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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 hour ago, junee22 said:

@LyraYoo @chelseab I sooo soo loveeee your posts...please keep doing that..

@freckledbelle is right...we need more of those to make us loosen down a bit...it's okay to watch this heavy drama..and I don't mind with the beautiful analysis'..but once in a while we need something to make us smile...Come on guys...we don't need to be serious all the way, right? a little humor won't kill you..........

second with this... aigooo finally someone mention it, sometime i feel found those funny post is like found oasis in the middle of Sahara.. (i even never go to Sahara before Lol) :D

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8 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Yup, leader and brave courageous traits are a must.. i chose leader too..

WS: wake up and run, evil mother, its okay, leader, roll eye when startled, hug tightly - that's it i think

WY: wake up run, amnesia, its okay, leader, reflex, hug tightly

WJ: wake up coffee, amnesia, its okay, main dancer, startle back, hug


Mine was: Have someone do my chores secretly to make my life easier, grumpy and grouchy when I wake up, leader, rapper, amnesia, loyalty, get startled when scared, and then threaten, black pink's whistle song, and exo's monster song, cancer...

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17 hours ago, lavendre said:


Omg thank goodness there are others who feel the same! 

I know its still too early to compare to the cversion but I feel like RuoXi was so in love with 4th that she defied imperial edict to marry 14th! She rather do hardship than marry someone else besides him. But HaeSoo here is still asking Mr Empty-promises-I-turned-my-back-on-you if he still misses her. I cant decide if HaeSoo is plain foolish or blind.


Girlfriend @lavendre... You said it and I I agree with you wholeheartedly. Hae Soo wants to blindly believe Wang Wook for fear or giving her whole heart. Even though I am SoSoo fan , I say let her learn her lesson on finding out what kind a man WW is the hard way.

17 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@briseis and other users like me or @40somethingahjumma had already pointed out the parallelisms in the scenes between Wang So-Hae So and Wang Wook-Hae Soo in order to show the contrast between Wang So and Wang Wook and to underline the difference in the dynamic of the relationship between our heroine and our two protagonists. To summarise, we had two walks

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Walk WS HS 1.pngWalk WW HS 1.png

, two forehead kisses

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CsjCCKJUsAAd572.jpg , WAng Wook kiss.png

two hugs

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Episode 9 Hug Wang Wook 2.pngEpisode 9 Wang hug 1.png

, two visits in the prison

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 Episode 11 visit in prison Wang Wook 1.pngEpisode 11 visit in prison Wang Wook 2.pngEpisode 11 visit in prison Wang So 1.pngEpisode 11 visit in prison Wang So 3.png

 and we will have two proposals. Striking is that in all these scenes we can always notice two things. When Hae Soo is with Wang So, she is always his first priority and he acts according to her wishes. For example, during the walk, he asks her with his head to go as first. therefore the position between our leads has changed, while with Wang wook, she stays behind him all the time In the prison, it is the same, Wang So lowers himself to her level, while she has to get up for Wang Wook and rushes towards him. In the forehead kiss, Wang Wook is superior to Hae Soo, whereas Hae Soo and Wang So are at the same level the entire time. Wang Wook hugged her and only after he had told her that he loved her, she only hugged him then, whereas Wang So had to apologize for the unwanted hug. As conclusion, Wang Wook always does what he wants to do. His desire and wishes are in the center of their relationship, Hae Soo is always prioritising him. But I came to realise that we had overlooked one important thing: the introduction of Wang Wook and Wang So in front of Hae Soo. Yes, I know, it happened in the first episode. But actually, the way both male leads approached Hae Soo is so similar and yet so different. Now, we will take a closer look to it.  Here again, the viewer can observe that Wang Wook is offering his hand because he knows that Hae Soo is scared. Actually, lady Hae fears for her life. So he appears as her savior. By offering his hand, Hae Soo's first impression of Wang Wook is that he is gentle, caring and he even asks her if she trusts him.

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Episode 1 Wang Wook introduction 2.png

 Striking is that he is waiting for her answer, his approach is very slow and quite passive compared to Wang So's approach. However, Hae Soo is not in real danger. She is just scared and doesn't know what to do. She is lost. Then she puts her trust in him as a result, she gives him her hand. 

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Episode 1 Wang Wook introduction 3.png

 Interesting is that Wang Wook is standing during the entire scene, while she is sitting on the floor, so that his position makes him look superior to Hae Soo. Moreover, the scene ends with Hae Soo's hand in his so that the viewer doesn't know if Hae Soo stands up so that Wang Wook doesn't appear as superior any longer or if he leaves her there sitting on the floor, since he knows that she won't kill herself. The entire scene looks sad and lacks dynamic. Wang Wook waits for her decision. As conclusion, there is no action which also gives a clue again about Wang Wook's personality. Our hero Wang So only meets Hae Soo at the end of the first episode and their meeting is similar to Wang Wook's meeting with Hae Soo. The latter is in danger, but this time the danger is real because she could die due to her fall.  Like Wang Wook who rushes to her by breaking the door, Wang So is on his horse trying to catch her. Then just like his brother, he offers his hand,

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Episode 1 Wang So introduction 2.png

 the only difference is that he doesn't ask for her trust and wait for an answer. He takes her by the waist

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Episode 1 Wang So introduction 3.png

 and puts her on his horse so that they are facing each other.

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Episode 1 Wang So introduction 4.png

In contrast to Hae Soo's meeting with Wang Wook, their meeting is full of density and action. Like we all know, Wang So is a man of actions and not words. Wang Wook only talked to Hae Soo, persuaded her to trust him, Wang So did it differently. He saved her just like that and he brings her to his level which can be considered as an important clue of their future equality. Wang Wook always appears superior to hae Soo, Wang So doesn't. Wang Wook's passivity is a little visible in their first meeting. Striking is that for Hae Soo, Wang Wook will leave a bigger impact on her due to his caring and gentle side, whereas Wang So will leave her a negative impression due to his rudeness (dropping her from the horse), although he was actually her real savior. Finally, this explains why Hae Soo fell more for Wang Wook and in reality, she misjudged the entire situation. Wang Wook never saved her life and he will never be capable of it. That's why she really hoped in the episode that Wang Wook would rescue her, since in her eyes, he had done it twice (the second time was in the episode 4, when Hae Soo helped Wang Jung). But she had overlooked again that Wook was not the real savior, it was Wang So again. This time, she had noticed his help but from my point of view, the fact that Wang Wook came to her resuce was a proof that he had tried his best. Therefore she had him in her high esteem. But now back to the episode 11, Hae Soo is expecting that Wang Wook will come to her help hence she is looking for him, when she leaves the prison (first time). But only Wang So shows up there. Later, when she is on her knees, she wants to ask Baek ah about Wang Wook (second time) which proves that she is still hoping. Finally, when he appears in the rain (third time), she is happy because she considers his move as a proof that he is doing everything to help or support her. However, he abandons her so that she realises his betrayal and abandonment. Three times is not a coincidence. It reminds me of the bible. Petrus betrayed Jesus three times and we have the same analogy here. Hae Soo who represents purity, justice and innocence is abandoned by Wang Wook whose ambitions are to become king. Justice vs. power!!

The bottom of the line is that the first encounter between our leads was the reason why Hae Soo was so blind not to notice Wang Wook's shortcoming. She was scared and Wang Wook's reassuring behaviour made her believe that he was her "savior", although he wasn't because she was not in real danger. Since Wang Wook asked for her trust first, she blindly trusted him. Like she once said, she always put her trust in people first and she had been betrayed afterwards. Hae Soo did the same mistake again. 


This post is long again. writer pink mouseIf so, I hope, you enjoyed it.  cute-rabbit-emoticon-02.gif?1301940529


 @UnniSarah@adijnpu @solelylurking

@fathiayunia @dramu51ch0c10ve 

@syeramy @littleloony @Yongzura @valsava  @junee22 @evie7

@bebebisous33 ... Well said Chingu. I will follow your lead and not let the preview of episode mislead me. I understand now that Hae Soo must follow the painful past to finally admit her feeling for So. Her expression and her actions al scream for her love for him but still she hasn't realized it. I just can't wait to see her face when she finally realizes her true feeling chingu. It will be so epic when she does. 

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6 minutes ago, addicted2drama said:

i want another drinking scene between 13th prince and HS ... where she's gonna inform the prince that she's not from that era. while she's drunk with the 13th prince, the 4th prince saw this ha ha ha 

I'm also waiting for that. In the Cversion, the first person she told about her being from the future is the 13th prince during their drinking scene. :glasses:

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I want to talk about Wook (I am in WS/HS team :D I don't support wook and hs)

Though I don't support WW/HS tandem ... I feel that Wook has been 'treated unfairly' by some.

I don't know why anyone could look down on someone that chose his mom (family) over his own need.

They were all trapped in situation they can't help ... 

I am a mom .. I know how it would feel if my son chose his GF over me. and because of this I can never look down on anyone that put their mother above their need ...

We know WW loves HS ... (though may not be as much as WS) .. he loves her .. and he has to choose between his mom/sister  and HS. Imagine the torture he has to go through and then see the one he loves falling for another man.

If you were him, will you abandon your mom? Abandon your sister and everyone in the household (they rely on him). Do take note that we are not talking the modern day standard of living .. This is goryeo .. defy your king not only you suffer the whole family (plus your servant) will take the fall too.

How many lives depend on him? 

Can you ever live happily when your mother and your clan banished somewhere? Your mom living like a servant or worst get killed in the process.

Can he be selfish and just leave everything?

He tried to save her his way .. he tried but his family means more to him (that does not mean he love her less) .. Is he a Coward for choosing the one that gave birth to him and suffer all her life just to see him live like he is now. At least he gets his father love (because his mother decide to give in to the evil queen and live under the evil queen way .. swallow everything thing thrown her way as long as her son and daughter get to live in the palace and be close to their father) ..

Unlike WS ... he is alone .. his action does not effect anyone but him alone 

He is abandoned by him mom, his family ... he doesn't has anyone that will suffer because of his action ..

What if the situation is reverse .. what if WS has family to consider .. what if his mom love him so much .. will he be able to abandon his family?


WW is not a coward for choosing his family (up till eps 11)

Don't hate Wook .. 

He has already been 'punished' enough...

The feeling he had now must be devastating ... the choices he has to make .... ]



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43 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

Taejo decides to attend the assembly to show that he's still alive and well. Woo Hee prepares to assassinate Taejo according to Wang Yo and Park Young Kyu's plan. Meanwhile, Hae Soo has left the palace and become a slave of Gyobang. Wang So asks Hae Soo to marry him, and Wang Wook watches them...

@ruizaio Wow, a slave at the Gisaeng house? I'm not clear about the rules, but as a slave, would HS possibly be harassed by the male customers of the Gyobang?

I know Gisaengs are the Korean equivalent of Geishas, who at least at for the greater part of their history were highly-trained and polished entertainers and didn't necessarily sell sexual favors as well, but what would be the status of the Gyobang during the Goryeo era? Woo Hee became a gisaeng to eventually gain the opportunity of coming close to the king and killing him, I know--but while living as a gisaeng in the meantime, did she essentially have to become a prostitute? Or at least entertain men (as in: sing/dance for them, pour them drinks etc.) even if not sleep with them?

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@mabelialong @MAROSA_JIN thank you for the pics...so pretty :wub:

@enigmatic_zephy @Umi_ni_Sora omoooo...I think I know now why I couldn't get WS...he's just not me at all!!! I guess Prince Wang So isn't my type totally..hahahaha...aigoo..Hae Soo-ya..just accept Prince Wang So already!!!!!!!! Until when are you going to deny your feelings for him??huuuuhhhh???WAKE UP GIRL!!! I wish I could say that to her..but I won't hurt my laptop because of her..lolol.

Speaking of which...we actually could find hints and clues from the BGM played for HS-WS scenes (the SBS version)...and I would like to say..in the 6min preview we could see that HS smiles back to WS..if she doesn't like him why would she do that? I guess we should wait for the upcoming eps...I'm excited!!!

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1 hour ago, SizzlerZ said:


I'm slightly confident in saying that if Queen Yoo doesn't get an official punishment she will get punished indirectly. If she isn't caught for the trouble she has caused I'm sure the writers will punish her by making her lead a lonely life (Like Concubine Oh said) or something. Maybe even neglected and disowned by the son she loves the most (I think) Jung Ah.  


@SizzlerZ  You are right the only way for a Queen to get punished if she's caught giving the poison to the CP herself. I remember when I watch Dong Yi it took and act of serious crimes for her to be punished.. So Queen Yoo crimes are adding up but she's involved but not directly involved this is why she gets away with her crimes and who would dare tell on her she can order people be killed just as the King can she has more authourity over the palace then the king do. (This is something I never understood about the palace) It has to be a serious crime in order for the King to step in since he's like the one that judge the crimes.. I wonder what will the Queen do once WY takes the throne because he knows about a lot of her crimes as she has admit herself she did it.. I need to read more about her and see how she died and hopefully WS offered her the same poison she wanted to pass to the CP..

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21 minutes ago, Adnana said:

What I like about the latest stills:


1) Unlike the last time they were in this position, Hae Soo doesn't reject Wang So immediately. A backhug is quite an intimate gesture to allow a man, and unlike a verbal rejection of marriage (which is honestly the only appropriate response HS can give WS at this point, for many reasons: her demotion to musuri, her recent heartbreak, Lady Oh's advice to avoid the princes etc.), HS letting herself rest in Wang So's arms even if only for a few moments is the clearest indication of her current feelings for him. That is, her heart is definitely wavering more and more.

Really guys, twitter spoiler or not, stop worrying about Wang Wook! That ship really has sunk irreversibly.


2) This must be Princess Yeonhwa that Wang So is looking at, and I love the sharp look he's giving her. Love it as a barometer of his current feelings for her. He went from curiosity about Yeonhwa in the very first episodes (before he really started to interact with HS and all his attention/interest was diverted onto her very quickly, lol, and very understandably), to simple friendly feeling, and now to something that definitely has a bit of an edge. There's zero softness in his gaze as he's looking at the princess here. Compare that with the warmth and melting tenderness in WS's eyes in the still above, when he comes to see HS after being away.


3) The boys are crossing swords (finally), and I don't know about you, but to me 8th looks like such a pretentious poser compared to 4th who's the consummate warrior. I mean, WW's been a bookworm his entire life, while WS was killing savage wolves with his bare hands. 8th really doesn't stand a chance in that confrontation (or any other, if it's WS that he's fighting).

@Adnana... Chingu, your right WW isn't a good fighter and I wish he teaches that man the meaning of being a Warrior. WW's arrogance shows no bounds, It needs to be nipped in the bud this instant. I am also loving WS isn't being friendly with Yeonhwa, she deserves to be treated codly right now so she can know where her place is concerning Wang So.  devil-laugh-leaf-emoticon.gifdevil-laugh-leaf-emoticon.gifdevil-laugh-leaf-emoticon.gif

I to am glad to see Hae Soo not hurting Wang So. I know she will reject him but it won't be cruel like how she act in episode 9. 

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50 minutes ago, Adnana said:

Episode 12, Text Preview

Taejo to attend happyeonghoe to inform themselves of geonjaeham. Woohee prepares the assassination of King Taejo under the ruse of wangyo and Park Yeong-gyu. On the other hand, the water leaving the gyobang Mussoorie Imperial Palace. Wangso is proposed to seeing the sea, and watch the look ukyi king ...

Maybe someone can translate over the next hours until the episode airs. Thanks.

@Adnan  At your request with the help of google 

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10 minutes ago, Adnana said:

@ruizaio Wow, a slave at the Gisaeng house? I'm not clear about the rules, but as a slave, would HS possibly be harassed by the male customers of the Gyobang?

I know Gisaengs are the Korean equivalent of Geishas, who at least at for the greater part of their history were highly-trained and polished entertainers and didn't necessarily sell sexual favors as well, but what would be the status of the Gyobang during the Goryeo era? Woo Hee became a gisaeng to eventually gain the opportunity of coming close to the king and killing him, I know--but while living as a gisaeng in the meantime, did she essentially have to become a prostitute? Or at least entertain men (as in: sing/dance for them, pour them drinks etc.) even if not sleep with them?


You can consider Gyobang as the government agency for managing performers of music and dance. It would of course depend on the writer's approach, but I don't think gisaeng here would be prostitutes. And there wouldn't be male customers to the Gyobang in this context, although I suppose it could happen, looking at what Park Young Kyu did when he saw Baek Ah.

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10 hours ago, chrissydiva said:

 People think nothing really happened between SoSoo and it won't make sense if she "suddenly" falls for him out of nowhere, then I disagree. Maybe people are focusing on the flaws of the show too much hence why ignoring what's given to them as signs. Soo is attracted to So not as a friend but as a man.  It's been shown. Best example, the first makeup scene! Hello!!! Lol He pretty much confessed to her then in a So fashion that he definitely see her as woman and wanted her as such. She froze not knowing what to do. I'm pretty sure if it was Eun doing it, she would have kicked him because she just never saw him as a man. Then you see her reaction when he left the room, she was shaken not out of fear but because she knew that he affected her, her heart. Afterwards, she literally rushed to see the ritual and instead of at least looking at Wook once, we see her actively looking at So, her attention was on So. They even made a point to have Wook noticed it when he looked at her once he figured out that she was the one who helped him cover the scar. Then when So looked at her and smiled, she smiled back. Now, why would she? Shouldn't she feel uncomfortable about what he just told her? I questioned it more than her visions lol One of the reasons why I think those visions should have waited because it diverted the attention from what just happened few minutes earlier. So is definitely way ahead of her because he is pretty much a newbie at this. Soo is his first love, but he's not Soo's because she experienced relationship not once, but twice already and she was burned both times. To expect her to just jump in his arms when she barely even registered everything that happens is asking too much. I love So as the next person but not everything is about him and his pain lol

sorry to cut your point, and thanks for your explanation :) 

I would like to reply to your argument, cause, like you say , we can see this drama from different points;I know your point of view is in a way similar with the majority in this forum and there are many reasons to support it, just want to expose some arguments for a much less supported/popular point of view :) 

I was also thinking based on that make-up scene that she indeed is attracted to him and that she would reacted different if it would be another prince and for the kiss in the end of ep 9 also the same reason; I give up on this interpretation cause there was not enough support after this in 10 and 11 episode, and not enough before it; I dont find to be fair to give so much credite to one or two scene when there so many others who support the contrary and who support the idea that she is liking WW as a man; 

also just because someone is attracted doesnt mean too much; we can be in love with someone and still can be attracted by some other men; also I guess she can looked after him in the rain ritual without having to be romantically involved - the smile she gives can be the smile of a friend who is glad and happy for her friend she helpeld ; like in other scenes she acts more like a good and special friend and not like a woman in love or attracted; I believe this is the essence of their dialogue on love and friendship - she sees him as a dear friend, not as a man/lover;

personally I find it hard to disregard her own clear and explicit gestures and words towards WS and WW, in order to give credite to the implict, ambigous, mixed gestures and unsaid words to each of them ... but this is my opinion and likes, and I am aware there can be others not similar to mine :)

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11 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


WW is not a coward for choosing his family (up till eps 11)

Don't hate Wook .. 

He has already been 'punished' enough...

The feeling he had now must be devastating ... the choices he has to make .... ]

@Bambiina Hi Chingu! Hope you've been well. Speaking for myself, I can't fault Wook for choosing his family. Depending on their culture, I'd be willing to bet many would be compelled to make the same choice. I think the bulk of the criticism aimed at Wook is primarily due to his inaction, especially as it relates to Haesoo.

On another note, I personally look forward to watching this more throne-focused Wook in the coming episodes. I feel like the complexity of his character has just been raised a notch so it should be fun to watch him attempt to navigate a path to the throne.

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Chingu, I must say that this is the fastest thread I have ever been a part of because truthfully, I can't keep up at alll. It is so difficult and being so busy in real life I have a hard time reading all the post in this thread.  One thing , I wished Hae Soo was a bit more smarter. You would think being a Modern girl would have made her realized that you can't believe everything you read because it isn't always the truth. Her actions prove to me that even seeing the way people treat So, she still see the good in them when she should be scolding them for mistreating or hurting So's feeling.  She see the pain he is in their treatment of him but never once tried to find out why they treat him that way.  Likes when So saved her and WJ , she did not scold him for hot not thanking So at all. 


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