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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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19 minutes ago, jma030201 said:

Because of Goblin, I got this Gong Yoo fever going on so I am re-watching Coffee Prince ... waaaahhhhh now I miss YEH too! When is she going to have another drama? Hope both of them will be in a reunion like drama ... maybe CP 2!

I want her back as well but with her past scandal i think she doubts to make a comeback...Knet kinda hate her...Her chemy with Gong Yoo was off the charts that no one can doubt it!!!


@littleloony Indeed, "Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy" was a good drama,even if it had in between some drama,u know the typic old drama stuff..still,Gong Yoo as a highschooler was amazing,also with Gong Hyo Jin...Wish for a reunion between the Gong couple...


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1 hour ago, thea basilio said:

i was re-watching every episode then i saw at episode one the ring that reaper was staring at, the thick green one- so hyun - the princess?? was wearing it. it takes a great sin to become a reaper like murdering someone from your past life just like our goblin said. idk man 

Indeed, your sins have to big to be a grim reaper. But as long as we know goblin was a murder too. But he didn't kill his own family like the king did. He was jealous,blind,and let people effect him. He wasn't mature at that time.

He killed his wife. Maybe after he came into his since, he became a real monster.

Like i said before. I just dont understand why the secretary  didnt get any punishment...

Does the blossoms have a link to the cherry blossom? 

Every time goblin is happy, he thinks about his sister?

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Hi everyone :)

I´m a silent reader and have been enjoying all of your insightful comments about this amazing drama. I´m delurking to share some fanart that I have made.











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8 minutes ago, casserole said:

Do we know why in the beginning ET was not able to touch him without it burning, but all of a sudden she could? Did I miss something? Was it ever explained?

Not yet but i imagine they appeared because he didn't like it being stoped then,now that the bond is deeper by his side he doesn't put out the shield that the flames are,to keep people away...Imagine like a animal that uses his thorns or poision as a first thing to make the enemy get away,after he doens't sense it as a danger he will not harm,maybe the same goes here...

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Hi everyone. I promised myself that I wouldn't watch this until it was closer to the end or completed but I apparently lack self control or was too excited to see GY back in a drama that I've been watching and obsessing over this drama for the past week. Even though I started this drama because of GY I have to say that I'm loving KGE's portrayal of Eun Tak. I love plucky heroines, who don't give up on themselves regardless of all the hardships that they face and I'm so impressed that Eun Tak can still find joy in simple things. Even with all of her bravado the underlying feeling of loneliness that permeates a lot of her scenes is so palpable that it both breaks my heart and makes me angry that no one is telling her the truth about what it means to be the Goblin's bride.

That said I find that I am enjoying the melancholic undertone of the show where even the happy moments are tinged with a little feeling of sadness. I also really loved Goblin's reaction to Eun Tak seeing the sword, in a way it was totally believable and very human. It's really endearing that after 900+ years of searching for his bride to remove the sword he seemingly has the opportunity to have it removed and he's freaking out about whether or not he's actually ready to die. I'm also really loving the dynamic between Eun Tak and Goblin, their banter is great and I can understand why he's falling in love with her and why she's clinging to him as tightly as she is. I don't even care about the age difference because unless she was 900 years old the age difference would still exists and I don't agree with the opinion that Eun Tak is immature because surviving as she has for the past 9-10 yrs in an environment that is less than hospitable both at school and at home takes a lot of maturity.

I find it completely hilarious that Grim is vegan and Sunny owns a chicken restaurant.

Why are the ghosts afraid of Goblin? Every time any of the ghost squad is hanging out with Eun Tak and they see him they leave. 

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2 hours ago, littleloony said:

Okay so about the Goblin's curse I have this thought I wanted to share. For that let me quote Javabeans' (Dramabeans) narration of the very first lines from ep 1. [I take it that her translation is an accurate one]

A narrator tells the old saying of how one becomes a goblin if the soul seeps into an item stained by a person’s hand or blood.

An old, worn sword sticks out of the ground, its hilt wrapped in a bloodstained cloth. The narrator notes, “This sword that has been stained with the blood of thousands, and its owner’s blood as well—how could it not happen?”

The narrator declares, “Only the goblin’s bride will pull out that sword. If the sword is pulled, may it return to nothing and be at peace.”

So based on this condition, it is the combination of KS's soul plus the sword (bloody item) that makes up the Goblin. Shin as well as all of us have taken it for granted that the moment the Goblin's bride appears and pulls out that sword from Shin's chest the Goblin will die. But if you notice the last part of the narration it clearly states that-

a) only the Goblin's bride will pull out the sword and most importantly

b). may IT return to nothing and be at peace

the declaration in no way states that KIm shin or his soul will die or become nothing and be at peace, I think it means that the object that facilitated the becoming of Goblin, the sword in this case would cease to be the agent for Kim Shin's immortality. IF that becomes the case then it may just be possible for Kim Shin to live out a normal human life (with ET by his side) and then die at an old age, thus enjoying the life he was denied in the Goryeo time line.

[ I may have thought too much about this because honestly I am just not ready for another sad drama after MLSHR]

One other thing, the sword pulling may not be effective in eps 5 and 6 because for Kim Shin to be at peace the physical act of pullling out the sword is not gonna do it. He needs closure for his betrayal and pain, needs to let go of his 1000 year wrath nd ultimately forgive the ones involved in his past for him to truly be at peace [plus what are Grim and Sunny gonna do if not get involved with Shin's journey to find their own closures]. I think ET may be a guiding light for him in these aspects because we already saw that she has a forgiving nature [begged Shin not to harm the kidnapping loan sharks].




"it" can also be goblin. English-wise, a monster is neither he or she, so either referred as "they" or simply "it".

For example this wikipedia definition of dokkaebi, goblin is referred as "it": Dokkaebi (Korean도깨비) is a mythical being in Korean folklore or fairy tales. Although usually frightening, it could also represent a humorous, grotesque-looking ogre or goblin

Another point is what is definition of "bride" here in this drama? May be ET cannot pull it yet because she is not a bride yet, their status now is only "a beginning item", no confession or so on. Per-se, she is not goblin's bride yet (she is not going to marry/newly married with Goblin yet). Especially the divinity really wants to punish KS with his 'sin' killing people, separating people from their love one. So it more make sense if the sword can be pulled after both of them are severely fall in love to each other (and for sure they are not in this stage yet)


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"Goblin" Kim Go-eun-I and Yoo In-na Have the Goblin Grim Reaper Going Crazy


In the new tvN drama, "Goblin", they have shown that humans have the gods tied down.

Kim Go-eun-I, who plays Ji Eun-tak in the film, is a 19 year old girl who is living life because the goblin saved her before she was even born.

She has great powers such as seeing the dead as well. She also believed that she was the goblin's bride and confidently confesses her love to the goblin.

With her bright and pure personality, she has captured the heart of the goblin.

Yoo In-na plays the 'girl crush' role with her chic personliaty. She makes the grim reaper cry and makes him become love sick.

It seems that the goblin and the grim reaper may have the powers to choose the destiny of people, but they are weak when it comes to love.


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"Goblin" Kim Go-eun-I and Yoo In-na Have the Goblin Grim Reaper Going Crazy






In the new tvN drama, "Goblin", they have shown that humans have the gods tied down.

Kim Go-eun-I, who plays Ji Eun-tak in the film, is a 19 year old girl who is living life because the goblin saved her before she was even born.

She has great powers such as seeing the dead as well. She also believed that she was the goblin's bride and confidently confesses her love to the goblin.

With her bright and pure personality, she has captured the heart of the goblin.

Yoo In-na plays the 'girl crush' role with her chic personliaty. She makes the grim reaper cry and makes him become love sick.

It seems that the goblin and the grim reaper may have the powers to choose the destiny of people, but they are weak when it comes to love.



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4 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Okay, you're right. IT makes sense... yet he tried to predict her future so in my opinion, he saw that she was somehow struggling (she had no umbrella unlike all the others). He didn't know all the details. But her appearance and her gaze were revealing her poor situation so that he wanted to help her. Since he couldn't predict her future, he was surprised.


Yes he may be already intrigue with this young lady just walk passby without umbrella and not even glance to his royal hotness :D:D:D

My take on this scene is like this below (I imagine they talk like this in their mind)

KS: Who is this girl, everywhere I go I always see human's thought, their wish, their past and their future.. but NOT this one. (then he follows her with his eyes to try harder but none appear)

ET: Hyeol!! Who is this ahjussi with gigantic sword in his chest! He must be a ghost..OK eunTak, walk ahead and dont take a look at him, Eomma warned me not to take a look at ghost directly to their eyes

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3 hours ago, SunnySun26 said:

So Deok-hwa goes back in time, as one of the people he reincarnated?



i hope the spoiler tag works ... 

.... rewatching the episodes (not to find, but to enjoy), still ... those pictures are from the 1. servant.
In the beginning as KS meets DH he tells him, that he looks like a family member from long ago (we know he is the reincarnation of the first boy-servant
(in episode 2 when they are in Canada KS remembers being in Canada, voice over telling that he has to remember each person he parts with ... we see the boy serve him, then "DH" lighting the candles merging into the old man ... that's the outfit


Random thought:
Seeing that this time around there are many reincarnations from the time as KS was mortal and General. His time of death and becoming the goblin. It seams to clock in the final. All those years KS waited for the bride to come, but the conditions weren't right. The conditions had to be complete. All those involved in the plot to kill the General and eventually turning him into the Goblin, serving him the first time, had to reincarnate in one way or another.
The boy-servant was born into the same family
The queen (innocent apart from the possible fact of being his sister) was reincarnated
The king, a court lady and others (plotting KSs death or covering the truth) were punished in turning into Grim Reaper
There might be more reincarnations, evil, good, that needed to be "in place" .... the conditions were right so a kind mortal woman was chosen to give birth to the bride. But to be able to do so the Goblin had to save her and chose her. He said it himself, that he does not change those fates in general, but he was in a to good mood to see death that day. But there were many death that day, that moment, he reacted to the pleads of that one person, as the Granny told her shortly before, that she should plead with and honest heart. Her worry was not her death, but the death of her unborn. Which moved the Goblin to his interfering. If she had pleaded for her own live he might have turned, but it was her baby, another life was more important than hers.
That's what he looks for in people/kids he helps. 

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38 minutes ago, happypuppy said:


"it" can also be goblin. English-wise, a monster is neither he or she, so either referred as "they" or simply "it".

For example this wikipedia definition of dokkaebi, goblin is referred as "it": Dokkaebi (Korean도깨비) is a mythical being in Korean folklore or fairy tales. Although usually frightening, it could also represent a humorous, grotesque-looking ogre or goblin

Another point is what is definition of "bride" here in this drama? May be ET cannot pull it yet because she is not a bride yet, their status now is only "a beginning item", no confession or so on. Per-se, she is not goblin's bride yet (she is not going to marry/newly married with Goblin yet). Especially the divinity really wants to punish KS with his 'sin' killing people, separating people from their love one. So it more make sense if the sword can be pulled after both of them are severely fall in love to each other (and for sure they are not in this stage yet)


Hi @happypuppy I agree with your thoughts about ET not being a "bride" in the truest sense...so that would be one reason she can't pull out the sword.  Somehow I keep coming back to the concept of "sacrifice" as being important in the act of redemption/forgiveness.  When you mentioned that ET will be able to pull out the sword after they are both really in love......separating people from their loved ones...in actuality in the end it would be ET, the Bride who would be paying the price for the death/separation from her loved one, the Goblin.  She, according to the show, does not have a sinful past to atone for in her current life so it would be her innocent sacrifice that would bring Goblin peace...

I keep hoping that the "it" is the sword and not the Goblin "it".  Therefore, ET and Goblin who has done good and positive things in his life to atone for his past "sins" would find a happy future together.  Here's to hopping***!!!

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@kismet22I think faces are also recycled, however soul and face would not necessarily match. Thats why the Reaper said the King could have been reincarnated as a woman. Biologically that will be very different, yet elsewhere the face of the king could have been recycled as well. That's why some people look like people from the past.  So in other terms, even if ET's soul is the soul of KS's unborn niece biologically she is not related to KS. Definitely, emotionally this would be a big change in things, especially for KS who remembers his living life well. However things are unlikely to change for GR, Sunny and ET, all of them have no recollection of their past lives. Their past lives mean nothing to them and they are new people. While this may be slightly less true for GR who may regain memories of his past life, making it part of him, I think it's slightly less icky for a father to allow his "daughter" be with his best friend. 

This theory is tempting because it could be a redeeming trait for the King and Queen. If the Queen was pregnant at the time, her dying as many mentioned would be a terrible sin, especially in the eyes of Samshin. The King would have similarly suffered the same sins for killing his wife and unborn child. If ET is the reincarnation of their unborn child, then it would allow them to take care of her as they are now and redeem themselves. This theory is however just a theory, with very little proof. However it's undeniable that ET is a new soul, she is not a reincarnation of anyone who has ever lived. Even if GR touched her, he will see very little. 

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