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Lee Dong Gun x Jo Yoon Hee (Jin Sil Couple)


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Hi, since Wolgyesu ended I haven't started on any other drama yet,  I'm rewatching it,  this time paying more attention to their dialogue.. In Ep 53 after confirming that NYS is pregnant and outside the clinic DJ hug YS and said : "I'm so happy, I don't know what to do.  You're incredible, I love you so much" Imo, LDG is expressing how he truly feel  for JYH  and it show  on his face.  However, (hope it's not my imagination) but I sense that JYH doesn't look too happy on last night radio show. She was reading some stuff on the screen and her expression doesn't look good to me, esp from 12min to around 26min .  And towards the ending around 58.30 she left her seat and didn't get back till almost end of recording.  It just don't appear right to me.  Yes, she still smiles her usual but it looks like somethings is off. I hope it's not like what TY said to DJ in ep 17 where he ask DJ to take care of YS cos she's helplessly naive and sweet. She may be cheerful on the outside, but she hurts a lot in the inside.  I hope that's not the case cos I don't want to see JYH hurt and sad.  Reminds me of ep 29 at the beach where DJ said to YS: "When I'm with you, I become more courageous and even feel stronger, I guess you (YS) don't trust me at all".I wonder is JYH's heart troubled/disturbed?  Like what SD said of YS: "NYS is the purest person you'll find" so she may not be able to handle negative comments.  Like all of you I also want to see them get settled down but somehow I feel kind of uneasy. I will continue to pray for them and if it's God's plan for them to be husband and wife then they will be able to overcome any obstacles facing them.  Love JYH:heart: Wish her happiness:):)

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Hello @Frances Teo I thought I was the only one thinking about something's off on last night radio show, but maybe it's because she was alone without any co-DJ/guest so she is tired. But in KBS volume instagram, she took pic with 2 other DJ. Hmmmm.

U know, I was waiting for her show every night just to check on her but there was no recording uploaded on Monday...makes me really worried.

I really hope everything is OK and I hope a pic/news of them will pop out soon to relieve our sorrow! *sigh*

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@Frances Teo & @delphinium8593 We will never know what goes on in their private lives or what JYH is really feeling, but I don't think there's enough "evidence" for us to feel worried. In fact, there's more outright "evidence" to show the opposite. The radio recordings on youtube are not complete (it's more the issue of the uploader than JYH and the program). On Monday's broadcast, a clip of LDG's October visit when they did the Lovers in Paris skit was played. I don't know what they were talking about. A wild guess would probably be about confessions as White Day was the next day. Regardless, it's quite bold of JYH to use the clip!

Listen here, around 25-26 min. http://www.kbs.co.kr/radio/coolfm/jvolum/replay/2535867_120003.html?dt=20170313

Also, someone posted this picture of a bouquet from LDG on the 14th for White Day (Is he sponsoring this floral shop? How many bouquets has he ordered in these past few week? LOL). The bouquet doesn't show up in the broadcast, but I read that JYH mentioned she received one while she was reading comments asking her if she got sweets for White Day. Instagram is having issues these days, so it can't be embedded. You'll have to click the link instead.


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Aaah @pinkdicentra as usual you always calms our worried hearts *hug* thank you for sharing what you got!

i was watching tonight's recording and see JYH eyes were swollen and she looks really tired! i think she has been shooting a CF lately...you can check on instagram : @cox_kangpd and her make-up artist @makeupbang so I hope she is tired because of her schedule

I was strolling through old videos on YT and stumbled upon JYH interview on 2013. She was asked the ideal man she dreams of and she said "a man that is committed to me" and she was asked whether she will wait for his confession or she will confess instead, she said "i will never confess" so I think this time LDG is really the one who confess (maybe on valentine's day? Who knows?) *wink*

LDG ordered last week bouquet from @flowerteacher_bomvely but the white day bouquet is from @chosoohyung kkkk 

Once again thank you @pinkdicentra I guess me and @Frances Teo can sleep nicely tonight! 

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Hi chingus! Missing the JYH and LDG news and updates from u guys too. Like you ladies, ive been watching the wolgyesu replays, specifically to see the chemistry from the shooting done in Feb, post-gipyo's no-kidney donation confession. They are very professional, acting was great, that's all I have to say. @delphinium8593 yeah I agree with u it would be LDG who would've pursued JYH rather than the other way around. 

JYH looked gorgeous on KBS Volume's Wed show. But yes she looked sad. I wish the gag man Park Sung Kwang would be nicer and warmer. I found him hilarious on Gag Concert when I used to watch it but I feel JYH works very hard to take the initiative to laugh when she's with him - he's probably saying funnny things but the body language is upsetting for a fan of JYH to watch. It looks too tiring for her. I'm so happy to hear she got a bouquet of tulips from LDG for White Day, commercial as this day is in the places that celebrate it. Thanks @pinkdicentra for the news. Saw the pic of tulips on an ig post with jyh'a pic but there was no translation.. now it's clear! Very sweet of the KBS announcer to give the ladies sweets the next day too.

On Thu's radio show, JYH was unwell but she brightened up after Jo Jung Chi and the other gagman came. Towards the end, she said they make her very happy and she was teased that LDG made her happy/ happier when he was on the show. That was the only thing I got lol! The gagman (Kim Yong Jun?) mentioned LDG 2 times in total so I really appreciate his teasing her. People around her don't have to but the fact that he does is very sweet as these things do make people in love feel happy and JYH looked like she needed a booster. The segment with them was very relaxing to watch. JJC doesn't tease but he is always sweet-mannered. 10 points for these 2 guys who are sweet to her, including the KBS announcer! The other guy who used to be a regular guest till 17 Jan (singer Young Bae? Soran) used to mention LDG a lot even when nothing was going on. JYH enjoyed his company a lot too as he was very funny. I think he followed wolgyesu faithfully but every time he mentioned LDG, JYH wouldn't follow up on it. Haha... 

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As usual I am late for the party!!! :crazy: Just want to say hello and wont say much right now as I have just come back from intense traveling (need to be kind to my creaking bones, heh). Will write some more once I catch up with all the goodies in this thread. You're all have been writing up a storm!!!! Oh, how I miss you all!

Let me also say this for now: Yeay for our ship sailing in real world!

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@delphinium8593 babe u got to it first!! I was so happy that this ig owner translated and shared so kindly! I really wanted to know what JYH said about LDG and the wind (param) all this while! Such a sweet memory. I wish the ig owner or someone else would translate what LDG says right after she praises him for the walnut cookies gift. LDG says something in response as a joke and JYH says 'hanbon?' (Once??) and LDG says something else when he goes 'tum'. I think he jokes about the cookies?? 

The vibe and tone of their conversation is very comfortable. Very respectful and friendly, supportive complimenting of each other. Her beauty and his manners - both seem to be very clear on these two points hahaha! @bajing please come back soon! @effyisme where are u my dear? Hope all's well!  It's been so long!

This is one more that the ig owner shared. 


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So cute. She really is bringing out LDG's bright side. His natural sense of humour flows and it must be nice to have someone always laughing next to you like JYH. They are just so cute I want more interactions lol. 

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For us who need a dose of LDG-JYH news (like I do) LOL I just found an instagrammer post this:

The caption said more or less like this: "I can't concentrate, I only focus to the next table #leedonggun"

There is a comment asking: "Do you see JYH too?"

She answered: "Two of them are here"


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4 hours ago, delphinium8593 said:

For us who need a dose of LDG-JYH news (like I do) LOL I just found an instagrammer post this:

The caption said more or less like this: "I can't concentrate, I only focus to the next table #leedonggun"

There is a comment asking: "Do you see JYH too?"

She answered: "Two of them are here"


oh my..... im dying to see both of them in one screen doesnt matter if in movie drama or at least pictorial photoshoot. chaebal any magazine or whatever pls arrange an interview and photoshoot with them.... i miss them badly here.......

oh my..... im dying to see both of them in one screen doesnt matter if in movie drama or at least pictorial photoshoot. chaebal any magazine or whatever pls arrange an interview and photoshoot with them.... i miss them badly here.......

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Just to know that there were some sightings of them outside together, it truly makes me happy. The low key relationship they have will give them much freedom to be in love. I remember that any relationship on sns always gets negative feedback from the korean netizen. It will be much better for them to get pictures captured by fans rather than themselves posting it on sns. I hope they get interviewed in a magazine individual or even together this year

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On 3/19/2017 at 8:01 AM, bajing said:

As usual I am late for the party!!! :crazy: Just want to say hello and wont say much right now as I have just come back from intense traveling (need to be kind to my creaking bones, heh). Will write some more once I catch up with all the goodies in this thread. You're all have been writing up a storm!!!! Oh, how I miss you all!

Let me also say this for now: Yeay for our ship sailing in real world!

We miss youuu!!! And your poetic & beautiful essays...waiting for it patiently...get plenty of rest!

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16 hours ago, caranthir_idril said:

oh my..... im dying to see both of them in one screen doesnt matter if in movie drama or at least pictorial photoshoot. chaebal any magazine or whatever pls arrange an interview and photoshoot with them.... i miss them badly here.......

Dear @caranthir_idril I know this is not a movie/drama/pictorial photoshoot/magazine...but will this do? *wink* 


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