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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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I might be a minority but I want SW to end up with her best friend YG. They seem to be most in tune with each other-- as in he keeps her in check and she respects his advice. I think what keeps her from realizing how compatible they are is because she is blinded by wanting to follow her father's footsteps to success even if it means marrying someone she doesn't really truly love (but is someone more successful  and richer than her).

Someone mentioned in the thread (sorry I couldn't quote, my mobile browser is horrible) that JH also has some healing to do-- as evident from his child-like attitude not wanting anything disrupting his day to day schedule/routine (opening monologue in ep 6). I do hope HJ introduces some spontaneity in him and disrupts his routine in the most adorable way she can.... 

Happy Monday patients 14 hours to go :)


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6 hours ago, lclarakl said:


@starb82, I guess I just have a different take.  When she told Soon Hee in the jail while trying to convince her that she should go to jail in her place: 

ep 3/ 29/20: "It only happen because I'm such an unlucky richard simmons."

To me, she didn't say this with conviction of someone who truly believes it or that bad thing happen to those she loves, but she said this to convince her friend that she's used to bad things happening to her not that she brings bad luck to others. However, she also knows that the fire was just an accident. She asked Seo Woo to just tell the truth about what happened.

If she truly feels that she may have been the bad luck that caused her grandmother's death, then why does she believe her grandmother died during surgery due to medical malpractice? Or if she feels that her bad luck is behind her mother's death, then why does she resent her father and blames him for her mother's death? Or why does she keeps Soon Hee as her best friend? Or why did she finally decide to let herself love Ji Hong the same day that she almost lost her friend Soo Chul in an accident?   

What Hye Jung has heard over and over again throughout the years is not that she brings bad luck to people, but that she will never amount to anything and that she'll end up in jail. In her effort to gain her father's attention, getting in trouble has become a way of life.  Even she wants to know how long will she keep living the way she's living---she's heard this from questions from everyone....including herself.  She truly believes that trouble follows her (speaking with her grandmother in jail ep 3/17:45) and it does, but that is due to her attitude and actions because she refused in her youth to walk away from a fight which gets her in trouble--and she's still like that today. Yes, she was tough fighting the gangsters at the hospital, but what if the guy she pushed onto one of the patients and truly injured one of the the patients or killed one of the gangsters by accident? That would have been the end of her career.

When her mother died and her father wasn't there to comfort her, she felt abandoned.  One of the reasons she's hysterical when Soo Chul had an accident is because he's her friend and it happened before her eyes. Secondly, she's the one that told him she wanted to see his bike again--that's why he was at her house early that morning. It's only natural under these circumstances for her to blame herself, probably saying--If only she hadn't told him that she wanted to see his bike.  

When Hye Jung said at the end of ep 7 after Soo Chul's accident, "It's always like this. Love brings fear, and fear.......consumes me." 

This doesn't mean she thinks that because she loves someone bad things will happen to them. I took this in the same light as something Steve Jobs said about having children. He said that, "Having a child is like having your heart walk around outside of your body." When you love someone, it's painful to think of them being hurt. Compound that feeling on top of what Hye Jung has been through (abandonment, abuse, death of a mother), I'm sure she wants to protect herself from pain.  Some women who were cheated on by a spouse says they will never marry again fall in love because it was just too painful and they don't want to go through that again.

Any way, this is just my opinion.

@lclarakl... I agree chingu, she doesn't think she is bad luck but she is used to losing the people she loves.She is used to bad things happening to her. HJ also didn't want Soo Hee to get hurt or ruin her life by going to jail for her. She was ready to take the fall because that is the way life is. Her friend, her savior Soo CHul  just got hit by a car with his motorcycle right in front of her. So ofcourse she would freak out, seeing HJ cry, flustering shows she isn't as invincible like others think she is. SHe is just a girl afraid of losing people close to her and appearing weak. Falling in love makes people weak in her eyes but what she doesn't know is that 'LOVE MAKES YOU STRONGER"  because having someone besides when you are hurt, alone or happy makes life so much more enjoyable. She said it herself Episode 4 00:12-00:44 "Success is only meanigful only when you have someone to share it with.  She hasn't figured out Love is not the enemy but it is the person you love that is painful.

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5 hours ago, lclarakl said:

I too would like to see Hye Jung grow professionally and not see everything as a competition. When she was determined to prove Yoon Do wrong and stubbornly pushed on with the surgery, I was disappointed by her attitude. Not that she stubbornly held her ground, but the reason for it.....she was holding someone's life in her hands.  That's why I love the way Ji Hong is trying to help her see that everything is not a competition; that it's okay to lose. 


Just IMHO, I don't think she's JUST being stubborn. Sure, she did take it as a challenge, but right before she heads into the OR with JH, she did mention, "I only fight battles i know I can win". Pretty sure she has done these surg multiple times to be confident about her "fight". 

As someone pointed out, when puppy looked for HJ online, there was one article that mentioned she was one of the very few that does the "coiling" and done them successfully. 

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4 minutes ago, m0us3y said:

Couldn't have said it better! I too do agree that the age gap is necessary for HJ's character. A person that she has respect for, as well as someone that is capable to see through her tough shell. 

While it's true that HJ had a late start, but with her intelligence and IQ, and the fact that she studied and worked her heads off, sleeping for only 10 hours per week, while everyone else was enjoying life, would have catapulted her in front of all her peers. She's running ahead of all her other fellows, and I wouldn't be surprised that her skills are on par with YD. Lest we forget that she did made staff before moving to this hospital.

But while she has accomplished so much in such short period, she's flawed in her very own way, and she's still learning. JH can teach her, mentor her. Be it in medical, as a neurosurgeon, or in life. 

@akhenaten couldn't say it any better when JH is her anchor, AND her cheerleader. He is always there for her when things are going tough, and always trying to cheer her up, showing her that life is worth living  

figuratively, JH saved HJ in Ep 8. I could so foresee that HJ would retreat and build an even higher and stronger wall if anything happens to SC. because she's been hurt so many times, she would rather forego loving than to be hurt again. JH prevented that from happening. Even when JH was so jealous because he thought there's something between HJ and SC, he still does all he can, both as a responsible doctor, as well as HJ's support and anchor. 

And that is what made their relationship so beautiful to me. 


@m0us3y   @akhenaten   well said to both of  you. I have been tryin so hard to find the right word to express myself after reading your post @akhenaten but was at loss for words. Then @m0us3y replied to your comment and then got the inspiration to say a few words. I agree with everything you said about our OTP. I believe HJ surpassed SW as a surgeon and her knowledge is at the same level as YD. That is probably why YD was budding heads with her. She was competition for him because she has confidence, talent and is trying to save lives like him.  She isn't a doctor showing off but has the same belief as him for being a doctor. She isn't afraid of him like the rest of these surgeon in his department. HJ HAS WORKED REALL HARD TO GET WHERE SHE IS TODAY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPEN TO HER GRANDMA. sHE NEVER EPXECTED TO SEE JH EVER AGAIN. 

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While a number of ppl would like to see HJ jealous about JH and IJ, I gotta say I'm not that keen at the moment. 

HJ has just opened up to JH, and while it seems like quick turnaround, JH has done a lot to reach where he is today! 

And while I totally think it's cute that JH got jealous of SC and HJ, JH surely looks confident in Ep 9 preview with YD now that HJ held his hands. Pretty sure JH is aware how much it takes HJ to take that step, and she's not one that wavers easily once she decides on something. 

However, I'm not sure if the inverse is true! Not yet anyway. HJ might still freaks out, and burn all the bridges again! 

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Annyeong..morning :wub::wub::wub: (typing while imagining JH with his deep sexy voice in that scene !)

Its finally Monday and I have no Monday blues !!! I hope my boss is nice to me today so this happy Monday feeling can continue until tonight for my appointment with Doctors !

Have no insights to share but Ive been reading and love everyone else opinions  :)  gives a new perspective to the drama and the characters themselves !

Hope they will reach 20% and more tonight ! Fighting !

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Annyeong...morning indeed! :wub::wub::wub:

Been checking this forum every few mins since I'm waiting for my flight! I hope I'm not spamming too much!! 

But so looking forward to some happy times between HJ and JH! Both of them so deserve some happiness after all they've been through! 

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37 minutes ago, sunflower001 said:

Annyeong..morning :wub::wub::wub: (typing while imagining JH with his deep sexy voice in that scene !)

Its finally Monday and I have no Monday blues !!! I hope my boss is nice to me today so this happy Monday feeling can continue until tonight for my appointment with Doctors !

Have no insights to share but Ive been reading and love everyone else opinions  :)  gives a new perspective to the drama and the characters themselves !

Hope they will reach 20% and more tonight ! Fighting !

Us: Boss, permission to clock-out earlier today?

Boss: Why?

Us: I have Doctors appointment. (*looking serious)

Boss: Oh, what's wrong with you? Never mind... Go ahead. Health is important.

Us: Thanks Boss (*turns around, with biggest grin, jumping with joy inside* or *doing the "yes" fist a la JYD)

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4 hours ago, lclarakl said:

Narrative spoke at the beginning and end of each episode

Ep 1:  Hye Jung

Ep 2:  Hye Jung

Ep 3:  Hye Jung

Ep 4:  Hye Jung

Ep 5:  Hye Jung

Ep 6:  Ji Hong

Ep 7:  Hye Jung

Ep 8:  Ji hong

It seems like it's turning into their story.

Just a correction: Ep 3 was narrated by JH

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