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[Drama 2017] Missing Nine 미씽나인

Go Seung Ji

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another great episode, the directing and the music has been excellent. I die laughing at the landmine, such a great actor he is, in the script it might be simple but he makes everything so funny. anyone has watched his previous work, how was he back then?

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32 minutes ago, Chi Le said:

another great episode, the directing and the music has been excellent. I die laughing at the landmine, such a great actor he is, in the script it might be simple but he makes everything so funny. anyone has watched his previous work, how was he back then?


 Try Smile,you  he was very funny there too he is a natural. 

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Very good episode again. Just a few thoughts about it.


Everything is pretty much messed up right now, I actually understand now why So-Hee is so cold-hearted and how she became such a superficial person, it seems that she loved JH very much. She was a very kind and lovable person, but the suicide of JH made her what she is now.  And now she sees TH who kills one of the pilots, to secure his own survival I guess. So maybe we have the first case of cannibalism already? Her face when she met him again gave me goose-bumps. I'm really curious to know when she tells the others what he did. Speaking of him, it seems his love towards JA is completely superficial, he doesn't know her at all and he doesn't care about her either.

KJ on the other hand loves her with all his heart, will be interesting to see if this becomes a thing in one of the upcoming episodes.


I know we already talked about the topic of plausibility, but I really think the landmine scene was pretty dumb. First of all, nobody would act like this if you happen to step on a landmine, second, maybe they didn't realise it or think we  just wouldn't see , but you clearly see that he moves his feet multiple times a little bit to the side. And if someone runs towards you and jumps directly at you, you never have a chance to stay right in position, unless he really doesn't want to hit you, but then the whole "welcome back"-scene makes no sense. Maybe I'm just picky and they needed some kind of incident to bring BH + JO a little closer. Anyway, we all know that it won't kill him and they find a solution.

Speaking of BH, I really like her. She's my only hope and all my affection and sympathy goes towards her. She is the perfect mixture of being cute, acting tough and caring about anyone. I really wish nothing will happen to her and that they treat her well on the island, aswell in the present time. It seems she really is the only good-guy on that island.

Oh and, sould someone provide some translation for @0ly40preview?

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The more I see these people the more impressed I am with them. While they were on the plane, I thought they were decidedly unpleasant people. But apparently living off coconuts and fish can do wonders for behaviour management. (Maybe prison rehabilitation can look into this) I don't know if we're being set up for a Lord of the Flies scenario but so far, thankfully almost everyone is making an effort to keep it together. Tae Ho is suspicious, of course, but we don't know why he killed the pilot. It could've been self-defence for all we know. On the other hand he could also be a first class scumbag who doesn't want to share.

I'm liking Joon-O much more with each passing episode. There's a lot more to him than meets the eye. Whatever his faults are, he really does care about his hoobae. If he ends up with the right kind of woman, she might be able to temper his less desirable tendencies. :wink: The landmine scene although quite funny and saw JKH give us a great comedic performance, it was largely unnecessary. It was so funny that nobody could have taken it seriously. If it was for comic relief, it did the trick. But if they were trying to create a sense of urgency... well, it was an interesting failed experiment.

The landmine being on the island is an interesting feature though and the pit that Yeol fell into. This place is full of booby traps it would seem so it's not as deserted as one might be led to believe.

Well, it's becoming quite evident that Jae Hyun's suicide is a big part of the storyline. It will be interesting to see if someone brought the plane down to avenge him etc. I somehow doubt that he took a swandive off the building just because JO told him to. It had to be something else. 

So far I'm enjoying the approach of this drama. I'm glad it's not a Lost replica... and it feels much more like a crime show which is Han Jung Hoon's speciality. I like that there are survivors and that someone was murdered and found. Definitely portends interesting things ahead.

Does anyone know if that plant that JO and BH found is a kind of aloe vera? If so, I didn't realise it could be used to staunch bleeding. I'm useless at botanical things but I have grown aloe vera before although the flowers don't look familiar.

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SPOILER :: Missing 9 - Ep 3




Naver - Sports Dong A: 'Missing 9', Did Choi Tae Joon kill Ryu Won...mystery 

1. [+3,097, -29] Landmineㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Jung Kyung Ho's really funny ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,999, -30] We're only 3 episodes in, why won't you release the preview? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+1,911, -55] Wow, unpredictable and fun drama

4. [+1,536, -55] This drama is so good but where's the preview?

5. [+1,417, -50] Why no preview? I'm too curious about the next episode. Why did Choi Tae Joon kill her? What if Baek Jin Hee killed them all?

6. [+479, -4] Jine (centipede) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Jiroe (landmine) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋIt was so funny when he said he felt like pooping ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The island scenes are much more fun than the present day storyline

7. [+485, -7] Ah crazy.. why is this so good?;; But nobody is looking for Chanyeol




1. [+224, -10] Wow one hour went by too quick. I laughed out loud over Jung Kyung Ho and Oh Jung Se's landmine conversation. Can't wait for tomorrow!

2. [+207, -13] This drama is so much fun ㅋㅋㅋㅋ  You're bursting in laughter one moment and shocks you in the other. Really looking forward to tomorrow ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Jung Kyung Ho is daebak ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I've never seen any of his works but he's so good in this drama ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+191, -8] I stepped on a landmine.. I feel like pooping ㅋㅋㅋ Jung Kyung Ho cracks me up ㅋ He and Oh Jung Se are a perfect match

4. [+26, -1] I'm sad that the ratings are low ㅠㅠ Everyone's good at acting here. The plot is unique, it sucks you in that you never realize how much time has passed

5. [+23, -1] More people need to watch this, such an amazing dramaㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+22, -1] The female lead's mom isn't in the deserted island but they're in the photo together. She's suspicious

7. [+19, 0] I thought this was a horror drama by looking at the screen caps


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OST (radio edit ver)

Lyrics by Popgasa:

My feelings for you
Are now slowly cooling

But I didn’t forget
Throughout the countless winters
Your hand that embraced me

When the cold air starts to blow
It comes back to life

Your shadowed face
I know you can’t ever come back to me
But sometimes, on a day like today
When loneliness calls out to you
Quietly come into my heart

My memories for you
Are now slowly erasing

But I didn’t forget
Throughout the hard yesterdays
Your heart that protected me

When my heart starts to get sad
It comes back to life

Your shadowed face
I know you can’t ever come back to me
But sometimes, on a day like today
When loneliness calls out to you
Quietly come into my heart

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Missing 9: Episode 3

by LollyPip | January 26, 2017 | 12 Comments


When your very life is on the line, the lines between right and wrong can become very blurry, and things you would never consider doing under normal circumstances suddenly become your only hope for survival. What do you do when your life literally depends on the actions of others? Do you band together and do what’s needed for the good of the group? Or do you strike out and hope you can hold out alone?


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Finished ep4 few moments ago. I really don't like where this drama goes. Baek Jin-Hee is the only reason right now to watch this drama.

Really don't have any words right now so I skip my review this week.

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 Naver - Xports News: Baek Jin Hee who killed Ryu Won, is she a survivor or a murderer? 

1. [+4,082, -56] What we're seeing right now are only based on Baek Jin Hee's testimony from her memories, it might have been distorted. I doubt she even remembers a thing, only she knows what really happened in the island. We don't know if she telling the truth, or she made it up. Ah there are no hints. I'm super curious

2. [+3,489, -109] Wow the plot is ingenious and fun ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This episode is the real start.. Why's Jung Kyung Ho so good at acting? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Baek Jin Hee is charming

3. [+2,706, -47] Baek Jin Hee said earlier that the waves will get stronger, so they might die while riding the lifeboat. There is always going to be someone who betrays

4. [+2,039, -44] Choi Tae Ho is scary

5. [+1,496, -48] I can't believe the CEO is alive

6. [+656, -17] Why are the ratings so low? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ This drama is underrated

7. [+555, -11]  I don't understand why the ratings aren't any more than 5%

8. [+489, -6] The characters are wearing red, orange, yellow, green, blue clothes. What if the colors indicate the orders of their death starting from the latest color listed? Ah what is this insane drama ? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ



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Finally caught up with eps 3 & 4. I found eps 4 better as I felt the story moving somewhere. They definitely spent too much time on this in eps 3...Lol! The mine woud have exploded at the rate he was moving...


So in these 2 eps some interesting angles have been thrown into the picture:

1. This scene at the start of eps 3...wondering who this could be. giphy.gif

Does that look like a male's hand ? If it was a girl's hand it would be Ji Ah but looks kind of big. 

2. The chief lady commissioner and the question she posed to the investigator after they heard what BH said during the hypnotherapy session. So would the govt paint BH as a survivor or murderer? It would be easy to do the latter of course, push all things on BH and case closed. I'm actually concerned about this cause I'm wondering how much one says in hypnotherapy is true. Her "confession" may merely be her subconsciously feeling bad for not being able to pull So Hee up.Just like how JO says he "killed" Jae Hyun. Can such things be used in court?

3. The fact that now there's one more survivor and the life boat. Tae Ho (in spite of his pretty face) is one selfish bast**d for sure so I'd like to see who he'd "choose" in the end. This feels like Hunger Games now.


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The aloe vera plant...hmm I doubt you can use it like that to stop bleeding. :blink: I know you can use it for sunburns. 

I like Joon O too. And despite his sometimes selfish ways and diva behaviour, he is not without heart. He is not mean or malicious the way Tae Ho is. And even if he will never admit it, he cares for BH. I felt he was really sweet here. 


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I really don't think Bonghee killed Soohee, maybe it was a false memory?! Taeoh killed her probably? seeing the way he acts, maybe he is the one who led Jaehyun to kill himself not Joonoh.

And why would Yoon Sohee choose to leave with Taeoh when she's afraid of him? trying to survive? also, how did she end up with Bonghee?! :x Taeoh ditch her?

also, according to the preview of Ep. 5, the survivor with the new president from Ep. 3 of Legend Ent. is president Hwang!


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