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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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23 minutes ago, minmar said:

My parting gift to all my darling eclipses. Love you all. Here is hoping we too meet again soon! 


The Gift


Dr Jung stared out the window at the rain. The pen forgotten in his hand as he examined his notes. He took a breath as he prepared for what was to come. It wouldn't be easy convincing Mr Lee of his findings. He looked down at his notes remembering their first meeting.

                      *   *   *   *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   * 

“I'm not here because I want to be,” the man said, brushing the lint off the cuff of his suit coat. “A friend of mine recommended you...well more than recommended... demanded is more accurate.”

“I agreed to this consultation to satisfy that same man....he is relentless when he wants something', he muttered to himself....but just how long have you been suffering from these nightmares,” the doctor finished as he turned his attention back to the man sitting across from his desk.

Dr. Jung eyed the handsome man opposite and smiled. No man should be so wealthy and attractive without some flaw to balance fate...it wouldn't be fair he thought as he chuckled to himself.

The object of his visual examination furrowed his brow in concentration.

“Would it be better if I said I had only started having dreams recently” he asked? The mans eyes skimmed the room as he tried to hide his discomfort at the question.

“Let me ask the questions, your job is to answer them truthfully. That is if you want me to be able to help.”

“They began a little over a year ago. Nebulous at first. Unclear and unformed glimpses. But most recently they've gotten clearer....pulling me from sleep. But the images leave quickly, evaporating like mist, leaving in their place intense feelings of anger and frustration. Then last month ...these impressions started but they've grown stronger .sometimes they come with a scent...other times it is almost as if I can taste blood. But the anger......it's becoming hard to control.”

Dr Jung watched the man's jaw tighten, his mouth thinning to a line. Taking a breath his client calmed himself before the doctor continued, “I specialize in regression and dream interpretation. I am not a physical doctor... but then I understand you've tried those. So are you willing to put yourself in my hands so that we might get to the bottom of this?

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Dr Jung pulled himself from his thoughts. They had made a lot of progress. Numerous regressions under hypnosis had revealed things so clear and concise as to be real. The problem would be getting his patient to accept them as real. Mr Lee was certainly intelligent...to be expected from a man owning such a large and profitable company but he was not someone easily swayed. The woman was dominant in those repressed memories. How would he ever get him to accept the idea of her?

Ignoring what the man had said would be the best idea he'd had in a month. A woman... from his past? Did the man expect him to believe that? Women were unimportant. He had no interest in any of them. They were certainly a nice diversion but nothing more. The CEO of the largest cosmetic firm entered the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. In the lobby the tour he'd help establish to advertise the new line of cosmetics was doing very well. The addition of the art exhibit had been a good idea. Leaving the elevator he stopped. Coming toward him with that comical grin on his face was his antagonist, the man who'd forced him to attend these fruitless appointments.

“I think it is doing very well,” the man said as he pushed his glasses back against his nose. “And how did your session go?”

“Honestly, he has helped a bit with releasing some of the anxiety and anger I've felt but as to his explanation for it....well, That was crap.”

“You think so? Oh!  have you seen the exhibit yet?”

“Actually, I haven't. How is it?

“Why not take a minute and have a look, he said, directing his friend to the right.


The CEO's piercing eyes stopped throwing daggers at his friend. He stood there until his friend gave him that wacky smile and walked away before moving toward the doorway of the exhibit.  Inside the gallery, spotlights shot arcs of light over each picture. In the center of the room a young women wearing the company uniform was kneeling on the floor crying. Something about the tilt of her head and the wracking sobs coming from her small back touched him and without conscious thought he took a step toward her. He had the strongest impulse to reach out and take her in his arms...shelter her...protect her. Suddenly she rose to her feet then turned ..her head bowed to hide her tears...she bolted straight into his chest.  A momentary delay then, “Ouch...ooooh” she said, grabbing her forehead ..before lifting her eyes. They followed the clean lines of the man's suit before they reached his face. She stared in shock as the color slowly left her cheeks.

“I'm sorry but you ran into.....” the words froze on his lips as he stared into the face of the woman he had been dreaming about for over a year. He bent forward slightly to look into her eyes as words came automatically to his lips.....”my person...my Soo.”

Their arms rose slowly to wrap around each other as their lips met. 


The traveler smiled as he backed from the doorway. “things always return to where they are suppose to be,” he said as he turned and disappeared into the crowd.

thank you for this....  :)

28 minutes ago, moonlovertales said:

So he gives her his tie? Like what? :joy:


I don't know if the desperation is REAL with us fans or we are just really scrambling for any small sign of hope!

so its now a necktie??? hahahaha

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7 hours ago, qwenli said:

I got a feeling IU choose to post this today because tonight the new drama after MLSHR is airing.

Now Naver is full of articles of what she posted. 

She is getting back at SBS.


Smart girl. Love you for doing this.

SBS got what they deserved 

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1 hour ago, sosooyah19 said:

yes the cinematography is great, just lessen the many closeups esp if not necessary...

if they are going to do a film, or a special episode/s, i hope the writer that will be assigned is good enough to give MLSHR a well-deserved, highly satisfying conclusion... not just a cliche ending...


@sosooyah19 Actually, I think the movie is already done. They are just waiting... i don't know what, but they are.:sweatingbullets:

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56 minutes ago, ilovecoffeeandbooks said:

Itzibitzi... Depending on how much the DVDs are, I would be willing to go like halfsies with you if you needed it! You've been such a big supporter and have brought me great joy with your posts! We'll see when they release it and talk more ! (hope this isn't too forward! Just trying to spread the love and pay it forward this holiday season)

Love, hugs and many cuddles ... thanx that's so sweet to think that way ... <3
How could I deserve such warm thoughts :wub:
Where are you from, I'd like to hug you *sniff*

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23 minutes ago, soultree said:

I stiil havent watched the three last episodes, i dont want to, i'm watching bubblegum'to feel'good before


You h@ve company, my friend.Even I'm yet to watch the last few episodes because I'm too scared to see it end and also To see the way it ends.

Yes, I'm the chicken of all chickens.  This show has turned me into A real coward who is afraid of a show ending.

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17 minutes ago, moonlovertales said:


You h@ve company, my friend.Even I'm yet to watch the last few episodes because I'm too scared to see it end and also To see the way it ends.

Yes, I'm the chicken of all chickens.  This show has turned me into A real coward who is afraid of a show ending.


My chingu in cowardism hhhh, i know how it ends however i'm afraid of my emotions loool

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I really wanted to write my responds for you guys, but I couldn't have my hands on laptop for past few days and it's really troublesome to reply to several people using mobile phone. Today I finally can type on laptop so here we go.

@deabakdrama Thank you^^ I always know since Eps 1 that JM is a very important character, if not the most important one in the story. He was there with GHJ the moment she went back to Goryeo, he was also there when So arrived at the palace. His expression when he observed So killing the horse and the way the camera focused on him showed what the story wanted to imply, that was he wasn't merely a side character or an usual astronomer. While he might look like insignificant and inconsistent sometimes, he was always there to stir the history on the track that he intended to create. He persuaded So to replace Moo in the ritual, he persuaded Taejo to let So stay, he purposely drew So's name for leading the rain ceremony, and so on. When So came up with the scar covered, he looked as if it was something he had predicted. And don't forget his extremely satisfied expression when So succeeded bringing the rain. JM was indeed very consistent in stirring So to be a certain kind of king that he wanted.

@fengari Thank you and nice to meet you too^^ I'd also love to discuss with everyone about the story, this drama is too subtle for its own good and I think it's impossible for me to completely understand without the insight and analysis from all eclipses here and in DB. Eventhough we may never get the whole correct story (if they don't release the complete drama) but it's such a pleasure trying to solve the riddle together.

@Sharine Phinisia LOL yes, JM owes GHJ (and audience) an explanation and apology indeed. In whatever follow-up we're gonna have, be it special eps or movie or complete version in DVD, I want a scene where JM explains about himself and his purpose of bringing GHJ to Goryeo.

@40somethingahjumma Thank you^^

@Rose_ (sorry, Idk why but I couldn't find your name on the tag list) Thank you^^ I think we're not in the same page that JM used GHJ to change history? Because bringing someone back from the future to change the course of history sounds quite active to me. And regarding of JM's last sentence about coincidence, I've got an interesting theory from @Barbrey in DB (Idk if he/she is in Soompi or not). His/her theory basically has the same core with me, which is JM bringing GHJ back to the past to change the existing history by shaping GJ into a ruthless but wise and good king that differed from the version of GJ that GHJ knew before. But we differ in JM's motive: mine is that JM wanted to save Moo and So, @Barbrey's is that JM wanted to correct his mistake of telling about So's king star to Queen Yoo which resulted in So's scarring and semi-psychotic So (and later GJ) we saw in the beginning. Based on this theory, JM's last sentence makes sense because everything was indeed back to the right track, and it was about GHJ setting back the history to the way it should have been if it wasn't for JM's mistake. This theory is interesting but I can't completely agree because we don't have any clue whether JM told anyone other than Taejo (and maybe Gen.Park) about So's king star or not, and I don't think JM would tell anyone else, knowing that such information would bring chaos and danger to So giving the political intrigue in the palace. And lets say that JM really made mistake by telling everyone about So's star; had he not told anyone and So was raised in the palace, who could guarantee that he wouldn't become like Yo instead? It's obvious from his remark on Soo's status in eps 1 that the principle of equality still didn't exist in his mind yet. Without GHJ, he wouldn't have invented law of emancipation of slave for sure, and would never be written as good king. That's why I think that GHJ's presence was a sole reason for the present GJ to exist no matter what, and it's not about correcting JM's mistake because without GHJ, the kind of king like present GJ would never exist in Goryeo even if JM didn't tell anyone about So's king star.

This is @Barbrey's post if anyone is interested for more analysis:

256.2.1 Barbrey November 6th, 2016 at 2:19 PM

Actually I think the last hypothesis most fits the evidence. History was meant to go a certain way that led to Ha Jin’s and JiMong’s current present at the end of the story, where So is known as Goryeo’s greatest king, a reformer but ruthless to his enemies, a wise and good king.

But some chance of fate sent JiMong to Goryeo. JiMong’s knowledge of the time period, like Su’s, is partial though perhaps more thorough. He seems to have a better knowledge of Taijo’s reign, and knew Mu would be king but have a short life. He also knew that Gwangjong would become king and be the greatest king. He explains his partial knowledge of the future by saying he reads it in the stars.

The mistake he makes is telling people about So’s star/future. The queen, in her fury at Taejo, knows that while Taejo might regard So with suspicion (he can’t become king unless Mu dies), he would also see the boy as the one to continue the dynasty. The queen’s action, whether killing or scarring him, was meant to rob the king of what he prized most, a continuation of the fledgeling nation he had founded. Her fury at the king turns to self-hatred for what she does to So, but she projects that outward onto So, leading him to be the semi-psychotic young man we meet at the beginning.

History continues from that point onwards to Su’s present before she takes the plunge. A present where JiMong has become a begger because there are fewer opportunities in this Korea, there might not have been a Yo as king, and Gwangjong is only remembered as a bloody tyrant known for killing his brothers.

This is where Su comes in. She’s not there to change history but to set it back on course by bringing out the real So from before his mother scarred him.


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2 hours ago, kdramawriter said:

Wow woke up this morning and saw the IU pictures, very excited. Even if they're doing this as a PR stunt, it doing very well to engage fans. I think the team should be happy that they found such a large international audience. Meanwhile, I've been listening to the Interstellar soundtrack (speaking of time travel) and updating Book II!



Some reviews would be great, absolutely love hearing your thoughts. 

Yay! thank you!!! :)))

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30 minutes ago, itzibitzispider said:

Love, hugs and many cuddles ... thanx that's so sweet to think that way ... <3
How could I deserve such warm thoughts :wub:
Where are you from, I'd like to hug you *sniff*

MLSHR bringing people together since... 2016!

I live in Seattle, Washington, USA! Home of rain, Starbucks, and Amazon! (my favorite things)

We should all help people when we can and what better way than to support our favorite show! :) :heart: I'm totally serious about paying for half so if you need me to I will!!!

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Is there an email list we get on for when we can pre order the directors DVD cut version? If so I need to get on that list. I've already signed the DVD petition lol.

For once in my life I'm desperate to own the directors cut.

And that hair pin for $700ish umm omg no thanks it's pretty but it's ok can't really use it these days.

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I suddenly thought of what Soo said, "if they live in different time, different era, how great it would be. She is free to truly truly love him". 

And it's true, if they live in our times, Soo could be the wife - his real queen, even without status or family connection.
YH could be his business partner and get all the honor and power she desires. 

Of course, in Kdramaland or in real life, things could go awry, but at the very least - they get to love each other without restriction. 

Just a thought, okay back to sleep. :grimace:

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2 hours ago, sosooyah19 said:

ive been liking the past pages just this afternoon since i cannot comment a few hours ago for some reason, even im in my account.. anyways, so happy that IU spilled this footage to us... it gave us immense hope... they're giving in.. bwahahahahahaha... :w00t: they cannot ignore the clamor of fans around the world...

im not actually asking for season 2 since all the actors will have a hard time to be in it, and they really have to have a good writer to make it successful the second time around locally (since international fans will embrace it as well)... im only asking for special episode/s or a feature film (seen the ARRI article) and the DVD with all the bts and cut scenes... we'll just have to wait and see....


If they do release a second season/special episode/ movie/.....whatever....they should just cut everyone out and just have LJK and IU as modern So and Soo. That way the focus is just on those two characters. 

Honestly, I don't even need a plot. Just have them meet and fall in love in the first 5 minutes and the rest can just be about having them do mundane everyday things like brushing their teeth together and having dinner. Lol.


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39 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

I suddenly thought of what Soo said, "if they live in different time, different era, how great it would be. She is free to truly truly love him". 

And it's true, if they live in our times, Soo could be the wife - his real queen, even without status or family connection.
YH could be his business partner and get all the honor and power she desires. 

Of course, in Kdramaland or in real life, things could go awry, but at the very least - they get to love each other without restriction. 

Just a thought, okay back to sleep. :grimace:


This is why I believe a movie would be great. I'm a bit worried a complete second season would be messed up like in the original C-version. A movie, however, would give us enough time for the background  story of today's So as well as the highly deserved happy ending for uri favorite couple:rolleyes:

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34 minutes ago, ilovecoffeeandbooks said:

MLSHR bringing people together since... 2016!

I live in Seattle, Washington, USA! Home of rain, Starbucks, and Amazon! (my favorite things)

We should all help people when we can and what better way than to support our favorite show! :) :heart: I'm totally serious about paying for half so if you need me to I will!!!


I highly appreciate the thought ... let's chat when the need rises ;)
I am greatful anyways :wub:

Well it seams your places to live have something in common as amazon settles their financial base in Luxembourg ;)
Aaaaah Starbucks ... so in need of a white mocca ...

I agree thought wholeheartly that MLSHR connects folks ... just think this thread did not stop running day and night, because out inmates are from all over the world, literally ... it always amazes me to read and see snips and insights from other cultures and believes <3

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‘Moon Lovers; Scarlet Heart Ryeo’ Season 2 Not Possible, IU Teases Fans on Modern Era Scene; ‘Moon Lovers’ Spinoff Movie Still Uncertain?

IU and Lee Joon-Gi star in the SBS drama 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo.'


IU and Lee Joon-Gi star in the SBS drama 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo.' (Photo : YouTube/Chi Kuroki)

Days after Lee Joon Gi posted on his Instagram account a message captioned with "Soon" that made "Moon Lovers" fanatics gone crazy, its Lee Ji Eun's turn in trolling the hearts of many.

Ji Eun, "Moon Lovers" heroine who is also known as IU in the music industry, posted an image, which is rumored to be a modern era scene that was edited out in SBS' "Moon Lovers" finale episode. The image shows Go Ha Jin (Hae Soo) crying when someone offered her a polka dots handkerchief.

The image doesn't show the face or the body of the person; however, based on the hand, it is safe to say that it belongs to Wang So (or whatever his name on the modern era). To back the speculation that it is indeed Wang So, many die hard "Moon Lovers" fans even tried to screenshot the character's hands from the show's previous episode. One fanatic even commented a funny remark, saying that based on the placement of the person's veins on its hand, this is certainly Joon Gi offering a handkerchief to Ji Eun. 

However, since SBS seems to having so much fun in trolling the viewers (good examples includes showing misleading previews and featuring Ji Mong meeting Hae Soo in modern era instead of Wang So), some took it in a funny way and think that it could be Ji Mong's hands or a reincarnated Wang Wook who became a handkerchief seller. 

Is there a possibility for "Moon Lovers" Season 2? 

Many believed that this is not possible since the show garnered low ratings from its home country, but international viewers think otherwise since Universal Studios invested on the project. As of this time, though no official announcement yet was given if there's indeed a second season run for "Moon Lovers," fans are hoping that SBS' would finally give in since there's a humongous number of petition for the said idea.

While other wishes to see a "Moon Lovers" Season 2, others are craving for some special episode to see a closure to Hae Soo-Wang So relationship, given to what Wang So said on the show's open ending final episode - "I will find you My Soo."

"Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo" Spinoff Movie Possible?

If what was previously announced will be followed, fans may get to see a "Moon Lovers" spinoff movie that would definitely put a closure to the cliff hanger ending that we saw on "Moon Lovers" episode 20.

According to Arri's interview with Cinematographer Cheon-Seok Kim, they did film 20 episodes of "Moon Lovers" plus a feature film spinoff. The question now lies on when will the spinoff be released or if they do have any plans on pushing through with the spinoff movie.


i'm still waiting that scene at least...

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