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[Drama 2017] Mad Dog 매드독

Go Seung Ji

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Any kind soul who can translate it?so far what I understood is minjoon took all the blame and is behind bars, they returned black box to hyungi, hyungi telling hongjoo that her father killed his father, kangwoo talking about disbanding mad dog 

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Okay seriously, the only time I saw Jang Hari tie her hair back was when she drove in one of the earlier episodes...that one time..SERIOUSLY...she did not tie her hair back while working on a greasy car!!! Does she now know how hard it is to get grease of that caliber off!!! 

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7 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Episode 13 flew by for me. First off, Yay! Min Joon is a part of the Mad Dog team, even if MJ himself is playing it just a tad coy. However, when the older, wiser gentleman talked about MJ as the newbie on the MD team, MJ seemed rather pleased to be a part of the team. Plus, it was nice that Cheetah and HR both came to his defense against those men talking smack about MJ in the restaurant.

Oh I’m glad to hear that . I have completed eps 10 and it’s like two steps forward & one step back with regards to KMJ & CKW’s bromance & trust in each other. KMJ still likes to act out on his own. 


3 more eps to go to be up to speed, ahhh breathe :D 




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Internet is back at home so I can join in the discussion again.


MJ x HR moments are still gold to me. It really does take the edge off the intensity in this drama. 


I'm super happy to see everyone being a family now in Mad dog so I don't want any more deaths.


Although ep.14 preview looks like there will be more crying and that has me worried, especially for HR as she is pretty much bait for both the crazy killer lawyer and HK. When MJ said "tell me I did well" it reminded me of when HR complimented him for being nice to HK's secretary. 


Fingers crossed nothing major happens to any of our gang. My hopes are if HR does get hurt, then she'll just be in hospital unconscious for a bit but MJ would get so worried that he just confesses. Only for her to wake up later on with MJ acting all cool again. Then NR plays a recording of the confession and Cheetah makes fun of them whilst KW watches on like a proud father/brother.


Anyway...a few more hours to go

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My soul crushed into million pieces when hari saw another girl linking arms with minjoon, her man :bawling:

Anyway man I m so glad both the teams or should I say the three teams are like giving it all in this battle. The suspense and thrill is so good. Kangwoo's move to first capture cha ceo was good and how hyungi took his stuff back by dismissing all the allegations agains our team damyun boi. This happens when your enemies starts fighting among themselves.

The only thing that worries me right now is hongjoo, not that she is extremely smart or that she is evil, but the fact that her pic is on main poster and people are assuming that hongjoo might put an end to this fight by siding with mad dog , I DON'T WANT IT TO HAPPEN! No matter how smart she is , I want our team to solve this case and not win this case because some evil turned good person helped them in the end, frankly they all would look dumb if that happened. I want hongjoo to remain evil till the end! 

I hope hari won't get hurt in today's episode like people are saying I do think the ending scene is not about hari getting hurt it's has something to do with minjoon, hari was crying and running towards the front of car where kangwoo was holding a crying minjoon, I wonder what exactly happened that they all were crying? Plus PLEASE LET IT BE MINJOOB HARI SHIP EPISODE :bawling::wub:

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2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

@triplem, it gets better now. For some reason, it really seemed to bog down in the middle run, but I like these later episodes. The pace is picking up, both good guys and bad guys are demonstrating some brains which makes the whole thing more fun rather than wanting to crash my head in my hands wondering why they can't figure out the bleeding obvious. :)


Plus, finally, I'm getting those Leverage vibes that @40somethingahjumma had mentioned previously. :) Episode 13 is good, so good that I would say that @Dramanoona should just go ahead and watch it if she hasn't already. :D 

Will take your recommendation! Going to watch it now before the next episode :tongue:

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I'm back after watching Ep 13.


HG is smarter than he looks. He managed to get the black box back and he has the plans. It seems like he has the upper hand, no?

And when he was menacing towards HJ at the bar. *shivers*

In this episode, I think there is no turning back for HJ. The blackness has started spreading inside her and now she only thinks to save her father and the company. Everything else is thrown into the wind.

And kudos to Mad Dog. They played the waiting game, baiting and reeling in their catch.

At this point, I think Taeyang and JH suspect that KW is up to something, but could not have figured the steps they have taken.

I am not too sure about the role these two guys from the Air and Transport Division are going to play. Have they been threatened with the truth by the Mad Dog team and will play out HJ and her plans?

I can literally feel the anger that KW feels in this scene.



PS. I don't know what's up with all the gloomy faces in the preview. I don't expect Mad Dog team to score a unanimous victory yet because we have 2 epsiodes left. I am eagerly waiting for the point where the Mad Dog team


*Forgive the blood thirsty gif :ph34r:*

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Heh I wonder which is worse - Minjoon's English or German LoL? Hari's jealousy when she heard Minjoon is to drink & have fun with the ladies! Aw~ Minjoon was mad that some jerk groped Hari....aigoo these 2:D The staged fight between Minjoon-Cheetah was hilarious:lol: I knew when Kangwoo mentioned to disband it was all part of their plan. 

Wah Hyungi's fashion gets better with each ep. I see^_^ the pink vest with his variety of neckties makes him the most fashionable villain ever:tongue: 

This show's plot is so convoluted that I can't keep up anymore:crazy: I just want more Hari-Minjoon moments that's all. 

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