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[Drama 2017] Missing Nine 미씽나인

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Missing 9: Episode 5

by LollyPip | February 2, 2017 | 26 Comments


The longer the missing are stuck on the island, the harder it gets to maintain their optimism, and it’s only a matter of time before someone begins to crack. Resources are getting low and emotions are running high, and it’s becoming a struggle to make decisions rationally. What will the castaways do when it starts to look like they may not all make it off the island alive?

Read more http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/02/missing-9-episode-5/

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13 hours ago, triplem said:

So did they really kill  off Yeol?He really did look dead..but I hope not.


I really don't think he is dead. Just like I said before, Taeoh didn't check his pulse before throwing him in the sea. Also, if they did kill him off this early, then why Chanyeol still have the same hair style? Oh and remember, the interview in Vapp, where he said he didn't "return" from the island yet << that could be a hint for us. Also, the fans in first episode claimed to have seen Lee Yeol in China!! - I think he is one of the survivors.

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Wow Taeho is just too much .. how can he kill people so easily, not just any random people, people he knew for a long time!!!! and now he is back!!! it's gonna be hard to reveal to the public that he is a murderer now ... hope he doesn't threaten Bonghee now and create his own story to tell to the investigator, but since they fond the reporter now, maybe his lies won't last long.

btw the episode made me cry for Yeollie :'( I still believe he's alive ..

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Seriously tae ho survive... that 7 soul cat.... 
Bong hee it was my honor to meet you now its time to Run...
and i have a feeling that tae ho with turn the table and say that Jooh oh it was the murder and bong hee accomplice... 

as for yeol we saw that jooh oh put the body of her in something like boat... i hope yoel wake up fing this and take it.... 

more survivoer more murder...

cant wait....... for more

and wait jooh oh just smile????in the preview  ooo i have a feeling that it wasnt good.....but we are going to have tae ho side too.... hmmm very witched,,,, 

keep watching for more... ^_^

quockhanh45  and everone sorry for the SPOILERSSSS i will not say moreeee :dissapointed_relieved:

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I don't want to say it, but I think Yeol is dead.  Even if he was only unconscious, TaeHo put him out to sea face down, so he's certainly dead now.  And what exactly is TaeHo that he seems to be able to fight off so many people?  I mean, why are the survivors on the main island splitting up?  Why not present a united front against TaeHo and gang up on him?  We see that Jiah and KiJoong were tied up, but what about the CEO and his assistant?

It's too bad that the ratings are so low.  I'm really enjoying it and it's almost like Game of Thrones to me.  Every episode is a cliffhanger and my heart always does a little "thud" when the episode ends.  However, I can also see how viewers would be frustrated by the constant back and forth scenes going between the present and the past and then even the super past.

Also, it seems that no one cares or remembers the three other idol girls that were on the plane.  I assume that everyone has given them up as having died during the crash?  Even though everyone else managed to survive long enough to arrive on the island?

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37 minutes ago, jechoi1 said:

Also, it seems that no one cares or remembers the three other idol girls that were on the plane.  I assume that everyone has given them up as having died during the crash?  Even though everyone else managed to survive long enough to arrive on the island?

I'm curious about them too. I hope the show reveals some information about what happened to them.

In Episode 6, they actually said 46 people were missing!! ....... I didn't think their plane was that big and I also assumed they were on a private one so that's a weird fact. :>

(SPOILERS EP 6) ----------- Tae Ho is officially on the dark side. He made no mistake this time. It was stupid of So Hee to be out alone with him. I was relieved that she overcame her desire to commit suicide on that cliff! She had a near-death experience and realized her life was important. She stayed strong. I thought her mental health was worsening, but she was still managing it okay. She could have made it out of the island alive if it weren't for Tae Ho!!  TH is pure evil and now he's back. Bong Hee really needs someone on her side to help and protect her in the present! Ackkkk. I'm worried for her. There's no concrete evidence so it's all gonna be she said, he said stuff. Prosecutor Tae Young needs to know the truth asap!

EP 7 Preview: WTF... where did that reporter come from?! Seriously had no hint of him until now.

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2 hours ago, lumibear said:

I'm curious about them too. I hope the show reveals some information about what happened to them.

Were they called Blue Angels? Or something like that? I thought President Hwang brought their names up during the part where he was telling KJ not to touch JA.


I have to say I love this show more with each episode. I have no issues with its plot so far.  I appreciate how they inject a little humour to balance things out. Our male protagonist continues to shine in each episode for me. I have never been so happy to see him. The look of relief and surprise on Bong hee's face said it all. I  felt his absence in eps 5 and in this eps, he proved to be the kind of hero that you need on a deserted island. Him not even blinking an eye to go save So Hee and Bong hee , and subsequently looking for Yeol and Tae Ho, makes this fangirl rather happy. I like that he took the high road and did not kill TH , though now after seeing the ending of eps 6 , i wish he had. 


The eps apart from all its plot twists and surprising reveals, tugged at my heartstrings quite a bit. JO telling BH that he will be the one to do all the things that she has been doing. So Hee finally coming to her senses and giving that necklace to thank BH. JO reminiscing about how the Dreamers started. 

Happier times: giphy.gif

And this scene..you go girl!!


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Woahhh woah woahhh I have no words! Taeho..ugh. Sohee :(

I don't think Yeol is dead either. Only because of those news with the director (?) saying Yeol would have a bigger presence in later episodes. I doubt he meant just Yeol helping fix the boat, no? My brain tells me it's hard to believe he survived seeing as he was face down in the ocean, as mentioned, but well show me what ya' got M9. You've surprised me so far.

BH is in dire need of comfort though. She just keeps being bombarded with people wanting to know what happened and although she's more than willing to help, I worry for the poor girl's mental/emotional health. I know she has her mom but either we're not shown comforting happening or it doesn't happen? Alas, I think what she needs most right now is reuniting with a survivor (not Taeho) so they can heal together. Only someone who was there with her and experienced the things she experienced will be a source of support for her. Pleaseeee care for uri Bongheeee. ㅠㅠ

And it seems they may keep coming across other survivors so I won't worry much about the other passengers' whereabouts, such as the girl group, since I'm pretty certain that the writers will explain what happened to them later as well.

@juliacaesar *waves* Hiii great finding you here!! XD

@40somethingahjumma Ha the kdrama universe doesn't care for doctor/patient confidentiality. HIPAA nugu? :rolleyes:

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14 minutes ago, bjvipb2uty said:

I don't think Yeol is dead either. Only because of those news with the director (?) saying Yeol would have a bigger presence in later episodes. I doubt he meant just Yeol helping fix the boat, no? My brain tells me it's hard to believe he survived seeing as he was face down in the ocean, as mentioned, but well show me what ya' got M9. You've surprised me so far.

Since we are on the subject of logic, what do  you think is the timeline of So hee's death? They spent 4 months here. So how come her body was so intact  or not decomposed when they found her? I am baffled.

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2 hours ago, lumibear said:

I'm curious about them too. I hope the show reveals some information about what happened to them.

In Episode 6, they actually said 46 people were missing!! ....... I didn't think their plane was that big and I also assumed they were on a private one so that's a weird fact. :>


IKR? I didn't think that their jet was that big, but maybe it was, and maybe the other missing people were the staff of Legend Ent.

And the question is why no one talks about them in the present life? maybe cuz they are not famous? -- but again, Blue Angle are famous and no one talks about them! weird

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[Spoilers] Missing 9




Naver - Osen: Choi Tae Joon is alive... killed Ryu Won 'shocking' 

1. [+3,560, -36] Choi Tae Ho survived.. What will this creepy bastard do when he finds out that Bong Hee still thinks she killed them all? ㅋㅋ

2. [+2,652, -41] Ugh, why is he alive?

3. [+2,435, -64] Choi Tae Ho's acting is so good ㄷㄷ

4. [+2,105, -33] A bad weed never dies... His eyes creep me out, Choi Tae Joon makes a good villain though

5. [+1,801, -34] A psycho came back alive

6. [+707, -21] I hope the ratings will increase. I'm the type that ignores dramas with low ratings but this show hits all the right spots for me. It needs to get popular for public channels to put out more of this kind of dramas

7. [+635, -11] Oh Jung Se hard carried again today ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+619, -10] Seems like Missing 9 is getting the most praises out of the three but the ratings are a mystery




Nate - tv Report: Murderer Choi Tae Joon, is a survivor... preview to conflict with Baek Jin Hee 

1. [+425, -8] I bet Choi Tae Ho that devil will deny that he didn't kill and he'll put the blame on Bong Hee

2. [+402, -16] Fun drama!! It's been so long since there was a drama that wasn't centered on romance. I thought it would be a knock off version of 'Lost' but it's really good ㅋㅋ

3. [+358, -8] Why do I feel like Choi Tae Ho will blame Baek Jin Hee as the murderer? Ah I wanna kill that bastard

4. [+36, -6] Plot twist: Ra Bong Hee killed everyone ㅋㅋ

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7 hours ago, jechoi1 said:

Also, it seems that no one cares or remembers the three other idol girls that were on the plane.  I assume that everyone has given them up as having died during the crash?  Even though everyone else managed to survive long enough to arrive on the island?

President, did remember about the other girls in Ep 6

4 hours ago, triplem said:

Since we are on the subject of logic, what do  you think is the timeline of So hee's death? They spent 4 months here. So how come her body was so intact  or not decomposed when they found her? I am baffled.

This drama has major plotholes for sure. 

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Very good. I imagine we're being set up for a Rashomon/Citizen Kane/An Instance of a Fingerpost type scenario. I look forward to it.

The walking talking scoundrel whose scumbaggery knows no limits, Tae Ho has survived (of course he has) and he will give his version of the events. I'm sure it will contradict what Bong Hee has to say, drive the prosecutors completely nuts and more chaos will ensue. The media will have a field day and the prosecutors will be up the creek without a paddle. It will be interesting to see who else survives and what sort of account they'll give regarding the dastardly dealings on the island.

I suppose TH will paint himself a victim and someone who was only trying to survive. With no one to back BH up, will she be thrown to the wolves?

At least that's what I envisage. It will be fun and wouldn't it be even more fun if someone unexpected shows up at the press con or court hearing and blows everything out of the water.

First things first... Joon-O is back! And really it felt like light returned broke through the darkness. Someone who was strong enough to take on Tae Ho and re-prioritize the agenda of the group. It's so heartening to have him back rallying the troops and just generally bringing out the best in people. I adore our leads. I love them to death and I hope they get a shot at having babies together when all is done and dusted. Adversity brings out the best in them apart and together. When JO was telling BH not to take on everything herself and to stay by his side, it sounded like he was proposing... you know... marriage... in a backhanded sort of way.

For me it's been interesting that the first person to return to SK in the public eye was BH. The "nobody" in the group. Even though she was the so-called "nobody", she was crucial to helping them all survive on the island. Her optimism, strength of character and general usefulness rubbed on those around her. Certainly her impact on JO and SH can't be underestimated. 

I knew that the prosecutors were jumping the gun on the "I killed someone thing". BH's memory was a in fragile state and she was in all likelihood feeling a lot of guilt, wondering about the others. Sure they were desperate, trying to latch on to any crumb of information which would promote their individual agendas... without any thought for the future of this young woman who is undoubtedly suffering some kind of post-traumatic stress. Prosecutor Yoo claims he wants to know the truth about his sister's death. Does he really? Or is he looking for someone to blame because he couldn't protect her. The commissioner, who's turning out to be less of a caricature than I had originally believed, at least feels the weight of trialling BH by media. 

The lifeboat is an interesting symbol of the kind of tension that's at play amongst the castaways between social civility and will to power. In the right hands, it's a lifeline but in the wrong ones, it brings deadly consequences. The dinghy brings out the worst in Tae Ho because for him it's about the imposition of his will to live at the expense of all others. His individualism consumes him to the point that it overrides all his desire to function within the collective.  When JO takes command of the vessel, it's an instrument to protect the collective, to regain unity.

It is fascinating too that the survival of the passengers and crew of the Legend Entertainment jet in a deserted island has striking parallels with the political maneuverings on the SK end of things. The commission to apparently get to the bottom of things isn't really about finding out the "truth" per se but about protecting the collective, to keep the peace.



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6 hours ago, triplem said:

Since we are on the subject of logic, what do  you think is the timeline of So hee's death? They spent 4 months here. So how come her body was so intact  or not decomposed when they found her? I am baffled.

I found this. I can't attest to its reliability but it's interesting


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I love this moment. So heart warming. He has grown. He came back to become the leader. 

Where is the reporter from? Was he on the plane? We are just 6th episode, there are still 2/3 to go, so many things gonna happen. The island actually was safer than the land. Its gonna be nasty with once in a while someone pop back

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Missing 9: Episode 6

by LollyPip | February 3, 2017 | 6 Comments

The deeper we delve into the secrets of the island, the more it feels like we still have to discover. The isolation has a way of bringing out the best or the worst in the survivors, as the hardship teaches each of them who they truly are. You may be a hero or a monster – but the important question is, will they be able to uncover the monster before it’s too late?

Read more http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/02/missing-9-episode-6/

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I dont mind about the rating,  as long as I enjoy watching the story.  This type of drama,  always making me want to fast forward and learn the whole truth.  It may show us Tae Ho's dark side only a small fish compare to bigger Bad Wolf.  

As for the recap= 

1. Bong Hee - safe/alive and alive with memory lost

2. So Hee - found murdered after the island event

3. CEO Hwang - safe/alive from the island and met with accident later

4.Tae Ho - safe/alive from the island

5. Yeol - MIA after Tae Ho pushed him in the ocean

6. Joon Oh - MIA

7. Ki Joon - MIA

8. Ji Ah - MIA

9. Ho Hang - MIA

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This kind of reminds me of the Kurosawa's movie Rashomon where each person will end up giving a different account of what happened. So far we have only seen things from Bong Hee's point of view. We all trust her but what if she is lying . I am not saying she is but if Tae Ho tells a different story it is his word against hers if no one else turns up.

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