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@titania1000 -- Interesting observations there dear. I found them such a pleasure to read. It really goes to show how we all take away such different things from the show. Or at the very least the drama can be appreciated on so many different levels. I've found the entire drama such a high wire visceral journey through the quirky camera work and brutal use of imagery that aside from 11, the pacing for me has been quite relentless. However, reading your comments here has triggered another thought that I have about 13 and 14. 

@dhakra said that the last couple of episodes came across as set up episodes and I agreed. But more than that I believe, these episodes felt to me like the lull before the storm. The eve of a big battle. We've been on this intense, high-octane journey with these people who have been groping around trying dig up the truth. The team that they've precariously built together is being sorely tested and is under serious threat from being torn apart from within and without. It's as if they're readying themselves for the biggest fight of their lives. Walking through the alleyways and thinking about the loved ones that they've lost to the KBK marks the culmination of that journey. Now that they've finally come face to face with the ultimate enemy, they will need to muster all the weapons at their disposal and put everything on the line to do battle.

I'm not sure if it makes sense to anyone else but me. But it's like watching a war movie and on the night before a major campaign, the troops sit around the campfire quiet and uncertain if they will make it but they're still determined to put their best foot forward, defend their families and whatever ideals that keeps them fighting despite the odds. That's sort of how it feels like to me.

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Kim Jae Wook
Original post: Here
- I saw him in Bad Guy...Daebak...
- Really sexy
- I get goosebumps when i see Tae Goo but he is really handsome...
- So Handsome
- Ah Tae Goo-ah...
- When the chief center was at that club and he was laughing from behind, i got goosebumps because of his acting..
- Really...I think he is the most good-looking psychopath that i have ever seenㅌㅋㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Maybe because i have a little experience in thriller drama...but he is scarier than Ji Young Min...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠㅜ  Taktagi (tn: because he make that noise with his mouth) is such a bad guy..ㅜㅜㅠ
- Tae Goo-si...i'm scared to death, please stop being that scary..
- Why did i thought it will be Nam Goong Min...
- He's really scary...
- For me it's kakao dog (Shin Sung-Rok)...
(tn: this pic is not included in the article but i post it so you can understand the comment better^^)
- His acting is really daebakㅠㅠㅠㅠ he is really scary...
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now i feel bad for bad-mouthing & cursing the team leader (forgot his name), really thought all along he was with the bad guys...i feel grateful that he seems to regret his actions & he's redeeming himself to be trustworthy to Jin Hyuk again..


can't believe it was DaeShik who Jin Hyuk has to be wary of...so disappointing for him to be the spy no matter what his reasons are. Such a bastard (sorry for my lingo) lol


i wonder who Dae shik is talking to on the phone? who is he working with? i dont think it is Tae Gu himself? otherwise he must be sooo stupid to be dealing with him directly as he knows full well Jin Hyuk is suspecting Tae Gu to be the serial killer.

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9 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@dhakra About DS: in my opinion, he didn't betray JH because of his sick father (bills). He was just blackmailed like Jang in the end. It was even worse because DS did nothing morally wrong in the first place. From my point of view, his father as bus driver from S Express became the scapegoat for the hit and run arranged by the prosecutor in order to explain the death of KGJ's father. Don't forget that his death was declared as a victim of hit and run. Notice that DS' father mentioned it and DS got scared, when his father told him that he wanted to thank JH for his help. DS had lied to his father: JH had helped him so that he wasn't condemned as a criminal for Hit and run.

Yes I agree that he was blackmailed like Jang, but after all he betrayed JH. Call me naive, but he just could tell JH/KJ about his father being the scapegoat. This information could've changed everything, especially for KJ. And after all, he didn't need to call MTG about the whereabouts of NSJ. But he chose to do so. I agree that DS isn't a bad person and more or less another victim, but at some point he had to show loyalty to JH, but instead showed loyalty to MTG. There is blood on his fingers aswell and he needs to be charged for that. He may not be a killer, but he acted against his duties as a cop. He may have saved his father from being called a criminal, but the path to realize that is filled with blood. Maybe calling him a betrayer was too harsh, but in my opinion it isn't done with 'he was blackmailed, he had no choice'. 

For once I want to see a police-station in kdramaland, where they actually trust each other.

5 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I don't think Dae Shik sees himself as a betrayer. In his mind this is the best solution he's come to that will keep both his father and JH safe. Those are his priorities. He may or may not know who Ji Hye's killer is depending on who he's dealing with, or who his handler turns out to be. In all probability the truth behind Ji Hye's death isn't known to him and if it is, it's not actually a priority in the scheme of things. He may consider that it's his job to protect the living than get justice for the dead. 

With DS I'm trying to reconcile the exceeding devotion with succumbing to bribery. I doubt that either myself or @bebebisous33 is condoning what he's done. I certainly don't because he is perpetuating the power stranglehold of the Mo empire in law enforcement. But I'm trying to understand where he's coming from because I don't see him as someone whose sinning because he's actually enjoying it. Most people in this show aren't. Not even Commissioner Bae. He can't even enjoy his position or flaunt it because he's not his own man. And dare I say it, not even the chairman who is constantly on edge because of his psychopathic son.

I'm absolutely sure that DS don't see himself as betrayer, I would even say that he hates himself for doing this to JH. Like I said, I think DS isn't a bad person, he just had bad luck. He wants to keep his father and JH safe, but JH never asked to be protected. He's still a crazy dog after all and I'm sure he would never ask for such a thing. I agree with you that we maybe never know if he knew about JI Hye's killer or whos behind all this, but I think that he's not stupid. After all he's a cop and not a stupid one.

Of course he isn't sinning because he's enjoying it, after all he's another victim of the Mo Empire. But in my little world I think he could have act differently. JH is his partner after all. We will see how it will turn out in the end, but right know I think @bebebisous33thought of him dying could be a way to keep his face in front of JH. But I'm curious if JH actually would forgive him.


3 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

@dhakrasaid that the last couple of episodes came across as set up episodes and I agreed. But more than that I believe, these episodes felt to me like the lull before the storm. The eve of big battle. We've been on this intense, high-octane journey with these people who have been groping around trying dig up the truth. The team that they've precariously built together is being sorely tested and is under serious threat from being torn apart from within and without. It's as if they're readying themselves for the biggest fight of their lives. Walking through the alleyways and thinking about the loved ones that they've lost to the KBK marks the culmination of that journey. Now that they've finally come face to face with the ultimate enemy, they will need to muster all the weapons at their disposal and put everything on the line to do battle.

I'm not sure if it makes sense to anyone else but me. But it's like watching a war movie and on the night before a major campaign, the troops sit around the campfire quiet and uncertain if they will make it but they're still determined to put their best foot forward, defend their families and whatever ideals that keeps them fighting despite the odds. That's sort of how it feels like to me.

Exactly. This describes me feels for the last and upcoming episodes aswell. When you compare the latest episodes with those from the beginning of the drama, we have a much slower pace. The intensity of the first episodes were insane, I couldn't even breath because it was so thrilling. The latest episode were all way more plot driven and somehow more focussed. The drama got slower with every episode that aired. I'm not criticizing it, but I feel like they prepared everything for the final blow. The analogy of the night before the war describes it very good. Both warlords remember of the fallen before the night. The last 15min of ep14 were like the war horn that blows in the dawn. 


@bebebisous33Great summarize of the events regarding the hit-and-run case.

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5 hours ago, titania1000 said:

I love Lee Hana's look when she wears her uniform and i love her even more when she wears her casual look. I feel like crying to think that she won't reappear on tv for a long time ( if she continues to respect her principle to take only roles that she feels that she will regret if she doesn't do them). Kim Jae Wook and her should make a club of the invisible actors..:(  

Hi @titania1000 I agree with you. I have grown to like Lee Hana since High School King with Seo In Guk. Its a pity that she doesn't continue to act in dramas every year. She's a good actress.

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:flushed: I totally ran out of time yesterday so I didn't watch EP 14 until now. It did feel like the lull before the storm, but I still liked it a lot. Things slowed down.... However, there were some good character moments and some important information was revealed. 

Real time accidents and saving the victims from dying type of situations always keep me on the edge of my seat. Tears sprung to my eyes when Kwon Joo realized the gas was leaking. I think the bus passengers will make it. They've got to right? Would be such a horrible tragedy if they didn't.

I read everyone's comments and really enjoyed reading the different perspectives. ^^ This drama has been awesome and I've been pleased with the strong acting from the 3 main leads. Can't believe this drama flew by so fast and now it's finale week! :cry:



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1 hour ago, MiAmour said:

Voice cast & crew to have a vacation soon!!!

im not really sure which place they will go.. has anyone able to understand the article here? :smirk:



VOICE team going on a reward vacation !!

They have not confirmed the venue , date or attendance yet.

I am wondering if Detective Moo has the time to go or not? His new movie has press and VIP screenings on 15th and 20th March, release on 23rd March.


Voice Episode 13 Recap

Posted on 03/07/2017 by kjtamuser  Leave a comment

Voice Episode 13 – Chapter 7: The Birth of the Devil


Read here : https://kjtamusings.wordpress.com/2017/03/07/voice-episode-13-recap/

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18 minutes ago, Prettysup said:

VOICE team going on a reward vacation !!

They have not confirmed the venue , date or attendance yet.

I am wondering if Detective Moo has the time to go or not? His new movie has press and VIP screenings on 15th and 20th March, release on 23rd March.

i really wish he could go, he worked so hard for this crime drama. Perhaps they could set the date of vacation during early April? :smirk:



Code 0... It seems like they had a last filming? 


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so now I give up the ship of JH-KJ and start the ship Tae Gu- Kwon Joo? lol

the scary attraction of Tae Gu toward KJ made me sick and excited at the same time, but it will be sweet if after all TG cannot kill KJ because he falls for her hahaha

i think im not really in crime drama and always dream about romance :sweatingbullets:

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40 minutes ago, yessy said:

so now I give up the ship of JH-KJ and start the ship Tae Gu- Kwon Joo? lol

the scary attraction of Tae Gu toward KJ made me sick and excited at the same time, but it will be sweet if after all TG cannot kill KJ because he falls for her hahaha

i think im not really in crime drama and always dream about romance :sweatingbullets:


LOL its so rare to had a romance scene in crime & thriller drama, as Lee hana already mentioned during Vapp w/ other leads, that their characters are just as a comrades, So for those who loves crime drama, this drama really suits for them :smirk:



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@triplem I agree with you that OHH and PES are used for PPL: subway, samsung. In the last episode, it really annoyed me because it was just more than PPL: it was like an add! Samsung cellphones are waterproofdizzy crazy rabbit. We never got to see PES' skills (speaking foreign languages). Just once as she mentioned she had called the authorities in the USA in order to know about OHH's past. But that was it.   

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9 hours ago, triplem said:

I'm terrible at analysis  . I think our friends here in this thread has had some great thoughts & insights , and I hv  to confess I tend to come & read up here before watching so that I will pay attention to the details. 

What I can tell you though is how I feel. Which was really sad. Even though eps 13 prepared me for DS being the mole, i could not stop tears fr flowing when Moo found out esp that moment when he touched DS' hand. Like Moo I wasn't even angry , just terribly disappointed.

I know that the part where they showed him with his dad was suppose to give us some insight to why he crossed over to the dark side. However I felt no empathy for him & this is possibly due to the fact that he did not seem to show remorse. I felt he was more concerned about being found out, than feeling bad that he betrayed Moo. I don't even think he thinks he's betraying Moo as he probably thinks he was protecting the latter. 

Best way for him to redeem himself ( honestly I'm even questioning how genuine his care & concern for Moo was ) is to go to jail & be stripped off his badge. Dying to save Moo is too easy. He needs to live with the pain & regret of not being able to look at his Father & Hyung in the  eye.

Talking about eyes, when MTG literally eye-balled Kang at the door of her apartment, I immediately thought of the first "gift ", MadamJang's eyeballs , that he left for her.  My god, he really wanted to taunt / tease her. She was so brave going up to him in the police station but he totally felt in his sick twisted mind that she was coming on to him.  Luckily the cops came in time to her apartment. If he had caught her , he would have had some "fun" bf disposing of  her. 

I really hope that Moo will catch him with his own bare hands & give him a good beating bf sending him off to jail. Someone like him deserves the death penalty but I read it's rarely used in SK.

Really? Didn't thought it would hit you so hard.

Mhm...I kinda like the idea of him not being able to look into his fathers eyes again. To know that his father is ashamed of him. That would feel like a proper punishment. But still I think that his fate lies within dying to save Moo or someone else. 

7 hours ago, triplem said:

Lol! You can ship the younger pair. They seem to keep hinting at a developing romance. Plus their role seems redundant now - just being used as product placement models.:wink:

Still against it. 

6 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@triplem I agree with you that OHH and PES are used for PPL: subway, samsung. In the last episode, it really annoyed me because it was just more than PPL: it was like an add! Samsung cellphones are waterproofdizzy crazy rabbit. We never got to see PES' skills (speaking foreign languages). Just once as she mentioned she had called the authorities in the USA in order to know about OHH's past. But that was it.   

OMG! Thank you for enlighten my world. OMG I'm so stupid af. :bawling:

I watched that scene and really thought that would be important in the later stages of the drama. I really thought that this would play a role somehow, like HH is a mole aswell but he destroys evidence by throwing his phone into the toilet and while interrogating PES remembers that he said his phone is waterproof and they look for the phone in the toilets and......well you get the picture.

It was just a stupid cf scene like that one at Subways. How wasn't I able to notice it? :bawling: 

6 hours ago, triplem said:

hahaha! I thought it was really forced. It does seem quite out of place.  But gosh, I totally forgot that PES could speak foreign languages and even OHH - wasn't he suppose to be some super hacker? But I doubt finding info from the internet greatly utilised those hacking skills! :lol:

To this point his 'hacking skills' were reading social media pages and posts.

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4 minutes ago, dhakra said:

Really? Didn't thought it would hit you so hard.

Mhm...I kinda like the idea of him not being able to look into his fathers eyes again. To know that his father is ashamed of him. That would feel like a proper punishment. But still I think that his fate lies within dying to save Moo or someone else. 

Still against it. 

OMG! Thank you for enlighten my world. OMG I'm so stupid af. :bawling:

I watched that scene and really thought that would be important in the later stages of the drama. I really thought that this would play a role somehow, like HH is a mole aswell but he destroys evidence by throwing his phone into the toilet and while interrogating PES remembers that he said his phone is waterproof and they look for the phone in the toilets and......well you get the picture.

It was just a stupid cf scene like that one at Subways. How wasn't I able to notice it? :bawling: 

To this point his 'hacking skills' were reading social media pages and posts.

Your comment made me laugh leaf. I never thought that this scene was to take seriously because we had that scene at Subway before with this couple. For me, it was so obvious... actually it really annoyed me.

Like you, I don't need this couple at all and I actually wished that PES would come to a better use. After her involvement in OHH's case, she became useless in my opinion. OHH is still important as he is the one who do some tracking and find info. I guess, the writer might come to use her again, when KGJ is kidnapped by MTG. She might be the one coordinating the police forces and MJH. 

Despite my critics, I consider this drama as very entertaining.

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