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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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9 hours ago, rei_smasher11 said:





Is their name in messenger SBS only? I want to join you pestering them. kekeke!  We will be the bees buzzing in their ears.

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37 minutes ago, cojulie said:


He grew it out to about ear length, as most of the male cast did.  If you look at the Cosmo shoot right after, LJG had cut his hair already for another shoot but the other male members had semi long hair.  The purpose of this is to use the natural hair to blend in the fake hair pieces they used.  You could really tell on Yo and Wook (look at the neckline, Yo's real hair stuck out so badly!) but So's was more natural, but they blended the long bangs into that whole head piece that was like a helmet to give them the pony tail or man bun.


Oh!! Wow!! Another sharp observation. We have hand and veins analyse, now hair & head anaylse. You guys never fail to impress me :grin:

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What I really need today or tomorrow is LJG post something in his ig related to the photo that IU shared yesterday that will confirm their meeting ...(waiting for his new ig update like crazy, lol )..

I'm so done wishing and waiting for SBS to share the special scene....just photo is alright........(no it isn't actually) :tears:  lol:P

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I choose song 'kissing you-desree' than 'thousand years-c.perry' for this MV because its remind me about Romeo and Juliet, its sad but their love story are beautiful.

Not a perfect MV but help me to keep remember about our lovely couple. Enjoy it


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1 hour ago, tinniet said:


I think it's about LJG's schedule but I can't embed the picture.

can anyone help translating this? Thank you.

Edit: nvm, I found decent translation from Google Trans LOL

So apparently on 1 Nov he had MLSHR group tour (does it refer to the gathering with the casts on last eps airing?), on 9 Nov Josehyeon "Letter of angels"(?) photoshoot, 10-13 Nov K Wave photoshoot, and 18 Nov Hermes photoshoot.

Well, at least we're gonna have lots of beautiful photo of modern Wang So while waiting :sweatingbullets:


there's option for english languange at the top...its from LJG official web http://www.leejoongi.co.kr/as/bbs/board.php?bo_table=schedule

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3 hours ago, moonlover399993 said:

Which drama was it? I'm looking out for new ones as well.


Putting in spoiler since it's not related to thread.

I'm watching OTW to Airport. Marathoned it for the past few days and caught up now. Waiting for finale this wed and thurs. Not bad. Slice of life drama on adultery (?) -- The leads are both married as they grow closer to each other.

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4 hours ago, phenyl said:

No special, no spinoff, no season 2, no BTS for last scene, no Spoiler from another cast, no special DVD. How do I get through my day without it?

Print the photo of your favorite characters and then glue it in ur ceiling above your bed, so every time you open your eyes in the morning, they will be the first things you see.

Store all of the BTSs in your phones so you can always rewatch their cuteness whenever wherever you want.

Put the pictures of your fave characters in collage mode and put it as your PD background, cellphone theme, or anything you can think of.

Becauseeeeeee................... i have BaekAh picture in my ceiling and in my phone and in my laptop too. LOLOL

I hope it can help! XD


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1 hour ago, antoniaclamens said:

@itzibitzispider my case is worst... I can afford to buy it, but my country has an exchange control mechanism so I can´t use my cards in international sites. I have an account in other country but I can only use it to transfer money so unless they accept transfers I can´t buy it (in fact I take the survey in the hope that someone outside my country would buy it for me and I will transfer him/her the money. A long time ago a Chingu buy me the Best Love DVD set that way).  So if the price allows it I´ll be happy to pay the other half as @ilovecoffeeandbooks  said!!!


I watched episode 20 again and i cried from start to end... then i decide to watch iljimae to lighten my mode and today's episodes were a cry fest... (episode 17 left me more heartbroken than i was). Seriosly i need LJG to do a romcom


Seriously .... sometimes I don't understand those shipping regulations

I know Luxembourg is sometimes left out or to expensive, but as I have addresses in Germany I don't care ... still ... also some prices of dvds are horrible, which makes me cry

There might be as well a mass order for those who need in whatever case :/ :(

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4 hours ago, briseis said:

Regrets - Waiting for the (Im)Perfect World

“I came to realize that the opposite of loving is not hating, but leaving.”

Ha Jin/Hae Soo always thought that the cause of all heartbreak was because people changed, but THEY DON’T, NOT REALLY. She HASN’T CHANGED either until the very end. She had begun her journey RUNNING AWAY and she was running away until the very end. It’s been HER MODUS OPERANDI - she was running away from her problems, her pain, from her feelings for Wang So and finally from him. Despite all her ardent promises that she would never leave him, she did exactly that; and in the end SHE REGRETED IT - she regreted it everyday from the moment she left him until the moment she died and she regrets it still 1 000 years later. And before that she was regreting ever meeting him, after Lady Oh died she had regreted trying to live,... HAE SOO HAS SPEND YEARS OF HER LIFE REGRETING AND RUNNING AWAY FROM EVERYTHING INSTEAD OF LIVING THAT LIFE TO THE FULLEST.


If I had not met him... If I did not know him... If we had not been together... If I did not treasure him so much, I would not have so many memories. If I did not love him... If we had not been face-to-face... Perhaps if I had not met you at all.” 

In any relationship, there will be many times when it will be painful, when it will seem almost unbearable or when one person will hate the other for some time, but there is the one line you do not cross - “I’m leaving you” - because there’s no going back from that. Everyone seems to envy old couples who spend 30, 40 or even 50 years together; but nowadays fewer and fewer couples will ever achieve that because everyone wants the perfect relationship but there is no such thing. Relationship is about ENDURING, COMPROMISING, BEARING THE PAIN, SACRIFICING, SUFFERING AND MOST OF ALL, FORGIVING. It’s about STICKING BY YOUR PROMISES AND DECISIONS AND NEVER GIVING UP. That’s what ENDURING LOVE is, maybe even what true love is.


If we had met in another world and at another time I was thinking how great that would have been. If only that could be, I wouldn't fear anything. I could freely...Truly, I could freely love you all I wanted.” 

It’s impossibly sad, but also fitting how each time Hae Soo speaks about her love for Wang So SHE USES CONDITIONAL TENSE - HER LOVE FOR HIM HAS HAD SO MANY CONDITIONS, LIMITS AND IFS. Not only did she waste the last precious months of her life living in a fantasy that didn’t exist rather than spending them with the man she loves so much, SHE’S BEEN PINING HER HOPES ON SOME IDEALIZED VERSION OF A FUTURE AND A PERFECT WORLD while she let the real life slip away. Hovever, there is no such world - love and life are messy and hard and even if she and Wang So get a second chance at happiness in the future THERE WILL BE OBSTACLES (who wants to bet that So will come back as a chaebol heir?), TRIBULATIONS AND HEARTBREAK and this time she really needs to learn from her past mistakes and NOT RUN AWAY WHEN THINGS WILL GET TOUGH AND PAINFUL; she has to grab on that chance and NEVER LET GO.




well said @briseis... and the highlight word... i've been there :wub:


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18 hours ago, qwenli said:

I got a feeling IU choose to post this today because tonight the new drama after MLSHR is airing.

Now Naver is full of articles of what she posted. 

She is getting back at SBS.


...emmm SBS B)

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I'm thinking of watching two weeks after my mlshr withdrawals are really over (lol..  wi'll be a long time).... I heard two weeks is pretty good.

What about Scholar who Walks The Nite? Any good? Though am nt a fan of the actresses... n hE gas wsy too much eye makeup there....


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17 hours ago, misspiggie said:

In Case You've Just Joined Us -- A Quick Recap:

Those who quit this thread early are missing out. 

+7 hours: this thread is like almost dead. We were talking withdrawals & depression

+4 hours: @Silvermaine -- LJG's Manly Mane  (Check it out -- it's really cool!)

+2 hours: bunch of us -- from  Wang Scar to Wang Sub  (We are desperate)

Our thread at roughly 38,550 postings & crawling along ...

* * * * * * * * *

And Then at 0:00 hours ... BAM!  (We must give credit to ...)


Winner for Picture of the Year goes to ...

Starring:  Scarlet Vein & Handy Hankie.


All hell broke loose. It's been fun!


I was not open this forum for 4 days... then.... open the forum today... i was to back read more than 80 pages ...WOW...

and see this... :heart: is there finally happy ending ? :wub:

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2 hours ago, cojulie said:

OMG just when I thought I was moving on IU posts that little teaser of them meeting in the future!  Now I'm hoping we can see the rest.. why did she have to do that?!  I just backtracked like 20 pages hoping from scoop but looks like nothing confirmed as of yet.  Why did she stir my emotions all over again lol......

@pauexclusive It says she left a comment on the picture (the emoji) 2 minutes ago (2분 is 2 minutes).

Schedule Nov 1 - Group viewing for the drama
Nov 9 - Jo Se Hyun's "Letters of Angels" photo shoot (OMG I'm so excited for this - this is a photoshoot where they take pictures with precious babies to encourage domestic adoption!!) 
Nov 10-13- K Wave photo shoot
Nov 18 - event for Hermes (better be that scarf he's handing HS lol)

Thanks sis! I feel jumpy every time I see number 2 these days! haha

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19 hours ago, briseis said:

First “soon”, now “handkerchief”, obviously LJG and LJE are in this together, playing a game between them who will manage to be more cryptic and make fans all over the world more crazy. But she one upped him with a photographic proof. The SoSoo slow-burn romance continues with a a slow-burn reveal. How lovely, how apt, how cruel AKA Moon Lovers CONTINUES!



how lovely that UI post it in her IG... :wub: she is teasing us 

soooo... we will see who's holding the handkerchief soon :wub:

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5 hours ago, Silvermaine said:

Guys, I have the question. When MLSHR was sold to other countries for a big price, who profited? Who "owns" MLSHR? Is it not SBS? Or is it the producing companies?


Based on my knowledge, it may be different for other stations-production houses.

Production house will sell the series to a TV station.  Usually TV station will include buying the rights.  Depending on the rights arrangement, the prod house can later sell it to any station or countries.  Same goes for TV station, they can sell the programme when they are holding the rights.

As in MLSHR, I think SBS will gain the profit as it is also being shown simultaneously in other countries.  So the production house will get a 1 time payment.

Sorry, if I'm wrong.  This is based on my own knowledge working in a broadcasting company.

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