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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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Guess what!!! tomorrow (in my time zone) is Friday the 13th!!! :lol: And we will see the 13th episode!! Cross your fingers!!!

@selenette Yesss!!! Iago is a better example!!! I am worried too hearing that script has been completed recently!!! What!!! I hope she is writing all the PPL into the scenes and nothing more!! :tongue:

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Warming up before tonight episode immortals, hehe I love this show so much even I hope that I can catch all the awesome theories but I find my self confused and decided just to enjoy reading all of you^^; and mostly the OSTs are so ear-wormy whoa can't help to visualize them, so fallin' for this show!!!:lol: 

Mysterious light, I'm still wondering :


Wang Yeo : Don't leave me, I full of regrets.


Kim Shin : I beg for life, I ask above for permission.


Kim Shin : Can't help to ask one more day (again). Out of my plan.


All starts from here.






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With everyone being so preoccupied with the seemingly more dangerous threats of Zombie and death appointments No one is even thinking about a greedy human. The writer would not have brought them back for no reason and they maY be the real threat not nasty mr Lipstick.

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3 minutes ago, RobinM said:

With everyone being so preoccupied with the seemingly more dangerous threats of Zombie and death appointments No one is even thinking about a greedy human. The writer would not have brought them back for no reason and they maY be the real threat not nasty mr Lipstick.

I agree with you. I remembered the scene of the aunt with her kids being released. Hence brought it up earlier. Something fishy 

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13 minutes ago, triplem said:

I agree with you. I remembered the scene of the aunt with her kids being released. Hence brought it up earlier. Something fishy 


Yeah especially when they mentioned that they should look for her at universities. I would actually love a showdown between the evil fam and GR/KS/DH/Sunny.

Evil fam vs loving fam <3 

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12 minutes ago, makeuptemple said:

@staygold That's what I have been telling for days. Friday the 13th 13th Episode of Goblin..   I even tweet about it.   Michin about this drama.  


lol!!! No wonder I missed!! I was away for sometime!!:sweatingbullets: Me too experiencing some intense dokkaebi michin-ness!!

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I unfortunately will not be able to live recap tomorrow so I'll be depending on our awesome recappers when I get back. You'd best believe I'll be breaking all sorts of speeding limits to get back home and spaz with everyone else lol.

On a different note, have people been re-watching from episode 1 to 12 or are you waiting for the entire show to be over before re-watching? Or do you just re-watch certain parts that are your favorites?

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@packmule3  btw i have edited and re-post the post that i posted yesterday, regarding Shin's gazes and that Pre-first-love (ep1-ep4) the original one was full of typo error and full of mistakes.

oh mine, was going to find your actual post but couldnt (that's testify how fast this thread spin, and how much each of us Brides and Queens are addicted to this thread, i give up findin your original post when i see it's page 708).. i intend to reply your post about the nature of the Body snacker / aka Butterfly / "Above".... etc. (but that is definitely not the G-D i am worshiping.... while many fans and maybe KES herself would like to draw metaphor to link this Butterfly's nature to our G-D, i beg to differ that this Butterfly is not our G-D, and nowhere same in actual OT theme of the 'G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob'.)

OOSP! you want a theological biblical exposition? or a mere fun-Goblin-directly related view-point of the deity? haha. by now it should be a little obvious i 'preach' here oft times. (aha, have not graduate with a master in theology yet, so very hard to do exegesis on theism... haha.  K, just view the Deity in the light of Goblin alone.
nonetheless, this Above is not cruel or evil, he does loved the 'creations' goblin and reapers. here's my defense:

what was Kim Shin's sins so great that he should bear the sin-cursed sword for 939 yrs. while many directly link it to the Sins of soaking (or soiling) his sword with thousands of enemies blood. i should say his ultimate sin was murmuring against God. Against the Deity who as blessed his family clan with respect (noble even) status, that they should be viewed as loyalities and patriots for generations, that the Late King upon death bed will ask Shin such a heavy burden. this itself is a blessing by the Above. while he should direct his anger towards the evil man and his powers that has blinded the weak king, and while he should be praying for those that are still living, and are lost now facing the death of their national hero (himself) ... Shin sought to discourage those who who pray... Well. it is good that the villagers were not able to hear what he said to himself. do not pray to anyone.... no one is listening, he was pretty much like anyone of us, at the last moment when all hopes are but lost, the very last thing we foul human will do, is to blame God. he did, (just like many heroes in ages past, so i count it his sin, his wrongs in doing. but i will not harshly hold him much accountable, because i will fall into such sins, if i am tested like this....)
KS: “Do not pray to anyone. No one is listening.”

and this question of praying or not praying to the deity ties to what Birth Granny, which she did refer to in ep12”: “why don’t you create a world without sin in the first place?” Above: “Then nobody would look for the almighty.” the Ball bounces back to the Above's court, so the root of all evils lies in the world Above created? Nay!
Many of us oft times easily go murmuring against the ALmightly, the "EL' ('EL' in hebrew,t eh original language of the Bible, means actually "God", Samshin Birth granny's actual actress name is Lee El.). when there's sufferings on earth and injustice run high.... Yet human's suffering can be seen as training a person's characters, when he/she was chosen for greater glories in future, suffering are the scorching fire that burnt the impurities away from raw Gold. when such cases, sufferings by affliction and injustice carried out by the Evil taht prevail., when the Evil people worked evils and G-D allows it to come to pass, in the end, it some times become a blessing in disguise.
see, Joseph in the Old Testament, in his 'mishaps' after "mishaps', yet it worked blessing not just to himself, his own brothers, but also to his family clan. what Kim Shin need to do, is to forgive like Joseph of the Bible, what WangYeo need is to repent thorough upon realization of the great sins and incompetence of himself which lead to many offers because of his weakness.

"But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. " (Genesis50:20)
Sufferings and wars are just part of life, when there are human, there will be sins which is result of greed, pride, and lust, aka lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and pride of life. Birth granny asked Above why don't he created a sin-free world.
and he answered correctly, somewhat tied to what our Bible agreed upon.

“Birth Granny”: “why don’t you create a world without sin in the first place?”
Above: “Then nobody would look for the almighty.”

if G-D remove our free-will, then we are nothing bu robots, whatever joy is not experienced truly, whatever grace is not experienced thru forgiveness , all attributes of G-D will never be understand and appreciate by Human, with whom God created to enjoy HIM, and to KNOW HIM> when one is in paradise, no one will bother to look for G-d and be thankful even for being in paradise.
and the Butterfly did actively help Goblin and Reaper's life from Day One. if HE is nothing but wrath.... one thing HE can do straight away upon judgment of their SINS... punish them into endless pain by not remove their memories, and to turn them into ashes forever with no second life, and for Goblin, Above will not even think of providing a Bride.... talking about Bride... Above will not even provide such a Shinning Bride. the title is call waht? The Lonely and Shinning Goblin.
shall i add> The Lovely and Shinng Bride! and the Lonely and Shinning Goblin. by Above's will in the first place to allow Birth granny to bring Mom to call for Goblin to save unborn baby ET.... all are predestination. and Bride was chosen right 939 years ago. this is how Above love goblin.
you can find DH (while possessed by Above) was active in the life of Goblin, weaved his big tapestry of grandness, since 20 years when Above actively allow Birth G Samshin to led to ET's birth. in truth ET is not created by BG, nor KS.. she was planned from the beginning when the idea of a Goblin's bride was formed. and thank the Above, this Bride is not any giggling fangirl who will just awe at goblin's prettiness.. without taking efforts to understand him. Above created a very understanding lonely ET who will in turn understand the other 3's loneliness... from Shin to Yeo to Sunny, all 3 has pretty much lived alone, gloomy, but well disciplined life. and we found Above arranged such that it is thru someone outside the original Goryeo's saga that should weaved all 3 back into the tapestry to work out the final grand play of redemption. Grace must be realised and practice on Shin's part, and if he sinned in murmur and blame God, he should be humbled to thank God. which he did finally humbled himself and beg at ep8, with a tear fall...
“After living a hundred years, on just the right day… It was first love. That I may confess it, I ask the heavens for permission.” . when life or death matters is no longer concern with his own selfish needs any more, that whatever life or death, it is and will always be Euntak, he beg for permission. ... i loved how the 'Who are you" OST hauntingly sang this one sentence, "I beg for life.". life as in not a longevity that matters, but enough life as in years to love and behold the dearest of his life." this, he humbled and turn to beg the Above whom he murmured against.
what Above want to see, when he gave each of the 3 a chance to live, to repent, to forgive, to love, to bestow grace. to be a better person before that forgiveness come. Even to reaper, Above erased the memories, in so doing, he allowed King while knowing he was a sinner. Yeo sought to live a better life, be even sympathising to those who sat across him drinking the tea in regrets... to live a life witnessing souls at the pivotal point in life, in much regrets and tears that they are unable to right the wrongs they did in life.... is unbearable. this was the punishment of not remembering, yet just like the punsihment is actually a blessing. Yeo was blessed to be allowed to be such a nicer person, in comparison to those funny reapers beside him... he seems to have one extra thing they have not yet exhibit thrtu this story... Yeo has human empathy.

i dare to say, Above will shine also in the finale, by giving some surprise, like the Biblical G-D providing a Ram for sacrifice after Abraham willing to obey and sacrifice Isaac. the G-D shown a higher plan of salvation. So will Above, bestow grace... he wont go som much extra miles, to find the maple leave, to find ET at Ski resort, to led Reaper into the goblin's lair, to led Reaper to met Sunny on the bridge, to let Birth Samshin kept the Ring and introduce at the right time... and ET to be led to work at Sunny's shop... i dare say, Above will let ET be the peace-keeper, and peace-maker that will dissolved Shin's grudges and bring him out of misery of unforgiveness... and encourage Yeo to look not to the past, and work hard to be a better person, to redeem his past, by treasure Sunny... even, Sunny may be encourage by ET that at least there is this little girl who will understand what she went thru...
Mortality will be the happy ending Above finally bestow upon Shin and Yeo.
@bebebisous33@romanov @selenette forgive me not taggin... too shy to tag sometimes , duno whether u find me draggy in writings.

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20 minutes ago, janeeta said:


Yeah especially when they mentioned that they should look for her at universities. I would actually love a showdown between the evil fam and GR/KS/DH/Sunny.

Evil fam vs loving fam <3 

Yeah. That would be awesome. Here found something on IG - nice one of GY


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6 minutes ago, pnaysurfer84 said:

Going out of town tomorrow so I will be missing your lovely Goblin live recaps. I'm expectant to back read 100 pages by the time I get back home. I want to thank the live recappers in advance. Thank you awesome people! 

Don't worry our friend, we will ensure that you will not miss a single analysis, pictures, recaps, gifs at all! Have a safe and pleasant trip!

As usual, this forum is the first thing I browse in the morning, thank you @aurelly for the BTS pict, it's really really awesome.

Today's FRIDAY! YAY! I stopped all appointments / activities for my Friday and Saturday since Goblin hooked me LOL....can't wait for today's episode :blush:

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38 minutes ago, janeeta said:


Yeah especially when they mentioned that they should look for her at universities. I would actually love a showdown between the evil fam and GR/KS/DH/Sunny.

Evil fam vs loving fam <3 

My take: i think they will meet again but that "amnesia" thing will happen again. When they were brought in for "stealing" gold reserves, they conveniently "forgot" all details regarding JET.  But then, they might create trouble and be a danger to JET, so I'm hoping for the former (that promises to be comedic) rather than the latter.

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