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[Official] Gao Wei Guang / Vengo Gao / 高伟光 ❤ Dilraba Dilmurat / Di Li Re Ba / 迪丽热巴 - Next project "The Pillow Book"


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7 minutes ago, Aranya Xiobai said:

yeah .. My friend said, soon there will be rumors about v, and v has also denied it. If the media explodes, we must stay on this ship.

we must believe them, litle reba and old Donghua. that's their love call right?

Thankyou bestfriend 

If those rumours come around and they confirm it, I'll have a big party (of course after the quarantine)


I believe in them!

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20 minutes ago, Eery2 said:


The level of their 'closeness' is just:hushed:

 In Fig. 1 my breath hitched like R's elbow is on top of V's crotch already. In fig 2, V's face is already infront of R's abdomen. And fig 3, I don't see anything wrong but it's R's hands. The way she hugs V it's like she doesn't want to let go of V. That's tooooooo closeeeee for comforttttttttt. Friends  even if they're acting don't act like that even if they're actors. I'm dying with toooo much Sweet treats from these two. :tounge_xd:

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4 minutes ago, Shedmhundy29 said:

 In Fig. 1 my breath hitched like R's elbow is on top of V's crotch already. In fig 2, V's face is already infront of R's abdomen. And fig 3, I don't see anything wrong but it's R's hands. The way she hugs V it's like she doesn't want to let go of V. That's tooooooo closeeeee for comforttttttttt. Friends  even if they're acting don't act like that even if they're actors. I'm dying with toooo much Sweet treats from these two. :tounge_xd:

Fig 3 reba's hands were arround vengo's as*, not waist:joy:

They're not only close, they intimate

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8 hours ago, Shedmhundy29 said:

 In Fig. 1 my breath hitched like R's elbow is on top of V's crotch already. In fig 2, V's face is already infront of R's abdomen. And fig 3, I don't see anything wrong but it's R's hands. The way she hugs V it's like she doesn't want to let go of V. That's tooooooo closeeeee for comforttttttttt. Friends  even if they're acting don't act like that even if they're actors. I'm dying with toooo much Sweet treats from these two. :tounge_xd:


Wondering if it was part of the script to be this kind of intimate by the directors or both V amd R unintentionally showed out their intimacy during their acting scene. 


V mentioned before that some of their actions was not part of their script and they came up themselves either by V or R and the other just followed suit. That showed how comfortable they were with each other during their acting scene...


... that they can actually allow improvised scene on each other, perhaps maybe on / to the intimacy closeness level. B)

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@Aranya Xiobai I believe you. I never shipped somebody this hard to the point of disturbing a friend because of gnawing curiosity. Call me delusional or what but in my heart, they are already a long time CP. They say that don't expect too much because maybe we are wrong at the end, I say trust your instincts. Whatever the outcome for these two, I'll always be happy for them. They are both wonderful people and they deserve all the happiness in the world. :heart:

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1 hour ago, Aranya Xiobai said:


yes this is still new, I want to talk a lot. but it's hard, it's an open forum. I just hope you trust our ship. who would have thought, if one day the things we consider delusional are actually facts. and about v, ughh .... you have to trust him :tears::tears: I am Alice from outside of China, and hopefully Alice from China will soon get guidance :lol::w00t: Okay. greetings, actually I rarely comment. we are all good friends ..


Welcome to the group - we are an open forum, but we are also a closed group. We are very friendly and we won't bite. 


If you have news you want to share, we are all here to listen and we want to know what's going on in China too. 

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@AlexW We have the same display photo. I love the scene too much so that's why it's my display photo :)


4 minutes ago, Shedmhundy29 said:

I believe you. I never shipped somebody this hard to the point of disturbing a friend because of gnawing curiosity. Call me delusional or what but in my heart, they are already a long time CP.

@Shedmhundy29 Are you the one who asked your friend to analyze their interaction??? 


21 minutes ago, Aranya Xiobai said:

I just got scolded, so I won't keep giving information ... but I can't stand it ... I love you, and I want you to know that our ship is very sturdy.

@Aranya Xiobai Did you get scolded in Weibo forums? 

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4 hours ago, HeyheyheyJ said:

And I feel that V and R are so comfortable with each other as though they are like a best friend yet behave like a couple too. I fund this type of friendship (and hoping it would also be a relationshup) are hard to find especially in this entrainment world and glad that both V and R have found theirs in each other. 


Just hoping that both V and R can continue to be this sweet to each other and don't let these haters affect their life / friendship / relationship etc. We would be always behind supporting this ship. 


I couldn't agree more. 


Whether or not they are in an actual romantic relationship. Their kind of "relationship" whatever it is - is very supportive and very healthy. 


I did a night of research on stuff. I'm going to post some things about how I feel about reading a lot of comments from fans.....

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43 minutes ago, Aranya Xiobai said:

V always argues in his own way, he is a gentle soul, it is impossible to offend his opponent.


and when rumors about v circulate, for example, as in the case of mili, r is always with him ... And we don't know that, much of what we don't know about them. But hopefully this rumor doesn't explode, because this will be a delicious meal for Alice Barbarian. actually all of this has evidence, but it cannot be shared haphazardly. 


I just got scolded, so I won't keep giving information ... but I can't stand it ... I love you, and I want you to know that our ship is very sturdy.


keep talking about the ring, about the house, and about their relationship ... because there will be a time when everything will unfold hhaha


Good. good night ... it's too late in Indonesia.

We are good at keeping secrets and being delusional. Us, GR fans, won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

You don't have to give us more information if you get in trouble for doing so :blush: We are pretty good at investigating ourselves and then being delusional afterwards. Thanks for the info though.

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4 hours ago, Misty said:
  Reveal hidden contents


if we put the pieces together: they are on vacation on april 2018

then after that on July 2018: V visits R on Sweet Dream set. http://c.tieba.baidu.com/p/5781378250

Based on wikipedia, the filming date for ELOD: June - November 2018



that flower is white roses :wub:


White roses often represent purity, innocence and youthfulness. White roses are sometimes referred to as bridal roses because of their association with young love and eternal loyaltyWhite roses can also symbolize a new beginning and everlasting love.


hihi. :wub: What a sweet 2018. 


"Because in the interview at the end of the 19th Spring Festival Gala in mm, mm said that she wanted to remember 2018 for a lifetime, then it means that there are good things happening in 2018."


Found this comment on https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/120032262

If anyone can find the interview would be nice. 


So, it looks like here, i'm not the only who thinks 2018 is sweeeeet. :lol: Reba tooo. 



Btw, the song kiss me - ed sheeran.

the first sentence "settle down with me :wub:, cover me up, cuddle me in" -sound like someone is proposing. haha. Sorry for being delusional. Again. :kiss_closed:

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@mssarahkhan Someone post the clip of V visiting R on set Sweet Dreams and everyone tried to reason her to delete it, but she refused. So the fans rally everyone to report that post. (I made a mistake posting that clip once, but I deleted it soon after realizing how sensitive the clip is.)

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GG visiting the set of Sweet Dreams was really sweet of him. If I was on MM's shoes, I would appreciate it even if it was from a friend. You want a break from work and sometimes a friend can make you forget the stress. 

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28 minutes ago, sg_niner said:

@mssarahkhan Someone post the clip of V visiting R on set Sweet Dreams and everyone tried to reason her to delete it, but she refused. So the fans rally everyone to report that post. (I made a mistake posting that clip once, but I deleted it soon after realizing how sensitive the clip is.)


I've been doing my research in regards to this. Even if someone where to post it, it would be removed immediately. 


There are people who have this clip and have only been sharing it through private message. I have been reading this on Zhihu. I am sure if I messaged the user, they would share it with me too. But I have enough evidence through photos and people's discussion already too. 

I also want to protect GR, so I'm going to keep it amongst ourselves. 

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1 minute ago, Aranya Xiobai said:

I really believe in people on this page

We are just delusional people here in a friendly environment. After all, everything is speculation only. A little hope doesn’t hurt. If it can bring you happiness by supporting GR, why not.:grin:

welcome to this group :rolleyes:

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36 minutes ago, Aranya Xiobai said:


oh no, i don't have weibo. coincidentally I have a friend who always knows the rumors gg rr first, even before the rumors explode they already know it. the group is very tight I can't join.


even they found out when gg disappeared at the closing ceremony of his drama, apparently gg went to visit the opening (promotion) of the latest drama rr. when it was too late, and missed the flight, then he left by train. it's all for the sake of our "Little Reba" who are very jealous.


that's why I'm sad, every time Alice is rude to gg, gg is so concerned about rr, as a man he is very ideal. no wonder many women who misunderstand with good treatment gg. see when gg looks tired, he is always ready to greet and smile at fans, even he doesn't seem to care when he is presented with Alice.


And let me tell you one thing ... there was bts at the closing ELOD Mrs. rr called gg as "Son in Low". but unfortunately ... the video was gone. but have you heard about their parents who visited at the close of ELOD? and they spend the night together, that's right ... from the first they were very close indeed.


here I do not blame Als, however they are behind the success of rr. hopefully one day we can be friends with them.

I heard abt rb’ mom visited the last day of ELOD shooting. And they not showed up at wrap up party too. It turned out gg n rb left for Shanghai. In GR cp page, we yy about rb engagement ring too.

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