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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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8 hours ago, Miky88 said:

What u pointed it's quite true and i also i'm with you,i also had this thought that the killer is a medical student or an actual one as he has access to that substance...I think the killer knew quite well what he did to the victim and why,i think he was kinda playing the police even more seeing he went to the same site he killed his previous victim(and saw Gook Du search)...Like pointed before by uglypearl i think our deranged dude is the said "Saviour"..He looks to me like the one who was in the hospital,and voice and eyes with that creepy mask...I think he might even add false info to play them...I'm curious why he wants 7 Brides,is there a special menaing of 7(aside from the week day etc).On point as well with the Frankenstein part..This part of the show it's good as raises so many questions about it...Did he perhaps saw Bong Soon when young using her powers and now he is trying to re-create the girl he thinks he saw back then...Or maybe he was also on that Bus back then...


Oh I had forgotten about the 7 brides thing. Don't they say that the number "7" holds a special meaning in something? I can't remember whether if it's from some old Korean folklore that I've heard of from some other drama, or if it's a special number in The Bible. The number "3" does hold a higher meaning in The Bible, if I'm not wrong, and I believe this one does as well.

Ok I just looked it up, and it matches with what I said earlier. This is further proof towards that this crazy villain is playing a creator of humans. On Biblestudy, 7 is described like:

Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual). It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God's creation of all things. According to Jewish tradition, the creation of Adam occurred on October 7th, 3761 B.C. (or the first day of Tishri, which is the seventh month on theHebrew calendar). The word 'created' is used 7 times describing God's creative work (Genesis 1:1, 21, 27 three times; 2:3; 2:4). There are 7 days in a week andGod's Sabbath is on the 7th day.

They mention how in The Book of Revelations it is mentioned a lot of times. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are Famine, Pestilence, War and Death. Perhaps the first victim could be the villain's "famine". But this one is probably too far-fetched, and there is only 4 horsemen while he wants 7 brides, so :tongue:

Another meaning of the number 7 could be The Seven Deadly Sins, which are: Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Pride, Envy, Sloth and Lust. I don't know how to fit these in though, so my previous guess is the one I'm going with. 

I know too much about this, and I'm not even a person of faith... O.o been playing too much Binding of Isaac.

1 hour ago, athena22 said:

Serial killer kind of reminded me of Voldemort from HarryPotter series. I know it is a mask but still ... (eyes are evil) ( shrug...):crazy:


I'm guessing he is wearing this mask sort of why The Phantom of the Opera wears his, or just why anyone would resort to regularily wearing a full face mask (and not the moisturizing kind), he has scars on his face or something similar that he wants to hide. Perhaps because of something that happened to him, he wishes to do something similar to hos victims... 

Guys, if my theory is right, what will my reward be? :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, athena22 said:

Serial killer kind of reminded me of Voldemort from HarryPotter series. I know it is a mask but still ... (eyes are evil) ( shrug...):crazy:

Voldemort VS Psycho


Omo.. you hit the nail. Both really looks alike. The mask will be useful to wear on top of sheet mask to keep the moisture in, won't it? Gonna find one like this.

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3 hours ago, Random_Fangurl said:

Right? they're twins after all, Bong Soon has the brawl, Bong Ki has the brain (since the killer is really smart) and he also knows the neighborhood well, maybe he could be that curse since he's born together with Bong Soon, I just had this feeling it's him lol


uhm, i have similar thoughts he can be that psycho. that person seems to be really smart and have knowledge how to give shot to the veins properly, so after the second episode i started to think maybe its a twin brother, but from the other side it would be too much melo for Bong Soon and her family if it's brother and they will catch him. it has to be more comedy than melo ;p

28 minutes ago, delal said:

Is it possible that losting of power may relate to findig love? I mean story of  mother seems like that, aspect of starting relationship with her husband.


I think her mother lost her power because of using it to winning olympic gold and so on... and finding love it's not related to it at all

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Oh God I was just saying that this drama will reach 5-7% ratings in my earlier post and it came true...well they really deserve it... I congratulate the SWDBS team for their hard work... I know that there's a lot of people behind the camera aside from the cast who put lots of effort into making this a wonderful drama (writer,director, cameraman, production assistant, stylist, graphic effects etc. salute you guys)... Can I wish for them to reach 10% ratings too / maybe higher than that... I think it's not impossible... and lastly saranghae baby girl Bo Young you're doing a great job... actually all of them are doing a great job...

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/ 5:45 AM
Naver - Osen: [Amazing rating] 'Do Bong Soon' breaks records as she reaches 5.7% in the 2nd episode...
1. [+2617, -52] Daebak !!!!!

2. [+2365, -49] Because it is so funny ㅎ It's been a long time since i laughed so hard while watching a drama♡

3. [+1832, -49] Daebak, I hope it goes more up

4. [+1542, -62] Ahn Min Hyuk is really daebak~~

5. [+550, -14] Even thought the drama is a little childish but that's her charm ㅋㅋ Park Hyung Sik is very attractive ㅋ Park Bo Young is very cute ㅋㅋㅋ She looks like a baby next to Jisoo and Park Hyung Sik ㅋㅋ

6. [+460, -10] It's really fun ㅋㅋㅋ The chemistry between Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Sik is really good

7. [+460, -15] Casting Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Sik was showing a sign of success, As expected, their chemistry is really good. It's so funny.

8. [+448, -15] Park Hyung Sik is so Handsome and Park Bo Young is so cute. It's fun seeing nice visuals and good acting. Let's go up more!

9. [+451, -23] Park Hyung Sik is comedy is perfect. He's Handsome, cute and his acting is really good

10. [+368, -12] As expected from Do Bong Soon❤️ Waiting for the reward!! Park Hyung Sik and Park Bo Young are so good...❤️


Cre: http://netizendrama.blogspot.com/2017/02/strong-woman-do-bong-soon-breaks.html


Park Hyung Sik & Park Bo Young - Do Bong Soon & Ahn Min Hyuk !!! Get your love :wub::wub:

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2 hours ago, natouuu said:


uhm, i have similar thoughts he can be that psycho. that person seems to be really smart and have knowledge how to give shot to the veins properly, so after the second episode i started to think maybe its a twin brother, but from the other side it would be too much melo for Bong Soon and her family if it's brother and they will catch him. it has to be more comedy than melo ;p


I think her mother lost her power because of using it to winning olympic gold and so on... and finding love it's not related to it at all



Really? I thought her mother lost the power because she didnt use the power for the "right thing" . There is a part in the drama says that it was fine when she use the power for herself. Side effects start to appear when she use it to hit the other guys for money. 

I am sure in the later episodes DBS will start to lose power from helping AMH. 

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3 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@Yongzura  I am glad that you're joining this thread too. cheetahFinally, I was able to watch the last episode with subtitles. I really liked it, even though it was a little different from the first episode. On the other hand, the dark side in this episode is not just adding depth and mystery to the drama, it gives a justification for IGD as policeman at the Crime Unit. Since IGD works there, there must be some crime in order not to appear as useless. Hence the serial killer of DB (he is trying to kidnapp women) is not related to the threads AMH has been receiving. We have two different cases. Now, I am wondering if we have three different cases:

- the psychopath: notice that the first victim was about to get married and this is no coincidence (!) as he wants a bride for himself.

- the phone calls asking for taking Chronicles of Albertine from the market

- AMH as the future heir of his father's company: after hearing from AMH about his family, it is clear that someone from his family wants to become the heir and sees AMH as a hindrance. Since he mentioned, he would only trust his second brother, I am actually suspecting him the most. The second brother needs to have his brother's trust in order to know a lot about him.

But first, let me elaborate a little further about the ramifications between the first case and the second/third case. Now, I would like to explain why the police officer Choi SW was attacked at the restroom. The reason is quite simple. Choi SW had been mistaken for AMH's bodyguard. That's why he had been attacked. The guy didn't need to be killed, but wounded so that AMH would be left unguarded. Since DBS is a petite and small woman, no one suspects her as a bodyguard. Moreover, the fact that CSW followed AMH into the restroom, gave the impression that he was his bodyguard. We shouldn't forget that AMH had no bodyguard before and his enemy knew that. About DBS? The guy mistook her for AMH's new secretary. Notice that his secretary got injured the moment DBS appeared. So that person must have been thinking, DBS is just a replacement. Besides, she went to the hospital in order to find AMH's schedule. She really acts like a secretary. Then the psychopath is not aware that DBS is a witness that's why he is not targeting her right now. The writer intents to make the police officers confused. When AMH will be targeted, they will think, DBS was the real target so that it will take a certain time until they can distinguish that both DBS and AMH are both targeted.

Moreover, we shouldn't neglect the kidnapping from 1997! It will resurface again and in my opinion, it is related to the thread calls! That's why I am now tending to have three different persons involved. 

Since AMH hates police, he enumerated 4 reasons which proves to me that he had many bad experiences with police. They came too late, they never listened to him and they didn't pay attention to his warnings. The first scene in the first episode could be seen as one example. He must have told the police that he was the target but since nothing bad happened, they didn't investigate it. However, the brakes and the tire are clues. Back then, he was just a high school student... so why would he be targeted? They didn't take him seriously. That's why AMH doesn't feel the need to report the threads to the police. Nevertheless. I see here the link between IGD and AMH. Since IGD is a very serious and responsible policeman, he will listen to him at some point, especially when DBS starts explaining why and how she is working for AMH. So far, IGD has no idea about DBS' strength and abilities.

@dhakra @Kasmic@evie7@sava2sava   


@bebebisous33 Whoaaaa... spot on!

I was wondering just now about SWDBS but then I read your post. Agree it could be 3 different cases: psycho, creepy caller (canceling the game), stalker (under family's order).

And yes now that you mentioned it, the stabber at the toilet must have thought that Choi guy is the bodyguard so that's why he stabbed him. But somehow I think whoever stabbed Choi guy is the stalker. They're the one who understand his schedule and habit - and has the most motive to hurt AMH. If he's bodyguard-less, he'll be easier to take down. 

So far the creepy caller only shows his threat through phone calls or hacking, no physical action yet. 
And the psycho, that is what throw me off.. He has no direct link with AMH, no reason to hurt him. He can hurt DBS thinking that she's a witness, but even if DBS is a threat to him, he doesnt show it yet - and right now he has more stuff on his giant plate aka one helpless female.

I agree with what you said about AMH's most trusted family - second half brother - the moment I heard that my head goes dink - a hint! 

I'm not sure about the kidnapping in 1997 - maybe it's nothing, maybe it's just a way to show DBS's power and that she wont be cursed since she fought off evil.

I am more interested in AMH's past though. 3 half brothers and none of them are worthy of his dad's company? What about his mom? I'm guessing that he was on his way to her cemetery or something when the bus' tires broke. I dont think it's intentional since at that age, AMH is not yet a threat to his other siblings. Maybe it's just a way to show how kismet works between AMH and DBS.
His lack of trusts to police maybe due to his dad's dalliance with the police? Bribery and all?

Only 2 eps and SWDBS has shown soo much promises! I just wish nothing ruins it. I wish all the best for PBY, she's my girl crush! :wub: 

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@penelop3 Even if he was just a teenager and high school student, he was already a thread to his other half-siblings because his father already intented that later he starts working for his company. The other half-siblings had no idea that AMH would create his own game and own company.

I have been thinking about the creepy caller. Maybe he just wants the game to be removed from the market because of DBS and he is using different tactics in order to put AMH under pressure.. We know that AMH created the computer game CoA inspired by DBS' intervention. Notice that the caller called during the night and hacked the computer system during the night as well. Why? Maybe due to his schedule... Hence I have been wondering if BG, DBS's sibling, is the one involved with the threads (calls and hacking) because he is an internist or medical student as such his schedule is different from the normal working people. But okay, that's just a supposition. His motive would be to protect his sister as he is afraid that once her special powers are revealed, she might become a target. This would explain the kidnapping. On the other hand, the thread coming from the family might use the caller's threads as a way to cover their own crime. Once AMH is killed, the police would investigate the origin of the thread calls and the creepy caller would be used as scapegoat. If there is no other thread, his family would become the prime suspect because of his position as heir and his wealth.

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this scene with BS visiting Secretary Gong had me laughing ...'cause the way Secretary Gong moves his hips and butt looks like he's thrusting in a weird way... like he's doing a rated R... hahaha... added by his face that was in painful pleasure makes it more funny ... I'm sorry on how my byuntae mind works... to minor's pls. just ignore this post...

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8 hours ago, arabela said:

Just fantasizing how her force will hurt him later , when they will get more physically intimate :-) we saw that she can't always control the amount of her strength, like when she tried to hug her brother or she was happily jumping. Will she hurt him  when she'll kiss him  or hug him in the future? :-) when she'll get passionate, will he get some pain? Then literally her love will give him some injuries :-)

Oh hello chingu, I have found a kindred byuntae soul on this thread...love overcomes all pain & hardships. :heart:

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