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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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Wow, so what happened today? Anything new? :o

Btw, i'm going to share this. I found it on ig. Cr to its owner. 

Whoaaah seriously look at their perfect features ><b The besssssttt. Everything just right. Our angel is too pretty reallllly........<3 there are a lot of pretty people in k-industry but her face is the type that we never get bored of plussss her charming personality is on point. Just perfect. I wouldn't even questioning if jcw fall for her. Seriously. 

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2 hours ago, ysrida_ said:

Today JCW went for some Bingsu.. Idk whether its really today or what.. But it was posted 3hrs ago :rolleyes:

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She got his signature.. Lucky fans..  Hehe (≧∇≦) 

Can we trace Hyunnie today? :sweatingbullets:



chingu was there anything else worth mentioning? did any of the comments suggest that wookie is back or when that was taken?

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4 minutes ago, MoonlightSerenade said:

:ph34r: NO DISCLAIMER NEEDED. SUSPICIOUS PARTNER REEL :ph34r: @lovethatlook  #followeditanditleadmehere:D



:wub: @Huntergal


hahaaha. @MoonlightSerenade and @Huntergal The yellow brick road leads to their kisses.... :glasses:

It always ends up with their kisses everytime... why... why... why... #iwanttosaysomethingbutitmightoffendourfriendswhoareextravirgincoconutoil 


Image result

our prince and princess.... soon be like

Image result


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5 minutes ago, miss0115 said:

Wow, so what happened today? Anything new? :o

Btw, i'm going to share this. I found it on ig. Cr to its owner. 


Whoaaah seriously look at their perfect features ><b The besssssttt. Everything just right. Our angel is too pretty reallllly........<3 there are a lot of pretty people in k-industry but her face is the type that we never get bored of plussss her charming personality is on point. Just perfect. I wouldn't even questioning if jcw fall for her. Seriously. 


wow! They will surely produce handsome and beautiful kids with beautiful nose.
In K-industry, i think its seldom to see people with natural high nose. 

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1 hour ago, Huntergal said:
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Hi5!! I am choosy with crime/thriller/psychological drama. My last crime drama was Signal. Somehow I don't see others living up to it (just my POV). I wanna give Secret Forest a try. I like Save Me female lead after seeing her on a variety show. She's bad***. My inner soul was crying after watching ep 2. Jinjja can't handle any romance drama right now....lol. 

@MoonlightSerenade I watch it on Dramafire. No ads and popups. 


Me too! after that ending I was pretending to be there and was throwing punches at you-know-who, and got all heated and frustrated at their situation. Gosh this is a good distraction from suspicious partner and my withdrawal symptoms, I can't look at romance the same way, ESPECIALLY the kiss scenes. Sometimes I even cringe JIBONG HAS RAISED MY EXPECTATIONS TO A LEVEL WHERE MY HEART DOESNT FLUTTER FOR KISS AND ROMANTIC SCENES  LIKE IT USED TOO!:bawling:

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2 minutes ago, nikih said:


4 minutes ago, nikih said:

@MoonlightSerenade geez they're a quite suggestive of themselves weren't they? they should get a room! NVM they totally did! Bonghee's bedroom! Geez minors be lurking and watching SP behind them parents back. Anyways good night from my neck of the wood!


sweet dreams chingu!


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5 minutes ago, lovethatlook said:

hahaaha. @MoonlightSerenade and @Huntergal The yellow brick road leads to their kisses.... :glasses:

It always ends up with their kisses everytime... why... why... why... #iwanttosaysomethingbutitmightoffendourfriendswhoareextravirgincoconutoil 



our prince and princess.... soon be like






And yet they make fun of us being called DELULU when in reality we are actually quite RATIONAL .... the evidence speaks for itself as the whole production and close people involved in out OTP's lives... LMAO!!!! We just SPAZZ for FREE to keep this thread alive and give people something to think about while waiting for things to be officiated. B)


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40 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

Lurkers, haters, minors....


*roll eyes*

@MoonlightSerenade My brain is empty. *cry in a corner* I may ended up write their bed scene out of frustration...lol. 


Yes yes please do write them *v* post them on fic websites so we can subscribe, give kudos and read it over and over ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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11 hours ago, findingserendipity said:

So, it got me thinking about Wookie and how he doesn't follow anyone on IG. Do you guys think he has a secret IG account? I heard of US celebrities having secret social media accounts. Do Korean celebrities do that too?


I followed him since Healer days.Wookie used to be so actived on sns- followed his friends, celebrities friends and his staffs on his IG,even frequently uploaded random/silly pictures,commented on his friends updated.but then suddenly one day,he unfollowed all..maybe its frustrated him so much that time.he doesn't even used his twitter anymore .i think since then,he become so careful  and private when use sns.

So,I do think wookie have personal IG account. he just used his official IG just to updated for fans.

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1 hour ago, babyval22 said:

I'm also wondering about the 8 years thingy that he mentioned. What was his exact words again? That he waited for hyunni for 8 years right? Then he went on to say he didn't know why he waited for 8 years right? Hahahahaha. This is such a bf tease to me. Gah. #delulumindremainsfree 

I was wondering also with his statement I know he seems like joking while saying it but jokes are half meant right?  Kekeke as what I have understood what he meant by is that he's waited for 8 years to do romcom but it just coincides that hyunnie will be his partner which they both have an 8 years age gap also, so therefore I conclude they really are fated to work together at the right place at the right time although their paths been crossed many times is just all about the timing. So I hope from here on they will realize it and try start a new relationship? Getting to know more stage and while JCW is away and NJH is busy with her studies they can both be inspirational with each other, giving support and maybe when they see each other again after 2 years they start a relationship or date each other only if they are not dating yet. Ahhhh I really hope and pray they are not just fated to meet but fated to be together for real :heart:

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Ugh. I missed out on taonaka IG post.:bawling: 

@genxv I think Hyunnie mentioned in one interview that she would bring a life-size cutoff of Wookie to the awards. Sorry I can't remember the exact article but someone here might remember. But she's so cute, isn't she? Gotta have her Oppa there somehow!:tongue: I know it's impossible since the army won't allow it unless I think it's an army sponsored event, but imagine if he actually walks on stage to accept the award with her. Delulu! lol. And thanks for the info about the IG secret account. Being a private person that he is, I also think that he must have another IG account. Honestly, it is such a clever move to not follow anyone in his official IG. It avoids any controversies of who he is/isn't following and liking pics.

I was trying to find a gif of the IG scene in the drama but I ended finding this instead, which I love. I gotta say, BH, I can't blame you for making him feel guilty.:lol:







cr. kdramagif


@shsy12345 thanks for the info, chingu! aigoo, so that's what happened. That's too bad but it's for the best. With a personal account, he'll have more freedom and privacy. 

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10 minutes ago, shsy12345 said:


I followed him since Healer days.Wookie used to be so actived on sns- followed his friends, celebrities friends and his staffs on his IG,even frequently uploaded random/silly pictures,commented on his friends updated.but then suddenly one day,he unfollowed all..maybe its frustrated him so much that time.he doesn't even used his twitter anymore .i think since then,he become so careful  and private when use sns.

So,I do think wookie have personal IG account. he just used his official IG just to updated for fans.

I totally agree love. 

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1 hour ago, leeeeeecx said:

Found this on IG. Is this legit/new? Just read the caption 'cause I don't know the language. 

The title is in Bahasa Indonesia & I think the title itself have double meaning if I am not mistaken.I am not Indonesian .calling @riririru :lol:

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50 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

Lurkers, haters, minors....

*roll eyes*

@MoonlightSerenade My brain is empty. *cry in a corner* I may ended up write their bed scene out of frustration...lol. 


Please do! I'll definitely read it. :wink:

I just finished reading @genxv's fanfic and it was so good! Thank you babe I really enjoyed it and wish there was moreee of it! It's obviously not helping with my SP obsession but I'll survive. Lol

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3 hours ago, angelangie said:

2nd Reminder: 

Pls take note that I had mentioned NO SUGGESTIVE POSTS / THOUGHTS should be posted.

This is to protect underage lurkers / members and also be respectful to the artist themselves.


Angelangie @LavelyShai @akinahana89

OMO!! 2nd spanking for the #byeontaesquad LOL!!!  *scratches head*

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4 hours ago, Huntergal said:


@babyval22 Err...no part 2, chingu. I'm thinking of writing their bed scene. But I'm not a good writer....lmao. 


Hahahahs. I dun believe you're not a good writer in bed scenes. Pls do continue and then pm us the link on where to spazz. Muahahahahahah 

4 hours ago, pauliza said:
And again I got goosebumps when he drew his ideal type 99.99% exactly like NJH !Is it possible something like this can happen by coincidence?


Nope. Definitely not coincidence between them anymore. Hehehe. 

4 hours ago, waveoflove said:

Wonder who JHs stylist is? I know who Wookie's stylist is and remember we were wondering if he has a separate IG account since he doesnt follow anyone, well he likes his stylist's pictures which shows he knows who he wants to stalk when he wants hahaha.
I hope her stylist picks a knockout dress for her for the SBS awards. We need to know that Wookie and his army buddies will be watching it from afar and drooling at the sight of her.


Isn't hyunn's stylist the same one who styles wookie too? Keke. Or maybe she shld wear that first and go visit him whereever he is. Heh. #delulumode 

2 hours ago, amery2185 said:

Sometimes I wish I could kidnap both of them and put in an apartment for a week. Let them talk it out.


Yes! Hahahs. Or maybe they have already done the talking. We never know. Or perhaps, they would do the talking after Wookie comes back from MS. Hahahahs. Or when it's about to end. Keke. 

1 hour ago, shsy12345 said:

Sorry.i just need to let out here ;(


Lemme give you a hug dearie. I guess we have to learn how to ignore them. Sighs. Hopefully hyunni is ignoring them too. 

45 minutes ago, MoonlightSerenade said:
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Hey love, a couple hundred pages back our chingus were on fiyah following oppa's translations in his interviews and we concluded that they were an item or something .... well one particular interview translation came out and some of us were not happy about it and we voiced it in here. Well some lurker decided to take what we spazz on freely in here to notify those translators and they came in here regulating. I found that annoying and out of hand because we are just sharing our opinions in this discussion forum. Well anyhow from that some of the chingus felt a little bit dishearted by that and was afraid to ship our OTP. Anyhow, not even a week later our OTP started throwing us bold and audacious suspicious clues and what not. NOT to mention our boy boldly stating princess's name on live national T.V.... smdh!!! I mean what the heck is up with people these days running to tattle tale because they don't agree with our opinions. Aigoooo makes me want to say some unkind choice words for real. That's all chingu. Not to worry love. Part of being a shipper is rolling with the canon balls being fired our way. That's all. 



Dearie.. Now you're making me curious as to what translation weren't we happy about. Gah. How could I have missed that. ): but anyway, it's all done and over now!



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Wadddddahappeningg chingus??? I just woke up after 16 hours of sleep! *rushes to back read*


I've seen the call to respect the artists part: on that, that much I can say from what I've seen others say-- is it probably means to respect that despite what we feel happened off screen, it is still work and therefore we shouldn't be "presuming" bodily things are happening. Like don't make them sound overly hungry for each other that it turns into smth lascivious and puts their reputation and this ship at stake? 

(not my exact words and paraphrased from smth I read a month ago)

But then personally I find it difficult to separate cos their realities are so intertwined. So more concrete suggestions would be omitting those gifs? I'm not sure how we can tone down our discussion, words wise though. Help anybody????


Edit: @genxv noooooo I wake up and you're hiatus-ing???? Cries

Edited by attriste
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