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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Remember when JM said " I believe it's time " .... Maybe perhaps, the late King Taejo did write a decree for WS to be King after Moo. I saw WS hold those "scroll" with JM. Maybe... perhaps.... Just saying.... 


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1 hour ago, riuenu said:


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hey, good night to you! Sweet sweet dream!! Anyway, which part of the world you are from...lol

Sure...maybe we should PM instead (: Drop me a note when you are awake..hahahaha, if u need itinerary u can let me know...I like going Seoul, almost yearly hahahahaha


Anyway, fanart on the mask kissing date credit to  @howlsophie38


Aaaawww.. that's really pretty! :heart:

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@sunnygirl kindly do not quote pix.:)

@riuenu so happy to see the ig updates.:w00t: must be a dinner now right? So they didnt wait for hanna, joohyuk n baekhyun. Heehee

Did u notice the photo by jonghyun n joongi are different?:)

This drama bts s better than the drama itself.lol.

How come chaeryung n wook sitting together huh? :D joongi n iu , one seating with director, the other seating with writer, lol

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3 hours ago, skxz said:

Episode 15: Eun and Soon Duk


The scene where Eun and Soon Duk spend the night in the bathing area was EVERYTHING.

Two young angels dressed in white reflecting their purity and innocence. Eun shows off his random but amazing skills where he can create animals out of towels which Soon Duk is really surprised and excited by. With her praise Eun wishes to show off all his skills to his wife. They are finally sharing a loving relationship that is less awkward and does not show that it is in fact forced.


Eun and Soon Duk put their boats into the bathing area and race to see who will win. Being the competitive and childish person Eun is he realises he is losing and is unhappy. However Soon Duk is shown to understand him and his personality and purposely does not try as hard letting him win. She really loves him and wants him to be happy and this is reflected by her huge smile when he announces that he has won yet again. Although they are both young Soon Duk is definitely the wiser one and the differences in their personalities allow for them to mesh together like yin and yang.


As punishment for losing Eun gets to hit Soon Duk on the wrist and we are able to see that her wrist is all blotchy and red most likely from losing in the past as well. This further highlights that she has always been considerate to make sure Eun is happy. He doesn't hit her and says that his hands hurt form hitting her too much. This I think shows Eun's growth. Like the child he is, in the past if she lost she'd be punished, if she didn't listen she'd be punished. But he realises that winning and losing doesn't have to result in reward and punishment as it is all fun and games. 


She gifts him a slingshot and he gives her an incense pouch.


He thinks she doesn't like it and says, "That's strange all pretty girls like it."

We see a flash back of when they were young and he said the same thing. "That's strange, all pretty girls like flower rings."


My lord these 2 gems are beyond adorable together. And the best thing is their love story started when they were young. Those stories are always the sweetest (and end the most tragically)

Eun realises what he says and he stumbles over his words trying to recover from (most probably the first) compliment he has ever given her. She is so happy to hear what he has said and grabs him and kisses him letting him know that she knows perfectly well what he means with tears in her eyes. The kiss was one of pure innocence and full of joy. I loved everything about it :heart:


"Even flowers from a pumpkin are still flowers." I believe this saying means that although flowers that sprout from the vines of pumpkins are quite ugly but they are indeed still flowers which in nature is something beautiful. Soon Duk is just so wise. You have a great wife Eun and I think you've realised it tonight.

"I want two sons and two daughters. I won't have it any other way."

"Will kissing make me pregnant?"


These two lines made me squeal with happiness. Eun wants to start a family with her I was happy with tears at that point. But when she didn't know how children are conceived I died laughing. She's so wise yet innocent. It was sooooo cute to watch.

"It would have been nice to live like this from the beginning." This line really strikes my heart. We all know their fate and it is s cruel that two innocent children are caught up in such an evil world. Eun has no idea how to harm anything and he can barely defend himself and Soon Duk has absolutely no fear and is willing to do whatever it takes to prevent Eun from being caught. We witness how child like and young they are through the activities they do in their spare time. They make animals and play boat racing for crying out loud. I cannot fathom why their ending is so brutal and tragic. 


Can we all cherish how precious this moment was PLSSSSS. My heart is slowly cracking thinking about what is to come for these two angels :bawling::heartbreak:

Love your comments and couldnt agree more.  

my heart hurt when Eun said this line 'it would have been nice to live like this from the begining' 

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1 hour ago, LyraYoo said:


May i know the link? Thank you!

There were speculations that one network here in the PH have acquired SHR . This is a post from a fanpage but they had been reliable to kdrama scoops ever since. The probability is high that this network got the rights because 

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MDBC is confirmed to be broadcast to its number one rival network . :w00t:


So happy that a lot of the comments know LGJ and IU. ^^


Sorry, I don't know the link but I saw it clearly. Is gma network or the rival network usually better for airing kdramas? I really hope my country, Indonesia, will also air this drama :( so far, the last kdrama that was aired on the big broadcast network in my country was DOTS. 

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9 minutes ago, qwenli said:

@sunnygirl kindly do not quote pix.:)

@riuenu so happy to see the ig updates.:w00t: must be a dinner now right? So they didnt wait for hanna, joohyuk n baekhyun. Heehee

Did u notice the photo by jonghyun n joongi are different?:)

This drama bts s better than the drama itself.lol.

How come chaeryung n wook sitting together huh? :D joongi n iu , one seating with director, the other seating with writer, lol

@qwenli I also think that they might be having dinner now hahahaha, where is joohyukieee :bawling:

Yea...I notice the photo are different, I actually prefer jonghyun picture...joongi also look cuter there


I actually rooting for Joongi and IU seeing together hahahahaha

@LyraYoo hahahahaha, thanks for the kissu bts update...and I still looking for grab flip gif...joongi just look too hot there...drooling all the way in my office...till now...me and my unhealthy obsession, and the obsession list getting longer...tsk tsk 

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1 hour ago, 10192123sangre said:

I also like this drama. It is really better to watch pre produced dramas,

However I would like to comment on the physical state of Lee Joong Gi  I noticed that he seems to be very very thin (underweight) Is he dieting too much to look young?   He may be overstepping it. It is not too obvious in the drama since their costumes are loose and uses  up a lot of textile/cloth. In an SNS photos I saw in KBS WORLD on tv he was shown with another actor and he really was awfully thin. I t even thought that his head was photoshopped on the thin body. If this is so, then he really is very very thin as  you gain  10lbs in photos as well as on TV.  Just my observation. I hope he and the people around him will take notice and give more attention to his health as well as those of other actors and actress in the entertainment business.

I second that. Hope that during his break, he will put on a bit more weight. His thin frame is a little heartbreaking to see.

Btw, another voting site to show our love n support for LJG. 


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I see at the Poll B SJK is way ahead. I am questioning the poll. There was one time I was voting and in the chat there is this anon who is rigging the vote. He/she has this formula using phyton etc to vote automatically for Song Joong Ki. Because his vote jump in amount too fast. So doesn't make sense. Crazy. So for those who are disheartened that LJK may not win the vote it's fine lol, as long as keep it clean. And btw I love both actors just that someone rigged the poll. 



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57 minutes ago, ShinRaeMi said:

@penelop3 I think Ji Mong traveled before Hae Soo, not after. Remember, in the first episode he said something about changing the things that happened in one's life. When JM travelled back, the original history is that after the CP died, WS will ascend to the throne. That's what happened and what he knows when he traveled back in time. Also, in one of the episodes, when HS tried to recall the King after Taejo, she didn't mention Wang Yo (note: I still need to confirm this by rewatching the episode.). I think the history changed when HS arrived in the past, thus the history we know at the present is that WY became the King first before WS.

I have a different theory. I think when Ji Mong drowned when he was young, he subsequently developed a gift of foresight (for an example of this, watch John Travolta in "Phenomenon") and could decipher the stars to predict the future. When he grew up, he became the King's advisor, like an astrologer that tells people their fortunes. This was quite common in those days, where the King depended on the astrologer's for all sorts of decisions. Part of his gift was also seeing the future, eg. visions of aeroplane, etc. When Hae Soo arrived and started saying that she was from the future, he thought that she had a similar gift like his, and told the King accordingly. That's why Taejo told her to just observe (as an astrologer) and not change anything. After all, in spite of an astrologer's advice, the King himself will ultimately make the decision. I think he already knew of Mu's illness and he wanted So to take over in the event of Mu's passing. That's why he sent So away so that he would not be tainted by the court's machination.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, Hae Soo's existence is a variable that somewhat changed the course of the stars by Yo surviving the cliff fall because So did not fatally stab him. However, this is just a short detour and the course of the stars will be righted again when So decides to become King in order to save Hae Soo from the clutches of Yo. 

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26 minutes ago, eunki said:

. But LJE has so little praise, I even read an article that low rates of ep.14 were due to her 'kiss jinx', crazy journalist! Even more, she is blamed as IU for her appearance and acting skills, and as Soo as well for her character's flaws


I start watching this drama, because i am fan of Lee Joon Gi. I was not happy when SBS announced IU as lead heroine. Because she is an idol, not actress.

However, in the first 3 minutes of ep 1, i totally changed my mind. In my opinion, noone else could play He Soo better than Lee Ji Eun. I don't care what other say. Moreover, her chemiatry with Joon Gi is 101%. And kiss scenes... I don't think some of previous Joon Gi's heroine did better kiss than her. So, Lee Ji Eun is the best.

About low rating of ep 14... Noone "bad" acting is reason for low rating. The real reason is baseball game. It was not sure when will be aired ep 14, so...

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12 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

@Yippeuni Ooooooooohhh.... :o
That makes sense. I didnt know the black clothes is worn under the armor. Whoaa.. *jaw drops at you
Hmm.. I'm not sure about Jung killing Yo. Despite being angry over Yo killing Eun (yes, I think in the preview, when Jung said "I will kill him" is directed at Yo for shooting Eun with arrows), Jung is pretty much 'pure' in the killing your bros dept. 
I believe Yo will die of poisoning if not other non-bloody thing, orchestrated by YH with motives is to secure her place in the palace. 
This hasnt happened yet right? I wonder why would she exit the palace with royal guards behind her. Curious curious indeed. B)


This girl....

I must praise her persistence....like the late Kig Taejo said about her, she is very ambitious. And yes she paved her own path to the throne. 

I admit she deserve the Queen Demok title for her persistence, after rejected by So, she placed her bet at her brother but then her brother never cared about her at all and only make her a hostage for his own will to gain a woman heart, Then Yo rejected her badly...she got rejected many times...

And I love your idea about her poisoning Yo...it is really her classic...she is indeed a woman with lots of determination.


my bet for next episode is :

So see how cruel Yo is after make him end up kill Eun, and when he fin Yo shoot Hae Soo with his arrow its enough for him to live like that and he will revolt and claimed his throne...he is the King should be after all. He will meet Hae Soo the last time at night...spend romantic time and go for attacking the palace the next day. But seems many are already after Yo...especially Jung and Yeon Hwa, so its make easier for him. 

After Yo gone, crazy eomma also dead...Won also dead....I hope he died painfully he is such a pathetic man ever....So become the king, Jung become the general replacing So. Wook...he has nowhere to go now....YH trying to claim the queen spot thinking that she also give her hand on making Yo disappear, come to So to make an ally with her as the queen and receive support from her family. Knowing that So only has eyes to Hae Soo make YH thinking to get rid of her first, but killing Hae Soo is impossible since she will be too scare to do it because Wook will definitely kill her if she do that. The only way is she break the secret about Wook and Hae Soo to So. So finally know the man that Hae Soo once loved was Wook, And YH burn his jealousy to the max by tell So that Wook do this and that even become a traitor to claim the throne so he can have Hae Soo. Until one time the jealousy burn up So and Wook clashes and leaad into another battle right on time Wook able to cornered So and about to finish So by slaying his sword, but Hae Soo jump between them and sacrifice her to save So. That's it Hae Soo died saving So...and Wook will be devastated as hell because he end up kills the love of his life with his own hand, and So ruin as well as he let the jealousy take his common sense that lead to death of the woman he ever love. 

HS died...Ha Jin back to her soul at present seoul awake from her long comatose....and recovery. She will meet Ji Mong again, and future JM will lead her to meet future So....also she will meet future princes and start a new story with them, but without someone murder other....

That is my bet for the upcoming story


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Finally come around to catch the latest episodes...and while it doesn't left me more emotionally exhausted as episode 11, I find these episodes pretty depressing, because it's seems the old bright Hae Soo would never come back to us. We see snippets of the old her when she's comfortable with So, but it clear that she has grown weary and become this careful and reserved girl from all the hardships she endured. And...all of Hae Soo's bad premonition seems to become true.

I think Hae Soo tried so hard to change the future, that's why she didn't tell So that EunDeok are hiding in her place; she didn't want to see ruthless So killing his brother like her vision suggested, not after he went to seek her comfort when he stabbed Yo. I get the feeling that if only she trusted So a little bit more and tell that EunDeok is in Damiwon, So would help her and Jung to find a safer place to hide, but I understand why she did it though...what I'm afraid is that by not telling So about EunDeok, So-Soo couple would have a little fight. Well...technically Hae Soo is not lying to him, she just doesn't tell. Wang So also didn't suspect anything from her either, but it would put some dent to their relationship for sure, I think.

The other thing that Hae Soo tried hard to change is when she stopped Eun to go out after his wife. But seeing his determination, she can't help but letting him go. It's so sad...just when EunDeok was starting to blossom beautifully, they have to die for the war to happen...

The most interesting thing is this episode is that Hae Soo and Ji Mong has different knowledge of future. I assume this because Ji Mong doesn't know that Yo would become king, but he knows that Yo has a star of a traitor. Does that mean...Ji Mong came from a different future? Ha Jin / Hae Soo also came from the same future, but she knows that Eun would be killed along with his wife? Also, it seems that no matter how hard Hae Soo wanted the future to change, the future itself doesn't want to be changed. Maybe her mere existence in the past already changed the history that she knew?

Now that So-Soo has happened, when will Hae Soo gives back the bracelet to Wook? I thought they Soo-Wook is over completely?? Also, I don't understand the correlation between Wook doing all that dirty work for Yo with Hae Soo in his mind. Just...how? Is he going to have a slow burn with all his plan? Like...he'd try to kiss up to Yo, doing all his dirty work, then do another dirty work behind Yo's back until he de-thrones and Wook becomes king, he gets everything he ever wanted including Hae Soo? If that's it, then...damn, Wook, you're one evil and scary fella, along with Won. At least Yo-Yoo are consistent with their villainous acts. Wook-Won are calculating liar brothers, although Wook is the more calculating one from the two.

And the previews...noooooo!! I don't think my heart can take it to see EunDeok's death and So in blood again...but also it seems Yo is loosing his mind, similar to Moo when he's already poisoned. Does that mean...someone is poisoning Yo with mercury too? I'm lowkey hoping it would be Hae Soo. We have yet to see ruthless Hae Soo, I'm hoping that is her moment to shine, muahahahahhh!!

Hooookay...gonna buy some more tissues for next week. I sensed a lot of my tears would be shed...

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