a parents' death is the biggest sadness a child could experience, and also XX died protecting a person that he thought is going the wrong way I think he accepted his death. As an adult if you follow your parents to death after they died, I think your parents will be the saddest one.


While ZM for WJ it felt like it's his fault for failing to protect her and letting ZM being alone in this life and afterlife, and ZM died for falling in love with him and being an unfilial child to her family. Even if ZM went to hell for that WJ will accompany her



I would also like to add, It's also a bit unfair to ask the question, who is more important, your wife (ZM) or your parents (XX) to anybody, since they are two different entities and two different rank of people in a person's life. ZM can ask that to WJ and WJ can answer so confidently it's just proof that WJ only think ZR as a friend in need, but XX's wellbeing is still more important

I agree I'm making a unfair comparison.  ZM and XX are two differences person and two totally differences kinds of love for WJ.  I guess I just wanted to make a point that with post ZM appearance had caused such a big impacted in WJ's life, and the choices of life he want to live or follow if neither one of them hurt or dead.  I'm pretty sure WJ will do all his best or even give up his life if he have to just to protect both of them, and I don't think he ever want to choose just one between them.   For me in HSDS storyline, WJ's journey almost always involved WJ looking searching for his godfather once he become Ming Cult. Leader.  From Snake Island to XX being kidnapped by CK to rescuing mission at Shaolin.  Just happened to be in his journey he met and found his true love.  LOL...now that I think of it, WJ did a crappy job as a Ming Cult Leader.  Beside making peaces and saving the six big sects. from ZM and also able to make the Ming Sect internal conflicts under control.  He basically running around searching for XX and dealing with his personal love affairs.


PEACE ALL!!   These are just my personal humble opinion.

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