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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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@penelop3@violet90@briseis@SizzlerZ Chaeryung will spy on Wang So because 9th prince asks her. The order to Chaeryung comes from the 9th prince (Prince Won). If Wang Yo becomes the king, the order will come from him during his reign. When Wang So becomes the king, the order could come from Wang Wook or Yeon Hwa. Another possibility is Prince Won just want to spy to obtain information and decide which side to side with for his benefits. Possible bigger snakes are Yo, Wook and Yeon Hwa. Won is really sneaky though so we need to keep watching to determine. In the original, the reason for Yutan (Chaeryung) to do so was she was madly in love or you can call it blind love with the 9th prince. Basically, Chaeryung will feed off information to the 9th prince and then the 9th prince will let whoever's behind him (keep watching to find out - it'll be a bit different from the original). She doesn't cause the miscarriage. In the original, after finding out about Yutan's death (Chaeryung), Ruoxi (Hae Soo) found out that she was pregnant. The miscarriage came from talking to the 8th prince's wife in the original. So in this one, she probably will be encountering someone. I'm leaning towards Yeon Hwa.

@zi4r It was awesome to keep replaying the fight scene between Lee Jun Ki and Kang Ha Neul even if KHN did use a double. It was well-played out and the expressions were on point.

3 hours ago, liddi said:

@40somethingahjumma @littleloony While we are taking micro scalpels to hair follicles... :D 

I am not saying that this is a bad adaptation at all. Quite the opposite actually - I love it and find it to be an extremely effective, clever one. And contrary to what people may think, I never felt the need to compare them with BBJX previously except as a reference point. If anything, I revel in the moments when key scenes from the original are adapted here with a fresh approach that takes my breath away.

The characters are different, the historical background is different, the mood is different - all one had to do was take a look at Wang So as compared to 4th Prince, and it was pretty obvious from the get-go that this is going to be a different story. I do rewatch and reread the original at key junctures to confirm memory serves me well, and the disparity from MLSHR in terms of mood and pacing is undeniable. Still, I cannot help but wish there is subtlety in the treatment of the leading men, merely because I think that subtlety went a long way to making the viewers' choices a lot harder in whom to root for (you still see strong ships for 8th and 14th Princes even after BBJX concluded, and that is saying a lot). Note that I wasn't even talking about Soo rejecting Wook for So, which she wasn't. Rather, it was the fact that Soo was consciously made to have to reject Wook, thus clearing the path for her future relationship with So. The moment she rejected him, there was no way the viewers could fault her, and even those who understand and relate in some ways to Wook's character, emphatically agree he is not worth Soo's time - thus consigning any Wook-Soo ships to the depths of the deepest ocean. That is my one gripe. Perhaps I am being unfair, but because this show has constantly wow'ed me in so many other aspects, I feel this disappointment all the more keenly. No matter. I think I've practically beaten the (dead) horse to death (should have just gone the Wang So way and killed it with one swift slash of the sword, eh? :P ) so I'll stop voicing my gripes on this matter any more.  

Moving past this, I am now keen to see how it plays out next. Wook is clearly very much operating behind the scenes with his eyes firmly set on the throne, so I wonder what would irrevocably put an end to his ambitions. Knowing history and how So and Wook's children married in the future, it has to have been something significant enough for the two men to put their intense rivalry behind them. In this universe, I cannot believe that it was YH's hand despite her being So's queen, so it can only be due to Soo, which in turn, does not bode well for her fate down the road. On that note, I believe that we will see Wook's redemption, though most probably too late in terms of what might have been.

7 more episodes to go. 7 hours to cover so much. Frankly, I am apprehensive how it would work in terms of cohesion and pacing, when we are already seeing characterisations and side arcs suffer, but I am definitely on board all the way to the end. And let's not forget the Jung angle and his part in Soo's future... unless that too gets abandoned on the editing floor, which they have begun to do in the SBS version. 

And when I need reprieve from it all, I just revisit BTSes and grin like an idiot at the casts' antics - the inscrutable Wook aegyo'ing with his eyeliner brother or making moo eyes at his greatest rival in love :D And let's not forget BatSo flapping his wings like a Goryeo cape crusader, transforming into a blood-sucking vampire the next, or King Taejo who loses his moustache during filming, and does aegyo with the best of them when faced with Soo. Need I say I absolutely adore this cast? :D :wub:

Just want to say I love her post.

3 hours ago, ddeokbokkii said:

I feel like smacking at my forehead from reading some of the comments here. So far, I don't think the writers have wrote off Wang Wook character as a bad character, at least not yet anyway. When Wook turned away at the scene where Hae Soo kneeling in the rain, by that time, I'm pretty sure he realized he's already part of the criminal scheme that were original cooked up by his own sister(Yeon Hwa), his mother and queen Yoo. By turning away from Hae Soo, W. Wook is trying to protect Soo. Do you realized back in those days, if you committed a crime against the crown prince it's consider treason?. His own mother, his sister and his whole family can be dragged out and execute in the most horrible way, if the king ever discovers their crime. This is why from that point on, to protect Hae Soo, he had to keep a distance from her. He doesn't want Hae Soo to get involved(or implicated) and get drag down with the rest of his family, if something goes wrong. After all, Hae Soo was the court maid who brought the poison tea, remember?.
Sometimes, it makes me wonder if some of the people here watch the drama for it has a story to tell, or did they just watch it because their favorite actors and actresses are in it?.

Interesting point but the damage has already been done. @qwenli I agree. After Queen Yoo and Yo, they need new villains and Yeon Hwa and Wook will be the one taking over. Chaos will ensue. All hell breaks loose.

1 hour ago, soorani said:

I was rewatching episode 13 again and I noticed something: 
When Soo leaves the king's quarters she encounters Wook and, after the conversation she was almost leaving, then she hesitates and is about to say something to him, but he interrupters her by asking a crucial question that the king had warned her for: "Is the king dead?"

My point here is that I think she was about to say that the king was dead. She was going to ask him for help, she was going to trust him with this information. She hesitated first, but she still started the sentence and that why's she was so shocked, she never thought it would be him the one who would ask that question, she was about to trust him again and once again he let her down. These two episodes were all about destroying Wook's good image in Soo's heart.

I was thinking the same as you, too when I was doing MLSHR marathon earlier :P. I think her hesitation shows she still has some left-over feelings. But when she witnesses the fight scene, it's all over.

1 hour ago, SizzlerZ said:

You're right, no one has found out about YH yet. I really hope the truth comes out someday and it isn't just forgotten about by everyone. I hope WS goes maniac and kills YH. :angry:

If So kills her, then the drama needs to add someone from the Hwangbo clan to become queen or somehow make the Hwangbo clan to adopt Hae Soo. :lol:

1 hour ago, violet90 said:

another thing is on why HS cannot be WS queen....? 

WS is the type that don't care about anything else beside HS.. he even want to married her despite she became a servant and defying king order just because HS not being protected when he gone.. this is a few thing on why the rule is not something WS will follow if its concern HS.. so whether HS have a scar or don't have a family its not something that WS care when he became a king.. everyone who talk about HS behind him is being punish.. simple as that...

BUT i think WS will approach YH for power and her back up to revolt WY.. remember YH did offer him to be a king and she can do that so my opinion is YH deal with WS is to make her as his queen and not HS.. he have to accept that because that the only way to save HS ( i still think that HS will be held ) this is the only thing that make WS so desperate... and yes YH will be his queen but to make WS throw HS away is just YH dream... WS will likely keep HS beside him with no tittle but she got everything that a queen got..

HS will be the one that people respect and care about in palace.. first because her nature as a good person and how she help people.. also HS voice is much more powerful than YH cause WS listen to her.. this one totally going to make YH mad cause she the queen but HS gain the power.. the battle of women but HS have WS back up.. i totally can see why IU said HS will be ruthless.. not in term of fighting with YH but defense what belong to her...

Very nice way of putting things together. It's a logical insight. Yep, it's the same in the original version. The queen (Yeon Hwa in this drama) will have the title as she has always wanted and exercise her power but really, everyone in the palace will always listen to Ruoxi's words (Hae Soo in the drama) and respect her.

@freckledbelle@Gabi BrosMLSHR's Soompi thread is ruining my life and my sleep patterns. :sweat_smile:

1 hour ago, violet90 said:

in the Cvers... the only one that obvious for throne battle is 8th and 4th....

8th have 9th and 14th support..

4th have 13th support....

but in here i don't see where the connection between WW and 9th prince yet.. i don't know if when WY gone and in CP reign 9th form alliance with WW to save himself... i pretty sure WW is the bigger snake here.. WW is a very calculating person.. he not the type that will make it move first so even when WS reign i pretty sure he will plan a treason.. WS can't harm WW cause he's brother to YH so he have a free pass...

I think Wook won't get a free pass even if he is Yeon Hwa's brother because when it gets to that time, So will be very ruthless and dark. Plus, most likely all evidence will point to Won (9th prince) ultimately.

1 hour ago, Chickpea said:

Greetings, Chingu...

Just watched Ep. 13 again simply because there's nothing else on television on the internet worth watching...  Some thoughts and pardon me if I repeat something that has already been said...  I'm way, way behind...:anguished:

Just a couple of random thoughts...  the preview for Ep. 14 seems to show WS marrying the CP's daughter, at least that's what the translation seems to say.  That would hold true to the history, if I'm not mistaken.  A child bride and in this scenario she will be his first wife, not his second.  Along these lines, it would put WS in line to inherit the throne after the CP.  Then I'm also thinking that the reason Taejo permitted WS to be sent away to the Krazy Kangs was because he knew he had only two sons who were born under a "kingly constellation" and he "chose" the CP so he had to remove WS and have him raised not-as-a-royal so as to insure So was no threat to the CP since he was actually the only threat to the CP.  On some level it seems the CP and So understood this which is why So defends the CP and why the CP puts him in line to inherit the keys to the Kingdom...

I'm thinking about So saying BaekAh was the only brother HS couldn't be in infatuation with since he liked Baekdo and didn't want to have to kill him.  It is fitting, then, that its BaekAh who So goes to for help in bringing back the CP...  And I hope he never has to kill him...  

I'm sad to see the change in WW, how he went from disinterested jerk to a nice guy in love to a calculating, scheming son of a female dog... but then YH is just like him so maybe its in the genes which means Queen Hwang was always more of a threat than Queen Yoo...

Well, that's it until Monday... Ciao, ciao...

Queen Hwangbo always has thought of how to put her son on the throne. She just didn't want to do anything that displease him or so until the situation when So drank the poison.

@dears Thank you for the videos.

57 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

Women had more rights during Goryeo than Joseon such as having the same inheritance as their brothers. The multiple queens were considered to be of the same rank in theory. Wang Geon had three wives (first one had no children, second one had the CP, and third one is our evil queen Yu) before he became king, so all three of them became queens. Then he married Lady Hwangbo (Wook1 and Queen DM's mother) and Lady Kim (Woo2 - Baek Ah's mother), who were not queens in their life time, but were promoted later when their grandchildren became king. I couldn't find any info about when Queen 6 (whose daughters married Jeong and Wook1) became queen, but she was from the same clan as Queen 1 who was childless, so it is speculated that Wang Geon married her so that he could have children related to that clan.

MLSHR took some creative license here. Historically, Lady Hwangbo wasn't really queen, and her clan was really powerful, although not as powerful as the Yu clan (Hwangju is in North Korea, while Chungju is in the middle of South Korea - a more strategically important location). Queen 2, the mother of the Crown Prince, was from clan Oh, so Court Lady Oh may be based on her. In fact, some Korean fans wondered if she was the birthmother of the CP at first. 

Generally, only queens lived in the palace with the king, and the other Ladies lived in their own homes with their clans. It seems in MLSHR, many of the wives were still living close to the palace since at least their names come up so often. Except for the crazy Lady Kang. In history, she seems to have cared enough for So to arrange the marriage with the Hwangbo princess so that he could have the support of 3 strong clans (Yu, Shinju, and Hwangbo). 

Later, it is supposedly a member of this Shinju Kang clan that puts Wook2 (Baek Ah) and one of Wook1's daughter's illegitimate child on the throne, so that tells you something about the Kang clan. They lived near the Northern border, and were known for their military prowess in defending the kingdom.

Edit: YH's line that she doesn't want to marry Yo because she doesn't want to be his third wife and not a queen therefore is inaccurate. 

The 6th queen had a different last name. Even though, her name is also pronounced Yoo, the character is written differently in hanja. So she didn't come from the same clan as Queen Yoo.

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9 hours ago, andy78 said:

‘Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo’ episode 14 & 15 predictions: Battle for the throne to continue; Hae Soo to accept Wang So’s heart

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo is a South Korean drama based on the Chinese novel Bu Bu Jing Xin by Tong Hua. (Photo : YouTube.com/DEVINKA TUBE)

"Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo" episode 13 kept aficionados anxious as the fight for the throne among the princes continued with their father king gradually dying. With the upcoming episode 14 and 15, fans should expect seeing more of the battle as well as more on Hae Soo (IU) and Wang So (Lee Joon Gi).


Eighth Prince Wang Wook (Kang Ha Neul) already indicated his desires and eventually cut ties with Soo. A central question has been whether or not Soo will give So a chance. Based on "Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo" episode 14 preview, this is very likely.

In next week's episodes, Soo will no longer hide her feelings for So. The former could not fully accept the fourth Prince's sincerity before because she was blindly hanging on to Wook's promises. With Wook's greed and ambition evident now more than ever, Soo has come to the realization and she will finally accept So's heart.

Besides the two going on lovely dates, Soo will eventually wear So's hairpin gift. Fans will be excited to see the development in the romance sphere, especially with Soo initiating a kiss. It is expected that So will as well say the magic words.

Although Soo/So ship is already sailing, things are not right in the royal family. Just Soo, So and a few more are still loyal to the former Crown Prince Wang Mu (Kim San Ho) who is currently the King. However, with the king's longtime sickness and worsening health, So and his crew will have a difficult task of protecting his brother king and the much-admired seat.

Fans will be excited to learn in "Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo" episode 14 that third Prince Wang Yo (Hong Jong Hyun) did not die. He survived the fall and he will return to take his vengeance on the people who frustrated his plans to claim the throne, including Wook.

Based on Yo's transformed appearance in episode 14 teaser, avid fans should expect another time jump next week. In case this happens, all aspirants for the throne will possibly have determined and fortified their respective groups. As a result, there will be a longer, bloodier revolt.


I liked reading your predictions - thank you for sharing! 

I really hope that in next episode, HS accepts WS sooner than later.  Please let it happen in the beginning so we get more OTP moments and that HS's initiated kiss doesn't appear at the end as a cliffhanger for episode 14.  If there is a possibility that there's only one episode this week, I don't want to wait a week for WS's reaction to the kiss!  Grrr..... :angry:  I want to see cute puppy WS floating on Cloud 9!  :wub:

In the original BBJX, if I recall correctly (since it has been a few years), I recall the 8th Prince being quite civil in the break-up between himself in Ruoxi. However, I don't see that happening with Wook here.  After their confrontation and what looked like the final break-up, he said to her "I'll make you come back to me."  That was just creeeeeepy and stalkerish to me!  :o  I agree that the throne is Wook's ultimate goal, but I think he really does want HS to come back to him.  But it's not love, it's because he doesn't want to lose to WS. 

When, WS becomes king, WW of course is going to lose out.  However, I could definitely see him telling WS about their relationship just to ruin things between WS/HS or to get under WS's skin.  If he's not happy, than he'll make sure no one is either.  We haven't seen the bracelet yet again, right?  Maybe WS brings it as proof as his relationship with HS and in the end WS is the one that destroys the bracelet out of jealousy...?

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25 minutes ago, Shiro_Ragonjan said:


Can anyone translate what did Wang Yo and Soon Deok comment to LJK? :sweatingbullets:

Z Hera said, "Brother (oppa), let's go eat hot pot together if we get the opportunity in the future."

I don't know much Korean, so I can't translate what Hong Jong Hyun said.

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@Hanazumi thank you for the explanation about Chaeryung in the C-version. I really don't want her to betray HS in any way because one, HS has already had enough betrayals to deal with and two, Chaeryung and HS are like siblings. I love Chaeryung!! Don't make me hate you Chaeryung ahhhh~!!!

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My pleasure. I want to share everything I found but sometimes in doubt whether someone else has posted it before.

You're always so diligent posting a long review/thought.

I see you're about to become Superstar (from Idol) in a while, reaching 1000 likes. I want to know how this forum decides fan level and reputation, I tried to search for the rules but I haven't found it.

Note: Never mind, I have found the rules.

On 1/28/2016 at 1:34 PM, ebullient said:


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Proceed here to learn more about the different badges & privileges.


On 2/20/2014 at 5:37 AM, soomp said:

Greetings all! Finally added this "Rank" system we've been meaning to add since last summer ^^;
I figure you're curious about what these ranks mean, and how you get to the next level, so here it is in a nutshell (to be adjusted as necessary):


Default level all new members come in as. You are a trainee, and no one knows if you're ever going to debut. Better work hard and prove yourself that you are worth the investment! Trainees can only reply to threads, and may not create a new topic.


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Your name doesn't have to be Shinhwa for you to be a legend. You've spent over half your young life in the industry, and have a couple world tours under your belt. Your 10,000 points allows you to "promote" posts to help people find the best content on the "Best Of" page and award extra points to their authors.


You are Cho Yong Pil, you are Seo Taiji. Your 30,000 points put you in an elite group of Soompiers that have posted the best of the best content in unbelievable quantities. You rule!


A quick note about "points" vs "posts" - points are what you get for posting quality posts, based on the reactions you get from other members. Positive reactions give you positive points, and negative reactions/flags give you negative points. This is why someone with less posts than another person can have a higher rank, because they received more positive reactions for their posts (since we began having reactions, that is ^^). You can see your points and reactions on your profile page. Points transferred from the old forum into your "Awesome" bucket aren't counted in your points (I submitted a request for the points to be recalculated).


Also, sorry, but we can't hide the Rank on an individual basis. Be proud! ^^v

Have fun, and may you level up soon!



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13 minutes ago, churasan said:


I liked reading your predictions - thank you for sharing! 

I really hope that in next episode, HS accepts WS sooner than later.  Please let it happen in the beginning so we get more OTP moments and that HS's initiated kiss doesn't appear at the end as a cliffhanger for episode 14.  If there is a possibility that there's only one episode this week, I don't want to wait a week for WS's reaction to the kiss!  Grrr..... :angry:  I want to see cute puppy WS floating on Cloud 9!  :wub:

In the original BBJX, if I recall correctly (since it has been a few years), I recall the 8th Prince being quite civil in the break-up between himself in Ruoxi. However, I don't see that happening with Wook here.  After their confrontation and what looked like the final break-up, he said to her "I'll make you come back to me."  That was just creeeeeepy and stalkerish to me!  :o  I agree that the throne is Wook's ultimate goal, but I think he really does want HS to come back to him.  But it's not love, it's because he doesn't want to lose to WS. 

When, WS becomes king, WW of course is going to lose out.  However, I could definitely see him telling WS about their relationship just to ruin things between WS/HS or to get under WS's skin.  If he's not happy, than he'll make sure no one is either.  We haven't seen the bracelet yet again, right?  Maybe WS brings it as proof as his relationship with HS and in the end WS is the one that destroys the bracelet out of jealousy...?

By the time WS becomes King, my guess is that Wang Wook would know his bid for the crown is over. In BBJX, 8th Prince added salt to Yongzheng's wound was not to hurt Ruoxi but to help her get out of the palace. Wook owes Soo a debt and knows her need to be free. By hurting the King, he puts his own life in danger. At that juncture, Wook probably doesn't care anymore. He lost Soo, the crown...his life is meaningless. His family will no longer be in danger since Yeonhwa will become queen. Wook has the freedom to do what his heart desires - and he will use that freedom to give Soo what she wants. 

I am not a Wookie fan by the way. Hahahaha. 

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@Hanazumi Queen 1 and Queen 6 are from the Jeongju Ryu clan, while Queen 3 is from the Chungju Yu clan. Queen 1 didn't have any children, and the point of Taejo marrying all these wives was so that the clans would support him with the hope of their prince succeeding the throne, so it is speculated that he married another woman from this clan. Same with Prince Gwangjuwon (10th in SHR). Two of Wang Kyu's daughters were married to Taejo, only the younger one had a son.

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All this time I've been watching SBS version because it gives more vibe .... if SBS doesn't air ep 14 on Monday but other countries does, then I'm caught in between of watch or not watch the international version when available next day.  Anyway I have no channels to watch the international version live.  But won't it be a problem when other countries and Korea air different episode on the same time slot?         

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50 minutes ago, violet90 said:

but on the lighter note.....

if international side don't change anything i pretty sure eps 14 will air like usual... also i google (LOL i did do this) baseball game match usually up to 2.5 and 3 hours.. so if its finish early than SBS will air it like usual...

lets make a prayer circle.......... please just finish that baseball game early!!!!!!!! 

Let's pray that the players of both teams are fans of ML so that they will finish early.

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I thought this fanfic was hilarious. I miss earlier episode!HS and I wish the show had given us a time period where

" 1) Hae Soo did not have that life-destroying crush on Wook
2) Wang So did not want to murder/maim Soo for whatever reason
3) And Hae Soo still acts like the irreverent and sassy sunshine child she is. "



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1 hour ago, berny said:

SBS don't you dare !

You want to know the fury of eclipsers scorned!

We need the episodes this monday, or else i am starting a revolt, even if you charge me with treason !!


If it's guaranteed that WS or better yet LJK will visit the cell, let's do it!

What's weird is that SBS intends to air ep20 on oct 31. Since the baseball games will last for 3 weeks, how will they make it happen, unless they air the monday ep whatever time the game ends or air 2 episodes every Tues. My fear is the momentum on ratings will be affected.

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35 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

@Hanazumi Queen 1 and Queen 6 are from the Jeongju Ryu clan, while Queen 3 is from the Chungju Yu clan. Queen 1 didn't have any children, and the point of Taejo marrying all these wives was so that the clans would support him with the hope of their prince succeeding the throne, so it is speculated that he married another woman from this clan. Same with Prince Gwangjuwon (10th in SHR). Two of Wang Kyu's daughters were married to Taejo, only the younger one had a son.


Hmm, interesting so Wang Kyu is the grand father of Wang Eun (10th prince).

Based on wikipedia:

  • Hyejong’s (Wang Moo) reign was marked with conspiracy and power struggles among Taejo’s sons. The first of these conspiracies was led by Princes Wang Yo and Wang So, sons of Taejo and his third consort, Queen Sinmyeongsunseong of the Chungju Yu clan, which possessed considerable political influence. Upon realizing the conspiracy by the two princes, Wang Gyu warned Hyejong of the conspiracy, but plotted to put his grandson on the throne when Hyejong did nothing to stop the conspiracy of the two princes.

So maybe the reason behind the vision of Hae Soo of Wang So killing 10th prince & his wife is because the treason led by Wang Gyu to put his grand son (10th prince) forward. Hmm, that make sense. Another research and creative take on history by the writer. Though I haven't seen this Wang Gyu character in the drama. Eun just mention about his mother and grand father spoiling him, but they haven't appear. Just don't make the General become the lead for the treason because he is a teacher to Wang So and support him fully to become a king. But now that his daughter is involve in this mess, I wonder how he's going to protect his daughter and son in law, while staying faithful to Wang So.

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35 minutes ago, Akiddo said:

Been away on a business trip - so many pages to catch up! 

Just a thought about the women in Scarlet Heart: Ryeo - aren't they all destroyed one way or the other by the men they love? 

Perhaps the ultimate winner is Yeon Hwa - she becomes Queen after marrying Wang So. Wang So only had one queen and one consort unlike Taejo. In SHR, Wang So's heart will never be hers but she gets everything else she wants. Perhaps Wang So doesn't see the point of repeating the same mistake like his father. I am just wondering how So's reaction would be when he finds out Yeon hwa's role in poisoning CP and causing hurt to Soo. Her aim was to kill Soo. Soo's poor health in the later part of the show had a lot to do with the punishment she endured. How devastating it must be for him to know that his mother and wife had everything to do with the demise of his first love. 

Soo and So are each other's weakness. Soo's eventual departure from the palace is inevitable. The higher he goes, the less weakness he must have. But So's attachment to Soo is too deep and strong - and he will be tested over and over again. If miscarriage and Chae Ryeong's punishment by death is in the works - So will definitely become cruel and ruthless. Soo and the unborn baby were his hope for a real family that he never had. The depth of his despair at losing both of them - we can only imagine how inconsolable he would be. Again - Soo may not be able to forgive him - but she understands him. However, she will realise that she is the reason he became the ruthless Gwangjong. Leaving So is to preserve the love they had - there was nothing she could do to stop the tragedies. By removing herself from the equation, Soo can longer be his weakness - and he can no longer commit more wrongdoings to avenge for her. 

Lady Oh, Queen Yoo, Soo, Chae Ryeong, Lady Hae (to some extent) were all destroyed by the men they love. It is painful to give all your affection to one man but not getting equal affection and commitment in return. Even though So loves Soo more than himself, he will eventually be tied down by his commitment to Goryeo. Soo is freed from the palace in her last days but is still trapped in her love for So. The love eventually wears her down mentally and physically - like a wilted flower.  Their love is a double edged sword - it saved So from a wretched life as wolf-dog but also killed Soo. 

I Love how you put things into perspective. Your piece of writing might sum up the love dynamics between So& Soo. 

As epic as it would be, their love is also their biggest life tragedy.

Then again...how is this drama supposed to end with a happy note?

I just check the schedule on S-one channel, it says that Scarlet Heart will still air on Monday like usual. I pretty much let these past 5 days just go by swiftly, monday has never been missed like this before.

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I am suffering from ML withdrawal symptoms right now that I start to watch Arang and the Magistrate to kill time.

@ruizaio I filled up the form already. So excited and hope will hear good news about the DVD.

And finally there are fanfics available on fanfiction.net

It will help kill our time and release our imagination. LOL

Why SBS always such a spoiler? Purposely making us wanting for them. I just hope the international version won't delay even if SBS delay. Really, sometimes I wish MBC or KBS is the one who handles ML.

So I see Chaeryun is back in the scene. Quite expected as Yutan was with Ruoxi as a court lady during the near end of the reign of Emperor Kang Xi. Somehow I still wish her ending is not as bad as predicted. I wish she truly loves her lady as she showed in her actions in the early episodes. Sometimes women are blinded by love. So sad she falls for the most not so handsome prince and then might be willing to put her life on the edge of the cliff to serve her love who might not even love her back but just making used of her.

Anyway, what has Joongi done to me? He really provided such a good fan service that every day I am checking his IG. And congrats to those who FMV made it to his IG.

Thanks to the one who posted Family Outing ep 48 earlier on yesterday. I watched ep 48 and 49 last night and really laughed a lot seeing Joongi's expression especially when he acted as an assassin. Now I need to go back rewatch ep 12 & 13 and preview 14.

Back to withdrawal... 

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58 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

@ChickpeaChingu, you are correct  Queen Hwang was always a threat that is why Queen Yoo framed her so she can get kicked out of the palace. In order to come back WW needed a powerful clan to back him so can go back to the palace. I think Yeonhwa always wanted the throne because she was just like her mom. WW pretended to. It want the throne so he use his time, donated a lot of stuff, treated his wife with care and he was nice to the help.  

I can't remember which episode it was but I believe that WW sees his servants as servants not people. The reason why I am positive now is because he allowed YH to be veryyyyyu abusive to them. I certainly did not like the look he gave CR when she begged WW to save her. I believe CR appearing like was due to the 9th prince and truthful chingu's, i reallllly hate that Yoon Sun Woon played that role and I am at awe at how well he played that role. He is so talented for making me hate his character so deeply 

Yeah, so what's why Wook married Lady Hae. Poor Lady Hae. She truly loved him but he married her only to bring his family back to power and to live in Songak. It was episode 4 that Wook didn't stop Yeon Hwa from beating Chaeryung. And yes I know. Yoon Sun Woo is such a gentleman in real life but in this drama, he's the opposite. Looks are very misleading in this drama except for So, Baek Ah, Eun, and Jung. LOL

@qwenli@berny@violet90@chi13lou My facebook, twitter, tumblr and instagram are blowing up because everyone is either crying or mad at the announcement.

@zi4r I am hoping for more action scenes in the upcoming episodes. The next one is between So and Yo.

36 minutes ago, churasan said:

I liked reading your predictions - thank you for sharing! 

I really hope that in next episode, HS accepts WS sooner than later.  Please let it happen in the beginning so we get more OTP moments and that HS's initiated kiss doesn't appear at the end as a cliffhanger for episode 14.  If there is a possibility that there's only one episode this week, I don't want to wait a week for WS's reaction to the kiss!  Grrr..... :angry:  I want to see cute puppy WS floating on Cloud 9!  :wub:

In the original BBJX, if I recall correctly (since it has been a few years), I recall the 8th Prince being quite civil in the break-up between himself in Ruoxi. However, I don't see that happening with Wook here.  After their confrontation and what looked like the final break-up, he said to her "I'll make you come back to me."  That was just creeeeeepy and stalkerish to me!  :o  I agree that the throne is Wook's ultimate goal, but I think he really does want HS to come back to him.  But it's not love, it's because he doesn't want to lose to WS. 

When, WS becomes king, WW of course is going to lose out.  However, I could definitely see him telling WS about their relationship just to ruin things between WS/HS or to get under WS's skin.  If he's not happy, than he'll make sure no one is either.  We haven't seen the bracelet yet again, right?  Maybe WS brings it as proof as his relationship with HS and in the end WS is the one that destroys the bracelet out of jealousy...?

I think your prediction and @Akiddo's prediction are on the right path (most likely the scenario we'll see unless the writer thought of something else even more brilliant).

30 minutes ago, SizzlerZ said:

@Hanazumi thank you for the explanation about Chaeryung in the C-version. I really don't want her to betray HS in any way because one, HS has already had enough betrayals to deal with and two, Chaeryung and HS are like siblings. I love Chaeryung!! Don't make me hate you Chaeryung ahhhh~!!!

No problem. I don't think you'll hate her. You'll pity or sympathize with her instead. I didn't hate her version in the original. I actually felt really bad for Yutan (Chaeryung) because she wanted one last time to talk to Ruoxi (Hae Soo) but there was no time. Up until the very last minute, she wanted to apologize to Ruoxi (Hae Soo) and never regretted what she did because she wrote in the letter that she was feeling love sick or lost in love. Simply put it, she was just TOO DEEP in love with Prince Won (9th prince). And I never really get why even if he did save her.

@dears LOL It's a pain to read backward and forward so I've decided to just multi-quote everyone up to the current post and response. It saves me the trouble and time or else I will lose track of what's happening.

26 minutes ago, Akiddo said:

Been away on a business trip - so many pages to catch up! 

Just a thought about the women in Scarlet Heart: Ryeo - aren't they all destroyed one way or the other by the men they love? 

Perhaps the ultimate winner is Yeon Hwa - she becomes Queen after marrying Wang So. Wang So only had one queen and one consort unlike Taejo. In SHR, Wang So's heart will never be hers but she gets everything else she wants. Perhaps Wang So doesn't see the point of repeating the same mistake like his father. I am just wondering how So's reaction would be when he finds out Yeon hwa's role in poisoning CP and causing hurt to Soo. Her aim was to kill Soo. Soo's poor health in the later part of the show had a lot to do with the punishment she endured. How devastating it must be for him to know that his mother and wife had everything to do with the demise of his first love. 

Soo and So are each other's weakness. Soo's eventual departure from the palace is inevitable. The higher he goes, the less weakness he must have. But So's attachment to Soo is too deep and strong - and he will be tested over and over again. If miscarriage and Chae Ryeong's punishment by death is in the works - So will definitely become cruel and ruthless. Soo and the unborn baby were his hope for a real family that he never had. The depth of his despair at losing both of them - we can only imagine how inconsolable he would be. Again - Soo may not be able to forgive him - but she understands him. However, she will realise that she is the reason he became the ruthless Gwangjong. Leaving So is to preserve the love they had - there was nothing she could do to stop the tragedies. By removing herself from the equation, Soo can longer be his weakness - and he can no longer commit more wrongdoings to avenge for her. 

Lady Oh, Queen Yoo, Soo, Chae Ryeong, Lady Hae (to some extent) were all destroyed by the men they love. It is painful to give all your affection to one man but not getting equal affection and commitment in return. Even though So loves Soo more than himself, he will eventually be tied down by his commitment to Goryeo. Soo is freed from the palace in her last days but is still trapped in her love for So. The love eventually wears her down mentally and physically - like a wilted flower.  Their love is a double edged sword - it saved So from a wretched life as wolf-dog but also killed Soo. 

Both the men and women in this drama love to hurt and destroy each other. Someone also mentioned that So and Soo are star-crossed lovers. ROMEO AND JULIET!!!

17 minutes ago, Akiddo said:

By the time WS becomes King, my guess is that Wang Wook would know his bid for the crown is over. In BBJX, 8th Prince added salt to Yongzheng's wound was not to hurt Ruoxi but to help her get out of the palace. Wook owes Soo a debt and knows her need to be free. By hurting the King, he puts his own life in danger. At that juncture, Wook probably doesn't care anymore. He lost Soo, the crown...his life is meaningless. His family will no longer be in danger since Yeonhwa will become queen. Wook has the freedom to do what his heart desires - and he will use that freedom to give Soo what she wants. 

I am not a Wookie fan by the way. Hahahaha. 

I think the writer will probably incorporate this. We just don't know how it will play out because we're all predicting what's the reason causing Hae Soo so much pain? Miscarriage? Someone's death again? Getting hurt by So's love?

13 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

@Hanazumi Queen 1 and Queen 6 are from the Jeongju Ryu clan, while Queen 3 is from the Chungju Yu clan. Queen 1 didn't have any children, and the point of Taejo marrying all these wives was so that the clans would support him with the hope of their prince succeeding the throne, so it is speculated that he married another woman from this clan. Same with Prince Gwangjuwon (10th in SHR). Two of Wang Kyu's daughters were married to Taejo, only the younger one had a son.

Oh really? I read from the Vietnamese wikipedia page and they translated the last name of Queen Yoo and the 6th queen from hanja and they came out to be different. Then I checked again and it seemed her clan did come from the same Chungju clan but her father was a different man.


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1 hour ago, Angiiee said:


The team of the SBS Monday-Tuesday drama MLSHR showed on the 8th, today, the preview stills of episode 14 and 15 that will be broadcasted on the 10th and 11th.

Lee Ji Eun enters Damiwon and is welcomed upon the Emperor's new rise to the throne. Lee Ji Eun, who went through a lot of hardship, is now appointed as the head of Damiwon by the new Emperor. Her gaze is deeper and her posture shows less clumsiness. All in all, her more mature look has caught our attention.

Hae Soo, who was a noble lady, tried to avoid marrying King Taejo, so she was delegated to the position of a palace maid at Damiwon. Hae Soo worked at Damiwon, which helps serve tea, clean bodies, makeup, and do other errands. Hae Soo, at the Damiwon which does all these things, was loved and taught well by Oh Sanggung; she studied all kinds of books and practiced her skills in these areas. Also, she previously took care of the new Emperor, then Crown Prince, of his skin disease, and therefore received favor.

According to the producing team, Hae Soo who went through all kinds of difficulties because she was swept up in political fights, has now been appointed to Chaego Sanggung, and leader of Damiwon, to take care of the new Emperor's disease. The Fourth Prince who was always next to her is also going to live in the palace, so their romance is being anticipated.

Hae Soo, who will succeed Oh Sanggung, is no longer the clumsy naive girl she used to be. Rather, she has followed Oh Sanggung's last will and teaching to become much more cautious in her actions and words. In other words, she shows that she has now become a total palace person.

Especially in the pictures shown, Hae Soo is shown using the wand that Oh Sanggung used to use, going around all over Damiwon and inspecting the work being done by her subordinates; her maturity will be shown. Her deeper gaze, her confident posture and her mature womanhood induces the word "beautiful".

Among all of this, the Eighth Prince whom Hae Soo is trying to stay away from, has brought in his favored maid from outside, Chae Ryung. Chae Ryung is going to, along with Hae Soo, take care of the Eighth prince.

The MLSHR team said the following: Hae Soo, who has gone through much hardship at the palace, has now become the head of Damiwon and is planning to show much more maturity. Moreover, her romance with the Fourth Prince will deepen. 

Throughout all of this, there will continue to be a fight for the throne and this will continue to give us interesting events. 

At the same time as the 14th episode, which is supposed to play on the 10th, the 2016 Pro Baseball Wild Card Finals will be playing. Therefore there is a chance that the broadcast will be cancelled.



translation by: my Korean boyfriend LOL

thank you to your korean boyfriend. :)

not liking that last sentence. 

any news on youko? chinese fans must heard about it too. have they been informed whether it will air regardless of the baseball in korea? what about Sone? dramafever air at the same time or not?


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26 minutes ago, jetsu said:

All this time I've been watching SBS version because it gives more vibe .... if SBS doesn't air ep 14 on Monday but other countries does, then I'm caught in between of watch or not watch the international version when available next day.  Anyway I have no channels to watch the international version live.  But won't it be a problem when other countries and Korea air different episode on the same time slot?         


Afaik, Youku and One Channel already bought Moonlovers' airing rights, so I assume they can air it according to their agreed schedule. If SBS has changed their airing schedule due to any incidental issues, supposedly international viewers should not be affected.

This is me speaking as a hopeful fans. 


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3 minutes ago, rumasa79 said:


Afaik, Youku and One Channel already bought Moonlovers' airing rights, so I assume they can air it according to their agreed schedule. If SBS has changed their airing schedule due to any incidental issues, supposedly international viewers should not be affected.

This is me speaking as a hopeful fans. 


the problem here lies at the words "air at the same time with Korea" if it's not airing in korea then what?.. driving me crazy not knowing whether it will air or not till last minute.

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