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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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On 9/12/2016 at 3:21 AM, briseis said:

Wook gets sometimes so much hate and frankly I don’t understand why. He might not make my heart flutter the way Wang So does, but he is such an amazing character, genuinely good person and is being incredibly portrayed by Kang Ha Neul; and I’m saying this as a hardcore SoSoo shipper. Infidelity is a very pertinent issue which was featured in the original novel, where the 8th Prince even had TWO wives, however, RX’s COUSIN DID NOT LOVE HIM and he really suffered in that relationship, therefore changing the storyline in such a way where Myung Hee is Wook’s only wife and actually really loves him adds a completely new dimension to the whole story. RX’s moral dilemma ended the moment she learned her cousin didn’t love the 8th Prince, but here HS’s and Wook’s dilemma is much more profound. The restaint and the temptation of the forbidden is much stronger here. The fact that they can’t escape each other’s closeness because they live under the same roof makes it even more difficult to deal with it and resist the pull. THEY CAN’T STOP THE ATTRACTION OR THEIR FEELINGS, BUT THEY NEVER ACT ON THEM. You can protest that emotional infidelity is infidelity as well, but as love is something you cannot force or control, you can’t choose the person you fall in love with - that’s why love is emotion and emotion is not a product of the brain.

First, thank you for your insight. Give me new perspective. I personally do not hate WW but I cannot like him either. Unlike other 2nd lead korean dramas. But he is an interesting character that I look forward to see his growth in this drama. Would he remain being nice or would he be consume with jealousy to the extend that he would do something bad to make sure HS stay with him? Cause we all know HS is not gonna be with him. She belong to WS. He is kind and all but I could sense his jealousy towards WS. Example when WS save HS from Princess YH. He warned WS that HS and YH belong to him. I find it a bit childish and that words should not come out from his mouth. He's suppose to be the intelligent one. He should know that WS is just trying to help. Well, with that being said I would be happy if he did not turn out as I expect him to be. Let see in the future if he can make wise decision without emotion clouding his judgement.

"THEY CAN’T STOP THE ATTRACTION OR THEIR FEELINGS, BUT THEY NEVER ACT ON THEM. You can protest that emotional infidelity is infidelity as well, but as love is something you cannot force or control, you can’t choose the person you fall in love with - that’s why love is emotion and emotion is not a product of the brain."

I bitterly agree. It's the truth. But not everyone have the right to say this sentence. In WW-HS-LH situation, WW can use this sentence in his defense so that people can accept his love towards HS and it is not his fault for not feeling the same way towards his wife. He cant help it right. But I want to see, as time goes by, he would be in LH spot and WS would take his place beside HS. HS-WS love each other so much and he has to be the one who watch the one he love, loves someone else. Would he be able to accept it and understand it the way he want other people to understand him at the first place? Give HS the same blessing that LH gave to him. And be happy just by watching your love one is happy.

If he could, then he is truly lived by that sentence. And he earned the right to use it.

I like ep 6 and 7, though I read comments about the little progress between HS-WS. But I love how their relationship is slowly develop. Ep 6 at least all the princes except yo is united. One regret nothing mention about HS premonition. Who is gonna be the next king? The one who is going to kill all brothers. is it Wang Yo? He is more than capable to do so. In history who will be the next king? 

Love this drama..cant wait to see whats going to happen next...Baek ah and the new princess... new love line?


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6 hours ago, Gitakawaii said:

just finished the episode, I know this drama is getting so many mixed reviews, i do admit that there's some part that is cringeworthy but I enjoy most of the scenes that involves HaeSoo and the princes. I'm glad to see there was more WS-HS moments,I'm a WW-HS shipper but I admit that I enjoyed the WS-HS scenes too. I agree with some of you guys here, HS-WW seem to be in Love now, I dont know how the writers are going to make HS-WS fall in love, but I guess we will have to wait and see. 

regarding all the negative comments about IU's acting, I personally think she's doing a decent job, I think her crying scenes are pretty good. I know she's not junki and ha neul level but i think she's holding her own quite well. 

Thanks for being so brave to mention the cringe-worthy :lol: Some of the acting is really :vicx: 
From the comments on this thread, I guess most of the actors are idols (singers ? Kpop groups?) and not hardcore in acting ?


After 7 episodes,  I am staying on because (1) I invested so much in the anticipation of this drama and more because of (2) LJK's acting & portray of Wang So (albeit the character a tad too tragic). So far, the drama gives much more respect to the development of HS-Wang So relationship. The viewers are already bracing themselves for the angst. On the other hand, I still cannot get why Wang Wook (as delicious as he is) behaves like a completely love smitten teenager since Ep 1.

Like other international viewers mentioned, it is really frustrating to know that the version is Seoul has different scenes. It is too much work/time (for me) to watch two versions of one drama. I will stick to the international version, for better or for worse. Deep in my heart, I really wish the team had handled the whole project better but I guess that's life.

So far I like Ep 5 and 7. Ep 7, especially the cinematography of scenes of HS and WS at the lake - love it ! 

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First, I'm really glad that Yo finally steps-in the coliseum. Not because I've missed his gorgeous face but yea lol. Him making his move means the battle for the throne is about to start, things will get edgy and the ugly side will unfold. Still even knowing the fact that the main villains are Queen Yoo and Yo, but I feel the most uneasiness towards the 9th prince. Pretty much the episodes all the prince except for the 9th were touched (even CP and YH, the structure of their personality has been mildy explored..) he's even quieter than JM, all we got from him is that look with Chae-ryung.. There must be a reason why he's badly sucking up to Yo and why he plays safe with the others.. he's more calculative than Wook, and more deceitful than Yo? I just find him the most suspicious of all, after JM.

On 11/11/2015 at 7:47 PM, kaiskloset said:

Yoon Sun-woo as 9th Prince Wang Won- Cunning and dishonest, he is able to go to extremes to get what he desires.

With Yo, sneaking on humiliating So.. First, I won't let Eun off the hook, well alcohol plays a huge part in there.. I don't think he'll had the guts to ask that if he's completely sober. so 2/3 of the blame is all to Yo. I've got mixed emotion on why he chose to unmask himself right there. Yo says pride, yep indeed.. However I think, it's not just pride it's more like he's trying to reach out to his siblings and because Soo was there he subconsciously feel  confident that this person would not give him the look he fears off the most and that garners the courage to trust his hope.. sadly no one but Soo was able to look directly on his eyes pass through his scarred face. The gazes and reactions of all the people in their except Soo is heart breaking.. pity,rejection and the smirk of disgust, their gazes made him feel that he's different, an outcast and a disgrace, when I highly think that he's hoping that there's at least 1 aside from Soo, who could stare directly at him as So, pass through his scarred-monster-form because he started to feel comfortable in the palace with his bros(Why he let Baek Ah drag him back to the party).. As for why he says he hate it like crazy, imo because Soo's gaze is so direct . that whenever Soo is looking at him, he feels that Soo is standing right in front of his defenseless self inside his fortress.. what drive him nuts is that her gaze is adamant, that quakes his fortress to fall apart. 

I rest my case for tonight, I made it in a rush.. I hope I didn't confuse the names but yea, looking forward for tomorrow's live recap and screencaps thank you! Good night and good day!

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2 hours ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

I am yet to watch epi7 with subs (hard subs are not in sync the version i downloaded of raw) and just sarted downloading soft subs.

Seems like many of us here are wondering why WS said "I  hate you eyes, gaze like crazy"

Just my take on that:

We have seen now that WS has moment of self realization that he has feelings for HS, he cant be indifferent towards her, her presence stirred his emotions deep inside his heart. Her mirror like eyes just a way how she touches his stone like heart. He just cant let her look at him (when you are in love or even one sided crush you cant hold the gaze of the one you love cause your eyes can tell everything that your is heart feeling and you cant say aloud). and when she looked at him/his scar straight (with no mock/pity or no shock) he must have had felt I cant be here and did not know how to react so he leaves. But this moment was not just this...

Second..you want to look best for your crush and scar makes him lesser than best for anyone. He feels he is inferior and has no right to love a gal as beautifully perfect as HS, he thinks she will start hating him so he preferred to leave (but she has already seen his scar and much more than that as per @qwenli, oh gosh how can i forget that scene....). So his leaving the scene was a way to avoid seeing her reactions of hate or embarrassment to be seen as his ally.

Finally...he pinned her to the wall holding her scarred wrist and saying "I hate your eyes and that gaze of you". He was trying to run away from her her to avoid those expressions (at least from her) what he saw in others eyes. But she did not leave him, she followed him and he was caught, caught in his weakness, as we say offense is the best defense and his way of confronting her was no different than that. What he was saying "I hate your gaze" and what he was meaning "I cant let you look at me at my weakest to prevent you judging me based on that. Your gaze makes me feel weak on my knees cause I cant hold how you look at me with no pity but support. So I have no other way but to hate that gaze to keep me sane. To condition my brain thinking i hate you to not to seek your support everytime I feel such situations again. Otherwise I dont know what I'd do then" and not to forget the only person he stared the longest was HS.

@bebebisous33 brain is working yeah all credit to this thread, and all lovely people and obviously WS.

@MadraRua loved those gif WW-HS.... i am enjoying WW-HS ship till WS-HS ship will speed up.

@fairyalice yeahhh for that anticipated scar kiss scene...if that happens i'll always be gratefull to Drama Gods for granting me my wish.....

@violet90I am with you that he dint expect her to react different than how others in that room reacted. He dint expect her to not just see the scar on face but also to see how deep it is inside his heart, his personality. And thats what made him expressed that way... cause he is used to of facing those usually reaction but what HS gave was not something he ever came across..


I honestly love this ep true it seems that WW-HS couple will be going strong for a couple more ep. but i really love the progress of the WS-HS couple. Truly i think WS is moving closer to HS, so far she is really the only person that has made him smile, laugh and very much he is so aware of her and her presence! I love how he is slowly realizing that he is growing to (maybe not love yet, but like).

I am glad that ep 8 was better done (in terms of the story and the editing) i love the small but really important interactions between WS-HS. I find that WS has really led his guard down around HS, he is so frank and open with her more than anyone he has ever been. He really does care for her (like asking her to be careful what she says regarding the crown prince), and even him getting mad at her for doing something so foolish (cutting of the wrist)

and i really agree that the last scene, why he hated her stare/the way she looks at him. I think in that era it was a natural thing to shun and look away from a scar. But HS being not of that era she say nothing wrong with the scar, to her it is just a scar. it doesnt change how she would approach him (or the scar) and changes WS's value in him being a prince/king. I think that totally shook him. he is indeed so use to people turning and staying away from him that he doesnt know how to react to HS's look.

My take on WW-HS relationship is quite simple, i believe they truly care for each other. HS is attracted to WW because he represents kindness, caring and respect, while for WW he is attracted to HS's unpredictable nature, her selflessness. I think she represents things that he wish he has for himself (after all, i feel that they are the opposites in some ways)


anyways ! i am looking forward to more, looks like the path for the crown is slowly building up. I am looking forward to more otp interactions, though from the preview at least WW-HS's relationship is still developing.

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21 minutes ago, sunl0ver said:


So far I like Ep 5 and 7. Ep 7, especially the cinematography of scenes of HS and WS at the lake - love it ! 

Oh.. I totally love it..:wub::wub: I come from Malaysia and I really wish I could go and see that place in reality. The lake... Anyone know where do they act this scene? or the name of this place?

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1 hour ago, skwangur said:

I havent had the luxury of time to read the thread and its moving so fast ;;;; I just want to point out what i feel abt 13th's story so far - I think that it's kinda sketchy? I can understand how he starts looking up to the 4th a lil but his sudden care for hae soo isn't properly addressed imo. He didnt like her before and yet after their drinking scene he starts caring for her so much more?

His current relationship with Hae Soo pretty much got to be that way as a result of poor writing (+ editing, if ever they had more scenes of them patching things up but omitted them). I really would've liked to see their relationship develop in a better and more natural way. They didn't need to become so friendly so quickly, rather, they could've at least been neutral and developed their relationship later. For example, maybe Soo could have apologized, or something like that, and they could've bonded over how "the heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of" or something else. Considering how upset Baek Ah was with Soo & Wook, it doesn't make sense that he would want to go drink with her, heck, even want to be in the same place with Soo while he mourns for Lady Hae. 

However, if they had slowed things down like most people would've wanted, that would have meant allowing for feelings of guilt towards Lady Hae to linger longer for Soo (and Wook), and in turn, that would also mean slowing down the progress of Wook-Soo, which unfortunately, doesn't seem to be something that the people in charge of the story wanted to happen. ^^; 

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1 hour ago, violet90 said:

i think WS is afraid of HS in so many way... her bravery , her kindness and her pure heart... how easy for her to care and trust him... this one tiny girl touch his heart for the first time in his life... 

he scared because for the first time he can't contol something.. he can't control his heart and the fact that HS have power on him doesn't sit well with him...he want to denial it but when HS look at him straight to his soul he acknowledged it.. that's why he mad.. not to HS but the fact that he KNEW that he falling in love.. 

WS is such an interesting character and i love him so much.. i just want HS to hold him and hug him.. give all the love he deserve and make him happy.. 

never i root for OTP as much as i rooting for WS and HS.. they are made for each other body and soul... :heart:


Love your comment but in this Point I disagree - actually he never could control anything. He was pushed and pulled and used and treated badly all his Life (or at least until he got the Scar). But he found a Way to survive and therfor he needed to protect his Heart. He never was loved and noone really cared about him with a kind and loving Heart.

I found it interesting that his FAhter seemed to never hate him and never gave up on him - sending the General to help him and behind the back of the Queen teach him how to fight.

So learned to became hard as steel and not let anybody see if he is hurted... but since Hae Soo is around him like it is nothing she cares, looked at him, made him feel what he missed... and made him fall in love. Yes - I too think he hates it - because he fears it. He risk everything when he let his guard down... the last Minutes where a wonderful prove what can happen if he let himself just be happy and of guard for a moment. And it was worst because she said before the 4th Prince will keep his promise. She spoke for him - he was happy about it... bang... like a sword in the back  - and he did not see it coming this time.

He could never control his Life - but he learnd to protect and control his Feelings.. only his Mother could ruin that protection before and she used every moment to hurt him just deeper. 

So can´t trust Hae Soo - because he can´t dare to believe in Love and she is not looking at him like he looks at WW.

The next Week will be soo long for me...

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52 minutes ago, liddi said:

Thanks to @fangurling123's wonderful translations, I have reedited the subs for Ep7, incorporating both her and 4seasonswithIU's translations.

Links for this week's subs can be found in Avistaz or below:

Ep6             Ep7

Thank you very much 8D.

@KdramaSwimmer  Seems like many of us here are wondering why WS said "I hate you eyes, gaze like crazy"

  - because they are actually taking the sentence literally when it's supposed to be the other way around LOL 

 - So is becoming aware of his growing feelings for Soo  :blush:

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1 hour ago, skwangur said:

I havent had the luxury of time to read the thread and its moving so fast ;;;; I just want to point out what i feel abt 13th's story so far - I think that it's kinda sketchy? I can understand how he starts looking up to the 4th a lil but his sudden care for hae soo isn't properly addressed imo. He didnt like her before and yet after their drinking scene he starts caring for her so much more?


i think there's misunderstand about Baek Ah's character. it's not that he didn't like Hae Soo at all. At first his feelings is neutral towards Soo but he did amuse by Soo's free spririted character (remember the scene where he and Lady Myung Hae talk at the garden)? The scene where we knew Baek Ah has feelings for his SIL. Soo was playing something n they just watch her character with delight. He did not exactly hate Soo but to me he is dissapointed that Soo shows her feelings towards his brother and he knows that hurts his SIL (the person he love). But, when lady Hae passed away, they somehow has a thing to share and talk. They become drinking buddies. The story build up towards their friendship might be not plotted well, but to me its not that weird how they become close. 

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Peek-a-boo Chingus! :) I have managed to watch epd 6-7 with subs and I must say finally they have more of WS's appearance after all this time. IMO, the storyline is kind of draggy up to epd 7– PDnim and writernim please loop us into the main story whereby how does HS is going to influence the entire kingdom, be it war between the brothers or helping WS to gain this rightful place in the palace. :sweatingbullets: No doubt we would know that WS will be the next 4th King of Goryeo but at least try to enlighten us in the next episode and stop with the love line between WW and HS (sorry to all shippers of WW and HS given the fact that I do love the scene whereby he hugs her in epd 7 when she was working as one of the court lady on her 2nd day:wub:). But but… please move into the main story with substance. ^_^

Also, I have seen the ratings for epd7 and it went up given that they screen up two different versions! Anyhow, thumbs up for us all and I do hope the upcoming episodes will be as entertaining and thrilling as possible for us Eclipses to look forward to each week just like how did the preview made us all go lala. :w00t:

Okay, now I would need to backtrack a lot of pages as I cannot keep up in this thread! \^o^/

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27 minutes ago, hitomebore08 said:

Thank you very much 8D.

@KdramaSwimmer  Seems like many of us here are wondering why WS said "I hate you eyes, gaze like crazy"

  - because they are actually taking the sentence literally when it's supposed to be the other way around LOL 

 - So is becoming aware of his growing feelings for Soo  :blush:

Exactly. . How can our WS could be so good with his feelings and to idetify what they are. He has no experience with soft emotions so far he only knows fighting and killing.  So its gonna be time for him to react in  opposite way to sort out the reality

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Hi all,

I want to give some opinion about the love triangle between WW-HS-WS. i do not know why some of us hate it that WS-HS love story was not develop fast and kinda being disturbed by WW-HS love story (some said it takes too much screentime). I do not watch the chinese vers but i read in wiki, RX first fell in love with the 8th prince and their relationship last for a while. RX only started to love the 4th prince later when she stayed as 4th prince consort. During that time only RX started to develop her feelings to the mysterious 4th prince (correct me if im wrong). So i think, its ok for the writer to show how WW-HS love story develop. Actually they just started the relationship as previously they are just 2 people hiding their feelings as there is lady MH. There must be some instances that will make HS-WS becomes closer and she started to see WS more and love him.


I am being neutral here as i love BOTH WW n WS. 

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7 hours ago, Yippeuni said:



Then my guess about So martial art turn out right its the general who thought him all this time, well the skills is above the other princes. And yes the king is behind everything that So had, so I may dare to say maybe the king also plan to prepare So to be in his throne in case something happen to Mo. As in my eyes he never favourite Yo to be his choice. 


From how outspoken the general was to the king about So being talented and making a good CP if it weren't for the scar, it seems like the King may have had So in mind from when he was young , JM's doing perhaps? Maybe the KIng sent So away to keep the crazy mother from trying to kill him again and put him under the general's tutelage. The King may not be such a bad father after all if that is so.

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