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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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13 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


thanks to @Yippeuni


Soo : Do you really won't regret it?

HS : Don't worry about me


wait onion head




she even look back to see So. Wang So Yaaaaaaaa T______T

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13 hours ago, theseasasleep said:

I don't get what the big deal is about it. I always understood it as it's the same soul, so it's not *just* the face. The face let's the person who remembers everything know the soul they were looking for, longing for, loving is right there in front of them. Using Rooftop Prince as an example, throughout that show they make it clear that all the future dopplegangers are reincarnations, they share the same soul as the person in the past but simply have no direct or immediate access to those memories. It is the same person inside and, luckily, out. In my opinion, that is always the strong implication in these shows and why the ones who don't remember are seen to feel a strong calling to the person who does remember. Personally I don't need to see a fresh from Goryeo WS freaking out in a future WS's body. The guy has been through enough - let him have the reincarnated experience of growing up with perhaps a better, more loving upbringing and family.

Really, without this option the drama has basically a limited ending pool: 1) HS stays in Goryeo, by the WS/King's side for the rest of her life (however long it may be) and dies. After reading all the comments, I'd say this show is less an adaption of the novel/cdrama and more loosely inspired, so a lot of liberties can be taken to fit the mold of Korean drama tastes and history. But even loosely inspired, I think the show will stick with HS dying tragically and before WS. Within this option, 2) she could just remain dead both in Goryeo and in the future or she can get sent back to the future and live her life aching for her lost love - at which point I will burn things to the ground. Either way, it's permanent separation for our otp and I'm not having that at all. Give me all the reincarnated souls. All of them!  :D

That being said, a personal headcanon I've developed as I frantically search for a happy ending for my star-crossed otp is one where she meets future WS and he's aware of his past life because he always dreamed it and was lowkey searching for HS all this time. I just like the idea that be it in Goryeo or the future, WS is always a step ahead in falling in love with and being aware of HS. :D

Well, I dont know much about soul so I cant comment on that. As for me, its not about 'soul', but more on the memories of the dead lover. It is like finding the dead lover have a 'twin' and ended up falling for the twin because he resembles the dead lover. I feel cheated honestly, but thats me...haha...that is why I'd rather have the ending like Faith or Queen In Hyun's man (if u familiar with the dramas). Well, we have 15 episodes to brace ourself with many possible endings, and as a viewer nothing much I can do but to enjoy this drama till the end :blush:

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@solelylurking it got banned..? why so and that too so fast /

WW is still hovering...yeah and alas we cant do anything to improve his reactions..or can we ?

then ok...you find KHN fans and count me in too..he is a class actor but WW no way for me...not even an iota of wavering in front of WS.

@xiao_baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thanks for the information..will stick to twitter and FB for  that matter.

@LyraYoo loved that comparison between first horse pushing and here its pulling (push-pull...we got it somewhere now)...

more 5.30 hours...

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8 minutes ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

@solelylurking it got banned..? why so and that too so fast /

WW is still hovering...yeah and alas we cant do anything to improve his reactions..or can we ?

then ok...you find KHN fans and count me in too..he is a class actor but WW no way for me...not even an iota of wavering in front of WS.

@xiao_baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thanks for the information..will stick to twitter and FB for  that matter.

@LyraYoo loved that comparison between first horse pushing and here its pulling (push-pull...we got it somewhere now)...

more 5.30 hours...


Well at least the youtube one. I watched the naver one.

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Omo, thanks for sharing the ep 6 scene. Now I feel confused, so WS and HS horse riding is not to elope but him taking her to wherever she's going to get married, I know the previews are always misleading but I somehow thought she initially was trying to run away with WW but then thought she would be going with WS  but I guess I was wrong,  we will have to wait and see how it all turns out, we know she won't get married but I am curious to see how that happens.

Love the way WS helps her get off the horse, they are definitely on a different level of closeness and chemistry now, I want more of their scenes, please, jebal, I don't want anymore WW-HS, I hope it will be resolved in these next 2 episodes all the confusion with their feelings and we'll finally get our awaited romance between Soo-So!

Thank you all for your posts, just a little few hours and we'll have the new episode. MLSHY Fighting!!! 

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About the released cut from Episode 6


It's possible that HS isn't being delivered to be married off, but to enter the palace (and become a palace maid)--as a solution to avoiding the forced marriage. So why would WS ask if she won't regret it (and why does WW look so sad)? Because entering the palace basically means that HS becomes the king's woman and is no longer allowed to marry freely or exit the palace, should she wish to. It doesn't mean she'll necessarily become a concubine (i.e. have sex with the king), but she will definitely be under the king's authority, will have to serve him for many years or even indefinitely--and only under special circumstances may she gain permission in the future to leave the palace.

So even if HS has escaped her forced marriage, she will still not be able to live freely (and enter a marriage of her own choosing) in the future. By entering the palace, HS is lost to WW (i.e. as regards a romantic relationship) and all the other princes who might be interested in her that way.

ETA: Even if I'm wrong about my theory and this scene happens before the one with HS in a wedding dress, one way or another HS will escape the forced marriage and enter the palace. The astronomer's involvement is a silent guarantee of that fact.

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25 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

@bebebisous33 @briseis please keep your insightful thoughts about the upcoming episodes. ! We love reading your interpretations as if we are reading a novel within a drama :D

Heads up to all of us ! Our Twitter brigade is  working


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Retweet is okay, but it will land in Naver right away. If you quote the tweet, don't forget the HT/Tagline ^_^



I will be live blogging tonight on twitter as well as here tonight. Hope the streaming shall be user friendly !


 But what do you think, if Today and Tuesday we MoonLovers ScarletHeartRyeo Fans tweeting the hashtag that we are using now... to show our support to the drama and the cast ... an hour before the drama begin?


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1 hour ago, notintoyou said:


ep 6 cut, let's watch from naver to increase views!


Thanks for the link!! I dont know if watching this helps to make waiting for the next few episodes easier or harder...so many unanswered questions with just a 1 minute preview!!! 

1 hour ago, qwenli said:

Omo, I like way So help her off the horse! :wub:

But wait, he is the one delivering her to the bridal carriage? :crazy:


Something about the way he helps her!!! I thought I was the only one that thought the way it was so sweet ! 

49 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:


@LyraYoo I am glad that you noticed the parrallels between this scene and the scene of their first encounter. I would like to add that back then, he didn't just push her from his horse, but he also stayed there. While she was on the ground,  he was looking down at her. Here, we have the opposite. He gets down from his horse first, so he looks up. He is not only much more gentle, but also it is like she has become so important to him... her position reminds of the scene, where Wang So looks at the moon (episode 5). Here, it is the same... she has already become his queen and guide! Funny is that noone has noticed how differently Wang So treats Hae Soo.



You are so quick to notice these things! I didn't even think about how their first meeting scene correlated with this scene! I'm just blinded.... But I love reading your analysis and things! Thanks for sharing them! 

Alright guys! We're almost there! When I wake up the next morning epi 6 will be up! I'm not sure if I should watch it...or just wait until this weeks episodes get released... decisions decisions.... I may just end up watching it because I have no self control when it comes to a LJK drama. :lol:

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38 minutes ago, miyukiakira1988 said:

But what do you think, if Today and Tuesday we MoonLovers ScarletHeartRyeo Fans tweeting the hashtag that we are using now... to show our support to the drama and the cast ... an hour before the drama begin?


Sorry. Tried replying before when you quoted me but was having connectivity issues. Tweeting on broadcast days is a good idea, especially if we're consistent each week. It will help us make a bigger impact over a longer period of time.  I think we have room to include an eclipse hashtag.

@LyraYoo what do you think? Do we have enough character space to add #Eclipse?  Thanks, by the way for showing all of us we're making a difference. :D

OMO. I think I've replayed the ep 6 preview now about 50 times. That last look on Haesoo's face when she turns back to Wangso clearly shows all the doubt, fear and vulnerability she was trying to hide from everyone. For me, when he looked at her then, it almost seemed like he was having a hard time staying in place. I was starting to feel that 'need to protect' vibe from him...but totally different from when he wanted to protect his mother. From his mother he wanted acceptance and approval in return. With Haesoo, the empathy he feels makes him want to act not only for her, but for himself. 

@YourHighness . Actually, I feel the same way about Wook, so please don't hesitate to speak your mind. I have a feeling there are others who feel the same way about his character. It's okay for us to have a difference of opinion in the thread. :)

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2 hours ago, solelylurking said:


Couldn't agree with you more babe! That's why I love him. He tried so hard to control and supress that feeling. Although it escape sometimes that other people (Madam Hae, Baek Ah, and So) found out, they never really do anything about it. That's why I said he's hovering all this time. He's in a tough spot because he knows his duty as a husband and a son, so many burdens on his shoulder to be perfect, he live all his life shielding and supressing his real feeling for the sake of other (he can't help to wear 2 faces because apparently that's how you survive in the palace) but he can help to fall for this girl. He really love Hae Soo. Not just a fling. Not just a lust. If he didn't, he wouldn't be that hurt when he found out Baek Ah confronted Hae Soo. 

For Soo, it might not be love but he knows that guy is admirable and she indeed like him and has feeling in certain degree for him. If there's a chance and there's no So, they will be a beautiful couple because in the end Wook too will do anything for Soo hecause he can't live without her. Enough for him to not wanting the throne and run away? From my view, it is. We never get a chance to see the real him who love Soo because there's always Madam Hae. But now the game is different. 

I just hope the production team will let his character develop and be the real second lead man. 

I talk about Wook to you again after the ep 6 aired @briseis? I enjoy talking about him and want to spread the Wook virus to anyone hehehe. To me, his character is as interesting as So. They've both wounded and hurt emotionally but deals it in different manner because of different up bringing. 


Thank you for this. I would like to participate more in this topic but people are so biased in hating & misunderstanding WW that I get turned off because I love and understand both WW and WS equally. It seems it was hard to understand that WW had a wife and he could not just come to HS' rescue without people drawing the wrong conclusion and it hurting both Lady Hae and HS. He has to think of everything thoroughly before taking a decision or even saying something.

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1 hour ago, Mau_Cherry said:


I just had a thunder stroke me - suddenly in my mind... if this is todays Cliffhanger I need more tables in my flat to turn later....

Please not....

Ah yes, there are so many scenes in the teaser and am afraid not everything will happen tonight, some maybe tomorrow.

There was another drama I watched that was like that, sbs can be a troll.

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Hi friends!


Sadly I will not be able to watch the live stream tonight *sobs* but I will check back on the thread as soon as I can!! And that preview...MLSHR is going to make me cry this episode again isn't it??? 


I love how Soo kept staring at So during the whole thing..yes she was also staring at Wook, but it just shows that she's the closest to these two so far (her friendship with Chae Rung not withstanding....Also what will happen to Chae Rung???! Is Hae Soo will be married or be demoted from being Agashhi please don't telll me she's going to be stuck with Mean Princess??!)


Also can someone translate what Astronomer Choi said??

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