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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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Guest julie721

@bebebisous33 wah, interesting analysis.. Did I really mention YJ devil from my analysis on poster, gotta check first.. But if I did, then my mistakes. I do think YJ is evil BUT, not based on poster and color she represents from. I decided to stop supporting her by ep.6 because of her choice of action. I remember I did mention other meaning of dark red back then, dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath<---all of this can be use to describe YJ character, don't you think? Ah, I didn't analyze the teasers yet.. Totally forgot about them.. So let's have fun and playing with color now... Woohoo...

First teaser: 



Shoot.. The "mirror" are already present from the first teaser... We just forgot and overlooked it right?

(the italic parts are not my words, I quote it from color description site, the bold-italic parts are what I think describe the characters)

Jeha: color: semi-dark/light with bluish-tone color teaser. Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. But most blues convey a sense of trust, loyalty, cleanliness, and understanding. Position: head/face looking back. Cold and (in video you'd see) glimpse of urgency/rage expression. My interpretation: Jeha as someone competent and reliable. His character will be important to both ladies. He's neither very bad nor very good (semi-light/dark)-->grey character. He'd be trusted by both Ladies, he understands both these women. (about where his loyalty lies, we have to see more in upcoming episode. At this point it more leans toward Anna, but anything can happen if the writer want to focus on him to get revenge.) But only from teaser, he's the one who so attached to his past, and still very angry about it (Raniya's death, betrayal of his colleagues etc)

YJ: color: darker tone with green and yellow color dominant teaser. Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money. Yellow is the color of happiness, and optimism, of enlightenment and creativity, sunshine and spring. Lurking in the background is the dark side of yellow: cowardice, betrayal, egoism, and madness. Furthermore, yellow is the color of caution and illness. Positionlooking in to mirror, and some people standing behind her. She's sitting and quite far, with her back facing the camera   My interpretation: the teaser really put details on YJ character description, the mirror, her wealth, her power, her dual persona: her public image and the real her, even her mental illness. Daebak.. I just realize it now. She's really proud and highly prioritize her "guora/quora(?)", she uses it as her ultimate tools and people behind her is to show how much power and support (army) she has. The lady is the Queen, she sat on her throne. She's powerful. Her image is not the real her (projected one only). She very far to reach (far) but she's the center of all her people. All Hail to The Queen, yeorubun...

Anna: well the most plain and simple out of three from the first teaser.. It's basically just white with light/bright tone teaser. White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. Positionlooking out to outside world through big glass windows in spacious room. She's far from camera, alone, standing, back facing camera. My interpretation: sigh,  (about the color it's already clear right? Anna's teaser is the most b.o.r.i.n.g btw) Observants<--looking out from window to outside world, detachment, loneliness, prisoner of YJ (windows made of glasses) but her teaser is so bright -->represent the goodness and kindness in drama (??).

The 2nd teaser: 


I'm sorry, there's other pic about second teaser (in spoiler) but they're not as fun as the pic above.. giggle01.gif



The second teaser I'd skip the description of color that had mentioned.. It's still uses the same theme for each character, only a bit changing in some part

Jeha: color: more darker tone teaser, the blue tonal is now mixed with a hint of red -->purplish blue. Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, and power. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, and independence. Position:  outdoor, start with receiving YJ call, opening car trunk, receiving Anna call, conflicted expression, closing the trunk and move out.. My interpretation: JH is the only one that has outdoor teaser-->can be associated he's third party/outsider from the "Royal Family"/no blood relative. But the more deeper JH interacts with these ladies the more he become conflicted of whose party to side. (He stands still for a while, with conflicted expression after received 2nd call/Anna) He already made deal with YJ for his revenge but his noble and independent trait, his pride and feeling go to opposite direction (Anna). He has to choose siding at one point and can no longer supporting both side..

YJ: color: what color is dominant there? green? Tosca? Turquoise? Cyan? Teal? (Gosh.. :blink:) let's just stick to green, since turquoise  and other shades are considered green variations anyway. But I'm open here to be corrected. Feel free to correct me. Her face radiants yellowish tone. Position: indoor (dark hollow room) close up YJ, changing expression from sad/obedience(?)/passive to smirk in the end. My interpretation: representing YJ's dual persona, her ambition is big (the narration is she makes sure JSJ will be president with all cause), but contrary to first teaser, she's alone now-->her army/people aren't truly supporting her, her supports are basically materials.. (Row of pillars) so she's lonely and hollow inside. The room is big, but no light from outside world (hope, kindness, etc)-->she's trapped inside her own loneliness and can't figure the way out. Her yellowish tone might represent how she's so far into her mental condition. 

Anna: color: basically not much different, but the white tone is now not pure white (mixed with hints of red (?)) and Anna wear dark red dress. Quoting above, dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath. Position: at first Anna's far from camera and then camera zoomed in to focus on her burning a paper, and the there are 2 version narration and expression. First one more more submissive the other more fierce.. Still in the same room.



My interpretation: Anna's progressing into more open person and connected to the world.. Not so distant anymore. The Element of Fire has great power for forging will and determination. It is our inner light as well as a living symbol of the Divine fire that burns in every soul. And two verse of narrative+combine with fire can be interpreted the metamorphosis of Anna (fire as the start of her process). From detached and weak into someone stronger. And the not-so-white-anymore maybe the symbolism of in order to toughen up herself, she can not be as pure and innocent like before.. Perhaps she even has to do quite "shady" deed later. We'll see.. 

Meanwhile, let's enjoy the battle stare between 2 YoonA..


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14 hours ago, JaneP said:

I guess it is the episode were you decide to continue or not?

@perfectsmilebias and @lamylamy I do understand that your disappointed as Jeha-Yoo-jin shippers since it is now clear that he is falling for Anna. But if you read the synopsis of the drama then it was clear that the OTP is Jeha-Anna and that Anna will not remain a damsel in distress. She is going to get her revenge. But first she needs to come to terms with her issues which are a lot. 

Above any OTP scenes, I love Yoo-jin and Anna's scenes because they give away so much about the characters. Maybe because they are similar in so many ways, it is particularly interesting. I hope we get more of them together. 

And how are you thinking that there will be a black-white narrative as well as solution. Jeha wants revenge which goes against his promise to protect Anna. Anna wants revenge for her mum's death and stolen childhood/youth which might ruin her father. Park Kwang-soo knows who Jeha is now. Yoo-jin fears Anna who crosses all her plans and is about to lose her trump card. I still don't think she killed Anna's mother and she clearly has many family issues but she is smart and vulnerable. She might be mental but she is not completely evil. Even Se-joon seems to be trapped between his political greed, contract with Yoo-jin and caring for Anna. We might not get all the answers but that does not mean our characters cannot redeem themselves. Anna said it:  she is not an Angel, none of them are. 

And the music is not catholic, it is from the opera Snow White, a constant reference in the drama. 

Honesly, your analysis is all i want from this drama. But these last two episodes and the overall lack of answers has convinced me this drama will not deliver the complexity it has promised.


And for the Catholic righteousness, i wasnt referencing the music rather the repeating motif of the religion within the drama especially concerning the dichotomy between YooJin and Anna: devil vs. angel, black vs. white, scarlet woman (she is very responsive and attracted to Jeha's sexuality) vs. virgin, impure vs. pure, etc. etc.

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2 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Also, for such a central character we also know so little about him. How he entered politics? What was he like as a politician in the beginning of his career? Simple basic questions, that answered would give so much insight into his character.

^^^THIS.  Enough with the flashbacks on how Jae-ha got so messed up in life; we get it, enough to where we don't have to constantly be beat over the head with it.  We viewers should be getting more flashbacks on how Yoo-jin and Se-joon came to be such jerkwads.  What made them cross over to the Dark Side of Politics?  Mommy issues?  Daddy issues?  Or were they just born into a world already so immoral that redemption was never going to be part of their life's modus operandi?

We have 8 episodes left, and lots more ground to cover.  I'm getting rather impatient.  Hopefully we'll get some answers soon.

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For Anna, this is a new chapter.  She is no longer in the shadows. JH has led her to a jumping off point.  She needs to stay in the limelight if she wants to stay alive.  YJ is only waiting for a chance to eliminate her.  JH was right about everything when he explained what he'd done for her.  So how is she going to remain in the public's eye?

i thought she'd be a famous model but flash lights would trigger her panic attacks. No bueno. What I'm sure about is she can't be confined anymore.  People are curious about her now.  YJ will have to assume the role of benevolent guardian and like JH said, allow her a normal life.

I believe that Anna is only now finding her feet.  She was tied to her father through false hope and now that JH made it possible for her to accept reality she can move forward and we know where she is headed don't we? Straight for YJ's throat.  And JH right alongside her.

Also, I'd like to talk about YJ for a bit.  The more I see her, the more I think there's something wrong with her.  She is arrogant - her contemptuous assumptions about SJ as a father is a reflection of her own broken relationship with her Father.  That arrogance is why she can't see that JSJ has his own agenda in place.  She was betrayed by her father and thus she has a weird empathy with Anna.  What made the whole scene at the infirmary hard to stomach was that she took pleasure in hurting Anna with her words.  The gloating gleeful expression - like a parasite feeding on Anna's pain and grief.  

And I want to remark on the weirdness of her behavior around JH.  When he cuts their conversation short in the infirmary, she puts on this mask of innocence in front of him and pretends that she was carried away somewhat with a butter wouldn't melt in her mouth expression.  Totally psychotic.  Like, what - JH didn't hear everything she said? 

And when she is at the house and JH takes responsibility for letting Anna talk to the reporters and knetzs, she let him get away with his blatant lie.  Is she that desperate for JH to stay with JSS that she'd accept his outright act of mutiny? She couldn't be so dense as to not know that his allegiance has shifted to Anna?  The only thing she could do was to dangle his need for revenge for Rania like bait.  I am convinced this is a plot hole.

Anyhow I'd like to see how Anna develops in the next few episodes.

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Yoona and Ji Chang Wook are winning me over in The K2 solely based on their chemistry which gives off snappy rom-com vibes when they are bickering, and a deeper emotional connection when Ji Chang Wook is in full bodyguard protective mode. As such, the way the characters of Je Ha and Anna are written fans the flames of their chemistry.


There is a naïve innocence in Anna that reverberates deep inside the jaded, war-weary heart of Je Ha, while Anna’s childlike trust in Je Ha is touching and heart-breaking at the same time. An example is that scene where she eagerly searches for him and unquestionably obeys his hand signals before she heads out to meet the reporters. I love that Je Ha continually flashed reassuring smiles at her while he was taking out the snipers who were going to kill her. She has social phobia; he is a social misfit. Not exactly the best matched couple but a deep-seated connection has been formed between them from their encounter in Spain where Je Ha was probably the first person since her lock-up who cared – or bothered – enough to help her even if he had been a stranger.










So cute(and smart) how he came up with the three hand signals: stop; move; sit. I’m sure these signals will save her life many times over down the road. So sweet how he comforted her on the rooftop where she cried that she was the one who killed her mother. His comfort to her was like an adult to a child and I realised that Anna, because of her situation, is a child stuck in an adult’s body. She has had no contact whatsoever with the outside world for over a decade, her emotional and mental maturity stunted by her childhood trauma and subsequent life in the nunnery. She is discovering life outside the nunnery is way more complicated and dangerous, and Je Ha, despite all his courage and skill, can only protect her to a limited extent. But fortunately, Je Ha instinctively knows all the right buttons to press when it comes to her.



Cute Yoona/ Ji Chang Wook gifs!  :chu:







Is our Anna learning martial art now????




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Wow so Anna will bde learning martial arts I hope that old man not her teacher if so she may as well get a gun and shoot herself save everyoned time and trouble..But she's a fast learner so maybe JH would teach her a few moves to protect herself.

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 I did a bit of background checking on the writer – Ahhh a man  ..  so far only 3 drama listed written by him – Yong Pal, Reset, K2

I’ve watch Yong Pal – Love the first few episodes, Can’t say the same for the rest of the episodes though, too many scenes that ‘challenged’ my logic. Similar to K2 (however as of now I can still overlook crazy/cheesy scenes that defy my logic since there are other great scenes that kind of cover-up the holes).

As of the plot being draggy to some – it all depend on which side you lean more to (or on the fence ie not having any preference at all)

Those that interested more on Jehanna – We would find the plot is fast enough, The last 2 episodes made up the lack of Anna’s scenes from 1 to 6. We get to see JH and Anna interaction (which we been waiting since episode 1), of course we love ep 7 and 8 (I have lost count how many times I re-watched 7 and 8).

We get to see more of the night her mother killed, we get more info on the actual situation. We know that SJ sort of abandoned Anna and her mom (however the reasons are not quite clear, based on 7 and SJ words, it was because of his greed and following YJ’s threat. Sold his soul to the devil).

We also get to see Anna opening up to JH.

Some is not happy to see this development – which does not associate with the character of a social phobist. I think we can conclude that Anna does not suffer from any sort of mental sickness related to social phobia. We can conclude though being locked up for more than 10 years it does not affect her mental stability, she is a strong girl and manage to stay sane.

Though she is all chattery, notice that she only open up to JH and her father. I guess it is because she trusts them. JH has been the only person that treat her as human (instead of dragging her back to ‘safe house’ forcefully, he tried to do it a more human way). I am sure someone as lonely as her need a friend and someone that she can trust, thus we see her pouring her soul to him.

Did we see her talk to Ajumma and J4? Never …

I think so far the writer has been fair on the exposure for each character.

However, I am a bit taken aback by SJ character revelation – In 7, We see the human side of him .. we see he is as vulnerable as YJ, which doesn’t quite correlate to his bart3rd way, low morale and a pig. I am not sure if the writer intend to make SJ character a victim too and him becoming this way is because of YJ.

Is the writing being influenced by the fact that the writer is a man?  

@stargazer187 I have formed my opinion on YJ character wayyyyyy before I started watching episode 1. I have concluded that YJ is the villain here and expected the character to be plain black though I know there must be reasons for her to be this way. However I do not put much thought on YJ character development as I consider her the ‘villain’.  I guess that the reason I can ‘wait’ for her back story to unfold and I don’t find it draggy when the focus is shifted toward JH/Anna and Anna connection to her father.  Anyway I think we will see more of YJ in next 2 episode …



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53 minutes ago, valsava said:

Wow so Anna will bde learning martial arts I hope that old man not her teacher if so she may as well get a gun and shoot herself save everyoned time and trouble..But she's a fast learner so maybe JH would teach her a few moves to protect herself.


I for one would love to see Anna with Master Song. What if he falls for Anna and decides to forget the doctor and romance her? I bet K2 would be so jealous and possessive.  It'd be fun to see if Master Song would acquire another hole on his shiny bald head.

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1 hour ago, klgirl said:

For Anna, this is a new chapter.  She is no longer in the shadows. JH has led her to a jumping off point.  She needs to stay in the limelight if she wants to stay alive.  YJ is only waiting for a chance to eliminate her.  JH was right about everything when he explained what he'd done for her.  So how is she going to remain in the public's eye?

i thought she'd be a famous model but flash lights would trigger her panic attacks. No bueno. What I'm sure about is she can't be confined anymore.  People are curious about her now.  YJ will have to assume the role of benevolent guardian and like JH said, allow her a normal life.

I believe that Anna is only now finding her feet.  She was tied to her father through false hope and now that JH made it possible for her to accept reality she can move forward and we know where she is headed don't we? Straight for YJ's throat.  And JH right alongside her.

Also, I'd like to talk about YJ for a bit.  The more I see her, the more I think there's something wrong with her.  She is arrogant - her contemptuous assumptions about SJ as a father is a reflection of her own broken relationship with her Father.  That arrogance is why she can't see that JSJ has his own agenda in place.  She was betrayed by her father and thus she has a weird empathy with Anna.  What made the whole scene at the infirmary hard to stomach was that she took pleasure in hurting Anna with her words.  The gloating gleeful expression - like a parasite feeding on Anna's pain and grief.  

And I want to remark on the weirdness of her behavior around JH.  When he cuts their conversation short in the infirmary, she puts on this mask of innocence in front of him and pretends that she was carried away somewhat with a butter wouldn't melt in her mouth expression.  Totally psychotic.  Like, what - JH didn't hear everything she said? 

And when she is at the house and JH takes responsibility for letting Anna talk to the reporters and knetzs, she let him get away with his blatant lie.  Is she that desperate for JH to stay with JSS that she'd accept his outright act of mutiny? She couldn't be so dense as to not know that his allegiance has shifted to Anna?  The only thing she could do was to dangle his need for revenge for Rania like bait.  I am convinced this is a plot hole.

Anyhow I'd like to see how Anna develops in the next few episodes.


I was thinking along the same line--that perhaps Anna would become a model but given her phobia of flashlights, this seems unlikely. Anyway, the scene where she was about to reveal who her father is, I found it amusing that the random bodyguard besides YJ looked so worried. I was like, "really?" Haha.

Actually up to now, I still can't put my finger to JCW's portrayal of JH. Like you, I love JCW and think highly of his acting skills but something is lacking in this role. Maybe his motives are not so clear at this point or perhaps the introduction of Anna's escape kinda threw everybody off?  Then again, this is what keeps me intrigued.

I thought YJ's fear of him (I read as that) was because she knew he is capable of turning the tables completely on her plus he has this email evidence against her. But yes, her behavior with him makes me feel uncomfortable and fearful at the same time. Also, when she said the knife is in Anna's hand, I interpreted it as she saw that JH was the one who put the knife in Anna's hand. So right now, she really don't know what to do with him and that to me is quite consistent especially remembering when she said she fear she can't control him because he's a wolf and not a dog.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the 2nd half will be coherent plot wise. I watch every episode in trepidation because of all the negative anticipation set up against the writer. Personally, I don't really want the plot to become too dark and twisted as some wish. I'm not for romance that much but wouldn't mind it if it helps to unravel the story and give the story more depth with a proper closure for each character. I want us to enjoy a satisfying ride with The K2!

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1 hour ago, stargazer187 said:

no, bfore she told them, netizen already knows, master song calls the entertainment news to leak the story.. and JH aks the caffe boy to gather people who looks for barcelona angel immidiatly. And why do people keep intresting to anna's pic, it's because of the her viral photo on sns... at that point, she ight become like a sns star among netizen.

if you ask me, well... this is how the story played... did u watch the whole k2 episode or did you watch W? haha... just enjoy the ride chingu.. dont think too hard... me too, I think that some of k2 plot and conflicts are unparrallel, but I ignore it and I still can let it slide, but if it's getting too weird and unintresting, that time I might leave the show. But K2 isnt that far yer, so far it's still great. though with its flaws.

so... dont think it too hard... :lol:

You maybe a have a point... but that still not viral worthy for me..  And I said on my post small rant, it doesn't take away anything from the drama.  I am not thinking too hard, it was just funny for me.  

And this is K2 thread,  so why will I post something about W (which I didn't even watch)  here?  Sorry but that comment doesn't sound good to my ear. 

But nevertheless,  let's all enjoy this series :)

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Thing that ‘challenged’ my logic ..  :D (however because of Writer compensate it with other great scenes I kinda tolerate it)

1. Why YJ did not directly contact J4 and Ajumma. J4 (miran) is the personal bodyguard of Anna. Why not give specific instruction to Miran to not allow Anna out of the house no matter if the press is there. Why would Miran  and Ajumma listen to K2? – The only explanation I can think off – though still quite not satisfy me – They pity her and they want to help her. They know they can’t go against K2? They are more afraid of K2 than YJ? *rollllleyes*

2. Jean Latte one post can create such buzz to the netizens? Involved press? I was like - REALLY??  Like Anna is some famous Kpop idol? (did writer mess up Yoona real identity? Wahahha …) I know there can be a few plausible explanations but NOPE .. I won’t ever ever ever get it .. that scene was a very cringe worthy scene to me. Can’t there be any other way to expose Anna? Like someone that look like Anna is spotted having a date with an Idol – Let say GD … or GD took a photo of Anna and posted on his IG .. or GD happen to be on the same flight with Anna – He took selfie with her and posted the photo on his IG … Can they switch Jean Lafayette with someone in Kentertainment (yeah yeah GD is too much – just make up a name but please make him someone from korea).

And Anna learning martial art from JSS master in the open? – I know this has not been confirmed yet .. but PUHLEES …  Would YJ allow Anna to ‘use’ JSS facility? …  Is the PD/writer going with the direction that now Anna is free of YJ clutches? I would have accept it if it’s JH teaching Anna martial art secretly (not in JSS vicinity – where koara can see her… isn’t it ridiculous? Anyway It’s too early for me to whine about it since the scene is not shown yet.

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Hi everyone

Thanks again for the photos, comments and insights.

I've been reading the recaps at DB and this thread (silently) as I haven't had the chance to watch this drama yet.  For the love of JCW, I will eventually get to it soon.

The K2: Episode 8 by gummimochi | October 16, 2016 | 



Loyalties will be put to the test when more dangers are thrown in Je-ha’s path which require him to stay alert at all times. He won’t be the only one in harm’s way though, since a series of unexpected events will threaten to tip the political scales against Yoo-jin’s favor. Everyone has something to lose, but if a few of them play their cards right, they’ll have everything to gain.

There's this 1 comment that I kinda agree about what I've read so far:

24 kanz October 16th, 2016 at 11:08 PM
Re: Je Ha and Anna’s relationship
The writer clearly will develop the romance in the next few weeks. After all Yoona is male lead’s love interest so they would show us their romance development in the next eps. I actually don’t care with whom Je Ha ends up or if he doesn’t end up with anyone in the last ep. Strangely I don’t even feel attachment or investment to his character even though I’m big Ji Chang Wook fan!


Re: Je Ha and Yoo Jin’s relationship
If the attraction is only from Yoo Jin, then it’s one-sided. I’m a big proponent of Noona love, but judging by the latest eps it clearly won’t happen. I’m still waiting for more Je Ha-Yoo Jin interactions though, because they lit the screen on fire!

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6 hours ago, tessieroo said:


@anyeze - Wait, how do we know it was YJ who gave that info to Congressman Park? Did I miss something? Because I thought it was the corrupt police chief who gave it to him. 



Oh, I'm sorry, of course you didn't miss anything it's just my guess. YJ made the police chief one of her man in the ep 2 - the JSS's chief convinced him that candidate Jang will be the next president and made a request about JH.. So when Park said to him that he's took both sides it was true. JH is a member of JSS and the police chief knows him. I dont't think he dares to act all by himself. Actually I missed the part that Park asked him to brought the information - so I might be wrong, but I believe that in this point YJ pulls the strings. It makes sence at least. Sorry if I misled you or anybody else!!!

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Sadly this is exactly how I feel about the K2


CR: xxiclaiirdelunee IG

I had high expectations when I watched the first episodes, it's not interesting for me like before, even my favorite character CYJ is going to the route of being a black one dimensional, but I will keep watching and I'm happy to have met all of you here in the thread, I enjoy reading your posts, even if we don't see or agree on the same things



scream let me love you


Lol no really


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4 hours ago, valsava said:

Wow so Anna will bde learning martial arts I hope that old man not her teacher if so she may as well get a gun and shoot herself save everyoned time and trouble..But she's a fast learner so maybe JH would teach her a few moves to protect herself.

dear are you joking sure it JH who will teach her :smirk: how can any good writer let that chance to make the OTP have more skin ship and more adult feeling when their body is touched :tongue: okay it chance to make ANNA start getting more nerves around JH and even see him as a man ,and it chance to our bigger teaser JH to have fun with his crush :relaxed:( dear writer dont run my dream scene , you better to do it right :unamused:)


@klgirl NO we dont want to see JH angry or jealous from master song of all the people ( i love their cute and funny friendship ) :joy: by the way with talking about jealousy   DO you imaging JSS hot bodyguards seeing the angel in their  company? even more better imaging JH gave them that look " get lost if you want to stay a life" that i want to see ANNA getting so much fans  from hot guys ( bodyguards or other but i want the bodyguards ) and JH looking so damn hot with his killer cute mood- okay seeing JH acting  "that girl is mine so back off " IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN RIGHT ?

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1 hour ago, Bambiina said:


2. Jean Latte one post can create such buzz to the netizens? Involved press? I was like - REALLY??  Like Anna is some famous Kpop idol? (did writer mess up Yoona real identity? Wahahha …) I know there can be a few plausible explanations but NOPE .. I won’t ever ever ever get it .. that scene was a very cringe worthy scene to me. Can’t there be any other way to expose Anna? Like someone that look like Anna is spotted having a date with an Idol – Let say GD … or GD took a photo of Anna and posted on his IG .. or GD happen to be on the same flight with Anna – He took selfie with her and posted the photo on his IG … Can they switch Jean Lafayette with someone in Kentertainment (yeah yeah GD is too much – just make up a name but please make him someone from korea).


Sorry for cutting your post. It is just my idea... Honestly I have another way to expose Anna. It will be more believable if JH plotted everything from the beginning, not because he was forced a little bit because one of nitizen took their photo. Lets say JH really want to set Anna free, at least she can see the whole Korea, do what she wants, go everywhere, then : 1) Start with stirring the media by saying that Barcelona's angel posted by Jean Latte was Late Actress Uhm Hye-rin's daughter 2) Spread the info through SNS with evidence, we knew there is a family photo in Anna's secret room - we can photoshop or anything to cut JSJ picture 3) See how nitizens react - I believe they will be curious, UHR is an actress back then and her death because of suicide and I am pretty sure CYJ wont be able to control it, SNS such a scary world 4) Leak Anna photo in front this house to SNS and media. You dont need to need to do anything, they will come to your place with their own feet. 5) Start your announcement of your existency in this world, Anna.

Isn't more make a sense? Haha.... But this scene already passed, what can we do! But I still like this drama and will continue watching, I will forgive the plot hole this time. Hope there won't be another impossible scene eventhough it just for a drama.

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Guest julie721

Work's done for today.. Time for my guilty pleasure.. happy2.gif

I'm on mobile so a bit difficult to tag who was asking about how netizen so obsessed with Anna being Angel. Me the first time watching that scene tumblr_lhp51l3pV61qcigk3.gif

"oh crap.. Lolololol" even I, WHO are into Kpop too, face palming watching that scene. The writer completely messed up Anna with YoonA. And Yes, @Bambiina male idol can create more fuzz, but if let's say Anna was photograph with hottest "Oppa" at the moment, (GD is so 7-5 years ago..he still hot, but his age allows him to date.. His fans are  matured and calmer now, they will not create scene like that.. the hot seat for male idol are from EXO and BTS.. But if Anna was seen with one of this guys, their crazy fangirls will not "oooooh aaaah" over her, instead they will throw fits to and say "How dare you take my Oppa?")  :sweatingbullets:

@perfectsmilebias about Anna character... I take it you're more into strong, feisty character. I think you'll never get that here with Anna. It's possible the writer wants to put twist or upgrade from original character, but he still seems to be quite loyal to the fairytale of Snow White. I don't think he'd pull and rewrite similar or parallelly tough one as Kristen Steward's Snow White from "Snow White and the Huntsman" (more daring and independent, not exactly the same) for Anna. Like I said in my previous posts, the K2 in the end would be just product designed to please Korean people, and although it airs on cable TV, they still have to obey some rules. (Remember what happen to the naked fight scene?) most Kdrama heroine will always "in a way" need the Hero's assistances and supports. That's the public want to see and that's the public usually get. One good example is what happen to CITT, when a production team take a liberal version of adapting well-loved webtoon, see how the public reacted when their fave-Sunbae got altered and the story progression focused more on the 2nd lead? It created quite backlash back then, quite a shame when exactly CITT started out with positive responses. Even between the casts, some tensions were created. That's how public reaction clearly affected drama. I don't know if TVN want to experience the same thing again with K2. Also I don't think the writer want to take a risk to taint his reputation even more since he already had some from Yong Pal. His portfolio is only 3 dramas including K2. Perhaps, in his opinion, this is the win-win situation of how to rewrite Snow White (Anna), not too meek, not too independent, not too fierce but also not too weak.. He play a little bit, but still in the range of perfect heroine in Korean's tastes. Play it save? Maybe.. But very understandable.. 

@tessieroo ah I forgot that VIU is paid service. They don't open all the video unless you've premium membership... 

@klgirl Master Song and Anna?!? Oh my gosh.. That would be so funny.. Hahahaha.. Don't get too excited with YoonA's Instagram post.. It could only be their less creative ways to perform skin ship between OTP.. If it's true, that's not original though, Oh My Venus-SJS and SMA already did that. Oh, by the way your favorite transportation (subway is a mean of transportation right?) made appearance in ep 8... Hahahaha it's not Kdrama without subway right? :P


so that my post will be K2 related..


JCW spotted filming at Cheong-dam-Dong.. Not clear about YoonA, but the two persons wearing pink outfits are her manager Oppa and stylish Eonnie pic credit ©toyou0705

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16 hours ago, notohaterfans said:


Additional thought on

YJ loss her mind when she ran towards Anna, now her step mom will look after behind Anna story and use it against YJ...  

since Anna didn't spill the bean, if i were YJ i will not make any involvement on Anna in the public.. Telling she's a guardian obviously sounds fishy... Not so smart move by YJ.. hahaha 


My thought it was not wrong moved by CYJ. One of the reporter has requested to looking for the owner of this house, it means sooner or later CYJ's name will surface to the world. Then the media and nitizens wont stay still, but dig more and more about their relationship. And on the top of that CYJ already there, impossible that no one seeing her.Should she says that she want to see Barcelona's Angel too?

Yes, you are right. She just added a new problem to her life - Her step mom. And Anna is her biggest weakness. But seeing CYJ's personality, she is kind of person who can't stand still if her image scatterred too much or public turn his back to her. By saying that she is Anna's guardian in first place, she can make up the next story. So far outside JSS, no on knows about Anna. Unless Anna told the world by herself, or one of JSS betrays her, its so easy to create story of Anna's past. I even think, eventhough Politician Park knows the truth, she can thread him back - told him that she knows the incident in Iraq and she has the witness - KJH. Messing up with National Army is such a big deal, and it happened overseas, the whole Korea would be shaken by this.

But, once again its all my thoughts. You can agree or not, it doesnt matter for me. I said it, because I think our thread is a little "HOT". Hehhe.... 

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1 hour ago, Mayyes said:

Sorry for cutting your post. It is just my idea... Honestly I have another way to expose Anna. It will be more believable if JH plotted everything from the beginning, not because he was forced a little bit because one of nitizen took their photo. Lets say JH really want to set Anna free, at least she can see the whole Korea, do what she wants, go everywhere, then : 1) Start with stirring the media by saying that Barcelona's angel posted by Jean Latte was Late Actress Uhm Hye-rin's daughter 2) Spread the info through SNS with evidence, we knew there is a family photo in Anna's secret room - we can photoshop or anything to cut JSJ picture 3) See how nitizens react - I believe they will be curious, UHR is an actress back then and her death because of suicide and I am pretty sure CYJ wont be able to control it, SNS such a scary world 4) Leak Anna photo in front this house to SNS and media. You dont need to need to do anything, they will come to your place with their own feet. 5) Start your announcement of your existency in this world, Anna.

Isn't more make a sense? Haha.... But this scene already passed, what can we do! But I still like this drama and will continue watching, I will forgive the plot hole this time. Hope there won't be another impossible scene eventhough it just for a drama.

but my friend if they did that ANNA was going to be send away or even get  killed before even getting the citizens reaction - did you forget she was thinking if she should kill her after know that her photo was post again and people interesting in her before the post of her address and her photo with JH was posted , JH didnt have choice known that her photo was online again and people going crazy in SNS in searching mission to find her, JH know what YJ next move would be just like chief and master song told him it easier to let her die then to face the danger of her getting known to the world , so JH had no choice but to let it bigger so fast before YJ had the chance to decide or act against ANNA

so the idea of doing that in step and more planing way to get the people interesting is off the book since YJ want to kill her just cause people start to know about her so what she was going to do if they even know who is her mother and start to get more information about her , she wasn't going to stay a live even for hour after that news come out , that why JH make everything public so fast and made people and reporter meet her , and even with it all  YJ was ready to kill ANNA in front of all this people 

p.s.to al the people who didnt get why all the people was so crazy about the angel and SNS crazy act , yeh we cant get it since we are not from Korea , do you even forget that the European reporter get crazy about that photo since it famous person so interesting in her ,so how about the Korean people ( i dont want to be rude to Korean people ) but let just say it honesty they over reaction to that sort of things if you even read the last two years news about korean fans and crazy reaction to small matter you will get it , they ready to let someone bad run of his crime since they like it and make online war for him , and in the same time bully innocent person for doing something simple and has no meaning but they didn't like so he has to face hate and online bullying   like he killed someone and has no end of attack and for so long, 

 so i am not even surprised they react like this-since i had already know the different between Korean life and my own life ( even when i hate that it happen in my really life too , it dont happen in the same huge scale in my country like it happen in korea ,but it still happen with limited reaction ) but the writer living there she know better what the strong word and interesting SNS make huge topic in Korean social life ( dear i was shocked with some news last year and how over reaction the Korean had and how not rational they act  and i am not talking just about idol or actors since there was more shocking news about normal people )

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