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[Drama 2018] Live 살다


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On 09/04/2018 at 8:37 AM, triplem said:

It looks like there’s hope for OYC & AJM! Just saw the preview .

Oooooh interesting!!! Maybe YC will save their daughter from her boyfriend, effectively proving that he cares for his family and is in tune despite being busy. JM will feel guilty because she didn't even notice what was happening to their daughter!!!

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My perspective on romance on this show: I think it's meant to show that their lives and their perspectives are so insular that they have almost no choice but to date each other. And in a world where the men outnumber the women, there will inevitably be guys duking it out over the ladies. We see it in the older generation (where the macho guy won the girl) and then in the younger generation (who will win?) I think it's cute, and ultimately ... inconsequential, except for the comic relief. How funny was it when it turned out *everyone* was watching the bubble kiss from above?


And for those who managed to marry someone who is not a fellow cop - their lives are being pulled apart in both directions, someone is being neglected, and everyone is just super-stressed out. (Also true when you are married to a cop, too, apparently. There is no way to win.)


My biggest impression of the show is that it's really terrible but also tremendously rewarding to be a cop. Knowing that you are saving lives and making a difference has got to be the only perk, because their pay is truly a joke. I guess the benefits outweigh the bad, for the most part.

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^ Agreed. This drama is mainly about the professional development and personal growth of the officers (mainly JO, SS and YC) and the romantic relationships are just side stories. I find it so cute and heartwarming that MH's senior, peer and even junior cops adore, respect and are overprotective of him. He's the golden child of the station. Hopefully he can win over SS too. Kinda hoping MH's actually from a poor background so that SS realizes that MH had to work his way up and he can have hope too. I also like how YC is learning to take care of his "partner", both his coworker at work and his wife at home.


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Watching subbed episode 9, and can I just say, out of the three of them, I'm really liking HR at the moment, with her speech about liking someone doesn't mean that person should like you back, and SS's behavior will cause him to destroy his friendship with JO. HR may have been whiny at first but to me, her relationship with her mentor, and the way she thinks is cool (is it meossita, moshita in Korean?). I also agree with JO that SS and HR look good together. I feel excited about this pairing.


EDIT: Now watching Episode 10. OMG. I LOVE IT WHEN HR SAID "DATING!" Like SS AND HR might end up dating! :lol::wub: I'm shipping them so hard now. SS doesn't like HR that way but may just end up to.


ALSO, EPISODES 9 and 10 ARE SOOOOO GOOD! The cases being solved and the conflicts even in their personal lives are so awesome! JO taser-ing the sexual assaulter is a WIN. HR learning about what happened to SB made me feel a bit emotional. The stories are so good.


I can't believe we're nearing the end of this series. WHAT.

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11 hours ago, philosophie said:

I don’t want this series to be over ;~;


Me too. But even if it is over it will be one of those shows that will remain in my heart.


"Live" is my favorite drama at the moment. I love it very much.

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11 hours ago, triplem said:

it will be a triangle right to the end ! 

UGH I hate to admit it but yes, it's going to be like that. I don't like the idea. I don't like that SS hasn't given up yet and is still waiting around for JO. Can he just start noticing HR? :lol: HR is so cool, like I'd want to be her. I like that she's the kind who's just in the background, noticing things, like when she was watching SS, while SS is watching JO and MH blowing bubbles and kissing in the lake. Or that she knows what's up when JO doesn't even know why SS is pissed. HR also notices there's something off with SB. She's the kind of person who notices things but is chill about it. She also drops ideas about her dating SS like it's no big deal. I'm liking her attitude a lot in the recent episodes, since the club scene. She deserves romance too. :lol:


I'm hoping SS just gives up and leave JO and MH to be happy. Haha but after watching the previews, you're right, it's going to be a love triangle all the way. UGH.


Also, I was also teary-eyed in the scenes you mentioned. You can tell YC loves his father but he shows it by getting angry a lot. :lol:

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Today's episode was pretty sad/mellow/dreary. Am I the only one who felt uncomfortable with SS's advances (badgering JO to eat at home when MH asked her to dinner and going into the women's changing room to watch JO sleep) and HR's hand-holding/leaning on SB in the taxi? It all felt a bit creepy and really unprofessional of them to act that way. And now SJ likes HR omg. The preview (and HR's words that JO will end up w/ SS because "liking/nice" (MH) can't beat "fun" (SS)) seems to suggest that JO will go to SS, so I guess that means MH's screen time will decrease more and he may even end up getting promoted/moving stations. Wish he had a bigger role than JO's brief fling. :( Now that JO's backstory is revealed, I wonder what else there is left to cover in the last 5 episodes...


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55 minutes ago, scout said:

Today's episode was pretty sad/mellow/dreary. Am I the only one who felt uncomfortable with SS's advances (badgering JO to eat at home when MH asked her to dinner and going into the women's changing room to watch JO sleep) and HR's hand-holding/leaning on SB in the taxi? It all felt a bit creepy and really unprofessional of them to act that way. And now SJ likes HR omg. The preview (and HR's words that JO will end up w/ SS because "liking/nice" (MH) can't beat "fun" (SS)) seems to suggest that JO will go to SS, so I guess that means MH's screen time will decrease more and he may even end up getting promoted/moving stations. Wish he had a bigger role than JO's brief fling. :( Now that JO's backstory is revealed, I wonder what else there is left to cover in the last 5 episodes...


Well its a drama lol somrone man  or women always  going to act in  that way.


Not saying its right or anything.

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@triplem Hahahaha 104 angry people over SS and JO! I hope the ending isn't written yet and the writer take it into consideration. It just doesn't feel right for SS and JO to end up together at this stage. 


9 hours ago, dramaninja said:

Am I the only one who felt uncomfortable with SS's advances (badgering JO to eat at home when MH asked her to dinner and going into the women's changing room to watch JO sleep)

I watched some clips and yeah, it doesn't look right. I mean, once JO told him to stop liking her, SS should've just stopped. To me, it doesn't make any sense that his character would keep on liking JO. I mean, we spent the first few episodes watching how he's hard working and stuff, and then suddenly he's in love with JO and can't let her go.


I would have preferred that JO and MH are the "main romance" or the "romance leads" and both HR and SS are the 'background romance," like the cherry on top. I'm imagining a scene where in the men's locker room, SS is smiling while texting with someone, and all the other officers tease him about being in love and stuff. And then SS tells everyone he's leaving because he's got a date. All the other officers wonder with whom, and then much, much later on they see SS and HR dating somewhere in their time off. Or SS suddenly gets mad when HR was assaulted by the bikers, and they all learn that it's because they're secretly dating. That would have been a better story for me than having a love triangle that doesn't make any sense now.


@scout HAH! That BTS of Kwang Soo trying to be funny by looking angry murderous is hilarious.


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On 4/10/2018 at 1:06 AM, triplem said:

Shin Dong Wook appreciation post. Glad to see him back healthier and working again


Much appreciated. I love him and wish he had more roles. I really hope to see him again after this show (main lead please!). What happened to his health? Uri bool sang ha da oppa.

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I will tell my thoughts about the love triangle. Another thing I love about this drama, is that the romance is not set in stone (just because OTP are the first leads) and it is one of the things going on as a part of life. I don`t really care who will end up with Jung O. I like both men. I care for every single character in this drama. The question is who is the right man for Jung O: Myung-Ho, Sang-Soo or maybe neither.


If we look at the pattern of romance kdramas, Myung Ho is the second lead. The heroine likes him first (has a crush on him), maybe they get together but in the end she will chose the long time friend or the man who had loved her first and was persistent with his love. If we look that history of kdramas, Sang So has the first chance. :lol: But I don`t know. I am, as a viewer, just like Jung O. I discover things, nuances, I discover people. Myung-Ho and Jung O`s romance is at the beginning. They just started to know each other. To remain in a relationship is not easy. If they are compatible for each other and the timing is right the relationship will last. The third party (Sang Soo liking her too) is not an issue. But what really she is feeling for Sang Soo? He is just a friend? We`ll see. The human`s feelings are complex.


Sang Soo and Jung O have a similar backgrounds. They had a tough childhood and they grew up fast, taking care of their mother`s problems. They are craving for love. Myung Ho lost his love one and now he is starting to "live" again. I want everybody to be happy. I don`t know who will be with who in the end but I am sure all this experience will be a source of growth in their live. For Myung Ho he will move on from that lost, he will realise that he can love again. Jung O will find out what she is looking for in a relationship, Sung Soo will mature and will gain some confidence.


When that colleague cop said to Sang Soo that he is worried about Myung Ho and doesn`t want Myung Ho and Jung O together because she is a cold person, I was worried about Myung Ho a little. I don`t believe that she is a cold person but she is impulsive, determined and blunt. She hardened her heart because of her growing up experience. She did not tell her former boyfriend what was wrong in their relationship but decided just for herself that they should break up. Just like Jang Mi did with her marriage. I am curious why Jung O broke up, why that relationship did not fulfill her emotional needs. I hope this time she will be more open. 


About Sang Soo`s crush... I think he was right. His feelings are his and if he wants to still like Jung O knowing that she doesn`t like him as a love partner, it is his choice. It is alright as long as those feelings won`t become obsession.  People don`t have a switch off button to miraculously end their feelings. He will grow up eventually. I laughed when he was in the car with Jung O and after listen to her story he jumped out of the car telling her he will continue to like her because she is not a cold person. :lol: He is like a big boy. His genuine feelings are sweet.


Jung O and two cop colleagues  vs Jung Mi and her love triangle. Are similar. :D


I am rooting for Jung Mi and Yang-Chon to find each other again. Hye Ri and Sam Bo`s  relationsip grew up so much. I love to watch the dinamic of everyday life of all these characters. I will miss this show.

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Oh... I noticed that the show's been given 18 episodes now. That's fantastic! It would've been a shame finishing at the initial 12 that it was designated at the start.


This show has definitely hit its stride. The cases are good (lots of moralizing to boot about the complexities of the human condition) but the camaraderie and teamwork amongst the division officers is fast becoming the highlight for me. It was especially deeply moving witnessing everyone from HR to the Chief rallying around Sam-bo after his attack. Poor man... the humiliation of being a victim of a targetted attack was so heartbreaking. I'm glad to see a strong repudiation of that sentiment of ageism that's running right through the storyline. I'm sure like everyone else I was really worried that those delinquents would do more than beat up SB... I want him to live and enjoy his retirement. There must be a place for elderly experienced cops like SB and they do deserve the respect for doing it tough and staying clean throughout their career.


There's a part of me that's sort of wondering if JM asked YC for a divorce in part because she wanted him to go home and take care of his elderly broken father. The thought crossed my mind when his father took mother off the life support. After all she still cares a lot about him and she's generally realistic... extremely hard headed about life. She's quite an unsentimental sort of person on the job at least. 


The love triangle is what it is. :wink: It doesn't set my pulse racing but I'm not cringing either. So far they haven't laboured on it... There might be some stuff brewing just below the surface but as a whole everyone's going about their business and not dwelling on it for the most part. The one supposedly going on among the seniors barely registers a blip on the radar. SS is still a bit hung up on JO despite the fact that MH got the jump on him but he expresses that unrequited love in a quirky honest sort of way that amuses me. I like him the more for it. I root for him precisely because he is what he says he is... he doesn't have the looks or the money but he does have a lot of heart to make up for all his deficiencies.


Corruption in the force must hit the good guys who try to do the right thing pretty hard. Yes, it's terrible from the perspective of the taxpaying public that public servants use their authority to get themselves perks and turn into criminals but those who try to do the right despite all the pressure to do the opposite... it must rankle even more. The corrupt coppers not only tar the reputation of the organization but they must also dampen morale as well.

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I just started watching 'Live' and it's so good that I had to join the conversation. Since everyone is talking about the supposed "love triangle" let me throw my two cents in. One thing I really enjoy about this drama is how subtle, small, and relatively unimportant the romance and bonding  romances arei. This drama about cops and their daily work lives. I love that it sticks to that, and the snipers we see of "romance" all ties in with their work lives. I mean the romance is some small it's almost nonexistent and I love that.


With that said, I don't think there is a love triangle. I think viewers want there to be one (and tvN knowing how their international audience is) is inticenly titling there youtube clips like there is one. But if you watch the drama, there really isn't (they do the same with 'My Ahjussi' if you don't want the show and only watch clips, you would think one abusive character is a pinning boyfriend  scare ajhjussi will steal his girl). The drama and the story telling/unfolding has been pretty straight forward about the romance. Han Yeo and Ahe Ra who very much still love each other but must come overcome the damage done by the tigers of their work and the huge amount of neglect it had brought into their marriage.


Then you have Jeng Oh and Myung where the question is, can a work romance between a senior and junior bloom and survivor their work place (and all the gossip, policies, politics, and vary opinions) will it survivor Jeong Oh's ambitions, the emotional barriers she has up, the secrets of her family, class lines (I suspect Myung is rich just based off his whole "I brought this" stuff in there second or third episode) and just the general demands of their job? Sam-soo (who's little crush and the way he's handling it is grating on my last nerve. When you become pusy, intrusive, and make a person feel guilty for simply not returning your feelings...I say bye to your character) is not a real obstacle to me. From how I interpret the things I have seen; it's pretty clear that Jeong feels something for Myung that she's hesitant to take there, and sees Sam-soo and his great qualities, but only as a friend.  Going by NKH's previous works, she doesn't go the typical dram route of triangles, bait and switch, and lead/lead romance, formula. Her stories tend to have two people who mutually like/love/interested in one another, find away to be with one another.  


'Live' reminds me a lot of her last drama 'Dear My Friends' which was about people's lives and sprinted the romance here and there.When said romance was sprinkled, it was pretty clear who was mutually interested in one another but had to overcome some kind of (personal emotional) hurdle to be together. I feel the same is true for 'Live' (the two female lead characters are somewhat similar to one another). I could be wrong, but at this point , I feel romantic relationship have been clearly shown and there is room for doubt if one wishes to see it. 


*excuse spelling and grammatical errors. This is being written while pulling an all-nighter. 

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58 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Oh... I noticed that the show's been given 18 episodes now. That's fantastic! It would've been a shame finishing at the initial 12 that it was designated at the start.


I saw 18 episodes on another site. But it is confirmed? I will update the first page.


1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I'm glad to see a strong repudiation of that sentiment of ageism that's running right through the storyline. I'm sure like everyone else I was really worried that those delinquents would do more than beat up SB... I want him to live and enjoy his retirement. There must be a place for elderly experienced cops like SB and they do deserve the respect for doing it tough and staying clean throughout their career.


I was worried too when I saw those punks on motorcycles. I really thought he will be dead. I wish he will be healty and enjoy his retirement too. 


I am glad that Hye Ri and Sam Bo are in the same team. It touches my heart every time I see how he wrote "my last rookie" on his phone for his partner. I love this team so much because despite of the disadvantages from the start being a woman and an old man in the same team,  they connected as partners, they can help  each other and learn from each other.


1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

The corrupt coppers not only tar the reputation of the organization but they must also dampen morale as well.

 Really well said. 

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