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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

No, you're not alone. The way he mentioned it while he was looking at her, reveals that he wanted her to hear it. But this leads me to the next question: why did he date the famous high school student later? So when DBS wanted to declare her love with the scarf, she heard that he was dating someone else. But even so, since he has a new girlfriend, I am wondering why he has never tried to make a move on her all this time. So they missed the timing.

Enjoyed reading both your post,  this & the later one,but I want to say something about this first . I'm quite certain that GD is aware of BS's strength as I cannot imagine how she would have kept it under wraps all her life from him. Same school , same neighbourhood.   As the flashbacks hv shown she did slip up time & again ,plus it can't be that she has never used her power all her life to save / help someone. And I'm quite sure even if he has never witnessed it, he would hv heard it through the grapevine. So assuming he does know, he must hv thought that she does not fit his ideals. So he must hv made that remark for two possible reasons -

1. To kill her hope - he'd probably got wind that she likes him ( she does not hide those feelings well) 

2. He hopes she can meet those ideals. 

If the first reason is true, then it's no surprise why he dated the others. But then if this is the case , it seems to conflict with his present actions where he seems to be so overly protective of her & his rudeness is clearly his way of trying to deny the feelings he has. 

So let's say I rule out the first reason. So he wants her to be able to fit those ideals. But he never gave her a chance bcoz he was always in other relationships. Then it goes to show those feelings he has were never deep enough coz he cannot see her for who she is. If a guy is really interested he would make his move - so that famous line fr Sex & the City comes to my mind

" Honestly , he's just not into you " 

Anyway , it's just only 4 episodes, so perhaps I'll need to know more of GD bf I think he can rival MH for BS's affections 

( my sincere apologies to my bb jisoo for picking his role / character apart) 

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@triplem But based on the preview, AMH is able to see that this is not a one-sided crush. In my opinion, it didn't work out because while one was blind, the other was deaf and sometimes it was the reverse. I don't think that IGD has ever heard about DBS' strength because all he keeps saying (more or less) that she is good at nothing. That's why she cries at the club (see the preview) that she can do nothing. She is good at nothing. When IGD asked her about her job, his questions were implying that he wondered about her qualifications. 

No, it is clear that her mother asked her not to use these. Notice that in the subway, when the young woman was harassed by the passenger, she didn't intervene. She tried to act as if she didn't see anything. That's how she has been living all this time. Only her closest friend knows about it. And we know that later, DBS will face a similar situation and this time, she will intervene. (see the trailer)

That's why AMH is much better than IGD in the end because like he said many times, he can read her like an open book. When he called her the next morning, he knew exactly what to say to her... from my point of view, the night spent with her at the club revealed another side from DBS: she is lacking self-confidence. When AMH met her for the first time, she didn't appear like that. She fought against the thugs without second thoughts and when he asked her to thank him, she clearly gave the impression that she was self-confident so that she could dismiss him. 

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they already made it more than 8%?! HEOL! i'm so so so happy! this drama gonna be a huge success for jBTC. Hope they will break 10% next week :D

Totally my fav from yesterday. Such a drama queen :D









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10 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@triplem But based on the preview, AMH is able to see that this is not a one-sided crush. In my opinion, it didn't work out because while one was blind, the other was deaf and sometimes it was the reverse. I don't think that IGD has ever heard about DBS' strength because all he keeps saying (more or less) that she is good at nothing. That's why she cries at the club (see the preview) that she can do nothing. She is good at nothing. When IGD asked her about her job, his questions were implying that he wondered about her qualifications. 

That's why AMH is much better than IGD in the end because like he said many times, he can read her like an open book. When he called her the next morning, he knew exactly what to say to her... from my point of view, the night spent with her at the club revealed another side from DBS: she is lacking self-confidence. When AMH met her for the first time, she didn't appear like that. She fought against the thugs without second thoughts and when he asked her to thank him, she clearly gave the impression that she was self-confident so that she could dismiss him. 

Assuming that is the case, then why did he not pursue her? She would technically fit his ideals , coz she transforms into this angel everytime she speaks to or sees him. So like you said - the timing is not right? But that baffles me too. I'm not sure if she has ever dated anyone but it seems like she has waited all her life for him. So do you think it's bcoz he does not think she will like him back ? So he just buries all his feelings and dates other people. 

I agree with you that AMH is the better man here. He sees her for who she is. And i like that. He does not expect her to change. I also agree with the self-confidence bit. Initially in the first 2 episodes, she gave me the impression that she was a confident person. But I think I misread her power/ gift as a sign of confidence. The fact that she cannot embrace her power in the open and cannot be her true self in front of a man she likes is very telling of her low self esteem. 


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Naver - Osen: 'Do Bong Soon' Park Hyung Sik, Fell in love with Park Bo Young..."So cute"

1. [+2993, -20] Ah Park Hyung Sik and Park Bo Young's visuals makes me melt

2. [+2298, -17] The two of them are so cute~

3. [+2112, -15] Bong Soon let's goㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ That was so sweet...How can i wait till next week ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+1661, -19] Ayu~~~ They are so cute♡♡

5. [+1591, -22] Poor Min Hyuk...He looks so lonely when he is alone ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+612, -3] The second guy who did something good, looks really suspicious

7. [+517, -9] I'm a girl and every time i see her i think she is cute, How Park Hyung Sik think Park Bo Young is cute?

8. [+478, -3] That scene was really sweet ㅠㅠ Park Hyung Sik's voice is like honey

9. [+395, -4] Park Hyung Sik make my heart flutters, This is crazy daebak ㄷㄷ






Naver - Heraldpop: 'Do Bong Soon' Park Bo Young, Met the serial killer


1. [+144, -1] Somehow...I feel like the second brother is the really bad guy...

2. [+62, -0] Wa...That killer gave me goosebumps...

3. [+54, -2] It was really funny so i was relaxed but suddenly it became really creepy...

4. [+33, -0] I'm sad that today Kim Won Hae didn't have any scene ㅠ

5. [+38, -3] I saw the nose part of the shooter and he looks like the second brother...I feel like he is the suspect...He looks more evil than the first brother and the third brother who did bad things in front of his face...And the woman kidnapper is the witness...

6. [+22, -0] Park Bo Young

7. [+18, -1] Park Hyung Sik's blackmailer = Park Hyung Sik's second brother. The killer = The first witness

8. [+7, -0] The kidnapper is the witness!!! They have the same voice and the same long hair

9. [+6, -0] The special make up is the best!! The mask is really scary..






Naver - Sports Chosun: 'Do Bong Soon' Park Bo Young, Renewing the Minor Legend


1. [+104, -0] Park Bo Young seems to be a really lovely person. When i look at her, i just laugh naturally. ㅎㅎ Park Bo Young Fighting!

2. [+67, -0] Student Do Bong Soon is really cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+49, -0] I thought it would be a kiss but he touched Kook Doo's butt ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Totally an unexpected drama ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+38, -0] Ah...Cute~~^^ It's uncommon for a girl to look that cute~~^^ An Min Hyuk doesn't mind it...~~^^

5. [+8, -0] The serial murderer is the person who came out as a witness in the second case...The hint was when he got her out of the hospital and said "I saved you"...(The first murder was a mistake, and the second woman was going to die but he reported himself as a witness, got her treated in hospital and then kidnapped her) An Min Hyuk's blackmailer is his second brother...Although he looks like a good brother for his younger brother in front of others but he actually just dislikes Min Hyuk...or maybe not^^ The night couple are so pretty~~

Rating: 8.3%


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1 hour ago, triplem said:

Assuming that is the case, then why did he not pursue her? She would technically fit his ideals , coz she transforms into this angel everytime she speaks to or sees him. So like you said - the timing is not right? But that baffles me too. I'm not sure if she has ever dated anyone but it seems like she has waited all her life for him. So do you think it's bcoz he does not think she will like him back ? So he just buries all his feelings and dates other people. 

I agree with you that AMH is the better man here. He sees her for who she is. And i like that. He does not expect her to change. I also agree with the self-confidence bit. Initially in the first 2 episodes, she gave me the impression that she was a confident person. But I think I misread her power/ gift as a sign of confidence. The fact that she cannot embrace her power in the open and cannot be her true self in front of a man she likes is very telling of her low self esteem. 


Maybe IGD heard DBS saying that IGD was just a friend and took it literally. Since she overheard the conversation between IGD and DBG, I can imagine, IGD might have experienced a similar situation. Yes, she waited for him the entire time, but notice that IGD is the one who keeps saying that he is just a friend. So from my point of view, he must have heard her saying these words, whereas DBS was just trying to stop people from prying into her love life. DBS is very shy. Observe that when she heard him playing piano for the first time, she remained outside and didn't announce her presence to him. This is an indication that she is shy. Other reason is that she has a low self-esteem and she feared that she might be rejected, if she confessed first and waited for him.

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3 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@penelop3 Thanks for the compliment. I would like to add about DBS's blindness. If you remember the important scenes with IGD, you'll notice that each time, DBS always heard something about IGD. The first example is, how she hears the description given by IGD about his type of girl. Actually when he was mentioning it, he was looking at her, but she didn't see it at all. Later when she wanted to confess to him and give him the scarf, she heard how her brother complimented IGD for having the most popular girlfriend. That's how she learnt that IGD was dating someone!! How come that she didn't notice it before? Notice that each time she looked at IGD like a fan girl, IGD wasn't looking at her at all. He was looking at his cellphone. Why is she so blind?

In my opinion, it is connected to her powers. Her powers are visible and as such, she wants to hide these. Since they are visible, she is considering sight as something negative. Moreover, she fell in love with IDG, when he played piano. The way she looked at him playing in the corridor, when nobody was there to listen to him. On the other hand, I have the impression that IGD is deaf because he doesn't listen to DBS's words and he doesn't even notice the way she talked to him: she speaks in a gentle way. Only when she got upset with him and hung up on him, he finally heard that she was upset. He doesn't realise how harsh his words are towards DBS. For someone who plays piano so well, how come that he seems to be deaf and unsensitive, when it comes to DBS? (when he speaks to her!)

I find it really striking that DBS recorded IGD's number as cool GD, while in reality, he rather speaks in a rude way to her. However, she accepts his harsh comments and critics which is weird, when you see that she acts with AMH in the opposite way.

Finally, I would like to point out that in the last episode, DBS' drunkness made her realise for the first time that words can also have a negative impact. Actually, she was criticised by her mother for insulting her boss and the mother was right. DBS felt embarrassed not because she had been caught with her powers but because she had said mean things to AMH. Since the latter didn't pay attention to her words, DBS realised that AMH was indeed a better person than she imagined. Like I had mentioned it above, she was connecting seeing to something negative, whereas she considered "words" and hearing as something better. She was proven wrong. 

Another thought: DBS didn't see the killer but she heard his voice. This underlines again that DBS has always paid more attention to voices and sounds than actions/people's facial expressions. No wonder why the voice of the killer has become an evidence, while the latter thinks, there is no witness. Another clue for that: DBS heard the scream of the third victim!!  

@Ahpheng I am glad that we are watching a drama again. I really missed your c-strips!!!   crazy monkey


I believe in the case of BS and GD, they're just not compatible.. it's like radios that sending signals, it keeps getting missed and mixed. 
GD perhaps did like BS and perhaps giving her hints (like liking gentle girls that he can protect). 

BS turned into that girl - the weak and fragile - maybe she did it so well that in the end she became weak mentally. She believed that by becoming weak, she will be accepted that she will be loved. When that didnt happen, she feels frustrated and kept sinking lower and lower. Meeting AMH gave her confidence - being paid so much money because AMH needs her power is a confidence boost, being needed and cared for - eventhough it seems she doesnt realize it now, has started to change her. I like her spunkiness when she's with AMH or dealing with thugs. I hate it when she turned into a wilted flower when she's with GD. He's no good for her. 

For GD, I'm not sure what happened there. If he indeed liked weak girls, and BS has turned into 1, then why he didnt make his move, instead dated the most popular girl. It's either he's messing with DS's feelings or there's a huge misunderstanding between his kind of weak girl and DS's kinda of weak girl.

Whatever it is, I'm glad they are not the OTP.  

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33 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

I believe in the case of BS and GD, they're just not compatible.. it's like radios that sending signals, it keeps getting missed and mixed. 
GD perhaps did like BS and perhaps giving her hints (like liking gentle girls that he can protect). 

BS turned into that girl - the weak and fragile - maybe she did it so well that in the end she became weak mentally. She believed that by becoming weak, she will be accepted that she will be loved. When that didnt happen, she feels frustrated and kept sinking lower and lower. Meeting AMH gave her confidence - being paid so much money because AMH needs her power is a confidence boost, being needed and cared for - eventhough it seems she doesnt realize it now, has started to change her. I like her spunkiness when she's with AMH or dealing with thugs. I hate it when she turned into a wilted flower when she's with GD. He's no good for her. 

For GD, I'm not sure what happened there. If he indeed liked weak girls, and BS has turned into 1, then why he didnt make his move, instead dated the most popular girl. It's either he's messing with DS's feelings or there's a huge misunderstanding between his kind of weak girl and DS's kinda of weak girl.

Whatever it is, I'm glad they are not the OTP.  

Your allegory about the radio made me laugh... :) Yes that's exactly the reason why it is not working. The thing is that DBS got the wrong idea about gentle girls, she understood it as weak. However, I believe, IGD meant something different, like she is supposed to be sensitive and caring with her feelings. Yet, I have the impression that DBS remained passive in that aera. She kept her distance from him so that IGD has no idea that she is the cook in her family. She is definitely a gentle girl as she remained faithful to him, waiting for him to see her. The moment she wanted to show her affection (scarf), it was too late. Notice that when IGD was playing the piano, she always remained at the window, as if she was acting as his shield to the other female students. But she never went next to him, sitting there... That's why I believe that IGD thought, she was not into him. He saw her actions but he was deaf to her words (she asks about his girlfriend, his well-being, she has that nice voice).

AMH sees her for whom she is: not weak but lacking in self-confidence. He notices her good qualities: she can cook very well. She made him even cry, she gives him the warmth he has been missing, while he is boosting her self-esteem. I am also rooting for our OTP.

I hope, the gay thing will be soon out of the picture. 

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Guest Sleepietake2

Does anyone know the title or artist for the song that plays that goes "Super power girl"?  It's super catchy and they played it during episode 1 when Bong Soon beat up those gangsters and again at the end of the episodes?  I'm hoping they'll release it as an OST but haven't seen or heard about it anywhere. 

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7 hours ago, allegramente said:

First of all, of all the sound in this drama so far, Bong-Soon's phone's ringtone cracks me up every time. So mentally funny! Anyone knows where I can get that?




I sent the link to your DM :D

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42 minutes ago, cacaVIP said:

can i please also get the link? i really like her ringtone XD TIA!


33 minutes ago, natouuu said:


could you send me as well? :D her ringtone is awesome 



Please check your DM :D

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Sorry just saw your post thoroughly  @bebebisous33 loved your analysis of AMH , BS and IGD. I strongly agree with your point of DBS being blind added to that she remains passive to all the affection or as such shown by AMH. not only that her BFF Gyeong shim realized AMH is not gay just after one outing  while she still didn't after being with him for at least this much of time (longer that gyeong shim's). bird-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862491 sweetdrop-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286

For example AMH tried to protect her when he got shot. But now i think she is starting to get her eyesight back by realizing how nice he was when he didn't react like she expected him to to all the things she had said.  about the preview he realised IGD and BS's affection for each other while the former doesn't yet realize it. As far as i have seen the character of IGD he is really trying to take care of her so much. for example which bringing of taser or  be it worrying about her safety he is very gentle and caring but has a tsundre personality. In fact from what i have seen in 4 episodes is that he seem to be taking care of BS more than his GF. He did get really surprised when BS yelled at him on the phone and hung up it looked like a lover's quarrel even though they were not. dong-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862500

That doesn't mean AMH is not fit for BS i agree with @penelop3 's attribution of IGD and BS as radio signal. yes their frequency doesn't match:lol: while AMH's craziness and BS's matches perfectly. moreover AMH easily read her thoughts as if there is a telepathic communication between them for example in the hospital after IGD and BS in argument he told her she looks as if she had seen her crushes GF. while he was not there when cellist was introduced.During BS's drunken state she tells to AMH about log out about being gay. What did it mean?? does it mean she doesn't want him to be gay or something like that.whaaat1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928625


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Chingus i finally able to watch ep4 n though Monday will soon b here in 10min n my weekend gone its alryt bcoz im energized from watchin SWDBS and also wanting friday to com.

I hav i thk 9 pages to back read n will do that tomoro to catch up ur insights etc n oso make d wait bearable

I just wan to share the immediate feels in my head

A sentimental MH makes me sentimental. When he looked at the table full of dishes that BS whipped up n thought of his mum. I thk to myself noone has cooked that way for him in a long tym.. N chances of him usually eating alone or eat out. And when he sits there on the floor looking at the painting n his memory of being bullied by his brothers. My heart broke for young MH

Because of all the glimpses in his family life his past and who he is now. I feel so proud of him. The courage to leave home. The ability to built up what he has today. N even making that closet to bcom the entry to his secret chamber its kind of saying take that im nt afraid. On a lighter note im glad hes nt stingy (gettin movie tickets n he said he would treat at the club)

Lastly i never thought these words n adjectives belong in d same sentence : Shes something, bizzare and sexy. But u r ryt MH ah BD is sth awesome

My other thoughts il leave that til aft i get my slp. Oh btw hooray to thw ratings. Yet a new high

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After WFKBJ I thought that I would end following another drama... but THEN !

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon teasers came out and well I had a girlcrush on Park Bo Young and her character in this drama so I end up being addicted and joining this great forum 


I enjoyed your spam so far so I thought that I should post something 


(I think that I could melt if Park Hyun Sik was starring at me like that ❇️)

I like how our main lead is falling hard and fast for our Do Bong Soon, hope that she will see his feelings really fast 


So I have several questions for you all because I'm kinda new:

           -Did we find a name for our couple ? I saw that there were some propositions but did we end up with a name ? 

           -Is the one after our CEO the same as the psycho kidnapping girls in his cave? Our do we have two psycopaths ? 

7845f68512bd759491a67baa375d398a81518583I'm sorry if I'm confusing everyone but English is also not my first language so please forgive me ~ Luv'

I'm a bit late but I will try to be on time next week and I can't wait to see this scene.. 



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