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[Drama 2018] Mr. Sunshine, 미스터 션샤인 - Winner of Critics’ Choice Award for Drama category

Go Seung Ji

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6 hours ago, rubie said:

I don't think the denial or dissatisfaction of the ending will go away easily. The more we think of it, the more we feel that Eugene should have survived. He could have shut the train coach door quickly, shoot the hook off and jumped back to the other coach. He may get shot while doing so but it's an escape from simply suicidal. Sigh.. but it wouldn't be as impactful an ending that a lot of Kdramas and Kmovies productions are fond of. 


I wonder if there's an alternative ending to the one we saw on Sunday. There had been tweets (not confirmed though) that the final episode would be longer but that didn't happen. Will it be a different footage included in the Director's Cut?There's no indication of course. I don't really like the comparison but IRIS in 2009 had a movie version out which was mainly an edited shorter version of the 24-episode series. The ending was still the same, LBH's character died in both with the sniper revealed in the movie. To me, the movie version was just the production greed to reap more $ and nothing substantial. Well, I had issues with the drama but that's just me. It had really high ratings, well-received and a lot of fans liked it, so it's fine in the end.


But MR.SUNSHINE is different, maybe I'm wishing for a little more to remember from the drama than just trauma in the end. The train hostage situation came out too quickly (too easily?).. we're caught dumbfounded and now it's just over. It could have ended differently and still be as memorable but the repeated Gun, Glory and Sad Ending phrase would never allow it.


Somehow.. apart from the fans' responses of agony on twitter and forum like us here.. the production is rather quiet about the ending. There hasn't been any interviews about it.. the actors doesn't say anything either. Well, not that there should be a big notice or something. Just that it felt rather.. strangely quiet.. for some reason, it felt like the drama hasn't really ended.th_bricks.gif Ok, now that's just me rambling nonsensical, of course. 


Denial.. denial.. denial.. th_sad011.gif

Dear...I am, probably, one of those few ppl who had run through like more than 100 different 'what if" scenarios in my head since the ending. All of which would end up with EC being alive. Among which, he could have swapped guns with AS since AS has more bullets; he could have jumped to the side of the train,or top of the train after he shot the connector (ala Mission Impossible. Heck, after all, he did jumped roofs and buildings earlier in the drama); he could pretend to kiss AS during the search, to threw the Japanese soldiers off track for a few seconds before they took the soldiers down (after all, both are skilful snipers); they could have disguise AS to look differently, knowing that there are possibilities the Japanese would figure out there are mobs on the train..I dont know..just many possibilities..but I also know for each scenario, the outcome is not exactly as I want or there are maybe other factors that wont allow for these scenarios to be executed perfectly..even so, my conclusion is always the same - the only reason for this kind of ending is because KES wanted to end with an unexpected death with EC dying as a hero for the country despite EC's consistent assurance that he is fighting for AS, not the country..in another word, he died as a martyr..But to me this is not a sad ending..it is an accepted but very, very, very painful ending...


I seriously dont know how to move on from this. For one thing, I know that we will may never get another chance to see LBH and KTR act together again..if there is any, it would not be the same since who we fell in love with in this drama is AS and EC, the characters. If there is an alternative ending to this or an extra episode or movie to make up for the last episode, I'm not sure how they want to pull it off since EC's death is too apparent and his body was retrieved and buried. Unless they want to pull another Dallas  (all of this is just a dream..hahaha) or another cliche ending of EC is not actually dead but Kyle hide him away kinda of ending..I dont know.. just like you dear..I am still in denial mode...hmmmm


I've read many comments in different other sites too. Obviously there are different opinions but the two most common opinions are either they love the ending because it depicts the reality or they hate it because they could not accept the sudden death of the main characters. As for me, I am among the latter, though I accept and respect the former opinion since it is the truth and it is exactly what KES meant to do for this drama.  My reason is because to me dramaland is a form of escapism, especially for those like me who has been through cruel reality for so long. Through dramaland, people like me thought we could at least experience some hope, even if it is just for a few seconds. I started Mr Sunshine with that hope, though my expectation is not high. The most I was expecting was that EC would be one and half palm-span away from AS, physically. Period. What happen next? Leave it to our own imagination. What KES has given us from the ending left no room for that imagination, hence literally killed all hope that has been built since the start of the drama. That is how I feel right now..again..in denial mode..and again, this is just me and my 2cents..#denial #stillwishfulthinking


HOWEVER, I have to say that this drama is the best drama that I have watched so far..in terms of its technical production, even the style of writing, the witty quips and quotes, the PDs, the cinematography, the soundtracks, of course the actors and actresses (and not just the main characters, but all the supporting actors even the nameless one. That is why we could cry along or hate them -esp the Japanese soldiers - even if we dont know their names). It's like watching 12 weeks of movie every time. The whole production is stunningly daebak! Some call for it to be not just awarded locally but also recognised in the international awards. I would second that, even if the ending is not my preference. To me, regardless the disappointment for the ending, the whole drama is an epic, a masterpiece and deserve to be recognised..


And if KES started this with the hope this drama could instil some form of patriotism, she had done it perfectly. i believed many of us had parents, grandparents, great2 grandparents who went thru all this and live to tell the story. Mr Sunshine provide the visuals to all the stories we have heard and new appreciation to the meaning of fighting for your motherland..


Anyway, even though I was not active here but I have enjoyed all the insights, gifs, videos, recaps posted here as a silent lurker..kamsahanida to all..as usual, you guys are great.. and see you guys in another drama...:heart:

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Many blame Aeshin here, I think if watched until the 20th episode I thought everyone knew what was prioritized for this drama was patriotism, romance was only the second, 'Aeshin' was a very cruel woman, but she also often asked Eugune Choi to end their relationship because it will only cause suffering, for his love for 'Eugune Choi' has been shown in the train scene she told the train to run first because the information has leaked, she did it because she wanted Eugene choi to be safe, I thought she was doing it because she felt Eugune choi not supposed fight for Joseon's independence, because the country itself which makes 'Eugune choi' suffer so much I think 'Aeshin' feels guilty for the actions of this beloved country to the son of a slave who escaped Joseon, who in the end he could got into the train and his life disappeared to protect the woman he loved and made I got sick in these two days because of a painful ending, If I remember the comment here there was someone who said when Aeshin thought of she to America with Eugune choi that it turned out that only AeShin imagination had protested the members here because the woman only thought about her love story and didn't care about her country, but after she fought so hard for his country now people say as if he doesn't care about his love, that is to Eugune choi, for me I can't blame 'Aeshin or Eugene' in this case, if anyone is blamed, blame the condition of those who live the age of war where it is very difficult to unite love and a sense of patriotism.:)

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19 minutes ago, 12blbl said:

The English writing in EC’s tomb “still picnic in...”, wasn’t that words mentioned many times between Kyle and EC? Did Kyle write that sentence on EC’s tomb?

I believe he did. The dearest friend to Eugene, informed by Gwan So for sure had to take care of his deceased friend. 

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@charray I'm not sure, I don't think so.. but I just got online and saw the tweet quite late. So far, there's no pics at his media pages although sometimes, they do appear much later. The thing is the opening of 2018 Busan International Film Festival is also tonight, I'm not sure if he'd be there (but more likely). Didn't realize that the KDA is held tonight as well.


Oh wait.. they're announcing the Daesang now..




Nope, LBH didn't win the Daesang.. he's up against 3 veteran and very good actors. The actor Yoo Dong Geun from Marry Me Now won the Grand Prize.


I think I read somewhere that KTR also did not win.





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40 minutes ago, rubie said:

@charray I'm not sure, I don't think so.. but I just got online and saw the tweet quite late. So far, there's no pics at his media pages although sometimes, they do appear much later. The thing is the opening of 2018 Busan International Film Festival is also tonight, I'm not sure if he'd be there. I didn't realize that the KDA is held tonight as well.


Oh wait.. they're announcing the Daesang now..


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Nope, LBH didn't win the Daesang.. he was up against 3 veteran and very good actors. The actor Yoo Dong Geun from Marry Me now won the Grand Prize.


I think I read somewhere that KTR also did not win.






That award is notorious for participation award. It's at the southern end of Korea, and main reason for this award is for the city attraction. So... they would rather give it to actors/actresses who'll be there... but, that just lowers the award itself. I guess they don't really care.


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My denial is justified because this exaggerated patriotism and symbolism (Aeshin/Eugene) does not work for me in Mr Sunshine.


It seems to me that some people do not understand my point of view. I will try to show it on the example of few other productions. The difference between sacrifice in a place and time when the characters made a difficult choice or really didn't had choice or had reasons that worked and was understandable (my mind accepted them despite the sad ending). Events caused what happened to characters and why they did something not forced script or philosophy. The difference between good productions and much worse like Mr Sunshine and Siege in the Fog (Korean production is much better in quality but the end is hopeless and especially ending was badly made but I saw some good things. Plot: She loved the another: political visionary and partisan who abandoned her, she began to notice her husband feelings, protection and support after his sad confession. Her husband had many flaws which were caused by the lack of acceptance in the noble military family as a son of concubine and her coldness towards him which led to drunkenness and his ill-being but his love was sincere for woman he chose despite her low origin and when she finally accepted him he became better person).   

Siege in the Fog: Confession of the main male character why he married her and important place where he did it, poisoned wine when they both were forced drink it and reason sending her away to safe place are 3 the best and great scenes of this series but lack of a child after 3 years of marriage spoiled the end of the series. 



Tae Guk Gi - part of plot


Civil War 1950-1953


I speak from memory and I can say something wrong but the meaning will be similar. Two brothers (older and younger) very positive characters who were very attached to each other - they were mobilized in South Korea. At one point the propaganda office or political police arrested the fiancee of the older brother (a spy, a communist, she slept with North Korean officers). Often people are wrongly accused when the country loses the war or looking for traitors. The brothers stood up for her, but she was killed and they were arrested (I do not remember the whole incident - older brother argue with the political police and something went wrong - but later the younger of the brothers blames the older for the death of a woman and probably very liked her as close friend). The older brother was out of a prison (interrogation, the older brother was hero and earlier honored with a medal of honor, the former commander promised send younger brother to home but new commander refused). North Korea attacks the base. The older brother thinks that the younger one was killed in a burnt prison. After some time, we see that the younger of the brothers has survived and is still fighting on the side of South Korea. The younger of the brothers is summoned to the command and they show him a propaganda picture of his older brother in the uniform of a North Korean officer (a South Korean hero fights for the enemy).The younger one still blames his older brother for the death of a woman and abandoning him (he does not know that he was wrongly admitted deceased by an older brother) states that his brother must be a traitor and he does not care. The older of the brothers hates South Korea for the death of his fiancee and younger brother. The brothers meet during one of the battles and managed to reconcile but I do not remember how it happened. The battle is won by North Korea and the southerners are starting to run away. The older brother gets a machine gun and tries to stop the offensive and let younger brother run away. Fifty years pass (people are separated into two countries) and we see younger brother as an old man. During the exhumation of the battlefield, a skeleton with pen was discovered with his name (they thoughts he lying here but they discovered in documents he still alive and contacted him) and it turns out that he found his older brother after all these years. 


Really the scene was so strong and sad that my tears fell. A sad ending but understandable. Realistic, logical and serious films are made in this way.



71: Into the Fire


Civil War 1950-1953


The film is based on a true story of a group of 71 undertrained and underarmed, outgunned student-soldiers of South Korea during the Korean War, who were mostly killed on August 11, 1950, during the Battle of P'ohang-dong. For 11 hours, they defended the local P'ohang girls' middle school, a strategic point for safeguarding the struggling Nakdong River perimeter, from an attack by overwhelming North Korean forces, specifically the feared 766th Unit. 


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Lets face it, KES sucks at writing anything else other than romance.......

But she's brilliant in creating characters, but often fell short in plot at the end......

She literally destroyed AeShin 's appeal after ep 19. ANd her involvement in RA hardly contributed anything.....


In the end she had to flee the country for her life....

A better plot would be she joins Eugene to US and try to convince the globe of Japan's wrongdoing......!!




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2 hours ago, mistymorning said:
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That award is notorious for participation award. It's at the southern end of Korea, and main reason for this award is for the city attraction. So... they would rather give it to actors/actresses who'll be there... but, that just lowers the award itself. I guess they don't really care.



from http://pop.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=201810021832457790355_1


Actor Yoo Dong-gun quotes,

"My family and Jun Inwha(His wife, and actress too) will be so happy for my win today. Frankly speaking, the daesang in my mind is 'Mr. Sunshine' ...."


So.. don't be so sad! 


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@mistymorning thanks so much for that nice info, saw it mentioned on twitter but wasn't sure if he actually said that. He must have watched each episode with his family and appreciate the story a lot. However, if not mistaken most if not all of the upcoming awards (including the KDA awhile ago) have excluded MR.SUNSHINE from being nominated in the best drama category. The actors are being nominated but not the drama itself.. is it because of the earlier controversy and petition?


Anyway, found these nice pics on IG, captures of the OST Limited Edition shared by fans. The compilation & souvenir sets sure look wonderful indeed.


Photos: nevaeh_rof

Photos: jinhe907


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@mistymorning  Thanks for sharing that. Totally agree with the actor, Yoo Dong Gun.


Hope we get to see LBH and KTR receiving some awards for their performance in Mr Sunshine. It is not easy for them as it took them 4 seasons from winter to spring to summer to autumn to film this drama.




Sigh.....I still cannot get over the ending. :bawling:


To me, it seems that Eun San had acknowledged and accepted Eugene and his relationship with Ae Shin. He had allowed Eugene to join them and to go to Manchuria with Ae Shin. Eugene had brought all his belongings therefore he is prepared to go to Manchuria with Ae Shin for indefinite period of time. Sigh.....KES made it such that Eushin were so close to a happy ending. Just one more step and still they did not make it. 


On a more positive note, I have been wondering  about the meaning or significance of the dyeing of the finger nails scene.




I googled that there is a cute story about this nail dyeing in the olden days. Girls will colour their nails in spring and it is said that if the colour remains until the first snow, they will marry their true love. Maybe @mistymorning can share if there was such a belief in the olden days.


Aww....so this is what they are thinking and smiling happily about when Eushin couple are admiring their coloured pinky finger nail in the above scene. 



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12 hours ago, SeReNiTy said:


Hi @charray, I see the burial from a different POV.


Eugene still acknowledged his American status, and such status played an important role to his survival. Thanks to Joseph, Eugene was given a chance to live as an American, because he probably would have not have survived if he wasn't able to escape Joseon as a child. He also assisted the RA and other Joseon citizens due to the military training from America. Since he chose to die in Joseon, he was buried as a foreigner (American status that kept him alive) in Joseon soil (his birth and death). Lastly, he was finally reunited with Joseph, his father-figure who was also buried in the foreigner cemetery. 



@SeReNiTy  Thanks, your point of view above of  his acknowledging his American status is true too. And it is not so tragic and sad if we look at it that way. 




I have been trying to figure out the last scene where a black bird flew in front of Eugene’s grave. What is the meaning and significance of this scene? What is KES trying to show here? Is it referring to Lord Go acknowledging Eugene being his equal or something? In the scene when he asked Eugene to kill Colonel Mōri before he died, he said that he is still the black bird flying above Eugene.




:sweatingbullets: Ugh.....All these lines with symbolisms to figure out.....Mr Sunshine is definitely not your usual romcom where you can watch with your brain half switched off. Just joking...no offence or meant to be disrespectful to anyone who enjoys romcom.

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First I want to say thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread since your posts were like medicines that cured our longing/anticipating the episodes every Sat & Sun. I just created my account but I have been a silent reader. I couldn’t retrain myself any longer after watching the finale. I believe there are many silent readers like me on this thread, so please continue posting since your efforts are definitely not going to be in vain.


My feelings after finishing watching Mr. Sunshine on Netflix here in U.S.: What’s on earth I got myself into? My very first K-drama could traumatize me this much…never watched LBH or KTR movies/dramas before, and not into K-entertainment neither. This drama is truly an exceptional, a one of a kind drama. but it’s highly dangerous for my heart, mind and well-being. It’s day-one after the finale, I woke up in the Monday morning and feel emotionally drained, mentally tired, physically weak, and loss appetite. I especially love the train scene of Eugene’s last moment when he said “Don’t cry. This is my history, this is my love story.” Then he turned and looked at Aeshin one last time with teary eyes and trembling voice “you should move forward, I will take a step back.” It was so beautifully and painfully portraited by LBH. The emotion was so surreal that I felt like I couldn’t breathe. What’s a brilliant actor, subtle acting yet so powerful that words cannot describe. The moment the train was separated and AS & EC were on different sides of the train. It was complete darkness when it passed through the tunnel and AS screamed his name… what a meaningful and beautiful and heartbreaking shot. Even though I love that scene, I feel it’s unnecessary since Eugene escaped much tighter spots before. It’s senseless for him to die like that. People tend to think that sad ending will leave a lasting impression, not for me. At first, I planned to purchase all the Mr. Sunshine products (DVDs PD cut, OST collection, etc.) as a keepsake even though I don’t understand a single Korean word, but now I don’t think I can bring myself to look at this or replay it again. I just don’t understand why a rational man like Eugene can be so blindly in deep love with a woman who never places him first. Even though it is under the name of “patriotism”, her love is very selfish and narrow-minded. Don’t take me wrong I love KTR as an actress, and her character at first, but gradually less. If she really loves someone, she would never put them in danger, never let them die for her, intentionally or not, she’s a mature woman, she should know the consequences of her actions, especially she has many better choices to help Korea, even Eugene already offered, better than just a random shooter. How many can she shoot? While as a wife of an American soldier, she could do much more… easier to travel, easier to access to information, to buy weapon, etc. Just a thought, of course, the writer has different opinion, I just feel she could do more justice for this outstanding drama. I swear that I will never watch an on-going drama again until it’s fully aired and I know for sure it has a positive ending. Too much sadness in the real world, I don’t need any more heartache when a drama is just fiction and not even documentary. I don’t think I can watch any drama soon because I need time to heal and also any other drama will look pale in comparison with Mr. Sunshine….everything is top-notch.

Again thank you everyone!

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9 hours ago, rubie said:

@mistymorning thanks so much for that nice info, saw it mentioned on twitter but wasn't sure if he actually said that. He must have watched each episode with his family and appreciate the story a lot. However, if not mistaken most if not all of the upcoming awards (including the KDA awhile ago) have excluded MR.SUNSHINE from being nominated in the best drama category. The actors are being nominated but not the drama itself.. is it because of the earlier controversy and petition?



Well, I can say that's nothing to do with earlier controversy or petition. For APAN, I don't see nomination list for writer or the best drama of the year, so I don't know. For The Seoul Awards, tVN sent 'My Ajussi' I am not sure exactly but I only see 1 drama per /channel, so that's it maybe?


And frankly speaking... those are small awards yet. Only thing that worth our attention is Baeksang next year.


8 hours ago, charray said:


@mistymorning  Thanks for sharing that. Totally agree with the actor, Yoo Dong Gun.


Hope we get to see LBH and KTR receiving some awards for their performance in Mr Sunshine. It is not easy for them as it took them 4 seasons from winter to spring to summer to autumn to film this drama.

Yeah, hopefully they can attend some and give us pictures together. :D Although LBH's movie filming will starts around mid-Oct, so we'll see.





Sigh.....I still cannot get over the ending. :bawling:


To me, it seems that Eun San had acknowledged and accepted Eugene and his relationship with Ae Shin. He had allowed Eugene to join them and to go to Manchuria with Ae Shin. Eugene had brought all his belongings therefore he is prepared to go to Manchuria with Ae Shin for indefinite period of time. Sigh.....KES made it such that Eushin were so close to a happy ending. Just one more step and still they did not make it. 

I had a bad feeling when Hangrang and Haman didn't even get to hold their hands.



On a more positive note, I have been wondering  about the meaning or significance of the dyeing of the finger nails scene.

I googled that there is a cute story about this nail dyeing in the olden days. Girls will colour their nails in spring and it is said that if the colour remains until the first snow, they will marry their true love. Maybe @mistymorning can share if there was such a belief in the olden days.


Aww....so this is what they are thinking and smiling happily about when Eushin couple are admiring their coloured pinky finger nail in the above scene. 



I vaguely remember, but I searched korean sites. It's believed that if your flower dye will last til the first snow, your love will come true...or you will find your future husband.


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Hello @pearlynguyen, welcome and thank you so much for your post. I can't help but agree and sigh with you. th_sigh.gif Like @charray, I still can't get over the ending.. it might have just ended at episode 21, in front of the American Legation in Japan. I read and understood both sides of the finale.. the actual ending VS the 'could-have-been.' Many of us have watched the drama from Day 1 and grew to understand & bond with the characters, their ups and downs, the strengths as well as the flaws. MR.SUNSHINE achieved the point to show the atrocities of slavery due to the caste system and eventually the harsh occupation of Japan in Korea, unthinkable horrors of war that relate to a lot of other SE Asian countries as well.


In terms of main purpose of the drama, MR.SUNSHINE wins.. hands down. It can never be another drama such as this, it got the history shown as it was for the current generation and others to remember thus never forget. Quality-wise, it is lacking nothing. But (to me)  it could not achieve WIN-WIN because for the fictional characters, it could not even get a sensible fictional ending. A sensible ending to all that we have learnt about the character's capability. A sensible ending would make the drama more intriguing to watch. Now, would more people watch a drama with a known sad traumatic ending? Maybe.. not as many it would have attracted if the ending had been something else than downright depressing. @pearlynguyen made a point with the merchandise selling.. right now, listening to the OST will remind us of the ending that should not have been instead.


In the end, Eugene and Ae Shin only had a mission-purpose fake marriage and trendy rings. Ae Shin's parents did better and they died together, fighting.


In the end, Ae Shin could not even attend his funeral or visit Eugene's grave because she couldn't set foot in Joseon. It's also not stated on the tombstone that he was ever someone's husband. (If he had jumped back on the same coach as AS, even if he doesn't make it, it'll be in her arms.. but no, he died in a dark tunnel with the Japanese soldiers battering him with bullets th_sad004.gif).


Hopefully AS would make it in Manchuria as in Joseon she would have no one else to die for her. The response she gave to her grandfather when she chose EC earlier on was that she wanted both of them to live and she should have tried to do that with every options she had. In the end, AS only proved that her grandfather was correct, she'd live alone for the rest of her life instead.


I thought the scene of EC meeting Ahn Chang Ho in New York would mean something more to plan his future with AS fighting from the US.. but in the end, it was just a well-meant cameo.


In the end, what  Kudo HiNa said about EC became true.. that he was a FOOL, indeed. A foolish decision by a capable man.. all after 3 years spending time in jail and thinking about what could have been. th_bricks.gif Yes, I am contradicting my earlier post about his sacrificing act of love.. an instant decision that may not necessarily be the best solution by a man in love.


If we look at this image at the end of episode 3, KES had specifically indicated who would be the last one standing. In the end, she wins.. we lose. th_duh.gif




Thank you @mistymorning for the awards info, one series per channel.. that makes sense. A Baeksang award is a good recognition for the drama but it's still quite awhile to wait. Btw, which movie is LBH filming this month? Is it the one by Inside Men director or the one with Ha Jung Woo, this news doesn't seem confirmed.

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1 hour ago, rubie said:

Thank you @mistymorning for the awards info, one series per channel.. that makes sense. A Baeksang award is a good recognition for the drama but it's still quite awhile to wait. Btw, which movie is LBH filming this month? Is it the one by Inside Men director or the one with Ha Jung Woo, this news doesn't seem confirmed.

source is from Elle Oct Article, and just like you said, the movie Baekdoosan(Baekdoo mountain) with Ha JungWoo isn't confirmed yet. So more than likely, "Chiefs of Namsan(KCIA)" with Woo Minho(Director of Inside Men). The book is a report on dictator Park and KCIA and dark side of Korean history.



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On 9/30/2018 at 2:50 AM, juju84 said:

Yup, I think that's the one! Well, at least they will release it in the  Full Original Sountrack Edition. I hope...

@juju84Hi have you seen this?



Sharing this beautiful artwork by an awesome HCY fan Yeuly Art with anyone who liked or loved "How Can I Forget You"





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