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[Drama 2017] Mystery Queen 추리의 여왕


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6 hours ago, docster6 said:

I don't know about you all, I loved this episode. Boy, oh boy, Officer Hong is so tall and handsome, and in dark dressed uniform too. There was a long line of young girls waiting to confess to him. But why would he fall for a married ahjamma instead. That is so cool though, I doubt that gold whistle actually works (maybe super high pitched?), it was a necklace gift for someone he loves and admires. SO is super smart but she missed it completely since she does not understand love and hormones. Hey, wake up, the handsome guy was giving his heart to you.

I wonder why the camera is hiding Mr.Kim's face from us, he is involved with Jang and he told Jang not to get involved with WS if WS pays attention to SO. He also told Jang his best chance is to get out of the country since the Triad (Chinese) and Yakusa (Japanese) are both after him. The same Mr. Kim is having SO's parents' suicide file hidden. The local policeman who hid the file called Kim to alert him of someone after that file. There was a reference to that young picture of SO that she was smart and that she is smarter than they even expect. So I think Mr. Kim has something to do with SO being uneducated and married and "tied up" doing housework? I wonder that "Kim" has anything to do with Kim Ho-Chul? It is a very common name for Koreans, so I doubt it. But we haven't seen any mention of Mother-in-Law's husband, a Mr. Kim.

I am excited our OTP will be "breathlessly" chasing after a new murderer and it will be a race for time. They will be so tired together and I sense that our OTP will be connected finally and that Hong is not so pleased that his girl (or ahjamma) is spending so much time with Inspector Ha. To me, when WS said out loud to SO that her husband is a suspect for underwear stealing, it is his way of telling her that WS is a better guy. I sense WS moving in...WS really likes SO. I am glad Inspector Woo wil be taught a lesson or two by the people without his level of resources.

He doesn't know she is married..


remember.. when WS told him ajumma is married he later confirmed with her too.. and she evaded the question..

I don't think besides WS anyone knows her real position


But man! the actor is doing a fine job and i don't want to see a broken heart



PS: Although i don't get why the writer is going beyond normal to prove that every man around YS  falls in love with her?

WS, hong, hubby, as sis in law told her kidnapper... that men were always falling for her...


I hope there is a reason for it

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2 hours ago, docster6 said:

@lumibear, we have information that SO and WS do not have, We saw the serial murderer has a police car and he picked a girl up and then lock her in and he would take her to the countryside to torture her first before taping her alive to suffocate. I think in the preview he will kidnap another girl. With a police car and a police uniform, he can do it brazenly in the open, even in the daylight. When I watched all those poor young girls getting killed I wish they had some pepper spray or taser gun of some sort, because they could have affected the killer and perhaps be able to escape. When our cheerful girl was walking home, her murderer was walking behing her and that caused her to call someone to be with her until she gets home. So her killer was on foot, not the same murderer as the police car one. Therefore, SO was correct that the two killers are the not the same. In the beginning part of the preview, it looked like the underwear thief was able to call a lineup of suspects and identify quite quickly the local murderer. I think the running in the crowded streets for our OTP was going after the serial killer. It might take until next week to get that one solved.

I wonder why Mr. Ha would be interested in the serial murder case, enough to supply a large sum of money to have the elite detective team formed. It seems so odd that the head of a famous law firm would be interested in the violent crime division of the police department. The Mr. Kim on the phone must be related to Mr. Ha somehow and they have connections to Jang and the narcotics gang. Mr. Kim should not be related to Jung Ji-Won since their family names are different. This drama is quite interesting and I am consumed by it. I wish there are more interests for this thread and I am dying to read more.

or maybe the policeman guy is the actual serial killer...

and the girl is still murdered by someone else ( since serial killer did not kill her as per ajumma)

remember how the girl who died was lamenting the fact that she should have taken the police car instead.


But yes cud be that the policeman is the murderer and is copying serial killer's technique



Mr. Ha is not interested in serial killer... his only goal is to make WS quit his job and that is why this whole reallocation of duties



PS: Or it could be that taxi driver serial killer that WS talked about in last to last episode to stop ajumma from taking taxi while chasing down sis in law

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@lumibear Now after watching the episode with subtitles, I agree with @docster6 that YJ wasn't killed by the serial killer. Like YSO pointed out, the serial killer is left-handed and he used the tape to suffocate the victim, whereas YJ's murderer is right-handed and only use the tape to cover her face. I would also like to underline again that YJ's body was found in her flat and not outside, which is another clue that it is a different perpetrator. She mentioned that YJ was killed by accident.The murderer must have known her. I like the idea that YJ might have been killed by her father, while he was punishing her. The defense wounds could have been punishment wounds. The father or her acquaintance covered her face because he couldn't stand seeing her dead face. The fact that he cleaned her body shows respect. On the other hand, the fake cop and serial killer cleans the bodies for a different reason: leave no trace (DNA or the location where she was tortured).

Now, I understand better what happened at the end of the episode 10: 

  • Since HWS got famous and promoted his police station, his higher-up created a special unit for him and his team in order to promote this police station. 
  • However, Ha heard about this decision and met the higher-up responsible for this change and asked him to change the team of the Special Unit. The reason is that Ha wants to make sure that HWS never becomes successful in his career as detective. 
  • The higher-up agreed with this change because of the financial support (all the computers aso) and Woo hence HWS and the others were kicked out, even before getting started. Ha had to use Woo as a celebrity in order to make sure that the higher up would agree to the changes too. 
  • On the other hand, Woo who had always felt inferior because he didn't really succeed in his career as cop, finally got the opportunity to be a real profiler and get his first huge arrest, while in the past he had to act like one. Why do I think that Woo used to be a cop? First, he knows Bae Kwang Tae, as he called him Sunbaenim, when they met in the alley. Moreover, BKT mentioned that he was usually meticulous implying that he knows him quite well. 
  • As conclusion, Ha made sure that HWS and his colleagues would be given such ridiculous tasks so that HWS would stop being a detective. I would like to add that I believe that Woo knows about YSO's true background, since he replied to her "Truth, this is not something she should be bringing up". 


So we could also discover that YSO's suspicion about her parents' suicide was true. They were definitely murdered and the cop involved in the investigation was bribed to conceal the truth. I agree that it would be really weird, if the mysterious Kim was not somehow related to KHC and his family. The father of KHC or an uncle ? Yet, this Kim is somehow connected to Ha, as he knew JDJ as well. Moreover, KHC received a sponsorship from Ha as well. So the mysterious Kim and Ha are working together. But I have been wondering if her friend Gyung Mi is related to Kim as well because when the policeman ran into her lunchbox cafe, the subtitles showed us "Ms Kim". So we have a lot of Kim now.

Another observation is HWS has started changing. Being close to YSO and seeing how her mind ticks has left an impact on him. First, when he visited the victim's flat, he paid attention to details, something he never did in the past. He also noticed the folded laundry and in my opinion, he is right. The person who killed her folded her laundry so neatly. We saw that her laundry was still on the roof, just before she got assaulted. Then in this episode, we see how HWS came to the same conclusion than YSO but also at the same time. So his skills have improved and he is no longer the detective who uses his strength in order to get results. Ha has no idea of YSO's good influence on HWS and she is ruining his plan on the long run. 

@enigmatic_zephy Hong knows that she is married. He was surprised, when he heard that she was married.

@dhakra I also like this episode very much: funny but also full of thrills, especially at the end.

@RobinM @Nonglak Koomkamhaeng @sava2sava @Mico Ricco I have an idea. What if Woo switches the side? Honestly, Woo is not a bad guy per se. So what if after YSO proves to him that she is so good at profiling so that she caught the serial killer, Woo changes his mind? First of all, I can imagine that YSO decides not to take the credit for her merits so that Woo sees, how honest and humble she is. He knows her secret but keeps it hidden. Then Woo has an advantage: he is able to get all the info he needs. Since HWS's ex-colleague (detective Ko) lied to him about the missing file, Woo would be able to get it. Ha's connections wouldn't be working any longer. Woo would also see the connection between Shinim dong case and Ha as well. Moreover, it would be great, if Ha's weapon (using Woo to kick out HWS) turned against him. In the end, we would have a real new team: Woo (info and resources), Hong (protection and support), YSO (profiler), HWS, BKT and DG (action on the field). Finally, we saw that each member (YSO, HWS and Woo) made all mistakes and learnt from these:

- HWS didn't consider the underwear theft as a serious crime

- YSO paid too much attention to the appearances and she is underestimating the danger sometimes

- HWS looked down on YSO but changed his mind. He learnt to pay attention to details. To me, Woo could have a similar evolution than HWS: low self-esteem and his need for fame led him to make mistakes (not take the theft for something important; underestimating the work on the field)

What do you think? 

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Wow, thank you, everyone, I had so much to read this morning at 5am California time. With a drama such as this, we do need everyone's brain to figure things out. Like that local citizens' meeting at KM's basement. Hey, did you see Captain Bae standing really close to KM and they were commenting on the situation, that SO and WS were finishing each other's sentences. As nice as Officer Lee is, I would have shipped the cheerful YJ with him. It is too bad. It was cute how the grocery store ahjamma wanted to be arrested because she felt she was the one who pinpointed the location of the thief.

@bebebisous33, another great post with great details. Of your nearly 9000 posts, pretty much all of them were like that. That was why a year ago I called for your excommunication from the PAC (Pervy Ahjamma Club) because you are all logic and on top of that, a wonderful writer. Since you and I joined Soompi within 8 days of each other in April of 2014, I followed your writing and I am actually honored to know you care about what I think. It appears I will get my ranking changed to "Legend" finally in a few days, having amassed 10,000 points. But compared to your industry in 3 years, having over 80,000 points, I bow in deep respect. The way you are being respected by so many people points to your greatness. Thanks for everything and I am glad we are in this together. By the way, the president of PAC, @nonski, was not too happy about my suggestion, everyone needs the intellectual ahjamma (a respectful way of calling her that).

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1 hour ago, docster6 said:

Wow, thank you, everyone, I had so much to read this morning at 5am California time. With a drama such as this, we do need everyone's brain to figure things out. Like that local citizens' meeting at KM's basement. Hey, did you see Captain Bae standing really close to KM and they were commenting on the situation, that SO and WS were finishing each other's sentences. As nice as Officer Lee is, I would have shipped the cheerful YJ with him. It is too bad. It was cute how the grocery store ahjamma wanted to be arrested because she felt she was the one who pinpointed the location of the thief.

@bebebisous33, another great post with great details. Of your nearly 9000 posts, pretty much all of them were like that. That was why a year ago I called for your excommunication from the PAC (Pervy Ahjamma Club) because you are all logic and on top of that, a wonderful writer. Since you and I joined Soompi within 8 days of each other in April of 2014, I followed your writing and I am actually honored to know you care about what I think. It appears I will get my ranking changed to "Legend" finally in a few days, having amassed 10,000 points. But compared to your industry in 3 years, having over 80,000 points, I bow in deep respect. The way you are being respected by so many people points to your greatness. Thanks for everything and I am glad we are in this together. By the way, the president of PAC, @nonski, was not too happy about my suggestion, everyone needs the intellectual ahjamma (a respectful way of calling her that).

Thanks a lot for the compliment, especially for saying that I am a wonderful writer because this means a lot to me. One of the reasons to write so much is to improve my English. You could describe me as a perfectionist, when it comes to speaking foreign languages. I did the same thing with German too.

But back to this drama: I've noticed the closeness between KM and the Captain Bae too. I hope, we see them together again, since KM needs to feel alive again. So far, she has lost so many things due to the divorce, especially her son. We all could sense that she is interested in men, therefore I can imagine her flirting with him at some point.

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@docster6 @bebebisous33, I did notice the closeness of KM and Capt Bae too. It would be wonderful if SO's BFF has a soulmate too. Episode 11 is really awesome...we get thrills and we get so many funny moments as well. I have a good laugh when WS and SO faced off each other trying to con each other with their fake documents!  It is so telling that SO is oblivious to the true meaning of Hong's gift. 

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maybe a pointless question by now..

but is there even a glimer of hope of any romance between otp?

i don't mean kisses and roses.. but just realization on YS's end how people "love" her..and imean hong and WS (well he is also not there.. can we see him realizing that he loves ajumma) only

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What is the point? She is still married. That does not seem to be changing as SO is  content with the status Quo of her marriage. As long as she can lie her way out of everything and basically run around doing whatever she wants anyway no reason to rock the boat right? 

 And WS is still STILL hung up on his dead girlfriend. No room for another lady until he deals with that.

So: no. 

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Finished the subbed episode, thoughts:

  • Really interesting episode, not much development between the character, but just an interesting case.
  • I like how WJ & SO finally work together and don't question the other. They just share information and work with everything that they have. Especially WJ benefits from this.
  • Sadly, we don't have any progress towards the traumas of both of our leads. Especially the case of WJ and his girlfriend interests me. But it wasn't touched at all during the last two episodes. JDJ didn't had a major role either this episode. I'm a little concerned that both of their stories won't have enough time to be finished properly. I want to see more of that.
  • With this in mind I also think that we won't have a romance between the OTP. It just isn't enough time left. We have just 4ep left. WJ is jealous, but I don't think we will have a romance in the end. 
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I will be happy with an open ending. 

I had my reservations about shipping this couple when it was never described as having romantic elements between the leads. I am disappointed. After Chief Kim I should have known better I guess :)

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10 hours ago, ross27 said:

@docster6 @bebebisous33, I did notice the closeness of KM and Capt Bae too. It would be wonderful if SO's BFF has a soulmate too. Episode 11 is really awesome...we get thrills and we get so many funny moments as well. I have a good laugh when WS and SO faced off each other trying to con each other with their fake documents!  It is so telling that SO is oblivious to the true meaning of Hong's gift. 

I did like the scene you mentioned when SO imagines she shoved the table away and ran for life .  I rewound it many times.  I love her facial expressions which prove her tag as a Queen of Rom Com. The meeting at the basement revealed something about their feelings, SO, WS and Hong.  Their collaboration for the sake of their neighbourhood matters.

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...so episodes 10 and 11 actually made everyone a cat entangled in a ball of wool. There were actually four unrelated criminals : the panty-thief, rooftop murderer, serial murderer and Ahjumma's parents' murderer. I thought Detective Woo is an empty vessel antagonist to our mystery queen but he is not. Is he going to have more part in the drama after the serial murder case?

However, I don't quite catch the logic how Detective Woo came into the conclusion that the serial murderer is masquerading as a policeman in a patrol car.

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28 minutes ago, Blizzardistkaputt said:

...so episodes 10 and 11 actually made everyone a cat entangled in a ball of wool. There were actually four unrelated criminals : the panty-thief, rooftop murderer, serial murderer and Ahjumma's parents' murderer. I thought Detective Woo is an empty vessel antagonist to our mystery queen but he is not. Is he going to have more part in the drama after the serial murder case?

However, I don't quite catch the logic how Detective Woo came into the conclusion that the serial murderer is masquerading as a policeman in a patrol car.

Waah!.. I was right then about multiple criminals!


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The ending scene of episode 12 is so powerful: Woo with his gun aimed at the driver (Serial murderer) of his fake police car. Now that we know the backstory of why Woo wanted the special unit set up, it showed how determined Woo was to catch the serial murderer. I am confused though. Was the death of his police partner/buddy caused by over exhaustion from trying to catch the serial murderer then? Also, what was the sound of the shot all about? The shot before we got to the ending scene of Woo aiming his gun at the serial murderer.

LOL on WS who was so jealous of Woo as SO was quoting Woo on the clues and deductions she was making about the case. 

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10 hours ago, ross27 said:

The ending scene of episode 12 is so powerful: Woo with his gun aimed at the driver (Serial murderer) of his fake police car. Now that we know the backstory of why Woo wanted the special unit set up, it showed how determined Woo was to catch the serial murderer. I am confused though. Was the death of his police partner/buddy caused by over exhaustion from trying to catch the serial murderer then? Also, what was the sound of the shot all about? The shot before we got to the ending scene of Woo aiming his gun at the serial murderer.

LOL on WS who was so jealous of Woo as SO was quoting Woo on the clues and deductions she was making about the case. 

1. Yes, that's his reason. Ji Young died from overwork due to the S. Market serial killer. However, Woo is making a mistake because he is so obsessed with this serial killer. Notice that he didn't consider the murder or the underwear theft as something serious. Moreover, the moment he has caught the killer, then what happens to the Special Unit team? Is it over because there is no serial killer any longer. In the end, Ha and the others invested a lot of money for just one case. From my point of view, when he moved to the USA in order to become a profiler, he did the right thing. Thanks to his profiling skills, he could determine the identity of the killer. However, YSO is different from him as she pays attention to details hence she could come to a similar conclusion. She saw the fake police car and realised the significance of the car.

2. The shot was heard before in order to make the viewer curious: "What happened?" So when Woo is shown later, this scene reveals what really happened before he used his gun.   

I know that people keep complaining that there is no romance between YSO and HWS... but to me, they are already acting like a married couple: their bickering and comfortable talk reveal a lot about them. HWS is definitely jealous, when YSO gets attention from another man or she keeps mentioning Woo. Moreover, when HWS said that he would never give her his heart, it actually looked like the opposite. So no, this is not a typical romantical love because both are much more mature. Both have a trauma and hide their hearts in order to protect themselves. Yet, there is something between them. I don't mind if we don't see any kiss... The only thing I want is to see how her marriage fails. Sorry to say that, but YSO doesn't act like a married woman. This has to happen, besides she needs to discover her husband's misdeeds.

Finally, I would like to point out that Woo, YSO and HWS definitely have something in common: all of them suffered from the loss of a loved one (girlfriend, colleague or parents) and could never overcome the pain. all of them became obsessed with something: YSO wanted to become a detective and reopen her parents' case, HWS is chasing after JDJ who seems to be linked to his ex-girlfriend HS and finally Woo lost his colleague due to exhaustion.

Once Woo gets aware that YSO had found out the criminal, because their car war just behind, he will be surprised. I hope that my predictions are true... Woo uses his fame and celebrity status in order to gather info for HWS and YSO: both are in need of someone with power in order to put an end to the secrecy and reveal the truth. 

@dhakra @tmadzik @docster6 @RobinM @gaby81 @nona88@sava2sava

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Mystery Queen: Episode 11

by Laica


It’s a dream come true for Seol-ok to finally be working officially for the police, and with her hero, Inspector Woo, no less. But all is not as it seems, and although Seol-ok doesn’t know exactly what’s happening behind the scenes, she soon starts to realize that the friends who’ve been by her side all along might be the ones she needs the most.


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Haven't watched ep in full since ep. 08 as I felt the pace was a tad slow. Still enjoy the constant squabbling between Wanseung-Seolok though. LoL that her cafe friend & Wanseung's police chief suspect Wanseung crushing on Seolok & that they're in a love triangle with Officer Hong! 

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